Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 15, 2021

Auf dem Weg zur Nummer Eins? Weltmacht China | Weltspiegel extra

China strebt nach politischem und wirtschaftlichem Einfluß auf der ganzen Welt. Länder, die politisch mit dem Regime in Peking auf Konfrontationskurs gehen, müssen sich auf wirtschaftlichen und politischen Druck einrichten. In Australien spüren es derzeit vor allem die Rinderfarmer und die Winzer. Strafzölle machen ihnen den Zugang zum wichtigen chinesischen Markt nur schwer möglich. Der Grund: Australiens Regierung bestand nach dem Ausbruch der Covid-Pandemie auf intensiven Untersuchungen in China, um den Ursprung des Virus zu finden. Zu viel Einmischung für die kommunistische Regierung in Peking, die daraufhin Sanktionen verhängte. Im Weltspiegel extra berichten wir über das geopolitische Selbstverständnis Chinas und die Folgen für Länder, die Konflikte mit der Volksrepublik austragen.

‘US🇺🇸 Empire Falling Fast, May Be Unsalvageable’ – Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on Afghanistan, 9/11

Sep 15, 2021 • We speak to Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to US Secretary State Colin Powell. He discusses 9/11 20 years on including the initial reaction to 9/11, how fear and rage drove the Bush Administration’s response to the terror attacks, the military-industrial complex and its desire for endless war which in part fuelled the expansion of NATO, how the US military sabotaged Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and made it look chaotic, how 9/11 can be laid at the feet of Saudi Arabia who he considers the biggest state sponsors of terror, Biden’s executive orders to declassify 9/11 documents and much more!

Insuffisance cardiaque : ces quatre signes qui doivent alerter

En 10 ans, la fréquence de l'insuffisance cardiaque a doublé en France, notamment en raison du vieillissement de la population et de la meilleure prise en charge des maladies cardiaques qui à long terme peuvent entraîner une insuffisance cardiaque. trodler1 -

LE FIGARO : NOS CONSEILS SANTÉ - Moins connue que l'infarctus et l'AVC, l'insuffisance cardiaque est un syndrome grave assez fréquent qu'il faut savoir dépister le plus tôt possible.

C'est un mal discret qui ronge un peu plus de 2% des adultes en France, et même 10 à 15% des plus de 80 ans soit plus d'un million de personnes, selon Santé publique France. L'équivalent de 13 stades de France pleins à craquer ! Malgré cela, l'insuffisance cardiaque est encore mal connue. Pour preuve : ses signes annonciateurs sont parfois pris à tort pour une bronchite chronique ou mis sur le compte de la vieillesse, retardant ainsi le diagnostic de plusieurs mois, voire plusieurs années. Le Figaro fait le point sur les causes de l'insuffisance cardiaque et sur ses signes annonciateurs qu'il ne faut absolument pas laisser passer.

«L'insuffisance cardiaque n'est pas une maladie, c'est un dysfonctionnement», précise d'emblée le Pr Nicolas Lamblin, chef du service Urgences et soins intensifs de cardiologie au CHU de Lille. «Cela correspond à toutes les situations où le muscle cardiaque n'est plus capable d'assurer son rôle de pompe, et donc d'alimenter correctement l'organisme en sang et en nutriments.» Une fois installé, ce trouble est là pour rester. En effet, mal ou non traitée, l'insuffisance cardiaque évolue toujours dans le sens d'une aggravation. » | Par Cécile Thibert | mardi 14 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Die meisten Europäer würden lieber von Merkel als von Macron angeführt

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Laut einer Umfrage in zwölf EU-Staaten ist es der scheidenden Kanzlerin gelungen, Deutschland als verlässlichen Partner zu etablieren. Müssten sich die Bürger in einer hypothetischen Wahl zwischen ihr und Emmanuel Macron entscheiden, fiele das Ergebnis eindeutig aus.

Angela Merkel bei einem Podiumsgespräch im Berliner Schauspielhaus im September. | Rolf Vennenbernd / DPA

Es gab Zeiten, da war Angela Merkel für viele Europäer der Inbegriff der «hässlichen Deutschen». In Griechenland und in Zypern hielten wütende Demonstranten während der Euro-Krise Transparente hoch, die die Bundeskanzlerin mit Hitler-Bärtchen zeigten. Die harten Sparauflagen waren für die Südeuropäer Ausdruck eines neuen deutschen Hegemonialstrebens. In Polen karikierten rechte Blätter Merkel mehr als einmal mit Pickelhaube oder in SS-Uniform, um gegen «belehrende Töne» aus Berlin zu polemisieren.

Als «Königin von Europa», zu der sie der britische «Daily Telegraph» einst krönte, wurde Merkel oft vorgeworfen, die Europäische Union zu spalten – sei es im Kontext der Finanzkrise, in der Flüchtlingskrise oder im Streit um die Ostsee-Pipeline Nord Stream 2. Doch nun, am Ende ihrer 16-jährigen Amtszeit, kann sich die Kanzlerin über hohe Popularitätswerte auf dem Kontinent freuen. » | Daniel Steinvorth, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 15. September 2021

Ära der Rivalitäten: Von der Leyen will EU agiler machen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen sieht auf die Europäische Union grosse Herausforderungen zukommen. In der diesjährigen Rede zur Lage der Union geht es auch um militärische Fähigkeiten.

Ursula von der Leyen setzt sich für Technologie, Aufrüstung und für die Jugend ein. | Yves Herman / Pool / EPA

(dpa) Angesichts der Corona-Pandemie, der Afghanistan-Krise und wachsender internationaler Rivalitäten will EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von Leyen die Europäische Union deutlich handlungs- und widerstandsfähiger machen. «Wir treten in eine neue Ära verstärkter Konkurrenz ein», sagte sie am Mittwoch in ihrer diesjährigen Rede zur Lage der Union. Die klimapolitische und wirtschaftliche Führungsrolle sei für die globalen und sicherheitspolitischen Ziele Europas von zentraler Bedeutung. Man brauche aber auch die Europäische Verteidigungsunion.

Konkret kündigte von der Leyen unter anderem an, die Herstellung von Hochleistungschips in Europa zu stärken, um die Abhängigkeit von asiatischen Produzenten zu beseitigen. «Während die Nachfrage weltweit explodiert ist, hat der Anteil Europas an der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette abgenommen, und zwar von der Produktgestaltung bis hin zur Fertigungskapazität», kritisierte sie. Deswegen müsse man nun Forschungs- und Entwicklungskapazitäten von Weltklasseniveau zusammenbringen und die Investitionen der EU koordinieren. » | dpa | Mittwoch, 15. September 2021

La présidence solitaire de von der Leyen : DÉCRYPTAGE - Après deux ans à la tête de la Commission européenne, Ursula Von der Leyen cherche encore sa place dans les subtils équilibres européens.»

How to Make Authentic Duck Breasts with Sweet and Sour Orange Sauce – Duck à l’orange | Canard à l'orange

A classic French recipe where pan fried duck breast are served with perfectly balanced sweet and sour orange sauce.

Get the recipe here.

PM Condemned for Joke about UK Becoming ‘Saudi Arabia of Penal Policy’

THE GUARDIAN: Opposition politicians say Boris Johnson remarks about Priti Patel’s policies are a ‘new low’

Boris Johnson made the comments at a Conservative party fundraiser event on 10 September. Photograph: Tayfun Salcı/ZUMA Press Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

A joke by Boris Johnson that the UK could become “the Saudi Arabia of penal policy” under Priti Patel has been condemned as “disgusting” and a “new low” by opposition politicians.

The prime minister made the remarks, which can be viewed in video footage obtained and reported by Business Insider, during a speech behind closed doors at a Conservative party fundraiser event on 10 September.

“In the immortal words of Priti Patel or Michael Howard or some other hardline home secretary, addressing the inmates of one of our larger prisons: it’s fantastic to see so many of you here,” Johnson told the 300 attenders at the lunch, which took place at the InterContinental London Park Lane in Mayfair.

He went on to joke about the UK becoming the “Saudi Arabia of penal policy” under Patel as part of comments about work on renewable energy. “I said last year we’re the Saudi Arabia of wind. Probably the Saudi Arabia of penal policy, under our wonderful home secretary,” Johnson said.

Saudi Arabia is one of the most punitive regimes in the world. It is one of the few remaining countries to carry out capital punishment by beheading and has long been accused of grave human rights abuses, including the torture of activists. It can impose the death penalty for homosexuality and many drug offences.

Patel has previously indicated her support for the death penalty as a “deterrent” for serious crime, though she has since denied this and suggested she is not an “active supporter” of the policy.

Labour’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner, called the prime minister’s remarks “disgusting”. She tweeted: “Saudi Arabia beheads its own citizens, tortures activists exercising their democratic rights and kills homosexuals. This is disgusting. As ever with Boris Johnson behind closed doors the mask slips and we see what he really thinks.”
» | Lucy Campbell | Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Inside a £500-a-head Tory donor lunch with Boris Johnson, where the wine was 'rubbish' and he joked about emulating Saudi Arabia's justice system »

I have said all along that BoJo is a clown. This is yet more proof that I was, and am, right in my judgment. The man is not fit for the office he holds. And as for that obnoxious Priti Patel, words fail me! – © Mark

UK Inflation in Record August Jump as Food and Drink Prices Rise

THE GUARDIAN: Leap to 3.2% from July’s 2% is largest increase in annual rate from one month to next since records began

UK inflation made its biggest jump on record in August amid a rise in food and drink prices, reversing a sharp decline a year earlier during the government’s eat out to help out restaurant discount scheme.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the consumer prices index measure of annual inflation rose to 3.2% in August, up from 2% in July and the highest rate since March 2012, as the cost of a meal snapped back from a period of steep discounting a year ago.

The increase in prices surpassed City economists’ forecasts for a rate of 2.9%, and the 1.2 percentage point increase between July and August’s figures was the largest since detailed records began in January 1997. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Johnson Doubles Down on Vaccine Strategy as His Popularity Wanes

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The British prime minister is betting that vaccinating adolescents and giving boosters to people over 50 will protect the health system and prevent new lockdowns.

LONDON — When Prime Minister Boris Johnson fumbled his initial response to the coronavirus pandemic, his political fortunes faltered, only to rebound quickly thanks to Britain’s surprisingly effective vaccine rollout.

With his popularity now waning again — this time following a broken promise not to raise taxes — Mr. Johnson is hoping that history will repeat itself.

On Tuesday, he announced a campaign to offer vaccine booster shots to people aged 50 and over, as well as first shots to three million children, aged 12 to 15 — all while reiterating his vow to avoid future lockdowns.

Should winter bring a surge of new cases, however, he could reintroduce mandatory mask-wearing, roll out vaccine passports, and urge workers to stay home if possible, under what the government calls its “Plan B.” » | Stephen Castle and Mark Landler | Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Have Courage, Will Wed!

Go for it! Take the plunge! Then, live happily ever after.

With many thanks to Style Me Pretty and Pinterest for this great photo. Here you will find stunning inspirational ideas for your gay wedding in Portugal.

Cute Young Men Doing What Cute Young Men Do

The sun and the sea bring out the best in us all!

I thank Valeria Garcia Neyra and Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Heureux et amoureux

Glücklich und verliebt / Happy and in love

Je remercie Gay Pride Hub pour cette jolie photo.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

Bitcoin Cosplay Is Getting Real


THE NEW YORK TIMES: It’s been a good month for Bitcoin believers. The currency of the future — or is it the future of currency? — became legal tender in El Salvador.

Some might dismiss as a publicity stunt the embrace of a digital currency by a country where only a third of the population has internet access. Some Salvadorans took to the streets to protest. But let’s not minimize this moment. Esperanto, the language of the future, never managed to become an official language in any country.

Bitcoin, for the uninitiated, is a technology that purports to solve a host of problems with old-fashioned national currencies. It is designed to safeguard wealth against the depredations of inflation, public authorities and financial intermediaries.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Some products become popular because they’re useful. Bitcoin is popular despite being mostly useless. Its success rests on the simple fact that the value of a Bitcoin has increased dramatically since its introduction in 2009, making some people rich and inspiring others to hope they can ride the rocket, too.

It’s not really a virtual currency at all. It’s virtual gold, a vehicle for speculative investment made possible by some interesting technical innovations. It’s the absurd apotheosis of our financialized economy, an asset unmoored from any productive purpose. In the beginning were bonds and then synthetic bonds and then Bitcoin. » | Binyamin Appelbaum | Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Fox-Style News Network Rides a Wave of Discontent in France

THE NEW YORK TIMES: CNews, the news network created by the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, topped the ratings in May by giving a new bullhorn for right-wing views on crime, immigration, climate and Covid.

PARIS — It’s the news network that claims it tells viewers what the “woke” mainstream media won’t. It says it fights for endangered freedom of expression, even as it has been fined by the government’s broadcast regulator for inciting racial hatred.

It is CNews — which in four short years became France’s No. 1 news network for the first time in May by giving a bullhorn to far-right politicians, opponents of fighting climate change and a high-profile proponent of the discredited idea of using the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19.

The model is Fox News — including the clashing talking heads and incendiary cultural topics — and it has worked. Owned by the French billionaire Vincent Bolloré, former chairman of the media group Vivendi, CNews increasingly helps shape the national debate, especially on hot-button issues like crime, immigration and Islam’s place in France that are expected to sway next year’s presidential election.

The network’s extraordinary influence and contentious role in France were made even clearer this week, when its most popular host was forced off the air because he is regarded as a likely candidate for president — and one with a real chance of upending the race. » | Norimitsu Onishi | Tuesday, September 4, 2021

Lisez en français »

Al Andalus, l'Espagne musulmane | Espagne, l'histoire vue du ciel | ARTE

Sep 14, 2021 • Disponible jusqu'au 13/11/2021

En cinq thématiques, l'Espagne vue du ciel. Dans ce volet : en 711, l'invasion arabe change le cours de l'histoire de l'Espagne. Dès lors, la péninsule Ibérique est partagée entre deux civilisations : l'Orient musulman et l'Occident chrétien.

D'un côté, al-Andalus, l'Espagne musulmane, de l'autre, l'Hispania catholique. Vu du ciel, l'héritage architectural d'al-Andalus est aujourd'hui toujours présent, de l'Alhambra de Grenade à l'Alcazar de Séville, en passant par la Grande Mosquée de Cordoue...

The non plus ultra in Kissing : The Famous “First Kiss” in Tel Aviv

This above picture is a screenshot from the video.

Can kissing get any better than this? If it can, I’ve never seen it. I would wager that this is the finest kiss on the Web! Not just finest gay kiss, but finest kiss of all! If there is a more beautiful kiss than this on the Internet, I’d like to see it. This lengthy kiss—it’s 84 minutes long—just keeps on getting better and better, the longer you watch it.

Watch the ‘kissathon’ here. Because of age restrictions on YouTube, it cannot be embedded on blogs or other websites. Enjoy this wonderful and genuine expression of love and affection!

”Our Dream Wedding Day” - Benjamin & Michael say "I Do"

Oct 28, 2018 • Highlights wedding video of one of the first same-sex weddings in Australia and the first at Sydney Harbour. On Thursday 11 January 2018 after such debate in Australia we were finally able to get married and have a wedding day that we could only dream of come true. Biggest of thanks to D'nM wedding Films for catching every magical memory! Source: D'nM Wedding Films (2018)

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 14, 2021