Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Prince Andrew Cannot Ignore US Court Case, Says Accuser’s Lawyer

Prince Andrew is named as the sole defendant in a civil suit filed at a New York federal court under the state’s Child Victims Act. Photograph: Michael Mayhew/Allstar

THE GUARDIAN: Virginia Giuffre’s lawyer says it ‘would be very ill-advised for Prince Andrew to ignore judicial process’

Prince Andrew cannot hide behind his wealth and power from allegations he sexually abused a child, a lawyer for his accuser has said, warning the duke that he risks a “default judgment” if he ignores the civil case brought against him in the US.

David Boies, representing Virginia Giuffre, has said he and his client have tried everything they can to resolve the matter after alleging that the Duke of York had sex with her while she was 17 – knowing she had been trafficked by his former friend, the disgraced former financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Boies said people “ignore the courts at your peril”, adding: “It would be very ill-advised for Prince Andrew to ignore judicial process.”

He told the BBC: “If he does, it will be a default judgment against him that will be, in effect, enforced not only in the United States, but in virtually every civilised country in the world.”

Boies added that his client wanted to send a message to rich and powerful men that the behaviour in which she accuses Andrew of engaging was “not acceptable and that you cannot hide behind wealth and power and palace walls”. » | Kevin Rawlinson | Wednesday, August 11, 2021

German Police Arrest Briton on Suspicion of Spying for Russia

THE GUARDIAN: Employee at British embassy in Berlin suspected of passing on documents in exchange for cash

German police have arrested a British man who worked at the British embassy in Berlin on suspicion of spying for Russian intelligence in exchange for cash, according to prosecutors.

Germany’s highest public prosecutor said the man, identified only as David S, was arrested at his Potsdam apartment at 2.20pm on Tuesday, and his home and embassy workplace were searched.

The 57-year-old, who does not hold diplomatic immunity, is suspected of having worked for a Russian intelligence agency at least since November 2020, passing on documents he had acquired through his work to a handler.

He is alleged to have received cash payments of an as yet unspecified sum in exchange for information. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Unforgettable ‘First Kiss’ of Two Handsome Men in Tel Aviv in 2013. This Kiss Must Have Set Israel Alight and Abuzz!

A screenshot from the video.

Just imagine! If they could kiss that well the first time in 2013, imagine how good their kissing skills must be by now! I haven’t met many people, gay or straight, that could kiss that well the first time! This is a spectacle to behold! Most inspiring! As the video is age-restricted, it cannot be embedded here. It has to be viewed on YouTube. So there’s a link to it below.

'First Kiss' is an 84-minute video of kissing between the artists Idan Bitton and Alfredo Ferran Calle. While the camera is still, the kiss is in motion provoking the viewer to stay and watch.

Idan and Alfredo do not interact with the viewer, but offer a peek into their intimate moments of commitment. This long-lasting, present and unapologetic kiss defines our current gay rights momentum. We are here, we love each other, and this is what it looks like.

Grab a pot of coffee or a drink! You’re bound to get thirsty during this, It’s a long session. Enjoy! | Views on YouTube: 2,646,069

Watch it here. PS: If kissing is your ‘thing’, don’t miss this!

Idan Bitton.

Idan Bitton on Instagram.

PS: I have posted links to this video twice before; but it is so good that I feel I have to post it again. Besides, I have not yet found the time watch it the whole way through. – Mark


Divin ! / Heavenly!

Mit Dank an die Daily Mail für dieses Foto.

Top Hat, Mark Sandrich - Heaven (1935)

Views on YouTube: 1,891,112

From the flim Top Hat (1935). Info here.

Barbra Streisand - Guilty ft. Barry Gibb | Official Audio

Views on YouTube: 4,740,241

Wedding Hands

Mains de mariage. / Hochzeithände.

Very many thanks to Nick Karvounis on

Le baiser est encore à venir !

Der Kuß kommt noch! / The kiss is yet to come!

Merci à Pinterest pour la photo.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Israël souhaite mettre les haredim au travail

Les haredim, qui appliquent à la lettre les préceptes du judaïsme, représentent 10 à 12 % de la population en Israël. Nina Mikryukova/Nina Mikryukova -

LE FIGARO : Avigdor Lieberman, ministre des Finances, veut supprimer des allocations dont dépendent les ultraorthodoxes.

En bon laïc pur et dur, Avigdor Lieberman est déterminé à contraindre les jeunes ultraorthodoxes juifs à travailler. Le ministre israélien des Finances a décidé de supprimer les allocations versées aux familles pour les frais de crèche pour chaque enfant de moins de 3 ans à 20.000 foyers, dont le père n’exerce aucun emploi. Cette mesure drastique a provoqué un tollé. Certains rabbins allant jusqu’à promettre l’enfer à tous ceux qui oseraient la soutenir. » | Par Marc Henry | mardi 27 juillet 2021

L'article complet est réservé aux abonnés. Les abonnements sont disponibles ici.

Peut-on encore se comporter en gentleman aujourd’hui ?

Colin Firth dans Kingsman : Services secrets, ou la parfaite incarnation du gentleman. Twentieth Century France

MADAME FIGARO : Ils font les beaux jours de la Chronique des Bridgerton, ou des romans de Jane Austen. Mais qu’est-ce qu’un gentleman ? Et comment se comporter comme tel au XXIe siècle ? La réponse avec Sean Rose, traducteur des Lettres à un jeune Londonien, un précis de conduite signé William M. Thackeray.

«Il s'est conduit en parfait gentleman. » Quel sens peut avoir cette phrase au XXIe siècle, à l’heure des réseaux sociaux, du mouvement Me Too, etc. La réponse peut se trouver dans les Lettres à un jeune Londonien qui viennent de paraître aux éditions Rue d’Ulm (1). Dans cette correspondance (fictive) parue entre 1847 et 1848, un certain Mr Brown donne des recommandations à son neveu, avocat stagiaire qui s’installe à Londres. Il lui explique comment se comporter en gentleman dans la société, de l’habillement aux dîners en ville en passant par le tailleur, l’amitié, ou les bals. Le livre est signé William Makepeace Thackeray, le grand rival de Charles Dickens, auteur notamment de La Foire aux Vanités et des Mémoires de Barry Lyndon, dont Stanley Kubrick signa une célèbre adaptation. Le journaliste et auteur Sean Rose, à qui l’on doit la traduction de ces Lettres, les accompagne d’un essai intitulé «une question d’attitude» où il revient sur cette notion de gentleman, qu’il oppose à la figure du dandy. » | Par Isabelle Boudet | vendredi 16 juillet 2021

Patagonie, le grand spectacle de la nature - Échappées belles

Apr 23, 2019 • La Patagonie s'étire sur plus de 2 000 kilomètres, du Río Colorado au nord, au Cap Horn, la pointe australe du continent sud-américain. Découverte par Magellan il y a cinq siècles, elle reste l'une des régions les plus inhabitées de la planète. Ce territoire possède un extraordinaire patrimoine naturel partagé par l'Argentine et le Chili : forêts, volcans, lacs cristallins et une faune unique au monde. Ismaël Khelifa part à la rencontre de ceux qui ont choisi de dompter ces territoires sauvages.

Au sommaire :

- Le choix du bout du monde
- Le rodéo au féminin
- La mythique route 40
- La gastronomie de Patagonie
- Au cœur du glacier Perito Moreno
- Le musée du bout du monde
Le carnet des bonnes adresses Echappées Belles Patagonie !

Andrew Renews Questions about His Royal Role

Prince Andrew, center, in Ascot, England, in 2019.Credit...Jonathan Brady/PA Images, via Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Virginia Giuffre, one of Jeffrey Epstein’s most prominent accusers, sued the prince in New York, saying that he raped and sexually abused her when she was 17.

LONDON — Ten months ago, Prince Andrew was said to be thinking about a return to public duties within the royal family, no matter the revelations about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein or the disastrous television interview he had given about the financier’s sexual assault victims.

But those plans appeared to grow more improbable this week when Virginia Giuffre, one of the most prominent of dozens of women and girls who have accused Mr. Epstein of sexually exploiting them, sued Prince Andrew in New York, saying that he had raped and sexually abused her when she was 17.

The lawsuit raises the prospect of Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, being found liable for damages to be determined by federal court in Manhattan.

It also crystallized what analysts described as the most serious threat facing the royal family’s image, even as it grapples with accounts of racism and mistreatment from Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. » | Benjamin Mueller | Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Related article here.

Prince Andrew ‘stonewalled’ requests to cooperate, court documents say »

Of course Prince Andrew isn’t sweating over this lawsuit – he can’t »

Prince Andrew & the Epstein Scandal: The Newsnight Interview - BBC News. | View it here.

‘We Are Here Alone’: An Afghan Translator’s Plea for Help

Starting as a teenager, Romal Noori risked his life aiding the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan. Now he’s facing a dangerous new reality as the Taliban regain power.

Cuomo Resigns Amid Scandals, Ending Decade-Long Run in Disgrace

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said his resignation would be effective in 14 days. The announcement came after a report from the state attorney general found he had sexually harassed 11 women. Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will be sworn in to replace him. CreditCredit...Byron Smith/Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Gov. Andrew Cuomo was unable to withstand a cloud of sexual harassment allegations that led most of his allies to abandon him.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said Tuesday he would resign from office, succumbing to a ballooning sexual harassment scandal that fueled an astonishing reversal of fortune for one of the nation’s best-known leaders.

Mr. Cuomo said his resignation would take effect in 14 days. Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, will be sworn in to replace him.

“Given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing,” Mr. Cuomo said from his office in Manhattan. “And therefore that’s what I’ll do.”

The resignation of Mr. Cuomo, a three-term Democrat, came a week after a report from the New York State attorney general concluded that the governor sexually harassed nearly a dozen women, including current and former government workers, by engaging in unwanted touching and making inappropriate comments. The 165-page report also found that Mr. Cuomo and his aides unlawfully retaliated against at least one of the women for making her complaints public and fostered a toxic work environment. » | Luis Ferré-Sadurní | Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Ina Garten's Raspberry Baked French Toast | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Aug 6, 2021 • Ina combines challah with raspberries and a sweet custard to create a moist French toast! | Views on YouTube: 40,046


1 tablespoon unsalted butter, at room temperature
10 extra-large eggs
2 3/4 cups half-and-half [cream]
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar, lightly packed
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon grated orange zest, plus extra for serving
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
10 cups (1-inch-diced) day-old challah bread
12 ounces fresh raspberries
Confectioners' sugar [icing sugar], for serving
Pure maple syrup, for serving

Directions [Method]:

Grease a 9 x 13 x 2-inch oval baking dish with the butter and set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, half-and-half, 1/3 cup of granulated sugar, the brown sugar, vanilla, orange zest, and salt. Spread half of the diced bread in the prepared baking dish. Sprinkle on the raspberries in one layer. Top with the rest of the bread and pour on the egg mixture, pressing down lightly to moisten the bread. Sprinkle with the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the baking dish on a sheet pan and bake it for 60 to 70 minutes, until the custard is set and the top is puffed and browned. Check after 45 minutes; if the top is getting too browned, cover it lightly with aluminum foil. Cool for 10 minutes, sprinkle with confectioners' sugar [icing sugar], dust with extra orange zest, and serve warm with maple syrup.

Pourquoi le vin rosé est-il rose ?

Adobe Stock

LE FIGARO : Comment expliquer la couleur du rosé ? Du rosé de saignée au rosé de pressurage, le rosé en voit de toutes les couleurs.

Les différents types de rosé

Pour le chercheur, le rosé est du rouge auquel on ajoute du blanc, sauf que cette manière de procéder est rigoureusement interdite dans le monde du vin. Ce monde connaît les vins rouges et les vins blancs, mais on ne mélange jamais les deux (sauf en Champagne). Les partisans des rosés pâles prennent l'approche des vins blancs en pressant la vendange un peu plus fortement pour sortir les pigments rouges des raisins très sombres. Ces rosés de pressurage… » | Par Vincent Mariani | mercredi 4 août 2021

Les premières vendanges de France ont débuté dans l'Aude »

France’s Saint-Émilion: A Red Wine Lover’s Paradise

The French medieval town of Saint-Emilion is a stunning UNESCO world heritage site, but is better known to connoisseurs for being the home of an exceptional red wine. FRANCE 24's "You are here" takes you to one of its most prestigious vineyards, the Château Angélus estate. | Views on YouTube: 68,663

Wiki - English: Saint Émilion »

Wiki - Deutsch: Saint Émilion »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 10, 2021

Joe Biden überlässt Afghanistan sich selbst

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Selbst unter Donald Trump standen Amerikas Streitkräfte den Afghanen stets mit Kampfflugzeugen und Hubschraubern zur Seite. Doch Präsident Joe Biden hält sich nach der jüngsten Taliban-Offensive zurück. Warum?

In Rehoboth Beach im südlichen Delaware hatte man am Wochenende eigentlich Joe Biden erwartet. Der amerikanische Präsident besitzt ein Ferienhaus in dem Badeort. Die Lokalpresse hatte berichtet, dass ein Park mit einem Hubschrauberlandeplatz zwischenzeitlich gesperrt worden sei – ein Anzeichen dafür, dass man den Präsidenten erwarte. Biden verbrachte das Wochenende stattdessen in seinem Haus in Wilmington im Norden des Bundesstaates.

Womöglich hatte man befunden, dass Strandbilder derzeit besser vermieden werden sollten. In Afghanistan setzten zur gleichen Zeit die Taliban ihren Vormarsch fort. Am Wochenende nahmen sie mehrere Städte ein, darunter Kundus. Schon vor einer Woche hatte es im Pentagon geheißen, es laufe nicht gut in Afghanistan. Das ließ sich auf eine Bemerkung beziehen, die Biden vor einem Monat gemacht hatte, als er sich angesichts der Offensive der Taliban genötigt sah, die Entscheidung, seine Soldaten bis Ende August vom Hindukusch abzuziehen, zu verteidigen. Es sei „nicht unvermeidlich“, dass die Islamisten wieder die Macht übernähmen, sagte er. Das Schicksal des Landes liege in den Händen der afghanischen Führung. Sollte das heißen, er glaube, die afghanischen Sicherheitskräfte seien in der Lage, das von ihnen kontrollierte Territorium zu verteidigen? Oder sollte es nur bedeuten: Ihr müsst es jetzt allein schaffen? » | Von Majid Sattar, Washington |Montag, 9. August 2021

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Les pays frontaliers de l'Afghanistan anticipent une victoire des talibans »

Au Maroc, le journaliste Soulaimane Raissouni arrête sa grève de la faim

Un militant marocain brandit une image du journaliste Soulaimane Raissouni, à Rabat, le 10 juillet 2021. FADEL SENNA / AFP

LE MONDE: L’éditorialiste au ton critique, condamné début juillet pour « agression sexuelle », assure qu’il est poursuivi « à cause de ses opinions ».

Le journaliste marocain Soulaimane Raissouni, récemment condamné à cinq ans de prison pour « agression sexuelle », a arrêté la grève de la faim qu’il observait depuis 122 jours pour protester contre sa détention, a annoncé son avocat, lundi 9 août.

« Il nous a informés aujourd’hui qu’il avait arrêté samedi sa grève de la faim après son hospitalisation, en réponse aux appels de ses soutiens à l’échelle nationale et internationale », a déclaré à l’AFP Me Mohamed Messaoudi. Le médecin qui fait son suivi en prison « l’a informé que sa santé est en danger et qu’il n’avait que deux choix : arrêter la grève de la faim ou mourir », a rapporté l’avocat, citant le journaliste. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 10 août 2021