Thursday, July 05, 2018

Trump Grants Himself King-like Powers With FART Act

The Trump administration has put together a draft of new rules. The draft of the new rules are collected under what they’ve called the United States Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act – in other words, Trump wants to enact the FART Act to grant himself new powers over trade and tariffs that rebuke both US and international laws. Trump is drunk with power, and it only seems fitting that his FART Act exposes it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Special Report: America's Healthcare - The Great Divide

The US is the only advanced economy without guaranteed healthcare, but even those who work face a huge divide in care.

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

President Donald Trump Lambasts Leaders of NATO Allies | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump has written letters to the leaders of NATO allies including Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada and warning the United States is losing patience, according to New York Times reporting. The panel discusses.

What If NATO Members Ignore Trump's Call on Spending? | Inside Story

Leaked letters are said to show the U.S. President's increasing frustration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Donald Trump accuses allies in the military alliance of failing to adequately pay for their protection.

The New York Times says Trump wrote to NATO members, including the leaders of Belgium, Canada and Germany. In his letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel, he warned that what he called Germany's continued under-spending on defence undermines the security of the alliance.

Will NATO members heed Trump's call? And is the North Atlantic alliance still relevant?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Peter Galbraith - Former U.S. Ambassador to Croatia & former UN envoy to Afghanistan; Marko Nihkelson - Estonian Member of Parliament & head of the Estonian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly; Fabrice Pothier - Former Director of Policy Planning at NATO

Sickening Troublemaker Farage on Fox Business Stirring Trouble for Angela Merkel, the EU

Nigel Farage, European Parliament member, on Europe’s migrant crisis, Angela Merkel and Brexit.

Trump Regretting North Korea Deal

Trump is backpedaling on the North Korea deal he was so proud of. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 3, 2018

Europe Migration Crisis: Austria's Kurz Building Bridges? | Al Jazeera English

On Sunday, Austria takes over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union for the next six months. It means Chancellor Sebastian Kurz will temporarily lead an institution struggling to find a united front on migration. Kurz is pro-European but has taken a tough line on immigration in the past. So what direction will the bloc take with Austria at the helm? Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports from Oberndorf bei Salzburg.

French Muslims Apprehensive and Alienated

Obama Speechwriter on Trump's "Healthy Regard for Dictators"

Ben Rhodes played a key role in crafting both the Iran deal and the historic thawing in relations between the US and Cuba - and was by Obama's side on all but one of his overseas trips. Here he gives his views on the world after Obama.

Rhodes was deputy foreign policy advisor and speechwriter for the Obama administration, joining the Obama campaign as a speechwriter when he was just 29 years old. Rhodes stayed on for the full eight years of his term, tasked with the role of interpreting and explaining Obama's vision for the world.

In a new book, he reveals that after the election of Donald Trump, Obama wondered whether his presidency came too early, for a world that wasn't ready.

Monday, July 02, 2018

Conservatives’ Civil War over Brexit?

"Pipe down" and "Put a sock in it" - the playground insults from senior Tories were flying on Twitter today in response to arch-Eurosceptic Jacob Rees-Mogg's warning that the Prime Minister must deliver the Brexit she promised or risk the collapse of her government.

It feels as though an out-and-out civil war is in full swing within the party as battle lines are drawn in the run-up to Friday's crucial meeting at Chequers, where Theresa May will thrash out the government's Brexit policy with her cabinet. Two Conservative MPs, leading Brexiteer John Redwood, and Simon Hoare, who earlier today tweeted that Jacob Rees-Mogg's warning to the Prime Minister was "blackmail" and "hectoring nonsense", give their views.

Fascism in Italy: The Hipster Fascists Trying to Bring Mussolini Back into the Mainstream

In this short documentary we meet the small, fascist party that runs a youth hostel, a medical centre and a food bank - but only if you're Italian.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 2, 2018

Italy's Salvini Calls for European Anti-refugee Alliance

Italy's far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has called for the formation of a Europe-wide anti-refugee alliance. Addressing the annual gathering of his League Party, Salvini said he is thinking of a European alliance which unites all the free movements that want to defend their borders.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The World This Week – EU Migrant Divide; Trump's Supreme Court; Mexico Elections; World Cup: #LetHerWork

Trump Pursues Israel ‘Peace Plan’ to Break off Gaza, Without Input from Palestinians

While US President Trump reportedly hopes to use Gulf funding to pressure Egypt to take over Gaza, splitting it from the West Bank, expert Phyllis Bennis warns no Israel peace deal is possible when "there is no Palestinian voice" involved.

Antisemitism Pushing France's Jews to Consider Israel Move

A wave of hate crime against Jews is forcing many to take extra security measures. Some are even considering what had once been unimaginable to them -- moving to Israel.

Nicola Sturgeon: UK Lacks Realism in Brexit Negotiations | DW English

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon discussed the ongoing Brexit negotiations between the UK and the EU during an interview with DW. She said the Tories' accusations that the SNP was "weaponizing" Brexit to undermine negotiations were "nonsense."

How Brexit Has Reduced Northern Ireland to Culture Wars