Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prof: Hillary Clinton Could Still Replace Trump as President

It's been almost a year since Clinton lost the election and one Russian collusion believer has mapped out a scenario where she could be installed as president.

George W. Bush Speech on Freedom and US Leadership

George W Bush: US Politics 'Vulnerable to Outright Fabrication'

The former president spoke at an event held at the George W Bush Institute on Thursday in New York. Bush says bigotry seems emboldened in modern America, along with a climate of discontent. He added that US politics appeared more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.

Read the Guardian article here

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Inside Story - Is China the Next Global Leader?

Who is the most powerful person in the world? Many would say US President Donald Trump. But the international news publication, The Economist, argues it is actually China's President Xi Jinping. While Trump talks protectionism, Xi is bidding for global leadership on multiple fronts. Among them - a grand infrastructure plan to link large parts of the world economy, an Asia-focused bank to counter the World Bank, China's first overseas military base and a military buildup in the South China Sea.

Analysts say Xi wants to be a transformative leader along the lines of Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong. He has eliminated rival power centres in an anti-corruption campaign, and has amassed more personal power than any recent predecessor.

So, what will the latest Communist party congress reveal about China's global aspirations as the US turns inward?

Presenter: James Bays | Guests: Einar Tangen - Political and Economic Affairs Analyst; Jabin Jacob - Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies; Isaac Stone Fish - Senior fellow at the Asia Society's Center on US- China Relations.

One-man Rule? China's Xi Jinping Consolidates Grip on Power

Hillary Rodham Clinton Receives Honorary Doctorate from Swansea University

On Saturday 14 October 2017, former US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, received an honorary doctorate from Swansea University in recognition of her work in promoting children's rights. During the congregation, Mrs Clinton delivered a speech entitled, Children's Rights Are Human Rights.

Pro-Israel Billionaires Dictate Trump’s Aggressive Iran Policy

President Donald Trump has disavowed the Iran nuclear deal, but won’t pull out of it – yet. The same neocons who pushed for the 2003 invasion of Iraq are now arguing that the US needs to abandon the multi-party international agreement. Investigative reporter Max Blumenthal says that the end goal for decertifying the Iran deal is the same as the Iraq invasion, even though members of the Trump administration say pulling out would empower Iranian hardliners.

Top US News & World Headlines — October 18, 2017

Trump Allegedly Said Dead Soldier ‘Knew What He Signed Up For’, Says Congresswoman

A Florida congresswoman alleged on Tuesday that Donald Trump told the widow of a soldier who died in combat that he ‘knew what he signed up for’. Representative Frederica Wilson said she was in the car with Myeshia Johnson on the way to Miami airport to receive the body of Johnson's husband, Sgt La David Johnson, when Trump called. Wilson said she heard part of the conversation on speak

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

France's Weinsteins: Watershed Moment in Fight against Sexual Abuse?

Mit dem Zahnrad ins Hochgebirge: Wunderwerke Alpen-Bahnen - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (1998)

Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts setzt die verkehrstechnische Erschließung der Alpen ein. Die geheimnisvolle, wilde und unheimliche Welt des Hochgebirges wird für jedermann zugänglich. Mit innovativem Pioniergeist entstehen großartige touristische Attraktionen. Vor 100 Jahren fuhr die erste elektrische Zahnradbahn der Schweiz von Zermatt auf den Gornergrat. Seither haben Millionen Berg-Enthusiasten, aber auch Halbschuh-Alpinisten, die eindrückliche Aussicht auf 29 Viertausender der Walliser Alpen genossen. Die erste Luftseilbahn der Schweiz wurde in Grindelwald von deutschen Ingenieuren gebaut. Der in seiner Konstruktion außerordentlich kühne Wetterhorn-Aufzug war schon damals außerordentlich sicher.

Doku: Erdogans Erzfeind - Wer ist Fethullah Gülen?

Der Putschversuch in der Türkei: Schon einen Tag danach macht Staatspräsident Erdogan seinen Erzfeind Fethullah Gülen dafür verantwortlich.

Top US News & World Headlines — October 17, 2017

Europe’s Newest Face: Kurz’s Election Win Indicates Rightward Shift for Austria

French President Emmanuel Macron no longer holds the bragging rights to the title "Europe's fresh face". Sebastian Kurz, the 31-year-old leader of Austria's Christian Democrats and the winner of Sunday's snap election now holds that distinction. So what can we expect from this new leader whose ideas were supported by one quarter of the vote? The issues of immigration dominated his campaign and he openly embraced the prospect of forming a coalition with the far-right.

Inside Story - What Is behind Austria's Sharp Turn to the Right?

Sebastian Kurz has declared victory in Austria's national elections. He is on track to become the world's youngest leader.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Austria Election: The Difference between Macron and Kurz

France's Emmanuel Macron no longer holds bragging rights to the title of "Europe's fresh face." That distinction now the property of Sebastian Kurz, leader of Austria's Christian Democrats, winner of Sunday's snap general election, and at 31, eight years the junior of Macron. So what are the new ideas behind the new face?

Top US News & World Headlines — October 16, 2017

Hillary Clinton: The Interview

Candid, open and at times angry, this riveting conversation takes us into the heart and mind of the woman at the centre of the most stunning election loss in modern US history. What really happened? Sarah Ferguson reports for ABC Four Corners.

Harken O Leaders of the West! Islam vs Liberalism - Kamil Ahmad

Kamil Ahmad »

Kamil Ahmad »

Turkey's Brain Drain: Talents Turn Their Backs to Limited Freedom and Declining Economy