Sunday, April 02, 2017

Quadriga: Brexit — A Painful Divorce? | DW English

It’s a decision of historic proportions. London has formally filed for Brexit. How messy will Britain’s split from the EU become? Guests: Petra Pinzler (Die Zeit), Catherine Hickley (journalist & author), David Charter (The Times).

Alastair Campbell Denounces Brexit and Stands Up for the Future of Britain

EU's Brexit Stance on Gibraltar - Fabian Picardo Iinterview

EU's Brexit stance on Gibraltar constitutes "shameful, unfavourable treatment" of enthusiastic EU supporters says Fabian Picardo.

Brexit: "The Consequences Could Be Very Hard for the British Living in France"

Iraq: Christian Community Now a Ghost Town

CNN's Ben Wedeman returns to the once-prosperous Christian community of Qaraqosh, Iraq, which was recently liberated from ISIS.

Anderson Cooper: Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Benefiting From Business Empire | April 1, 2017

Kushner, Ivanka Trump Could Be Worth $700 million

Ivanka Trump and her husband, senior Trump adviser Jared Kushner, collected about $195 million in income, according to a new financial snapshot of about 180 of the men and women serving in Donald Trump's White House.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

New York To Melania Trump: Get Out!

Bannon’s Made Millions in Shaping Right-Wing Thought

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The personal wealth and holdings of President Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, were detailed for the first time on Friday in a filing that showed a large chunk of his income coming from right-leaning political news, film and consulting companies.

The filing was included in a huge release of financial disclosures made late Friday evening by the White House, which is obligated to make public the financial assets and income of scores of officials now serving in the Trump administration.

A conservative media impresario and producer of documentary films before joining the Trump campaign, Mr. Bannon has assets worth $11.8 million to $53.8 million, his filing showed. » |Matthew Goldstein, Steve Eder, Kate Kelly, Alexandra Stevenson and Ben Protessmarch | Friday, March 31, 2017

A Current Affairs - Pauline Hanson Is Back and She's Making Some Noise

An Absolutely Amazing Commercial

Europe Fears Islam

ARUTZ SHEVA: Europe should not be willing to surrender, it can fight Islam, but is letting terror and wombs bring Europe to its knees.

Muslims and Islamic extremists are arriving en masse in a continent that is collapsing demographically and culturally. And there are even important voices, such as that of French philosopher Michel Onfray, who are ready to capitulate and to renounce the Judeo-Christian civilization.

I am not. Europe should not be willing to surrender. Otherwise, nothing will stand on the road between one billion Muslims and their dream to build a caliphate in Europe. Our hedonists are not even willing to fight for an Iphone. » | Giulio Meotti | Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

Revealed: Liberals' Damage Control after Trudeau's Castro Statement

Christopher Wilson of investigates what was really happening inside the Liberal government after PM Trudeau's controversial remarks following Fidel Castro's death.

Farage: You Can't Have Open-door Immigration without Terror

Brexit leader Nigel Farage on the UK Parliament terror attack that left 5 people dead and at least 40 injured and the lessons the US could learn from

Negotiating Brexit, Trump's Rollback on Climate

Treasury Department Announces New Sanctions Against North Korea | MSNBC

The U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions against several North Koreans in response to North Korea's ongoing nuclear weapons testing. NBC's Pentagon correspondent Hans Nichols reports.

Will Self and Gregor Hens on Nicotine, Smoking, Vaping and More

Gregor Hens discusses his book, Nicotine, and the joys and perils of smoking, with Will Self. Filmed at the London Review Bookshop on 10 November 2015.

Gregor Hens’ book: Nicotine »

Auf deutsch: Nikotin »

Book Review – NYT: ‘Nicotine,’ the Stuff of Burning Desire »

Russland: HIV erreicht die Mittelschicht | DW Deutsch

Die Anzahl der Neuinfektionen mit HIV in Russland steigt weiter. Und die Epidemie ist in der Durchschnittsbevölkerung angekommen. Viele wissen gar nicht, dass sie infiziert sind und haben damit keine Chance auf eine Behandlung.

Josh Earnest: President Obama 'Genuinely Concerned' About Country | MSNBC

Josh Earnest, former Obama Press Secretary, says the White House should be concerned about House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes’ actions because it looks like they are trying to “launder” information to defend President Trump’s tweets.

Texit? EU President Juncker Threatens to Promote Texas Independence as Trump Backs Brexit

Donald Trump has been warned by the head of the EU Commission to watch out for breakaway states in America. Jean-Claude Juncker claimed that if President Trump keeps on encouraging EU countries to leave the bloc, he should expect the same thing to happen in the US.