Friday, January 15, 2016

Europe's Rape Cover-up Plus What Leftists Don't Teach You in School

Faith Goldy talks about Europe's Muslim migrant rape epidemic PLUS: Here's what your leftist teacher left out of your lessons.

Pat Condell: Europe's Betrayal of Women

Mass sexual assault at Cologne train station on New Year’s Eve

Alles über 1000 Franken: Schweiz knöpft Flüchtlingen Bargeld ab

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Erst jetzt wird bekannt, was in der Schweiz gängige Praxis ist: Polizisten nehmen Asylbewerbern ihr Vermögen ab. Nur 1000 Franken dürfen Neuankömmlinge behalten.

Das dänische Parlament beschloss kurz vor Weihnachten, Flüchtlingen bei der Einreise ihr Geld bis auf etwa 350 Euro Selbstbehalt abzunehmen. In der Schweiz ist das Konfiszieren von Flüchtlingsvermögen hingegen lange eingeübte Praxis, wie erst jetzt öffentlich bekannt wurde. » | cht | Fraitag, 15. Januar 2016

Flüchtlingskrise: Mehrheit der Deutschen wendet sich gegen Merkel

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Kritik an Angela Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik wird lauter - nicht nur in der Union. Auch im Volk scheint die Stimmung zu kippen: Die Mehrheit der Deutschen ist laut einer neuen Umfrage unzufrieden mit der Regierungschefin.

Nach den sexuellen Übergriffen in Köln und anderen Großstädten in der Silvesternacht hat sich die Stimmung in Deutschland beim Thema Flüchtlinge verändert. Zum ersten Mal vertritt dem ZDF-"Politbarometer" zufolge eine klare Mehrheit von 60 Prozent der Befragten die Meinung, dass Deutschland die vielen Flüchtlinge, die ins Land kommen, nicht verkraften kann. Im Dezember lag der Wert noch bei 46 Prozent. » | heb | Freitag, 15. Januar 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Anglican Church Avoids Split Over Gay Rights – But Liberals Pay Price

THE GUARDIAN: Agreement to impose sanctions against liberal US church and issue a statement in support of ‘traditional doctrine’ of marriage staves off irrevocable schism

A permanent split in the worldwide Anglican communion over gay rights has been averted after archbishops overwhelmingly agreed to impose sanctions against the liberal US church and issue a statement in support of the “traditional doctrine” that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

The punitive measures and conservative statement were agreed on the penultimate day of a week long summit in Canterbury, which was aimed at moving beyond deep divisions over homosexuality between liberals and conservatives in the church that counts 85m people as its members.

An agreement, published on Thursday evening, said that the US Episcopal church had made changes to its definition of marriage that represented “a fundamental departure from the faith and teaching held by the majority of our provinces on the doctrine of marriage”.

In a passage which is likely to dismay liberal Anglicans, the agreement added: “The traditional doctrine of the church in view of the teaching of scripture, upholds marriage as between a man and a woman in faithful, lifelong union. The majority of those gathered reaffirm this teaching.” » | Harriet Sherwood, Religion correspondent | Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ben Ali, un exilé très discret en Arabie saoudite

LE POINT: Alors que la Tunisie célèbre ce jeudi les 5 ans de la révolution qui a mis fin au règne de Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, ce dernier vit tranquillement à Jeddah.

Cinq ans après avoir été chassé du pouvoir, l'ex-président tunisien Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, condamné à la prison à vie dans son pays, vit en exil en toute discrétion en Arabie saoudite. Le 14 janvier 2011, après un mois de manifestations violemment réprimées, le dictateur embarque à destination de Jeddah, sur les rives de la mer Rouge. Il est accompagné de sa seconde épouse Leila Trabelsi - l'une des personnalités les plus honnies de Tunisie -, leur fille Halima et leur fils Mohamed Zine el-Abidine. Leur fille Nesrine part quant à elle avec son époux, l'homme d'affaires Sakher El Materi, au Qatar avant d'aller s'installer en exil aux Seychelles. » | Source AFP | jeudi 14 janvier 2016

Al-Qaeda Leader Threatens Saudi Arabia Over Mass Execution

The leader of al-Qaeda has called for attacks on Saudi Arabia
THE INDEPENDENT: The leader of al-Qaeda called the kingdom’s ruling Al Saud family a 'rotten regime'

The leader of al-Qaeda has called for attacks on Saudi Arabia, following the mass execution of 47 people in the Kingdom – many of whom were tied to the extremist group.

Al-Zawahiri, the group's leader, announced the threats in a seven-minute audio recording earlier this week, which was reported by a US terror monitor, the SITE Intelligence Group said on Thursday.

In the recording the Egyptian militant leader urged his followers to launch new attacks against the kingdom’s ruling Al Saud family, which he called a “rotten regime that corrupted your religion”. » | Alexandra Sims | Thursday, January 14, 2016

To Wear or Not to Wear? Anti-Semitic Attacks Spark Debates Over Kippa Wearing

A top Jewish leader in southern France has urged Jews in the region to refrain from wearing traditional headwear “until better days.” It comes after a Jewish teacher was injured in a machete attack by a Turkish teenager.

‘Merkel Is Dependent on Erdogan in Solving EU Refugee Crisis’

Reports emerged in the German media alleging that police were instructed to hush up refugee-related disturbances...RT is now joined live by professor Christian Pfeiffer, a former Minister of Justice of the German state of Lower Saxony.

France: Authorities Flood Channel Tunnel Area to Keep Out Refugees

Eurotunnel have intentionally flooded the area around the Channel Tunnel, Thursday, in an effort to keep refugees from travelling along the tracks.

LIVE: German Chancellery to Receive Refugees Sent by State of Bayern (Bavaria)

Mayor of the Landshut District in Bavaria, Peter Dreier has sent a bus carrying over 50 refugees to the German Chancellery in Berlin on Thursday, January 14.

Höcke will «Zwangsjacke» für Merkel

TAGES ANZEIGER: Auf einer Demo in Erfurt griff der Vorsitzende der rechtspopulistischen AfD in Thüringen, Björn Höcke, die deutsche Kanzlerin frontal an.

Der Vorsitzende der rechtspopulistischen AfD in Thüringen, Björn Höcke, hat Kanzlerin Angela Merkel persönlich scharf angegriffen. Deutschland werde «von Idioten regiert», sagte er am Mittwochabend bei einer Kundgebung in Erfurt.

Merkel müsse in «der Zwangsjacke» aus dem Kanzleramt abgeführt werden, fügte er vor mehr als 2000 Teilnehmern einer Demonstration gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung hinzu. » | chk/sda | Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016

Verwandtes Video »

Streit mit Putin: Russische Behörde lässt Bücher von George Soros verbrennen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Weil sie angeblich die Jugend gefährden, werden in Russland Bücher vernichtet, die mit Unterstützung von George Soros veröffentlicht wurden. Grund ist wohl nicht der Inhalt - sondern der Streit zwischen dem US-Milliardär und Wladimir Putin.

Behörden in der russischen Nordprovinz Komi haben mit der Vernichtung von Büchern begonnen, die mit Unterstützung des US-Milliardärs George Soros veröffentlicht wurden. Das geht aus einer Antwort des regionalen Bildungsministeriums auf eine Anfrage des lokalen Nachrichtenportals "7x7" hervor. Mehrere hundert Publikationen wurden demnach bereits aus Beständen örtlicher Hochschulen in der Stadt Workuta entfernt.

Als Grund heißt es in einer entsprechenden Anordnung, die Bücher würden unter Jugendlichen "der russischen Ideologie fremde Vorstellungen" verbreiten, sie führten auch zu "verzerrter Wahrnehmung der vaterländischen Geschichte". » | Von Benjamin Bidder, Moskau | Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016

Deutschland: Waffenkäufe aus Angst: Aufrüsten am Rande der Legalität

Chomsky Hits Back at Erdoğan, Accusing Him of Double Standards on Terrorism

THE GUARDIAN: US academic says Turkish president – who has condemned leftwing critics for ignorance – has been aiding Isis, which he blamed for bomb attack on Istanbul

The leftwing US academic Noam Chomsky has hit back at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan after the Turkish president accused him of ignorance and sympathising with terrorists.

Hours after Tuesday’s bomb attack on a tourist area of Istanbul, Erdoğan delivered a sneering criticism of Chomsky and “so-called intellectuals” who had signed a letter calling on Turkey to lift its siege against Kurdish towns and cities in the south-east of the country.

He invited Chomsky to visit the area in a defiant televised speech to a conference of Turkish ambassadors in Ankara.

Chomsky has now rejected the invitation. In an email to the Guardian he said: “If I decide to go to Turkey, it will not be on his invitation, but as frequently before at the invitation of the many courageous dissidents, including Kurds who have been under severe attack for many years.”

Chomsky also claimed Erdoğan was operating double standards on terrorism. » | Matthew Weaver | Thursday, January 14, 2016

Close The Borders: Angela Merkel's Own Party Turn On Leader's ‘Open Door’ Refugee Policy

EXPRESS: GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing another mutiny in her own party after politicians demanded Germany closed its borders to asylum seekers.

More than 40 politicians in Merkel’s Christian Democrat Party signed a petition to close its doors to refugees following the sex attacks in Cologne.

The chancellor has come under intense pressure to change her “open-door” policy after it was revealed asylum seekers were among suspects in the vicious New Year’s Eve attacks.

More than 650 women have now come forward to file criminal complaints over the attacks, around 45 per cent of them for sexual assault. » | Charlie Peat | Thursday, January 14, 2016

Björn Höcke (AfD): Merkel ist schuld an Köln Silvester Chaos

Brownshirts Are Back: Muslim Sharia Police Patrol German Streets

Ezra Levant of reports on the Muslim theocrats patrolling Wuppertal, bullying people into following sharia law. No drinking, no music, no breaking Mohammed’s laws, just like they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Germany & Sweden: Two Countries on the Verge of Islam [Top Hats and Brain Drain]

In this video, both Islam and the Regressive Left take one for the team. Well, they would - but since they're basically the same team, it's hard to tell who is who. More honestly speaking, I explain to you why both Germany and Sweden are engaging in cultural suicide, why Islam must be opposed at every point, and why people defending Islam are just as guilty of the European cultural decline as are those who are actively seeking its destruction.

A Stricter Islam Displaces Old Ways in Malaysia

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Conservative Wahhabi doctrines are redefining the way Islam is practiced; some rituals have been banned

KUALA LUMPUR—Kelana Indra Sakti is one of Malaysia’s most successful shamans. Framed testimonials from his customers hang from his office walls. In the driveway of his house he keeps a stretch Mercedes-Benz limousine given to him by a grateful client. His name, meaning “Adventurer, Heavenly Magic,” was bestowed on him by one of Malaysia’s wealthy sultans.

Lately, though, Mr. Kelana has supplemented his consultations with readings from the Quran.

“People just expect it these days, so I do it,” said the 70-year-old shaman.

Islam in Malaysia, and Southeast Asia, is taking a more conservative turn. The Muslim faith, brought here by Arab traders hundreds of years ago, has coexisted for generations with Malay customs such as shamanism, other forms of traditional medicine and the country’s sizable Buddhist, Christian and Hindu communities.

But more recently, conservative Wahhabi doctrines, often spread by Saudi-financed imams, are redefining the way Islam is practiced and, for some, eroding the tolerance for which the country has been known. » | James Hookway | Thursday, January 14, 2016