Saturday, December 05, 2015

Anti-Muslim Prejudice ‘Is Moving to the Mainstream’

Members of Britain First, the far-right counter-Jihad
street protest group, march in Rochester, Kent. 
THE GUARDIAN: Report warns of rapid growth of far-right groups that plan to provoke a ‘cultural civil war’

The “counter-jihad” movement in the UK is expanding rapidly, according to new analysis showing that 24 different far-right groups are currently attempting to whip up hatred towards Muslims and provoke a cultural civil war.

The most comprehensive report yet into the alliance of international counter-jihad organisations warns that Islamophobic groups in Britain are capitalising on public concerns following the Paris attacks and ongoing refugee crisis.

Next month, the former leader of the English Defence League, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, often known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, will make his political comeback by fronting the relaunch of the UK arm of Pegida, the German anti-Islam organisation whose provocative rhetoric has prompted attacks on refugees.

The report, by the anti-racist group Hope Not Hate, chronicles 920 anti-Muslim organisations and key Islamophobes in 22 countries, noting that such groups are becoming increasingly well-resourced, particularly in the US, where eight foundations have donated more than £38m since the 9/11 attacks. » | Mark Townsend | Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wimpering Students Need to Grow Up Or Get Out of University

THE TELEGRAPH: Political correctness was admirable. Now it has gone too far on campus. Far too far. It is time to fight back

A university should be a “safe space” – for free speech, for challenging dogmas and assumptions, for putting forward innovative ideas, for robust debate, for discovery, for intellectual courage. It should not be a safe space for preserving the timidities and assurances of pre-university childhood and adolescence.

Yet that is what university students on many American campuses now demand. They want to be warned in advance if course material contains references to subjects that could distress them. They want to be exempted from reading texts that touch on such matters as sexual abuse, divorce and suicide – which immediately puts Thomas Hardy, F Scott Fitzgerald and Virginia Woolf off the syllabus. It has even happened that professors have been driven from their jobs by students accusing them of being insufficiently “politically correct”.

On some campuses, students have set aside “safe spaces” with cuddly toys and puppy videos where those stressed by uncomfortable topics can avoid them. The atmosphere of hypersensitive inability to handle challenging ideas invites caricature: today’s American students, it seems, want mollycoddling and reassurance, not education; they want security, not intellectual and personal growth. And what happens in America is too soon copied elsewhere – including in Britain. Read on and comment » | AC Grayling, Master of New College of the Humanities in London | Friday, December 4, 2015

Anti-Muslim Dutch Leader Wilders Opposes Turkey Joining EU, Says Doesn't Want More But Less Islam

DAILY SABAH: Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders, the most popular politician in the Netherlands, has told Turks "you are not welcome here" in a video that takes aim at Turkey's hopes of joining the European Union.

Wilders, who is fiercely Islamophobic, has surged in public opinion polls with his call for the closing of national borders in the face of a refugee crisis that has seen hundreds of thousands of people, mostly Muslims, fleeing to Europe this year to escape conflicts and poverty in the Middle East and beyond. » | Reuters | Amsterdam | Friday, 4. December 2015

Expertin: "Sind in einer brenzligen Situation"

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Weiter keine Grenzkontrollen, Prügeleien in einem steirischen Asylheim und nach dem Blutbad in den USA zeigt sich, dass eine Spur zu Islamisten führen könnte - Nahost-Expertin Karin Kneissl analysiert: "Wir sind in einer äußerst brenzligen Situation." Mit der "Krone" sprach sie über die akuten Sicherheitsprobleme.

"Vor Kurzem war ich in Israel und im Libanon. Die Leute dort schütteln über unsere Politik der offenen Grenzen nur noch die Köpfe. Sie fragen: 'Wie könnt ihr all diese Menschen ohne Kontrolle in euer Europa reinlassen? Ihr wisst nicht, auf was ihr euch da eingelassen habt'", kritisiert Kneissl, dass es "offenbar kein Gewaltmonopol des Staates mehr gibt". » | Richard Schmitt, Kronen Zeitung | Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

Robert Spencer on Hannity: The San Bernardino Jihad Attack and Jihad Denial

On Thursday, December 3, 2015, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer appeared on Fox's Sean Hannity Show, discussing the jihad terror attack in San Bernardino, California and the government's refusal to confront the reality of jihad, which makes vetting Syrian refugees impossible.

ISIS Claim Responsibility for California Shootings as FBI Investigate It As Act of Terror

EXPRESS: ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) has said its followers carried out the deadly mass shooting that killed 14 people at a Christmas party in San Bernardino.

The revelation comes after US officials said the female shooter who carried out the mass shooting with her husband pledged allegiance to Islamic State (ISIS).

If a link to the terror group is confirmed, the mass shooting would be the first attack in America that has been led or inspired by ISIS.

Tashfeen Malik, who burst into a staff Christmas party with Syed Rizwan Farook, wielding assault rifles, pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook, according to officials investigating the attack in San Bernardino, California. » | Selina Sykes | Saturday, December 5, 2015

Les musulmans américains craignent des hostilités

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Après le massacre de San Bernardino perpétré par un couple de musulmans, la communauté a peur d'être prise pour cible.

Les musulmans des Etats-Unis craignent d'être victimes d'une vague d'hostilités après la pire fusillade du pays en trois ans, commise mercredi à San Bernardino par un couple d'origine pakistanaise.

«Il y a de toute évidence la crainte d'un contrecoup» contre les musulmans, a admis à l'AFP Abed Ayoub, directeur juridique du Comité anti-discriminations américano-arabe.

Selon lui, une importante population arabo-musulmane vit dans la région de San Bernardino, ville de 200'000 habitants à une heure de Los Angeles.

Depuis la fusillade qui a fait 14 morts et 21 blessés mercredi, aucun incident affectant cette communauté n'a été signalé. Pourtant, «nous devons rester prudents, étant donné l'atmosphère (tendue) et ce qui s'est passé à Paris il y a quelques semaines», a poursuivi Abed Ayoub. » | afp/nxp | vendredi 4. décembre 2015

Le Canada va légaliser le cannabis

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le Canada compte adopter des lois «qui légaliseront et règlementeront la consommation de marijuana».

Le candidat Justin Trudeau l'avait promis. Désormais élu, il le confirme ce 4 décembre 2015 dans son discours de politique générale pour 2016, lu au Parlement par le Gouverneur général du Canada. Le cannabis sera légalisé.

Le Canada devient ainsi le premier pays du G7 à légaliser cette drogue douce.

Le nouveau gouvernement libéral, élu le 19 octobre, souhaite ainsi adopter au cours de la prochaine année des «mesures législatives (...) qui légaliseront et réglementeront la consommation de marijuana et limiteront l'accès à cette substance», a dit le Gouverneur général, David Johnston, en lisant le discours préparé par M. Trudeau, assis à ses côtés dans la Chambre des communes. » | afp/nxp | vendredi 4. Décembre 2015

Le Monde dénonce l'«imposture» du Front national

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Un édito du directeur du quotidien français Le Monde fustige le Front national ; une première, à deux jours des régionales.

Le quotidien Le Monde a pris position vendredi contre le Front national, son directeur Jérôme Fenoglio dénonçant dans un éditorial une «imposture» qui «constitue une grave menace pour le pays».

Les hebdomadaires L'Express et L'Obs ont également publié cette semaine des éditos contre le FN. Lundi, c'était le grand quotidien régional La Voix du Nord qui avait pris position contre une éventuelle élection de Marine Le Pen à la tête de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie.

A deux jours du premier tour des régionales, le Front national est en tête des intentions de vote dans les derniers sondages, avec 29,5% des voix, devant Les Républicains (28,5%) et le PS (23%).

Soulignant la montée du Front national d'élection en élection, «avec la présidentielle de 2017 en ligne de mire», Le Monde affirme que «son idéologie, ses propositions sont contraires aux valeurs républicaines, à l'intérêt national, à l'image de la France dans le monde». » | afp/nxp | vendredi 4. Décembre 2015

Germany 'Draws Up Plans to Prevent Sharing Intelligence' with NATO Ally Turkey

THE TELEGRAPH: German commanders fear Ankara may use intelligence of its flights to target Kurdish forces allied to the West

Germany has reportedly drawn up plans to prevent sharing intelligence with its Nato ally Turkey as it prepares to support international air strikes against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

German Tornado aircraft are to commence reconnaissance flights over Syria and Iraq after the country’s parliament on Friday voted to deploy up to 1,200 military personnel.

Highly un[u]sual measures have been ordered to prevent Turkey getting access to intelligence from the flights, according to Spiegel magazine.

The aircaft are expected to operate from Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey, and as Nato allies, the two countries would normally expect to share intelligence.

But German commanders are concerned Turkey may use surveillance information from the flights to direct attacks against Kurdish forces allied to the West. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, December 04, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting: Female Suspect 'Pledged Loyalty to Isil Leader during Attack'

FBI now consider attack by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik "act of terrorism"

Ist das, was Angela Merkel treibt, gegen das Deutsche Volk gerichtet?

Trotz der massiven Kosmetik in den Massenmedien gerät die Bundesregierung angesichts ihrer völlig "kopflosen" Politik unter der Regiede von Angela Merkel immer weiter ins Abseits. Mehr und mehr Menschen begreifen, das die Bundesregierung und weite Teile der ohnehin gesteuerten Opposition sich nicht an den Wünschen der Bevölkerung orientieren, sondern seit Jahren Politik gegen die Interessen der Mehrheit innerhalb des Deutschen Volkes betreibt.

Russia Accuses Erdogan of Trading Oil with IS - BBC News

Russia's defence ministry has accused the family of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of being directly involved in the trade of petroleum with the Islamic State group. Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said Turkey was the biggest buyer of "stolen" oil from Syria and Iraq.

Mr Erdogan said Russia had no right to "slander" Turkey with such claims.

'We Are Increasing Terrorism by Bombarding IS' - BBC News

Jürgen Todenhöfer is a German journalist and former MP who spent 10 days with IS last year - the first Western journalist to do so. He spoke to Ros Atkins about what he believes would be the most effective way to deal with IS.

RT Talks to Both Sides of Turkish Media for Reaction to Crackdown

Only a few independent voices are brave enough to speak out against the alleged wrong-doings of the Turkish government.

Libyen: Das Ersatzkalifat des "Islamischen Staats"

ZEIT ONLINE: Einige Tausend IS-Kämpfer haben sich in Libyen festgesetzt. Der zerfallende Staat wird zum attraktiven Ziel für den Dschihad, der Konflikt im Land ist festgefahren.

Die Gotteskrieger des "Islamischen Staats" vermarkten Libyen inzwischen als ihr zweites Kalifat. Mal posieren sie grinsend auf den Straßen, mal werben sie per Video für den Post-Gaddafi-Staat als neues Dschihad-Ziel. "Das Leben hier ist gut, man kann ein Auto und ein Haus bekommen", prahlte ein ägyptischer Extremist gegenüber Gesinnungsgenossen. "Überdenkt euren Wunsch, nach Syrien zu gehen. Libyen braucht euch", twitterte ein anderer. » | Von Martin Gehlen | Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015

Pegida UK: Tommy Robinson's Anti-Islam Street Movement

Tommy Robinson - the former leader of the English Defence League - says he is now planning to launch a British wing of the Pegida anti-Islam protest movement. But Robinson says that this group will be different from his last outfit - no alcohol-fuelled hooliganism, no racism, no anti-semitism and no homophobia. But he does want a five year ban on Muslim immigration to Britain. He's been talking exclusively to our Chief Correspondent, Alex Thomson.

CHANNEL 4 NEWS: Tommy Robinson is back – but what’s changed? » | Alex Thomson’s View | Thursday, December 4, 2015

Across Europe with Tommy Robinson: Inside the New Wave of Anti-immigration Protest Coming Soon to Britain

THE TELEGRAPH: The EDL founder has just announced 'Pegida UK' – part of an international network of far-Right activism given new life by the refugee crisis

Late Monday night in Dresden, Germany, former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson gave a speech to a large group of Pegida supporters. He told the crowd that he’s been working with nationalist groups across Europe in order to coordinate a Europe wide movement that seeks to, in his words, counter the "Islamification of our countries". The first demo, he said, will be taking place on February 6, 2016, in at least 12 European countries simultaneously, all marching under a single banner: ‘'Save our Country. Save our Culture. Save Our Future." » | Jamie Bartlett | Friday, December 4, 2015

US Still Using ISIS for Political Means – Iraqi Security Official

US still using ISIS for political means, never serious in combating them, states Saad Al Mutalabi from security council of Baghdad province.

Turks Say Erdogan Won’t Go Despite Promise, Media Crackdown to Resume

RT reached out to nearly 40 Turkish media outlets asking for comment on the Russian evidence of Ankara's oil dealings with Islamic State. We've yet to receive a response from any of them. The Russian revelations come amid accusations of a crackdown on any media hostile to the Turkish government. RT's Harry Fear has more on the reaction to the oil trade allegations that are coming from inside Turkey.