Monday, October 05, 2015

Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Support Surge

U.S. democratic Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has set a record for the largest ever democratic primary rally...But he is still ignored in the evening news on the country's major channels -ABC, CBS and NBC. The US media is paying attention to other candidates - Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton & Chris Christie.

ISIS Blows Up 2,000 Year Old Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

A two-thousand year old Arch of Triumph, a jewel in the collection of the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria, has reportedly been the target of Islamic State militants, who see the buildings as pagan and sacrilegious. UNESCO chief Irina Bokova told RT'S "Worlds Apart", why Islamic State's destruction of historic ruins will have dire consequences.

Syrien: Gewaltherrscher in bester Laune

Baschar Al Assad in seinem Interview mit dem Iranischen
Sender Kabar TV
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Baschar al Assad zeigt neues Selbstbewusstsein. Der Diktator in Damaskus hat das nicht zuletzt dem Kreml zu verdanken. Gleichzeitig wächst die Unterstützung für seine Gegner.

Der syrische Gewaltherrscher gibt sich bester Laune. Am Wochenende nutzte er ein Interview mit dem iranischen Sender Khabar TV, den Verbündeten in Teheran und Moskau für die Waffenhilfe zu danken und deren Loyalität zu beschwören. Baschar al Assad schmähte seine Feinde und zeigte sich entschlossen, den Krieg in seinem Land bis zum Ende fortzusetzen. Er werde keine Einmischung von außen in syrische Angelegenheiten dulden, sagte Assad laut der Abschrift des Gesprächs, welches die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Sana verbreitete. Er zeigte sich sicher, dass der Kampf weitergehe, bis der „Terrorismus“ besiegt sei – oder gesiegt habe. Und sollte die neue Koalition, also das Bündnis unter russischer Führung, scheitern, dann werde die gesamte Region zerstört. Im Westen, der überwältigt von einem Gefühl des Scheiterns in Syrien sei, machte Assad Verwirrung aus.

Sein derzeitiges Selbstbewusstsein hat der Diktator nicht zuletzt dem Kreml zu verdanken. Die russische Luftunterstützung für die demoralisierte und ausgelaugte Armee des Regimes dauert trotz der scharfen internationalen Kritik an. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau meldete am Montag, es seien 25 Angriffe binnen 24 Stunden geflogen worden. Sie hätten sich gegen Einrichtungen der Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) in den Provinzen Homs und Latakia gerichtet. » | Von Christoph Ehrhardt, Beirut | Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Les incursions aériennes russes en Turquie très «dangereuses»

LE MATIN: SYRIE — L'Otan a jugé lundi «extrêmement dangereuses» les incursions de l'aviation russe en Turquie, appelant Moscou à des explications «immédiates».

Les 28 pays de l'Alliance atlantique, réunis en urgence lundi après-midi à Bruxelles, ont aussi exprimé leur «grave préoccupation» face aux frappes aériennes de la Russie en Syrie, en particulier à Hama, Homs et Idlib, «qui ont fait des victimes civiles et ne visaient pas Daech (acronyme arabe du groupe Etat islamique)». «Les Alliés appellent la Fédération russe à immédiatement cesser ses attaques contre l'opposition syrienne et les civils», selon ce texte commun. » | afp/nxp | lundi 5 octobre 2015

Syrie : la déconfiture d'Obama

LE POINT: Avec son entrée dans la guerre civile, c'est une humiliation sans précédent que Vladimir Poutine a infligée à Obama et aux dirigeants occidentaux.

Il ne s'est pas écoulé 48 heures entre le moment où, en marge de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, Barack Obama s'est félicité du retour des Russes dans la lutte contre Daesh et celui où Vladimir Poutine l'a ridiculisé en lançant ses bombardiers Sukhoï, non pas dans des opérations de pilonnage des djihadistes de l'État islamique mais en bombardant des forces d'opposition au président syrien, dont certaines avaient été entraînées et armées par les Américains. Le maître du Kremlin ne pouvait pas plus clairement affirmer que la priorité de ses avions et de ses missiles en Syrie était avant tout de défendre Bachar el-Assad. Et accessoirement, mais accessoirement seulement, d'affaiblir les islamistes. » | Par Michel Colomès | lundi 5 octobre 2015

PM Orbán: Europe’s Demographic Problems Shall Not Be Solved by Immigration

HUNGARY TODAY: Hungary’s government firmly believes that demographic problems should not be solved by means of immigration, PM Viktor Orbán told public radio in his regular Friday morning interview. “If other European countries attempt to solve their demographic problems with men who resemble young warriors”, they are free to do so, but we cannot accept this approach being forced on Hungary”, he said. He remarked that a section of the Hungarian left as well as certain European elites look upon immigrants as a great opportunity. “In my view this is a fatal mistake”, Orbán insisted. » | via and photo: Szilárd Koszticsák – MTI | Friday, October 2, 2015

Germany Faces 1.5 Million Asylum Claims This Year - Report

At Sebnitz near the Czech border a big crowd urged Germany
to keep Muslim migrants out
BBC: The number of people seeking asylum in Germany this year will be as high as 1.5 million - almost double the previous estimate, German media report.

The German government has not confirmed the new estimate, which comes from an internal official report cited by popular daily Bild.

The report warns that services helping refugees will not be able to cope.

Separately, a centre-right regional minister put the expected total at 1.2-1.5 million for this year.

The German government previously estimated the number of asylum claims this year to reach 800,000 to one million in total.

Many are refugees fleeing the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, but there are also many economic migrants from the Balkans, Asia and Africa.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres has warned that Europe, in dealing with the migration crisis, is engaged in a "battle of compassion versus fear, and of tolerance versus xenophobia".

Speaking in Geneva, he said the world was facing the highest levels of forced displacement in recorded history and the principle of asylum must remain sacrosanct.

He urged Europe to defend "its founding values of tolerance and openness by welcoming refugees of all religions".

The leaders of Hungary and Slovakia have said the influx of Muslims is a challenge to Europe's "Christian" identity. » | Monday, October 5, 2015

Related video (in German) »

Robert Spencer — the Speech the U.S. Catholic Bishops Don’t Want You to See

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer was the keynote speaker at the annual convocation of the North American Lutheran Church, Dallas, Texas, August 13, 2015. He spoke about Muslim persecution of Christians.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops pulled their representative from the North American Lutheran Church convocation when they found out Spencer was the keynote speaker. Watch this speech and see what the Catholic Bishops of the United States don't want you to know.

The Truth About the Arab Conquest of Spain (711-788)

The Real House of Saud - Saudi Arabia's Oil-For-Tyranny

Meet the new head of the United Nations panel on Human Rights: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold people's history of resistance to it. With a major, catastrophic war in Yemen and looming high-profile executions of activists, The Empire Files exposes true nature of the U.S.-Saudi love affair.

US State Dept. Aware of Saudi Funding of Terrorist Groups – WikiLeaks

A new set of cables from WikiLeaks, dating back to 2009 and signed by Hillary Clinton, claims the US was aware of Saudi Arabia’s funding of militant and terrorist groups. Lindsay France takes a look at the claims.

Kriegsveteran: Als Franzose in der Nazi-Wehrmacht

Sebnitz: 3.000 Menschen folgen Pegidas Aufruf zur Grenzschließung

Schätzungsweise 3000 Menschen haben sich gestern in der deutsch-tschechischen Grenzstadt Sebnitz versammelt, um entlang der sächsisch-tschechischen Grenze eine symbolische Menschenkette gegen den Zustrom von Flüchtlingen zu bilden. Die ursprünglich angesagte Menschenkette am Grenzübergang wurde jedoch nicht verwirklicht.

Judge Jeanine: New World Order Emerging Thanks to Obama

Oct. 04, 2015 - 3:49 - Vladimir Putin taking advantage of lack of U.S. leadership in Mideast

Vatican Fires Priest Who Announced He's Gay, in Relationship

Oct. 04, 2015 - 2:37 - Priest denounced homophobia throughout Church, urges clergy to address issue

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The British Sikh Men Trying To Stop Women Marrying Outside Their Religion

THE INDEPENDENT: Britain’s Sikhs, long seen as a minority success story, are plagued by a faction of young men ‘defending’ their vision of the culture – and seeking to impose their views by attacking the nuptials of women who marry ‘out’

It was meant to be the happiest day of their lives – a celebration of modern multicultural Britain at the biggest Sikh gurdwara (temple) in the Western world. On 7 August 2015, in west London, a British Sikh bride and her Polish Christian groom sat together and absorbed the religious blessings at their wedding ceremony. She wore a cream and red dress, while he wore a red turban, in keeping with Sikh traditions.

But that morning, 20 uninvited men were determined to put a stop to the wedding. They stormed upstairs to the main hall and demanded that the priests end the ceremony, hurling insults at people who objected. One of them told a priest that, if their demands weren’t met, he would get 1,000 of his friends to come to the temple within the hour. The police were called and eventually the couple were forced to proceed into a hurried ceremony, while the protesters watched and took pictures of them to publish online. » | Sunny Hundal | Sunday, October 4, 2015

Czech Republic: Hundreds of Protesters Rally against Islam & EU Asylum Policies

At least 250 anti-European Union protesters gathered on Moravian Square in Brno to protest against "Islamisation" while calling for the exit of the Czech Republic from the continental body, Saturday. Protesters and activists held banners reading "We don't want migrants in the Czech Republic" and "No Islam, no EU."

Isis Blows Up Arch of Triumph in 2,000-year-old City of Palmyra

THE GUARDIAN: Monument described as ‘jewel in the collection’ of Unesco-listed Syrian city is destroyed and follows the razing of other statues and temples

Islamic State militants have destroyed the Arch of Triumph in the ancient city of Palmyra, a monument that dates back to the Roman empire, Syria’s chief of antiquities told the Guardian.

Maamoun Abdulkarim said sources in the city, which was conquered by Isis after a week-long siege in May, had informed him the arch was destroyed on Sunday in the latest act of vandalism against Syria’s cultural heritage perpetrated by Isis.

“It’s a crime in every sense of the word,” he said in a telephone interview from Damascus. “All we can do is share the sadness.”

The arch was built in commemoration of a visit by the emperor and his entourage when Palmyra was a Roman colony. Isis’s puritanical interpretation of Islam deems the preservation of ancient artefacts and monuments to be a form of idolatry. (+ video) » | Kareem Shaheen in Beirut | Monday, October 5, 2015

Syrian Crisis: Assad Warns of Mid-East Destruction

BBC: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said a coalition between Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq must succeed "or else the whole region will be destroyed".

Mr Assad also criticised the US-led coalition and its air strikes in Syria and Iraq as counter-productive, saying that terrorism had only spread.

Meanwhile, Russia has carried out more air strikes in Syria it says targeted so-called Islamic State (IS) positions.

Syrian activists say the raids appear to have focused on other rebel groups.

In an interview with Iranian state television, reported by the Syrian presidency Twitter feed, President Assad said Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq were united in battling terrorism and would achieve "practical results", unlike the US-led coalition. (+ BBC videos) » | Sunday, October 4, 2015

Brandstiftung: Wieder brennt eine Flüchtlingsunterkunft

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Im thüringischen Friemar ist die Fassade einer Notunterkunft für Flüchtlinge in Flammen aufgegangen. Die Polizei geht von Brandstiftung aus. Auch in Xanten in Nordrhein-Westfalen kam es zu einem Zwischenfall.

Das Feuer in einer Notunterkunft für Flüchtlinge im thüringischen Friemar bei Gotha geht nach Einschätzung der Polizei auf Brandstiftung zurück. Ein fremdenfeindlicher Hintergrund könne nicht ausgeschlossen werden, teilte eine Polizeisprecherin in Gotha mit. Nach ihren Angaben brach das Feuer am frühen Sonntagmorgen an mobilen Toilettenhäuschen aus, die an einer Turnhalle aufgestellt waren. Die Flammen griffen auf die Fassade des Gebäudes über, in dem zwei Familien mit insgesamt zehn Personen untergebracht waren. Sie hätten sich selbst in Sicherheit bringen können und seien unverletzt geblieben, sagte Bürgermeister Steffen John (CDU). „Sie waren geschockt und verängstigt.“ » | Quelle: dpa | Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015