Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tsunami Advisory For Hawaii, Parts of California After Chile Quake

Read the article here Henry Austin and Alastair Jamieson | Thursday, September 17, 2015

Related »

Message to Illegal Immigrants from Hungary

Refugee Crisis Escalates as Migrants Break through Hungarian Border

THE GUARDIAN: Clashes with police follow moves by desperate refugees to break through a border gate, as others make their way to Croatia

Europe’s biggest refugee crisis since the second world war entered a new phase on Wednesday as hundreds of trapped refugees briefly broke through a border gate on the now-blocked Hungarian border, leading to frenzied clashes with Hungarian police, while hundreds of others forged a new route through Croatia.

Hungarian riot police fired teargas and water cannon across the border with Serbia after frustrated crowds, who had gathered there in their thousands when Hungary closed its frontier on Tuesday, tried to burst through a gate that connects the two countries. Hungary’s actions were met with fury by the Serbian government, which said its northern neighbours had no right to fire into Serbian territory. » | Patrick Kingsley in Šid and Horgoš | Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tsunami Alert Issued after 7.9-magnitude Earthquake Strikes off Chile's Coast

FOX NEWS: SANTIAGO, Chile – A powerful earthquake shook Chile's capital Wednesday night, causing buildings to sway and people to take refuge in the streets.

Several strong aftershocks hits within minutes as tsunami alarms sounded in the port of Valparaiso and authorities issued a tsunami alert for the country's entire coast. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Geert Wilders: Europas Bedrohung durch die Islamisierung

Rede von Geert Wilders, dem Vorsitzenden der niederländischen Partei für die Freiheit (PVV), zum Thema "Europas Bedrohung durch die Islamisierung" am 27. März 2015 in der Wiener Hofburg.

Heinz-Christian Strache: Europas Bedrohung durch die Islamisierung

Rede von FPÖ-Obmann HC Strache zum Thema "Europas Bedrohung durch die Islamisierung" am 27. März 2015 in der Wiener Hofburg.

Strache: "Klaren Blick auf die Realität bewahren"

KRONEN ZEITUNG: FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache hat sich am Mittwoch mittels Videobotschaft zur Flüchtlingskrise geäußert. In der sechseinhalbminütigen Aufnahme wendet er sich mit einer "Grundsatzerklärung" an die Österreicher: "Gerade Menschlichkeit und Mitgefühl verlangen es in diesen Tagen und Wochen von uns, einen klaren Blick zu bewahren: einen Blick auf die Realität."

Die Politik sei gefragt, die "wirklich Verfolgten zu schützen", aber auch gleichzeitig darauf zu achten, dass "unsere Österreicherinnen und Österreicher nicht selbst Opfer unkontrollierbarer Entwicklungen werden". In beiden Fällen habe die Regierung versagt. "Ich halte es für unverantwortlich, davon zu reden, dass diese Zuwanderung auch nur ansatzweise verkraftbar ist", sagt Strache im Video.

Anschließend stellt der FPÖ- Chef einige Fragen, beispielsweise: "Woher soll der Wohnraum für all die fremden Menschen kommen?", oder "Wie viel kostet das alles und woher soll das Geld kommen?" Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen seien klare Grundsätze und Regeln nötig. (+ Video) » | red | Mittwoch, 16. September 2015

Bachar al-Assad accuse l'Occident sur les migrants

Le président syrien Bachar al-Assad.
LE MATIN: ETAT ISLAMIQUE — Le président syrien impute l'afflux de réfugiés syriens en Europe au soutien de l'Occident aux «terroristes» responsables selon lui de la guerre dans son pays.

«C'est comme si l'Occident pleurait d'un oeil sur les réfugiés et du second les visait avec une arme», a déclaré le chef de l'Etat syrien lors d'un entretien à des médias russes diffusé mercredi.

«L'Occident (...) soutient les terroristes depuis le début de la crise et (fait porter la responsabilité de ce qui se passe) sur le régime ou sur le président syrien», a-t-il souligné dans sa première réaction au drame des migrants en Europe.

Le régime de Damas désigne comme «terroristes» tous ses opposants: les dissidents politiques qui ont choisi la lutte pacifique, les rebelles qui ont pris les armes et les djihadistes dont ceux du groupe Etat islamique (EI). » | ats/nxp | mercredi 16 septembre 2015

Quotas: pourquoi l'Europe centrale ne veut pas des migrants

L’EXPRESS: Hongrie, Pologne, République Tchèque, Slovaquie, mais aussi la Roumanie sont, plus que les pays de l'Ouest ou du Nord du continent, farouchement hostiles à l'accueil des réfugiés sur leur sol. Quelles particularités expliquent ce repli?

L'Allemagne, a menacé, mardi, de réduire les fonds structurels versés par l'Union européenne aux pays qui rejettent l'idée de quotas de répartition des réfugiés et migrants, après l'échec d'une réunion européenne, la veille. Hormis le Danemark, les pays les plus hostiles à l'accueil des réfugiés sont des pays de l'ex-Europe de l'Est. Comment expliquer leur rejet, souvent porté par l'opinion publique? » | Par Catherine Gouëset | mercredi 16 septembre 2015

'Caliphate Better Than Britain' - Anjem Choudary

That's what he said at a rally in April

Muslim Cleric: ISIS Infiltrating Europe through Migrants

Anjem Choudary
WND: Anjem Choudary sees advance of Islam through crisis

In an interview Tuesday with WND, British Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary stated ISIS “undoubtedly” is taking advantage of the migrant crisis rocking Europe, using the displaced Syrians as cover to bring jihadists to the West.

“Undoubtedly this will be seen as one of the avenues that the Islamic State employ in order to get their own people in position to where they may be able to confront who they see to be the enemies who are leading the campaign against them,” Choudary stated.

“So I think this is a very real possibility,” he continued. “It’s probably already happening. The extent of it is very difficult to know until it has some kind of manifestation.” » | Aaron Klein | Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hungary: Police Deploy Tear Gas and Water Cannon against Refugees at Border

Hungarian police deployed tear gas and water cannon against refugees who broke through a razor wire fence at the Horgos border crossing with Serbia on Wednesday.

Germany: Blood on Frankfurt's Streets as Turkish and Kurdish Protesters Clash

Clashes erupted in Frankfurt between Turkish nationalists and pro-Kurdish protesters as riot police struggled to keep the groups apart, Thursday, September 10. Rival groups reportedly attacked each other with knives, screw-drivers and bottles. The violence resulted in multiple injuries and 50 arrests.

Horst Seehofer zur Flüchtlingsproblematik

Horst Seehofer spricht zur aktuellen Asylpolitik und die Fehler von Angela Merkel

Asylanten: Das größte Thema derzeit in Deutschland. Immer mehr Wirtschaftsfüchtlinge drängen nach Deutschland. Angela Merkel hadert immer noch.

Solche Tänze kommen bald zu einem Platz in der Nähe von Ihnen, in mehreren Städten Deutschlands, dank Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik. Die Islamisierung/Arabisierung Deutschlands/Europas ist in vollem Gange

Auf Wiedersehen Jesus Christus! Hallo Prophet Muhammad! Willkommen in Deutschland! Willkommen in Europa!

Outrage against Christians: Public Schools in US Shun Christianity, Welcome Islam

CHRISTIAN TODAY: Christians are up in arms against what they perceive to be a radical and sudden transformation of the American public school system where Christianity is being eased out of children's education and replaced with Islamic "indoctrination."

In its latest report, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) said students in US public schools are now being forced to learn how to convert to Islam and recite "Allah is the only God."

"It's Islamic indoctrination right here in our schools," the organisation said.

Several concerned parents in Tennessee and other parts of the county have been in touch with ACLJ and raised concerns over the things their children are being taught in school. Brandee Porterfield, one of the parents, told Fox News that her seventh grade daughter is learning about Islam as part of world history in her class at the Spring Hill Middle School in Maury County, Tennessee.

"They did this assignment where they wrote out the Five Pillars of Islam, including having the children learn and write the Shahada, which is the Islamic conversion creed," she explained.

When she approached the Spring Hill Middle School teacher and principal and asked if there would be similar lessons on Christianity and Judaism, she discovered that the upcoming lessons are only on Hinduism and Buddhism. The only difference in the future lessons is that the students will not be memorising a creed dealing with those religions. » | Czarina Ong | Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Syria 'In a State of Complete War' with Terrorism - Assad (Full Interview)

As the Syrian crisis enters its fifth year, tension in the country is still growing. Bashar Assad, the President of Syria, gives an interview to key Russian media, revealing his view on political progress, the Syrian crisis, its allies and its war on terrorism

Danish Teenage Girl Stabbed Mother to Death after Watching Isil Videos with Islamist Boyfriend

Teenager Lisa Borch
THE TELEGRAPH: Lisa Borch was 15 when she stabbed her mother 20 times after becoming radicalised by an Iraqi boyfriend she reportedly met at a refugee centre

A Danish teenager stabbed her own mother to death after becoming radicalised by watching Islamic State videos of beheadings with an Islamist boyfriend twice her age.

Lisa Borch, then 15, attacked Tina Römer Holtegaard while she slept in her bed in her home in Kvissel, a tiny village near the northern tip of Jutland last October.

She stabbed her victim 20 times after spending hours on YouTube watching footage of the decapitations of the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (Isil)'s victims David Haines and Alan Henning.

The court heard how Ms Borch and Iraqi Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 39, the radical Muslim boyfriend sentenced for carrying out the murder with her, relaxed in the evenings by watching bloody Isil executions on YouTube.

After the murder, Ms Borch rang the police to report the crime. » | Richard Orange in Malmö | Tuesday, September 15, 2015