Friday, September 11, 2015

Lest We Forget: 9/11 Remembered

9/11 Close Up. Not for the faint-hearted. These scenes are not suitable for children. (18+ only!)

LIVE: 9/11 Anniversary - US Remembers Victims

Government officials and ordinary citizens are gathering across the US to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The suicide attacks claimed the lives of almost 3,000 people when four hijacked airplanes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Virginia and a field in Shanksville.

Saudi Arabia Offers Germany 200 Mosques – One For Every 100 Refugees Who Arrived Last Weekend

THE INDEPENDENT: The kingdom has faced criticism over its response to the crisis

Saudi Arabia has reportedly responded to the growing number of people fleeing the Middle East for western Europe – by offering to build 200 mosques in Germany.

Syria’s richer Gulf neighbours have been accused of not doing their fair share in the humanitarian crisis, with Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE also keeping their doors firmly shut to asylum-seekers. » | Adam Withnall | Friday, September 11, 2015

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die arabische Halbinsel schottet sich ab: Die Golfstaaten und Saudi-Arabien stellen sich taub gegenüber ihren muslimischen Glaubensbrüdern aus den Bürgerkriegsstaaten. Riad möchte lieber für die syrischen Flüchtlinge in Deutschland 200 Moscheen bauen. » | Rainer Hermann | Dienstag, 8. September 2015

Related »

Video Shows Refugees Fed 'Like Animals in Pen' in Hungary Camp

THE TELEGRAPH: Austrian volunteer who filmed footage in Hungary's Roszke camp says treatment of refugees "like Guantanamo in Europe"

Disturbing footage emerged on Friday of the way migrants are being treated inside Hungary's main refugee camp on the border with Serbia, with images showing families fed "like animals in a pen".

The video, shot secretly by an Austrian volunteer who visited the flashpoint Roszke camp on Wednesday, shows some 150 people wildly scrambling for bags of sandwiches thrown at them by Hungarian police wearing helmets and hygiene masks in a fenced-in enclosure inside a big hall.

Hungarian police said on Friday they had launched an investigation into the video.

In an e-mailed response, police said they had launched an "emergency enquiry" into the matter, describing it as a fact-finding investigation, without elaborating. (+ video) » | Telegraph Video, and AFP, video source Michaela Spritzendorfer-Ehrenhauser | Friday, September 11, 2015

European Refugee Crisis - The Anatomy of a Cover-up

‪The Glazov Gang:‬ The Problem With ISNA Influence on Mosques in America

The Glazov Gang-The Problem With ISNA Influence on Mosques in America. Dr. Mark Christian (President, Global Faith Institute)

HT: Jamie Glazov @ Jihad Watch »

Saudi Arabia Won’t Take Any Syrian Refugees, But Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Them in Germany

JIHAD WATCH: This tells you all you need to know about the “refugee” crisis in Europe. It is, as I said, a hijrah: a migration for the sake of Allah, to plant Islam in a new land. If they were really refugees, the Saudis would take them. But no, they are invaders, and the Saudis are offering to make things easier for them by providing them with facilities for the invasion — remember, four separate studies since 1998 have shown that 80% of Saudi-funded mosques in the U.S. teach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity to replace the Constitution with Sharia. » | Robert Spencer | Thursday, September 10, 2015

TAGES ANZEIGER: Saudischer König will für Flüchtlinge in Deutschland 200 Moscheen bauen » | Dienstag, 8. September 2015

Netanyahu in Britain: Mideast Crumbling in Face of Radical Islam

THE JERUSALEM POST: Prime Minister Netanyahu declares he is ready to immediately renew peace negotiations with the Palestinians without preconditions.

The Middle East is disintegrating in the face of extreme Shi'a radicalism embodied by Iran, and extreme Sunni extremism incarnated by Islamic State, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the outset of a meeting Thursday in London with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Netanyahu said that this – and how to “roll back the tide of militant Islam both in the Middle East and North Africa” – was one of three main issues he wanted to discuss with Cameron.

The second “no less important” issue, he said, was peace. (+ video) » | Herb Keinon | Thursday, September 10, 2015

Is This the ‘Religion of Peace’ Our Politicians Keep Harping On about? Islamic School Teachers Beat Boy, 10, So Badly He Loses Hair from Stress

Mohammed Waqar and his father Mohammed Siddique
THE TELEGRAPH: Mohammed Siddique and son Mohammed Waqar sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court after admitting wilful cruelty to young boy in lessons

Islamic school teachers who brutally beat a 10-year-old pupil until he lost his hair from worry have each been jailed for a year.

Mohammed Siddique, 60, and his 24-year-old son Mohammed Waqar were sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court after admitting wilful cruelty to the boy in lessons.

Judge Mark Wall QC told the pair "it would not be right" to suspend the jail terms, because a message had to be sent that such "brutality" had no place in classrooms. He said: "Acts of brutality of this sort which you each indulged in, with a stick, will not be tolerated."

Their victim was beaten with a plastic stick and given back-handed slaps by tutors for "talking in the classroom" or failing to properly recite the Koran at Sparkbrook Islamic centre, attached to the Jamia Mosque, in Birmingham.

The assaults happened on four separate occasions, with photographs of the boy's injuries showing "extensive" bruising to the backs of his legs. » | Agency | Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Poland Launches Probe into Calls to Send Refugees to Auschwitz Camp

In Poland, calls to send refugees to former Nazi camps and have them murdered, appeared in the comments of a local TV channel's social network page. The prosecutor's office in Warsaw has launched an inquiry into incitement of national and religious hatred. The racist comments included calls to exterminate migrants and refugees at Auschwitz.

Islamic Extremists 'Trying to Recruit Syrian Refugees in Germany'

German Salafist preacher Pierre Vogel
THE TELEGRAPH: Islamic extremists in Germany are trying to recruit Syrian refugees to their cause, warns country’s domestic security service

Islamic extremists in Germany are trying to recruit Syrian refugees to their cause, the country’s domestic security service has said.

The warning came as one of Germany’s best known Islamist preachers published a list of suggestions for his followers on how best to approach refugees.

Pierre Vogel, a former boxer and convert to Islam who has been described as “Germany’s most influential Salafist preacher”, a puritan branch of Sunni Islam, called on his followers to seek out new recruits at government refugee shelters.

The preacher told his followers to take gifts and donations with them, and to volunteer to help staff with the influx. If the offer was refused, they should seek out newly arrived refugees at nearby mosques where they would go to pray, he said. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yazidi Girl: I Was Enslaved by ISIS Leader

A young Yazidi woman tells CNN's Atika Shubert that she was handpicked by ISIS leader Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi, held captive and forced to serve his wives and children.

Österreich stoppt Zugverkehr mit Ungarn: «Die Züge waren an der Grenze völlig überfüllt»

Bruxelles veut que la Suisse accueille des réfugiés

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: La Commission européenne veut inclure la Suisse dans la répartition des réfugiés.

La Commission européenne souhaite que la Suisse participe à l'avenir à la clé de répartition permanente des réfugiés, en tant qu'Etat associé aux accords de Dublin. Mais un flou subsiste sur cette «obligation».

Dans sa proposition, adoptée jeudi par le Parlement européen, la Commission européenne prévoit de créer un mécanisme de répartition permanent et contraignant. Le texte fait référence à l'accord de Dublin passé avec quatre pays non-membres de l'UE, soit la Suisse, l'Islande, la Norvège et le Liechtenstein. » | jeudi 9 septembre 2015

Dutch MP Geert Wilders Speaks to the Invasion of Europe Underway

V DARE: Geert Wilders Demands Netherlands Reject Bogus Refugees » | Brenda Walker | Sunday, September 6, 2015

Isis Shows Hostages 'For Sale': Militants Claim to Have Captured Norwegian and Chinese Nationals

THE INDEPENDENT: The Norwegian government has confirmed one of its citizens is being held in Syria, but says 'Norway does not pay ransom'

The Isis militant group claims it has taken a Norwegian and a Chinese man as hostages, and has posted notices describing the two men as “for sale” in the latest edition of its propaganda magazine.

Pictures of the men dressed in yellow jumpsuits appeared in the final pages of the 11th edition of “Dabiq”, an online English-language magazine released by the group’s media arm.

In what it describes as a “limited time offer”, Isis names the men along with details of their ages and occupations and provides a telegram number. It says: “Whoever would like to pay the ransom for his release and transfer can contact the following.” » | Adam Withnall | Thursday, September 10, 2015

ISIS Recruits Shout "Allah Akbar" in 'Refugee' Trains Going to Germany

Germany: Nazi Salutes and Scuffles as BÄRGIDA Protest Islamism in Berlin

Scuffles broke out as some 100 far-right demonstrators from BÄRGIDA, the Berlin offshoot of 'anti-Islamist' protest group PEGIDA, took to the streets of Berlin on Monday, decrying Islamism in Europe.

Muslim Migrants Chant 'F*** You' and ' Allahu Akbar' in Budapest

Denmark Suspends Ferries as Migrants Demand Route to Sweden

Danish police clash with one of around 300 migrants who were
walking north on a highway in southern Denmark
THE TELEGRAPH: Ferries from Germany closed to trains after migrants refuse to disembark in Denmark, demanding to be taken on to Sweden

A major ferry crossing from Germany to Denmark has been partly closed after hundreds of migrants refused to disembark on arrival, demanding to be taken onward to Sweden, as Europe's migrant crisis spreads northward.

The crossing from Puttgarden to Rodby, Scandinavia's busiest ferry route to Germany, is usually open to car and train passengers.

But operators suspended the latter route after two trains carrying around 350 refugees spent Wednesday stuck in Rodby, demanding to continue on to Sweden.

The refugees refused to register with Danish authorities, which would mean having to apply for asylum in Denmark or returning to Germany, preferring instead to seek asylum in Sweden, where asylum conditions are more generous. » | Telegraph’s Foreign Staff | Wednesday, September 9, 2015