Thursday, September 10, 2015

Al Qaeda Mag Urges Attack on Koch Brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg

NBC NEWS: A notorious Al Qaeda magazine is encouraging lone-wolf terrorist attacks on U.S. economic leaders, including Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett.

The list in Inspire magazine also included industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch, internet entrepreneur Larry Ellison, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, economist Robert Shiller, and former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke. Not mentioned is Janet Yellen, who succeeded Bernanke as Fed chairman.

Also pictured was Jim Walton, one of the heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune, although he was misidentified in the caption as his late father, Sam Walton. Several other names on the list were misspelled.

The slickly produced magazine article begins with a photo illustration showing blood-spattered pictures of several of the leaders next to a dripping gun. Its stated goal is to derail the "revival of the America Economy."

The article says the "economic personalities" and "wealthy entrepreneurs" can get off the list by withdrawing their money from U.S. banks, investing their wealth outside American soil, and denouncing support for Israel.

Shiller, a Nobel Prize winner, said he was shocked to learn his name was on the list.

"Why me? I am non-plussed. Why I am included?" he said. "I was just in Istanbul for an Islamic finance forum, part of the G20. I quoted Mohammed. I'm sympathetic to the Islamic community." » | Robert Windrem and Tracy Connor | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Salafisten auf Rekrutierungstour unter Flüchtlingen

Koran-Verteilung durch Salafisten in Wuppertal (Archivbild)
DIE WELT: Kaum im sicheren Deutschland angekommen, geraten Flüchtlinge aus Syrien ins Visier von muslimischen Fanatikern. Der Salafisten-Prediger Pierre Vogel rät seinen Anhängern: "Bringt Geschenke mit!"

Jeden Tag kommen sie mit Zügen aus Südeuropa an: Flüchtlinge aus Syrien. Sie sind dem Krieg entkommen, den Fassbomben des Assad-Regimes und dem Terror des Islamischen Staates. Doch in Deutschland werden sie nicht nur von Hilfsorganisationen und ehrenamtlich engagierten Bürgern erwartet. Sondern auch von Salafisten, die in ihnen potenzielle Rekruten für ihren fanatischen Glauben sehen.

Der in Bergheim (Nordrhein-Westfalen) lebende salafistische Prediger Pierre Vogel hat bereits eine Liste von Ratschlägen veröffentlicht, wie sich Salafisten am besten den Flüchtlingen nähern sollen. Vogel rät seinen Anhängern, Teams zu bilden und alle Flüchtlingsunterkünfte in ihrer Umgebung ausfindig zu machen und zu besuchen.

Auch, wie man die Herzen der meist mittellosen Flüchtlinge erreicht, glaubt Vogel zu wissen: "Bringt Geschenke mit!" Dem Personal der Unterkunft sollen die Salafisten ihre Hilfe anbieten; und wenn diese abgelehnt wird, solle man in nahe gelegenen Moscheen das Gespräch mit den Flüchtlingen suchen. (+ Video) » | Von Stefan Laurin | Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Europe Faces Political War On Two Fronts As Backlash Builds

A migrant group walks between the railroad tracks near
Roszke village on the Hungarian-Serbian border
THE TELEGRAPH: The EU's Eastern states shocked to lose their sovereignty over borders, just as southern Europe lost economic sovereignty by joining the euro.

The European Union is fracturing along multiple lines of cleavage, torn by an emerging Kulturkampf over migrant flows before it has overcome the bitter conflict at the heart of monetary union.

“The bell tolls, the time has come,” said Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission, in his State of the Union speech.

"We have to look at the huge issues with which the European Union is now confronted. Our Union is not in a good situation,” he said.

Perhaps it would be churlish to point out that the cause of this near existential breakdown is a series of moves that have his fingerprints all over them: » | Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Rede der Bundeskanzlerin im Bundestag zu Haushalt und Flüchtlingskrise

Deutschland ist wirtschaftlich stark. Der Haushalt 2016 kommt ohne neue Schulden aus. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist so niedrig wie seit 1991 nicht. Deshalb kann unser Land in die Zukunft investieren – und auch die Flüchtlingssituation meistern. Das sagte Angela Merkel heute im #Bundestag.

Britain Can Stay ‘In’, Says Juncker, But Then It Should Butt Out

David Cameron and Jean[-]Claude Juncker deep in discussion
THE TELEGRAPH: There was no attempt to sugar the pill in Strasbourg today when Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his 'State of the Union' address

Even when times are tough American presidents always declare the state of their union to be “strong”, or something similarly optimistic, but after a year of near perpetual crisis in Europe Jean-Claude Juncker was past pretending: the European Union, he said, is not in “a good state”.

But if this occasion was a showcase for the European Commission president to lay down a vision for how to fix the continent’s ills, from the recent migrant crisis to the still-wobbly euro, it did not inspire confidence.

Mr Juncker spoke for 90 minutes – an absurdly long time – prescribing “more Europe” as the panacea for everything while being heckled from the upper slopes of the chamber by an assortment of anti-Federalist MEPs, including some from our own Ukip.

As a spectacle, it was risible – but that cannot distract from the fact that Mr Juncker is right about one thing: Europe’s challenges have now taken on an existential quality. » | Peter Foster | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wegen Papst-Cover: Saudi-Arabien verbietet „National Geographic“

Verboten: Das katholischer Kirchenoberhaupt
in der Sixtinischen Kapelle.
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Saudi-Arabien verbietet die aktuelle arabische Ausgabe des Magazins „National Geographic“. Anlass ist das Cover und möglicherweise auch die Titelgeschichte.

Die aktuelle Ausgabe des Magazins „National Geographic“ darf in Saudi-Arabien nicht verkauft werden. Auf dem Cover ist der Papst mit der Schlagzeile „Die Kirchenreform – so führt Franziskus die stille Revolution an“ zu sehen. Das reichte offenbar aus, um das Heft in Saudi-Arabien verbieten zu lassen.

Alsaa Omar al-Menhaly, der Chefredakteur des Magazins, entschuldigte sich auf Twitter bei seinen Lesern, die bereits seit einer Woche auf die neue Ausgabe warteten: Das Magazin dürfe „aus kulturellen Gründen“ nicht veröffentlicht werden. In Saudi-Arabien ist es nicht nur verboten, christliche oder jüdische Gottesdienste zu feiern, auch der Import und das öffentliche Tragen von religiösen Symbolen wie Kreuzen, Bibeln oder Rosenkränzen steht unter Strafe. » | Von Kornelius Friz | Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

Inside Story: Desperate Journeys

Refugees cross into Germany after torturous journey from war-torn countries.

Europe Divided Over Growing Refugee Crisis

The European Commission has presented a seven-step solution to tackling the ever-growing refugee crisis swamping the continent. And, in the process, it's accusing member countries of lacking unity in handling the situation. But despite the gravity of the problem facing Europe, the parliament session still occasionally descended into a less-serious mood. Germany is, by far, the favored destination for migrants and refugees coming to Europe.

Cold Welcome: Protesters Flock to London in Rally against Netanyahu Visit

While the Israeli Prime Minister is due in London today, he might not get a very warm welcome. Protests over his visit are taking place and RT's Polly Boiko is following them for us.

Germany Torn by Migrant Hatred

What P****s Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Pro-refugee Protesters in Switzerland

Riot police fired rubber bullets at a crowd of pro-refugee protesters in Zurich on Saturday.

'You've Simply Got It Wrong' Farage Blasts EU's Juncker as He Dishes Out Refugee QUOTAS

Nigel Farage has blasted Jean-Claude Juncker for his
'compulsory' refugee quotas
EXPRESS: NIGEL Farage has blasted the European Union for allowing migrants to "flow" into Europe in "biblical proportions" as Jean-Claude Juncker sets out COMPULSORY refugee quotas to share 160,000 asylum seekers.

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has called for solidarity from the EU's 28 member states in responding to Europe's worst migration crisis since the Second World War.

Criticising Europe's failure to come up with a united response to the hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving on its shores, Mr Juncker said quotas will now be "compulsory".

He took a swipe at David Cameron's refusal to voluntarily sign up to the quota, saying he hoped this time "everybody will be on board".

As he dishes out quotas for each country in the Schengen open borders arrangement, Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: "Mr Juncker you've simply got this wrong."

He said his stark warning in April, that the terms of the European Common Asylum Policy were set so wife [sic] that "anyone who sets a foot on EU soil can stay".

He added: "I said it would lead to a flow of biblical proportions and indeed that is what we are beginning to see and that's been compounded by Germany last week saying that basically anyone can come. » | Selina Sykes | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Refugee Crisis: Juncker Calls for EU to Take 'Bold, Concerted Action'

European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker
addresses the European parliament in Strasbourg.
THE GUARDIAN: European commission president uses first state of the union address to urge member states to accept plan to relocate 160,000 refugees

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European commission, has called for “bold, concerted action” to deal with Europe’s most serious refugee crisis since the second world war.

In his first annual state of the union address before the European parliament in Strasbourg, Juncker urged member states to accept the commission’s plan to relocate 160,000 refugees fleeing war and terror.

Juncker acknowledged that the numbers of people arriving in Europe was “frightening” for some, but declared: “Now is not the time for fright, this is time for bold, concerted action. It is a matter of humanity and dignity, for Europe it is a matter for historical fairness.”

Recalling past waves of migration, Juncker reminded his audience that Europe was the world’s wealthiest and most stable continent.

“We have the means to help those fleeing war and terror. There is certainly an unprecedented number of refugees, but it is just 0.11% of Europe’s population. Refugees represent 25% of Lebanon’s population,” said Juncker. » | Mark Tran | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Queen Becomes Longest-reigning Monarch - 'A Record She Would Rather Not Have Had'

THE TELEGRAPH: David Cameron will lead the world's tributes to a monarch who has served the Commonwealth through the Cold War, the Space Age and the Internet Age

In her 21st birthday broadcast to the Commonwealth, Princess Elizabeth memorably promised that “my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service”.

She could not have expected as she said those words that the burden of monarchy would fall on her shoulders so soon afterwards, but more than 63 years after she ascended the throne, the Queen has never wavered from that pledge.

On a day of history, of celebration and gratitude as she becomes our longest-reigning monarch, David Cameron will express the thanks of a nation for her "remarkable record" of duty.

In turn, Her Majesty is expected to make a brief reference to her achievement in surpassing her great-great grandmother Queen Victoria when she opens a new railway in the Scottish Borders. Read on and comment » | Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter | Tuesday, Sepptember 8, 2015

THE DAILY MAIL: DOMINIC SANDBROOK: Let's be frank: The young woman who became Queen in 1952 could not have imagined the Britain of today » | Dominic Sandbrook for The Daily Mail | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

'Terrorist Don't Move by Timetable, Our Borders Completely Open' - Former German Deputy Defense Minister

The unending influx of migrants has reinvigorated fears that Islamic State fighters could be hiding among the crowds storming Europe's borders. Some reports suggest that thousands of extremists have already been smuggled in. Germany's Federal Intelligence Service chief Gerhard Schindler said that terrorists would rather travel by plane on forged documents than use overcrowded migrant routes. But a former German Deputy Defence Minister Willy Wimmer doesn't quite buy that.

Österreich: Strache zum aktuellen Flüchtlingsstrom | FPÖ-Wahlkampfauftakt 2015

Germany Faces Massive Anti-migrant vs Pro-migrant Standoff

Germany is once again in the midst of massive anti-immigration rallies, which are often met with counter-marches, dividing the country in two. The latest demonstrations saw thousands of right-wing protesters expressing anger over the influx of refugees.

A l'université d'été du FN, Marine Le Pen tente de capitaliser sur le "fardeau" de l'immigration

Devant environ 3 500 personnes, la présidente du Front national a érigé pendant une heure et quart la crise migratoire comme numéro un des "gigantesques défis" que la France doit selon elle affronter.

A l'université d'été du FN, Marine Le Pen... by francetvinfo

Selon Marine Le Pen, la majorité des migrants qui arrivent de Syrie «ne sont pas des réfugiés politiques»

La présidente du Front national refuse de dire que les migrants, et plus particulièrement les Syriens fuyant le régime de Bachar el-Assad, sont persécutés. Invitée ce lundi sur iTélé, Marine Le Pen assure que «la majorité de ces gens qui arrivent ne sont pas des réfugiés politiques».

«Si l'on s'en tient aux critères de l'asile, il faut être persécuté par le gouvernement en place. Ceux qui sont actuellement combattus par le gouvernement en place, ce sont les fondamentalistes islamistes. Alors vous voyez qu'avec ce genre de critères, on se prépare peut-être à des lendemains qui déchantent.»

Selon Marine Le Pen, la majorité des migrants... by libezap