Friday, August 28, 2015

Ouverture d'une agence spécialisée en finance islamique

Ce type de finance interdit la spéculation, le recours aux taux
d'intérêts, les produits ayant une incertitude excessive ou les
investissements considérés comme «nuisibles à la societé »
(tabac, alcool, armement, pornographie ou jeux d'argent).
LE MATIN: FRANCE — Une start-up spécialisée dans la finance islamique, proposait déjà ses services en ligne, a ouvert une agence en région parisienne.

NoorAssur, start-up spécialisée dans la finance islamique, indique vendredi avoir ouvert sa première agence en région parisienne et vise l'ouverture d'une vingtaine d'agences en France courant 2016.

Selon la jeune pousse, c'est la première agence dédiée à la finance islamique ouverte en France.

Ce type de finance, qui respecte la loi islamique (charia), interdit la spéculation, le recours aux taux d'intérêts, qui sont assimilés à l'usure, les produits ayant une incertitude excessive ou les investissements considérés comme nuisibles à la société (tabac, alcool, armement, pornographie ou jeux d'argent).

Créée en 2012, Noorassur qui proposait jusqu'ici ses services uniquement sur internet, revendique 7 millions d'euros d'épargne collectée. » | afp/Newsnet | vendredi 28 août 2015

Two French Journalists Arrested in Blackmail of Moroccan King

THE TELEGRAPH: Eric Laurent and Catherine Graciet are accused of demanding £2.2 million to keep a book about Morocco's King Mohammed VI unpublished

Two French journalists have been arrested in France for allegedly trying to blackmail Morocco's King Mohammed VI, the Paris prosecutor's office and a lawyer for the monarch have said.

The prosecutor's office said the two, Eric Laurent and Catherine Graciet, remained in detention on Friday. » | AP | Friday, August 28, 2015

Push to Make Australia a Republic Is 'Doomed,' Says Prime Minister Tony Abbott

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott
THE TELEGRAPH: The Australian leader has dismissed calls to remove the Queen as head of state

Australia's Prime Minister has dismissed calls for the country to become a republic, in spite of his own treasurer leading the cross-party campaign.

Conservative leader Tony Abbott insisted that efforts to resurrect a push for Australia to become a republic were "doomed" and said he doubted the Australian people would support the campaign.

Its torchbearer, Treasurer Joe Hockey, is leading a bipartisan lobbying group which has called for a plebiscite to be held by 2020 on having an Australian head of state. » | James Rothwell | Thursday, August 27, 2015

North Korea's Shiny New Airport Falls Short of Expectations

THE GUARDIAN: After Air Koyro is declared the world’s worst airline, a visit to Pyongyang International suggests tourist facilities offer little improvement

Pyongyang’s shiny new airport building has all the features international travellers have come to expect.

On arrival passengers see coffee and well-stocked souvenir shops, a DVD stand, information desk and a slickly produced billboard showing a crew of the nation’s flag-carrier, Air Koryo, looking sharp in their blue and red uniforms. There are even two chocolate fountains. One for white chocolate and the other one for dark.

But some of the amenities lose their luster upon closer examination. Case in point: the internet room appears to be missing the internet. » | Eric Talmadge in Pyongyang, Associated Press | Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Op-Ed: Only Israel, Not the West, Grants Civilization Hope of Survival

ARUTZ SHEVA: The West is in retreat from the world, has lost all the spiritual and cultural values on which Europe was founded.

St. Elian was a young doctor originally from Homs, in Syria, who was killed in 284 C.E. by his father, a Roman legionnaire, for refusing to renounce his Christian faith. His bones were preserved in a monastery in Qaryatayn. The Islamist bulldozers of IS razed it to the ground and scattered the bones of the Christian saint.

The image is reminiscent of another digger who in 1931, under the orders of Stalin, razed the Church of the Saviour. On the ruins of this beautiful church the largest pool of the Soviet Union was then built.

"All forms of collective violence have a religious dimension" Roger Scruton, the most influential English philosopher, professor at St. Andrews University, a fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Literature tells me in our conversation. "Christians are vulnerable and ISIS will go on with their decimation and will not stop until the West militarily attacks the Islamic State. The West is in retreat from the world, has lost all the spiritual and cultural values on which Europe was founded. Otherwise, facing these reports of Christians killed and churches destroyed, the West would immediately intervene against ISIS. But it will be punished, even by its own European multiculturalism". Read on and comment » | Giulio Meotti | Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Israeli Doctor Fired for 'Anti-Gay' Remarks: No Regrets

Dr. Sudi Namir, who was fired from the Israel Medical Association Ethics Committee for controversial comments he made about homosexuals on an internet forum, has defended his comments in an exclusive interview with Arutz Sheva.

Pakistan's Hidden Shame

Inside Story: Why Is ISIL Targeting Cultural Heritage?

The armed group's destruction of ancient sites in Syria and Iraq is drawing condemnation worldwide.

Captured, Sold, Raped: ISIS Turns Thousands of Christian Women and Children into Sex Slaves

Since the Iraqi city of Mosul was captured by ISIS many women and children have been kidnapped by ISIS fighters.

An organisation to help save those victims has been founded recently by Steve Maman. It uses crowd funded donations to pay for the captives' release, but does not have any contact with - and does not pay ransoms to - ISIS fighters.

Millionen junge Europäer ohne Job bedrohen den sozialen Frieden

TAGES ANZEIGER: In Europa sind 7,5 Millionen Menschen unter 25 Jahren seit Jahren ohne Job. Die Aussichten, dass sie jemals den Einstieg in die Arbeitswelt schaffen, sind schlecht. Trotzdem halten sie still.

Europas hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ist eines der grossen Übel unserer Zeit. Vor allem im Süden des Kontinents droht es einer ganzen Generation das Leben zu vermiesen. Seine toxische Wirkung wird noch jahrzehntelang anhalten, selbst wenn sich die Lage irgendwann wieder bessern sollte. Aber das ist keineswegs sicher. 7,5 Millionen Europäer unter 25 Jahren haben keine Arbeit und keinen Ausbildungsplatz; europaweit beträgt die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit mehr als 21 Prozent, in Griechenland überschreitet sie die Marke von 50 Prozent, in Spanien liegt sie knapp darunter. Aber auch in einigen mitteleuropäischen und nördlichen Ländern, etwa in Belgien, Polen, Irland oder Schweden, ist mindestens jeder fünfte junge Erwachsene betroffen. Und in Wirklichkeit ist die Situation noch schlimmer, als es die Statistiken ausweisen. Denn es genügt, dass ein Jugendlicher eine einzige Stunde pro Woche arbeitet, ob bezahlt oder umsonst, um nicht mehr als erwerbslos zu gelten. » | Von Sandro Benini, Co-Leiter International | Mittwoch, 26. August 2015

Merkel Booed by Nationalists for Pro-refugee Policies, Trolled on Internet for Previous Silence

Chancellor Merkel has been booed by a crowd of nationalists - angry about her pro-migrant policies. The incident happened during a visit to a town near Dresden, where violent anti-refugee protests took place over the weekend. While the government has been slammed for inaction, many Germans have been making sure their views are heard... Some analysts believe the German government's policies have divided the public.

Angela Merkel Warns against Intolerance towards Refugees

The German chancellor's visit to the Heidenau refugee centre,
greeted above, by a placard reading "traitor of the people" came
a day after Berlin said it had eased some asylum rules.
THE GUARDIAN: Chancellor dismisses ‘traitor’ jibes from far-right hecklers at Saxony refugee shelter and thanks Germans trying to help asylum seekers

Angela Merkel was met by a barrage of whistles, boos and calls of traitor when she visited an emergency asylum seeker and refugee centre near Dresden. She insisted that hatred towards refugees would not be tolerated.

About 50 protesters had gathered outside the disused DIY store turned reception centre in Heidenau, Saxony, as the German chancellor, on Wednesday, made her first visit to a refugee shelter. Her visit reportedly followed criticism that she had failed to openly condemn recent violence against the large numbers of refugees arriving in Germany.

In a protest organised on social media by far-right groups car horns were blown to try to block out her words. Merkel insisted on the importance of “human and dignified treatment” of asylum seekers. “There will be no tolerance towards those who are not prepared to help,” she said. “The more people that make that clear, the stronger we will be.” » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Gotthard Base Tunnel: The World’s Longest Railway Tunnel

Switzerland completes work on the world’s longest tunnel 8,000 feet beneath the Alps »

Sick Islamic State Video Shows Toddler Beheading TEDDY BEAR in Front of Terror Flag

EXPRESS: SICK Islamic State terrorists have released a disturbing new video showing a "jihadi" toddler beheading a teddy bear.

The shocking 30-second clip shows a child brandishing a large blade and sawing the head off the white cuddly toy.

The child, who appears to be no older than two years old, is encouraged to hack the toy's head off as the man filming is heard to shout "takbir", which means "Allah is great" in Arabic.

ISIS supporters have allegedly been sharing the video on social media accounts.

The child is described as the son of an ISIS fighter, according to the video which has not yet been verified. » | Scott Campbell | Wednesday, August 28, 2015

Beirut Turmoil: 'Lebanon On Brink of New Arab Spring'

It is the fourth night of unrest in Lebanon's capital Beirut. What started as demonstrations over a breakdown in the city's rubbish removal system has turned into violent protests, with calls growing for the government to resign.

Unveiling France's Burqa Ban

Burqa Battle (2010): In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo killings, secular France has been forced to examine its relationship with the country's Islamic minority. This 2010 report looks at tensions surrounding the controversial Islamic garment.

Southern France's Violent Religious Tensions

The Abandoned Front Line Of Europe's Refugee Crisis

Sinking Under The Migrant Crisis: Meet the people helping to prevent Europe's worse refugee crisis since WWII.

'Migration of Peoples Underway: Rising Africa, Declining Europe'

The UN has strongly criticised Europe's handling of the growing migrant crisis, calling it ineffective. The numbers of desperate migrants heading to Europe has surged ... and, so far, EU leaders have been unable to present a plan to tackle the crisis. Hugh Bronson, vice chairman of the Berlin branch of the Alternative for Germany party, says Germany is simply not ready to cope with increasing influx of migrants.

Trump Demolishes NBC Reporter