Monday, August 24, 2015

Trash Crisis in Beirut, Clashes with Police, Calls for Government to Go

Another day of violent street clashes in Lebanon has gripped the capital, amid the ongoing waste collection crisis. Thousands poured into the streets of Beirut, rallying against government corruption. Police again battled masked youths, who set tires ablaze, as the night descended into chaos.

Opinion: America And Europe Desperately Need History Lesson On Radical Islam

THE DAILY CALLER: Hundreds of potential victims owe their lives to three Americans and a fellow British passenger who risked theirs to save them on an Amsterdam to Paris train last week.

The heroes, including two U.S. servicemen on leave, contrast sharply with the unarmed crew who barricaded themselves inside locked cabins. And even more so with politically correct leaders on both sides of the Atlantic who continually fail to show leadership in confronting radical Islam.

Even though the gunman, Moroccan 25-year old Ayoub el-Khazzani, was known to Spanish, German and French authorities for ties to “radical Islamist movements” and was armed with an AK-47, 300 rounds of ammo, a pistol and box cutter, the French government’s reaction was typical: “It is too early to speak of a terrorist link.”


America and Europe desperately need a history lesson about radical Islam. And our leaders must be held accountable if they will not face the facts.

President Obama claims that jihadists like the self-labeled “Islamic State” are not really Islamic. If so, why are Guantanamo detainees served 4 halal meals a day, issued Korans and prayer rugs, and have arrows pointing to Mecca painted throughout the camps? Either somebody is lying or the Gitmo guards have a truly bizarre sense of humor. » | J. D. Gordon | Executive Director. Protect America Today | Monday, August 24, 2015

Les 4 «héros du Thalys» ont été décorés de la Légion d'honneur

Trois Américains et un Britannique ont été décorés de la plus prestigieuse distinction française pour avoir fait preuve de courage dans le Thalys Amsterdam-Paris et évité ce qui aurait pu devenir un drame.

Lass mich dich küssen, Held!

TAGES ANZEIGER: Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande hat drei US-Bürger und einen Briten für ihr Eingreifen bei der Thalys-Attacke zu Rittern der französischen Ehrenlegion ernannt.

Mit ihrem Mut hätten die drei US-Amerikaner und der Brite es ermöglicht, Leben zu retten, sagte Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande heute Morgen zu den «Thalys-Helden». Den höchsten französischen Orden überreichte er den US-Soldaten Alek Skarlatos und Spencer Stone, dem amerikanischen Studenten Anthony Sadler sowie dem Briten Chris Norman im Elysée-Palast in Paris. Die Männer hatten am Freitagabend einen schwer bewaffneten Marokkaner in dem Hochgeschwindigkeitszug Amsterdam–Paris niedergerungen. Stone und ein Passagier wurden schwer verletzt.

Der verletzte Passagier soll zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in die französische Ehrenlegion aufgenommen werden, ebenso wie ein 28-jähriger Franzose, der sich als Erster dem Angreifer entgegenstellte und der anonym bleiben will.

«Die Franzosen bewundern Ihren Mut, die Kaltblütigkeit, die Sie unter Beweis gestellt haben, die Solidarität, die Ihnen erlaubt hat, mit blossen Händen – ich betone: mit blossen Händen – einen Schwerbewaffneten zu überwältigen, der zu allem bereit war», sagte Hollande. «Ihr Heldenmut sollte ein Vorbild für viele sein.» » | Montag, 24. August 2015

Carly Fiorina Talks Terrorism, Hillary and Creating Jobs

Aug. 24, 2015 - 4:24 - Republican presidential candidate on 'Fox & Friends'

(Keine) Reaktionen auf rechte Gewalt: Frau Merkel, was sagen Sie zu Heidenau? - "..."

STERN: Die Krawalle im sächsischen Heidenau schockieren ganz Deutschland - und immer mehr Menschen wundern sich, warum die Bundesregierung keine klare Stellung bezieht. Im Netz regt sich Protest gegen diese Haltung.

Die gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen in der Nähe einer Asylunterkunft im sächsischen Heidenau sorgen für jede Menge Aufregung. Zwar blieb es rund um Heidenau in der vergangenen Nacht ruhig - doch, und das ist das Aufregerthema, so ruhig wie zur Stunde in Heidenau bleibt es auch rund um Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel: Von ihr gibt es kein Statement zu den Vorkommnissen, sie zeigt keine klare Kante gegen rechte Randalierer.

Stattdessen reagieren von Berlin bis Heidenau hohle Phrasen mit peinlicher politischer Korrektheit - ob von sich windenden Provinzpolitikern oder vom Regierungssprecher: Die halbherzige Haltung sorgt zunehmend für Unmut in den Medien. Hier eine Auswahl an Reaktionen und Kommentaren in den Sozialen Netzwerken. » | Tim Sohr | Montag, 24. August 2015

Fremdenhass in Heidenau: Polizei errichtet Sicherheitszone um Asylunterkunft

Nach den Krawallen im sächsischen Heidenau hat die Polizei eine Sicherheitszone vor der Flüchtlingsunterkunft errichtet. Zwei Nächte in Folge war es dort zu ausländerfeindlichen Protesten gekommen. Rechte Demonstranten warfen Bierflaschen und Böller auf Polizisten. Seit Freitag wurden über 30 Polizisten verletzt, davon einer schwer. Ziel der Ausschreitungen ist es, die Ankunft von Flüchtlingen in einem Notquartier zu verhindern.

Krawallnächte in Heidenau

Rund um eine neue Asylunterkunft in Heidenau kam es an zwei Tagen hintereinander zu nächtlichen Krawallen Rechtsradikaler und zu Attacken auf Polizisten. Auch ein Zusammenstoß Linker und Rechter sorgte für Unruhen. Ein klares Konzept, wie das Gewaltproblem zu lösen ist, gibt es offenbar nicht.

Libanon, Beirut: Demonstration wegen Abfallbergen

Isis 'Blows Up Temple Dating Back to 17AD' in Syrian City of Palmyra

Temple of Baal Shamin, which has been apparently
blown up by Isis.
THE GUARDIAN: Official says group destroyed Baal Shamin in city described as being of outstanding universal value and first appearing in 19th century BC

Islamic State blew up the ancient temple of Baal Shamin in the Unesco-listed Syrian city of Palmyra, the country’s antiquities chief has said.

“Daesh placed a large quantity of explosives in the temple of Baal Shamin ... and then blew it up causing much damage to the temple,” said Maamoun Abdulkarim, using another name for Isis.

Isis, which controls swaths of Syria and neighbouring Iraq, captured Palmyra on 21 May, sparking international concern about the fate of the heritage site described by Unesco as of outstanding universal value. “The [inner area of the temple] was destroyed and the columns around collapsed,” said Abdulkarim.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group that monitors the country’s civil war, confirmed the destruction of the temple. » | Agence France Presse in Damascus | Sunday, August 23, 2015

'EU Should Settle Refugees in Countries Like Germany and Britain'

Macedonian police have used tear gas and stun grenades against large crowds of migrants trying to enter the country from Greece. Refugees were injured in clashes, including children. Political analyst Chris Bambery believes the richest states of Europe should support the migrants.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

‘Foreigners Out!’ Anti-refugee Protest Turns Violent in Heidanau, Germany

Around 600 far-right demonstrators and police clashed at an opening of a new refugee center in eastern Germany, with over 30 officers being treated for injuries afterwards. Asylum applications in the country have quadrupled in the space of a year.

Radical: My Journey Out Of Islamist Extremism (Full Session)

Today, Maajid Nawaz leads a think tank focusing on such things as citizenship and identity, religious freedom, and extremism. But his young life is marked by years spent as a youth leader and recruiter for a radical Islamist group which ultimately landed him in an Egyptian prison for four years. He shares his remarkable transformation toward liberal democratic values.

Maajid Nawaz on ISIL & Islamism (Sunday Politics, June 28, 2015)

Maajid Nawaz on ISIL & Islamism (Sunday Politics, 28/6/15) Political reaction to the terrorist attacks this week, including interviews with Lord Dannatt, Tim Marshall and Hilary Benn.

Muslim Critics of British Islam (2014)

Maajid Nawaz talks for first time about "Jesus and Mo" cartoon row and asks: who speaks for Muslim Britain? He quickly comes under personal attack from Mehdi Hasan and Mo Ansar.

Sweden's Anti-immigration Party Now in First Place. Why?

Inside Kacanik, Kosovo's Jihadist Capital

Infamous son: Lavdrim Muhaxheri, from Kacanik, in Syria
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Tiny town boasts only 30,000 people, yet two dozen local men have gone to fight jihad in Iraq and Syria

Nestling in a wooded valley that its citizens laid their lives down to defend, the town of Kacanik in southern Kosovo is fiercely proud of its war dead.

Well-kept cemeteries include nearly 100 victims of Serb-led ethnic cleansing in 1999, while in the town centre, a statue clutching an RPG honours fallen members of Brigade 162 of the Kosovan Liberation Army.

But a decade and a half on from the war that brought about Kosovo's independence, there is rather less pride in Kacanik's new crop of warriors.

In the last three years, some 24 local menfolk have gone to fight for jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, giving the town of just 30,000 people an unwanted reputation as the jihadist capital of the Balkans.

To add to the sense of shame, one of them, a 25-year-old recruiter named Lavdrim Muhaxheri, has committed atrocities as gruesome as any of those carried out in Kacanik in 1999, when British troops unearthed a mass grave containing 81 bodies.

Last summer, in an act that sent shockwaves across Kosovo, Muhaxheri posted Facebook pictures of himself apparently beheading another man suspected of spying against the Islamic State. Another shows him executing a Syrian man using an RPG. Read on and comment » | Colin Freeman, Chief Foreign Correspondent | Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Lord Kitchener Hate Sign Found in Wetherspoons Tells Muslims ‘Get the F*** Out’ of Britain

The poster at The Moon on the Square
Witherspoon's tells Muslims to leave Britain
EXPRESS: A HORRIFIED Wetherspoon punter discovered a sick sign telling Muslims to ‘get the f*** out of our country’ as he dined with his Muslim colleague.

The racist sign, in the style of a First World War recruitment poster with Lord Kitchener, was pinned on the noticeboard of the family chain pub.

It tells Muslims who are insulted by British culture to ‘get the f*** out’ of Britain and ‘go back to the monstrous sh**holes you came from’.

A shocked regular to The Moon on the Square pub in Feltham, Middlesex, spotted the offensive sign as he went for lunch with a Muslim colleague.

The 28-year-old said: "Just as we sat down inside the pub, I noticed the sign a few tables away from us.

"My friend, who is a Muslim, didn't say anything but I could see he was highly uncomfortable. » | Helen Barnett | Saturday, August 22, 2015

UK Muslim Society Wants Forced Sex Segregation in UK Universities (December 10, 2013)

Some Muslims want to force male and female university students to be seperated in universities, treating them as some kind of relious place - which they are not. Journalist Yasmin Alibhai Brown has a go at Omar Ali, who represents the Federation Of Student Islamic Societies.

In 21st Century Britain, such seperation in schools and universities should NOT be allowed.

Christopher Hitchens on Islam