Friday, February 01, 2013

Salafismus wächst rasant

DIE WELT: In Norddeutschland gibt es bereits 1500 Anhänge

Sie verteilen öffentlich den Koran, vertreten einen rückwärtsgewandten Ur-Islam mit einem "Gottesstaat" und können gewaltbereit sein: Mehr als 4500 Salafisten gibt es nach Angaben des Bundesverfassungsschutzes in ganz Deutschland. "Für die norddeutschen Bundesländer gehen wir realistisch von einer Schätzung von 1000 bis 1500 Salafisten aus", sagte Professor Bülent Ucar, geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Islamische Theologie an der Universität Osnabrück, am Rande einer Fachtagung zum Thema Salafismus. » | Von Edgar S. Hasse | Montag, 28. Januar 2013
Golfe Persique: Des milliers de Bahreïnis manifestent pour la démocratie

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Plusieurs milliers de Bahreïnis ont manifesté près de Manama à l'appel de l'opposition chiite. Ils ont réclamé des réformes démocratiques et le départ du Premier ministre, en poste depuis plus de 40 ans.

Des milliers de femmes et d'hommes ont défilé à Al-Bilad-el-Qadim en brandissant des drapeaux bahreïnis et des portraits de détenus politiques, et en réclamant la démission de Khalifa ben Salmane Al-Khalifa, oncle du roi et Premier ministre depuis l'indépendance de Bahreïn en 1971.

«L'action nationale en faveur du changement démocratique se poursuivra (...) jusqu'à l'obtention de tous les droits», ont affirmé les mouvements chiites de l'opposition dans un communiqué à la fin de la manifestation.

«L'action du peuple de Bahreïn sur le terrain dure depuis deux ans et ne s'arrêtera pas, l'action de l'opposition sera quotidienne et nous manifesterons tous les jours jusqu'à ce que toutes nos revendications soient entendues», ajoute également le texte. » | ats/afp/Newsnet | vendredi 01 février 2013
Que signifie le drapeau noir des salafistes ?

JEUNE AFRIQUE: De Bahreïn à Tombouctou, en passant par l'Algérie, il est au coeur de l'actualité : le drapeau noir imprimé de caractères blancs est devenu le symbole des salafistes du monde entier. Mais que signifie-t-il ? Décryptage.

Des caractères arabes qui claquent en blanc sur fond noir, une apparence familière, celle des étendards sombres du jihad supposés similaires à la bannière que le prophète Mohammed brandissait lors de ses conquêtes. Mais la forme de celle-ci détonne. La calligraphie basique qui le couronne, « La ilaha illa Allah » (il n’y a de dieu que Dieu), tranche avec les volutes compliquées des autres drapeaux salafistes et percute comme un « Just do it » de Nike. Il est frappé en son centre d’une sorte de cercle ovoïde barré de trois inscriptions « Allah » (Dieu),« Rasoûl » (Prophète), « Mohammed ». Un logo sobre et efficace qui évoquerait presque la pomme croquée d’Apple. Depuis 2011 cette bannière se répand dans le ciel des troupes salafistes combattantes ou militantes, des zones tribales du Pakistan aux maquis yéménites et sahéliens, des rues de Beyrouth aux places de Rabat. » | Par Jeune Afrique | mercredi 30 janvier 2013
Un Marocain lié aux salafistes expulsé

EUROPE 1: Un ressortissant marocain, lié au groupuscule salafiste Forsane Alizza, a été expulsé jeudi vers le Maroc, a annoncé le ministère de l'Intérieur dans un communiqué. < ahref= target=_blank> » | Par avec AFP | jeudi 31 janvier 2013
Catholic Event Cancels Talk By Islam Critic

THE BOSTON GLOBE: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester rescinded an invitation Wednesday to Robert Spencer, a Catholic whose work depicts Islam as an inherently violent religion, to speak at its annual Catholic Men’s Conference in March.

The invitation was withdrawn after Muslims in Massachusetts expressed concerns to the diocese about the appearance of Spencer, scheduled to be a featured speaker at the DCU Center on March 16.

Spencer is director of the blog Jihad Watch and a leader of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization of America, both of which are seen as anti-Muslim groups by some organizations that monitor extremism.

His books include “Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs,” “The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion,” and “Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics.” On his blog, he has argued that jihad is a central tenet of the faith.

After the Globe sought comment on his scheduled appearance from the diocese and from Muslim organizations Wednesday, the Islamic Council of New England sent an e-mail urging Catholic leaders to cancel Spencer’s appearance. The diocese agreed to do so shortly after receiving the e-mail. » | Lisa Wangsness | Blobe Staff | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Global Leadership Vacuum: Europe Incapable, America Unwilling

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: US Vice President Joe Biden is visiting Germany this week in an effort to strengthen trans-Atlantic ties. Global politics have come to a standstill in recent years, with the United States unwilling to show leadership and Europe and other major powers unable to fill the vacuum.

Ernest Rutherford, the chemist and nuclear physicist, wanted to conduct massive experiments in his laboratories in Britain. He had won the 1908 Nobel Prize in chemistry and would go on to become one of the legends in his field. But he often simply didn't have the funds. Legend has it that he gathered together his team and said: "Gentlemen, we have run out of money. It's time to start thinking."

These words attributed to Rutherford have become world-famous -- also in the realm of politics. And they could hardly be more applicable than to United States Vice President Joe Biden's upcoming trip to Germany. On Friday afternoon, Biden will hold a powwow with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. On Saturday, he is scheduled to deliver a speech at the annual Munich Security Conference.

The reason is clear: Biden might still speak eloquently in public about trans-Atlantic cooperation. But, behind closed doors, his main message will be that America and its allies need to come up with a new way of divvying up responsibilities in this uncertain world. The Exhausted Nation » | An Analysis By Gregor Peter Schmitz in Munich | Friday, February 01, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vorwürfe des Wiesenthal-Centers: Rabbi nennt Jakob Augstein Antisemiten

31.01.2013 - Das Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrum hat Aussagen des SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Kolumnisten und Verlegers Jakob Augstein auf eine Liste der schlimmsten antisemitischen Äußerungen gesetzt. In Berlin verstärkte jetzt dessen Vizedirektor Rabbi Cooper die Kritik - und nennt Augstein unverblümt einen Antisemiten.

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Augstein Debate: Rabbi Refuses to Weaken 'Anti-Semite' Claims – Rabbi Abraham Cooper has reiterated the Simon Wiesenthal Center's stance that German journalist Jakob Augstein, who also writes a column for SPIEGEL ONLINE, is a leading anti-Semite. He said that Augstein's recent comments have done nothing to change his opinion. » | Severin Weiland | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Al-Qaeda Threatens US and Europe, Promises 'Earth-shattering' Attack

RT.COM: A message posted on a jihadist website on Sunday promised that “terrible” attacks will soon strike the US, France, Denmark and other European countries.

“Where will the next strike by Al-Qaeda be?” a message on the Ansar al-Mujahidin network read, followed by: “The house of disbelief: America, France, Denmark and other countries in Europe, and in the countries that helped and help France and other places.”

The message threatened attacks that will be “strong, serious, alarming, earth-shattering and terrible,” which will be carried out both collectively and individually.

The post also singled out France, telling the country to prepare for a “long war of attrition.” » | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Barack Obama's Uncle to Face Deportation Hearing

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Onyango Obama, the uncle of US president Barack Obama, will learn if he is to be deported from the US to Kenya at a hearing scheduled for Dec 3.

Mr Obama, 68, is the half-brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the US illegally since arriving from Kenya as a teenager for school.

The date of the hearing was announced on Wednesday.

His status emerged after his 2011 drunken driving arrest in Framingham, Massachusetts. When he was arrested, he told police he would “call the White House”, before being charged with drink-driving. » | Thursday, January 31, 2013

My comment:

Just how many of Obama's extended family are living in the US illegally, actually? – © Mark
Documentary: Make Me a Muslim

Documentary following five girls as they embrace Islam, as Shanna Bukhari sets out to find out why more young British women are giving up partying and drinking to become Muslims.

Watch the BBC documentary here
The Dis-United Kingdom

The Café travels to Bradford to discuss race riots, poverty and polarised communities in the UK.

Dawkins on Religion

An interview with renowned atheist Richard Dawkins on whether religion is a force for good or evil.

Inside Story Americas: What Fuels the Love for Guns in the US?

We examine the history of gun ownership in a country where there are almost as many guns as there are people.

Salafismus in Bonn: Salafisten verteilten Korane in Bad Godesberg

GENERAL-ANZEIGER: BAD GODESBERG. Es war ein unauffälliger Stand, an dem die Anhänger der salafistischen, sprich radikal-muslimischen Gruppierung "Die wahre Religion" am Samstag auf dem Theaterplatz kostenlose Korane verteilten. Zumindest an diejenigen, die an dem wie ein Rednerpult anmutenden Tisch stehenblieben.

Denn angesprochen wurde niemand der Passanten, die die jungen Männer in Jeans und dicken Jacken meist gar nicht wahrnahmen. Mit Achselzucken reagierten denn auch zwei Fußgänger, die zwischen Theaterplatz und Fronhof unterwegs waren. Ihnen sei die Koranverteilaktion egal, so lange nicht versucht würde, sie zu missionieren. » | GA | Montag, 28. Januar 2013
Szene der Salafisten wächst - Anstieg um 700 Personen auf 4500

DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Im vergangenen Jahr haben sich 700 weitere Menschen den Salafisten angeschlossen. Damit zählt der Verfassungsschutz 4500 Salafisten insgesamt hierzulande. Ein Anführer der Szene aus Berlin will sich unterdessen den Kämpfern in Syrien anschließen.

Die Szene der Salafisten in Deutschland ist nach Informationen des Tagesspiegels im vergangenen Jahr deutlich gewachsen. Die Zahl der Personen, die dem Spektrum zuzurechnen sind, sei auf 4500 gewachsen, teilte das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz auf Anfrage mit. Im Jahr 2011 hatte der Nachrichtendienst noch 3800 Salafisten festgestellt. Den größten Zulauf hatte die Szene in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Dort verdoppelte sich die Zahl der Salafisten auf 1000 Personen. » | Von Frank Jansen | Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013
David Cameron Greeted with Cries of 'Allah[u] Akhbar' in Surprise Visit to Libya

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron today flew into Tripoli in defiance of the deteriorating security situation.

Earlier this week Britain warned of a "potential threat" to its embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli, days after the Foreign Office urged British nationals to leave Benghazi.

However the Prime Minister flew today from Algiers to Tripoli, for his second visit to the capital in 15 months. » | Christopher Hope, Tripoli, Libya | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Algeria Doesn't Need Lectures from Dave on Fighting Terrorism

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron can expect a frosty reception from his Algerian hosts today when he becomes the first British Prime Minister to visit the North African country since it gained independence in 1962.

Mr Cameron's visit is in response to the al-Qaeda attack on the In Amenas gas complex earlier this month in which 68 people died, including three British workers. After the Algerians refused Mr Cameron's offers of help to end the siege – including a SAS unit – the prime minister hopes to establish a better working relationship in fighting the growing Islamist menace that is taking root in North Africa. Read on and comment » | Con Coughlin | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Consultants Who Advise on Bankers' Pay Make Prostitutes Look Respectable Says Former Chancellor Lord Lawson

MAIL ONLINE: Lord Lawson made comment as MPs took evidence on standards in banking / He said pay consultants make prostitutes 'seem thoroughly respectable' / Former Chancellor said they feared missing out on future advisory fees if they suggested modest pay deals

Pay consultants who advise banks on their salary packages make prostitutes look ‘respectable’, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer said today.

Tory peer Lord Lawson gave his forthright opinion as MPs took evidence on standards in the banking industry.

He said: ‘In my experience, they [pay consultants] are a profession which makes prostitution seem thoroughly respectable.’

And Lord Lawson, who ran Britain’s finances under Margaret Thatcher, refused to back down even when a female witness giving evidence to him took exception to the characterisation.

Carol Arrowsmith, a senior pay consultant with accountancy firm Deloitte, said it was ‘difficult’ to accept the suggestion that her profession was worse than prostitution.

‘It may be difficult but it may be true,’ retorted the famously outspoken Westminster grandee. » | Rob Davies | Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Professor Richard Dawkins Causes Twitter Row with Islamic Barbarian Jibe

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Not content with upsetting the Jewish religion, Professor Richard Dawkins, the celebrated atheist, has now annoyed some Muslims.

Speaking about the damage caused to the library in Timbuktu, in Mali, he described those who burnt it down as Islamic Barbarians.

His comments have been interpreted as being derogatory to Islam and insulting to followers of the religion by some on the social networking site Twitter.

The best selling author of The God Delusion and Oxford Professor, Tweeted [sic] that “Like Alexandria, like Bamiyan, Timbuktu's priceless manuscript heritage destroyed by Islamic barbarians”. » | Richard Alleyne | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Adolf Hitler Anniversary: Angela Merkel Warns Far-Right Could Rise Again

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Germany marked the 80th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's rise to power yesterday with a warning from Angela Merkel that social divisions could allow far-Right tyranny to rise again.

Nationwide events to highlight Nazi atrocities and the obiliteration [sic] of whole segments of German society were staged to deliver the message never again.

Chancellor Merkel gave a speech timed to coincide with the moment that President Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Hitler as head of government in 1933.

The German leader opened an exhibit named the Topography of Terror that displayed details of crimes at all the key buildings used by the Nazis.

With clear references to the parallels between the economic troubles of inter-war Germany and challenges facing Europe's biggest economy, Mrs Merkel told listeners that Hitler was helped to power by a failing establishment.

"The rise of the Nazis was made possible because the elite of German society worked with them, but also, above all else, because most in Germany at least tolerated this rise," she said. "Human rights don't assert themselves. Freedom doesn't preserve itself all alone and democracy doesn't succeed by itself."

"That must be a constant warning for us, Germans."

Posters draped on landmarks, including the famous KaDeWe department store, contained biographies of the Jews, intellectuals and others who were targetted by the Nazis. At the former heaquarters of the Gestapo another exhibit showed photographs of the Reichstag burning and the first official poster issued by the Hitler government on April 1, 1933 declaring a boycott of Jewish businesses.

"Germans, defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews," it said. » | Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent | Wednesday, January 30, 2013