Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Jihad with Money

THE SPECTATOR – Melanie Phillips: Alex Alexiev on National Review Online sets out the reasons why sharia finance — described by Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi as ‘jihad with money’ — is a serious threat to the west:
The legitimization of sharia in the West and its gradual imposition in Muslim communities and beyond is a key objective of sharia finance, and there is no doubt it has already made huge strides. …

Notably, for those Muslims who cannot engage in physical jihad using force of arms, sharia requires that they support jihad financially. This is what sharia finance is all about.

Far from being a legitimate investment vehicle, sharia finance facilitates religiously sanctioned support for terrorist organizations — as well as providing radical Islamists with highly paid sinecures as sharia-finance board advisors in the sanctum sanctorum of capitalism, all the while that they are pursuing a subversive campaign to destroy it.

Predictably, none of this is even remotely disclosed by any of the dozens of Western banks promoting sharia finance today, which obviously exposes them to huge non-disclosure risks ranging from fraudulent misrepresentation, to material support for terrorism.
And not disclosed either by Gordon Brown, whose stated ambition is to make London the global centre of Islamic banking (reported to be yet another brilliant wheeze from Ed Balls). Of all the manifestations of the Islamisation of the west (see this piece by Dan Rabkin on the acceleration of Londonistan) sharia finance is perhaps the most deadly, because it effectively sells the west to Islam, and the most difficult to stop — because for the financiers and politicians in the west who are thus selling it, all they can see are the trillions of dollar and pound signs being dangled enticingly before their eyes. [Source: Jihad with Money By Melanie Phillips]

Cross-posted at The Shrewd Economist

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

It’s Official: Tony Now ‘Does God' - BIG Time!

Tony Blair the Interfaither

TIMESONLINE: Tony Blair talks about his Faith Foundation, which is no less than an attempt to save religion from extremism and irrelevance

You can’t fault Tony Blair’s ambition.

Within hours of his leaving office last June, the UN announced that the former Prime Minister would take up a role as a Middle East peace envoy. As if attempting to solve that ancient conflict was not enough, Mr Blair will set up his Faith Foundation this year — no less than an attempt to save religion from extremism and irrelevance, and find a way for the world’s religions to co-exist peacefully. If the Blair years are over, no one’s told him.

His new London office is more adviser to JPMorgan than spiritual guru. It may not be Downing Street, but the premises overlooking Grosvenor Square in the shadow of the US Embassy are fitting for a global statesman. The carpets are plush.

Bobby Kennedy’s speeches are cheek by jowl with William Hague’s biography of William Wilberforce. And against the wall is the trademark Blair sofa so that he can conduct business as in the old days.

It is here that he talks passionately about his own faith and the cause of interfaith dialogue. As Prime Minister, faith was an issue he talked about rarely — it was not going to give him answers about public-service reform, he explained.

This was summed up by Alastair Campbell, his press secretary, who famously said: “We don’t do God.” It is clear now though, that freed from the burdens of office, Mr Blair does God very publicly.

“If you are somebody of faith it affects your politics, it affects everything that you do,” he said. “But when I was Prime Minister, if I was to give interviews on faith, I’d just have ended up with a great load of trouble.” Tony Blair Didn’t Do God in Downing Street. Now He’s Making Up for Lost Time >>> By Murad Ahmed and Daniel Finkelstein | April 8, 2008

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Risk of Alienation of Muslims. Or Should That Be: Muslims Risk Alienating Themselves?

Integration Muslim style! But you must remember that Allah will punish them for showing a square inch of flesh. So will their husbands!

BBC: Muslims' sense of belonging could be eroded by European nations not tackling discrimination, a watchdog has warned.

A report by a European Union-backed anti-racism body says the number of Islamophobic incidents in the 25 member states is probably under-reported.

The report calls on governments to speed up Muslim integration - but says Muslims must also do more to counter stereotypes and fears of extremism.

At least 13 million Muslims are thought to live in European states.

In the report, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) says it has documented a wide range of anti-Muslim or Islamophobic abuse across the EU's 25 member states.

The body was established by Brussels in 1998 to collect accurate data on extremism across the continent.

It says that Muslims are confronting a rise in racism [sic] ranging from violence through to discrimination in housing and employment.

The EUMC's report lists hundreds of reported cases of violence or threats against Muslims from across the continent. These incidents include attacks on mosques, verbal abuse of women wearing veils or headscarves and other forms of discrimination. Muslim Alienation Risk in Europe >>>

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Ahmadinedschad: Witzfigur!

Foto vom schielenden Ahmadinedschad dank Google Images

…seit dieser Präsident am Ruder ist, vergeht kaum eine Woche, in der nicht ein neuer Ahmadinedschad-Witz, eine Karikatur, ein Comicstrip oder ein kleiner Film in Umlauf gebracht wird. - ein 35-Jahriger

WELTONLINE: Der iranische Staatspräsident Ahmadinedschad bringt die Iraner zum Lachen. Seit er am Ruder ist, vergeht kaum eine Woche, in der nicht ein neuer Ahmadinedschad-Witz, eine Karikatur, ein Comicstrip oder ein kleiner Film in Umlauf gebracht wird. Dabei sind die Scherze vor allem sarkastisch.

Am „Nationalen Atomtechnologie-Tag“, den der iranische Staatspräsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad zum zweiten Mal feiern ließ, hat der Präsident erneut versucht, die Aufmerksamkeit des Volkes zu gewinnen. Bei einer großen Feier in der Uran-Anreicherungsanlage in Natans wies er darauf hin, dass es nun genau zwei Jahre her sei, dass iranische Wissenschaftler Uranium mit 3,5 Prozent anreichern können.

Doch statt solche pompösen „Gedenktage“ ernsthaft zu würdigen, macht das Volk momentan lieber Witze über den Präsidenten. „Ahmadinedschad hat uns zwar eine ganze Menge Probleme beschert“, sagt ein 35-Jähriger, „doch andererseits hatten wir in unserem Land selten so viel Spaß wie heute.“ Denn seit dieser Präsident am Ruder ist, vergeht kaum eine Woche, in der nicht ein neuer Ahmadinedschad-Witz, eine Karikatur, ein Comicstrip oder ein kleiner Film in Umlauf gebracht wird. Ahmadindschad wird im Iran zur Witzfigur >>>

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Sudan Calls Off Visit by Dutch Defence Minister

IOL: The Hague - The Sudan cancelled at the last minute a planned visit by Dutch Defence Minister Eimart van Middelkoop without giving a reason, The Hague said on Tuesday.

The Dutch Defence Ministry said the Sudan informed the government that it would not provide an entry visa to van Middelkoop, whose visit was to have begun on Tuesday.

No reason for the move was given. But Dutch media speculated that the recent anti-Islamic film of rightist politician Geert Wilders was behind the decision.

In his film Wilders, who is known for his anti-Islamic views, argues for a ban on the Koran and cites passages in it which he claims incites [sic] violence by Islamic extremists. [Source: Sudan Calls Off Dutch Minister’s Visit]

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Could It Be that Andrew O’Hagan of The Telegraph Is Related to Pollyanna?

THE TELEGRAPH: The wish genuinely to address political ills in this country is often stymied by a need people have to cling either to what is Right or what is Left. You see it at work every day, the instinct to turn with the shoal of mackerel or the flock of starlings, without a moment's pause to examine what is really at issue.

Our politicians do this as a matter of course, but so does the public and so very often do the media, wishing life's complicated circumstances to conform immediately to the expectations which are born of our own prejudices. But sometimes we must go against the grain of what we think in order to do some thinking.

Islamophobia is one of the big questions of our day, and one, perhaps more than most, which causes each of us to dig in to our entrenched positions. The problem is answered most often with ignorance or with common hysteria, and almost never with fresh thinking. What is the nature of the feeling in our communities and in our courts against Islam, and how can we put an end to it? Are we not hurting our own society and our own security by making a monster where it shouldn't exist, a monster made from the mania of our own fear? Fear of Islam Is Ruining Our Chance for Peace >>> By Andrew O’Hagan | April 8, 2008

This is my comment on this absurd article:

Mr O'Hagan, you're assessment of the problem couldn't be worse than this!

Islamophobia is a term bandied about by all and sundry these days. A phobia is an irrational fear. To fear Islam is NOT irrational. On the contrary, it would be irrational NOT to fear Islam! Why? Because Islam wants to destroy our way of life, as it has destroyed the way of life of millions upon millions of people before. Each and every country Muslims have been allowed into, and Islam has been allowed to put down roots, it has eventually taken over. The whole lot: Egypt, Syria, the Lebanon (in the process of being Islamized), and so many other countries besides.

There has been but one exception: Moorish Spain (Al-Andalus). It took five hundred or so years for the Christians to win back their country, and many a bloodbath, before Spain could be liberated from the darkness that is Islam.

The fact of the matter is this: People are beginning to wake up to the dangers that lie before them. Might I be cheeky enough and suggest that you do the same. Perhaps then, you will be able to write a far more realistic assessment of the predicament we have placed ourselves in vis-à-vis this growing geo-political system, clothed as it is in a deity.
- ©Mark Alexander

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Muslim Population of the UK Increases by 400,000 Since 2001, Adding 50,000 a Year!

Photo of Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, courtesy of the Daily Mail

"We are proud to live in such a diverse country.” - Jacqui Smith

DAILY MAIL: Two million Muslims are now living in the UK, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith revealed yesterday.

The milestone total includes 10,000 millionaires, she said during a visit to Pakistan to discuss counter-terrorism.

It means the Islamic population in the UK has increased by 400,000 since the 2001 census - adding more than 50,000 to the total each year.

Miss Smith told the Pakistan National Council of the Arts: "After Christianity, Islam is the largest faith community in the UK. Two million Muslims now live in Britain and 10,000 are millionaires, reveals Home Secretary Jacqui Smith during visit to Pakistan >>> By James Slack

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Muslim Leaders Demand Legal Action against Wilders

THE JAKARTA POST: Indonesian Muslim leaders and foreign envoys have demanded the Netherlands take legal action against politician Geert Wilders for producing and distributing the anti-Islam film Fitna.

In a meeting with Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia Nikolaos van Dam, held at Muhammadiyah headquarters Monday, the protesters said his government's statement condemning the film was not enough to dampen the anger of Muslim countries over the movie.

"The Dutch government must criminalize Wilders' conduct. Freedom of expression has a limit," People's Consultative Assembly chairman Hidayat Nur Wahid told the gathering.

He said Wilders could not hide behind the doctrine of freedom of expression, and insulting Muslims and causing unrest among them in the Netherlands and other countries were sufficient reasons for the Dutch government to prosecute Wilders.

"We are still waiting to see what punishment the Dutch government will give Wilders, because the film has clearly insulted and disgraced Islam," Indonesian Ulema Council deputy chairman Amidan said. Muslim Leaders Demand Legal Action against Wilders >>> By Abdul Khalik

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Unruhe in Ägypten wegen steigenden Preisen des Grundnahrungsmittels

NZZ Online: Bei landesweiten Protesten gegen steigende Preise in Ägypten ist es am Sonntag zu Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei gekommen. Rund 150 Personen wurden laut offiziellen Angaben festgenommen, darunter prominente Gewerkschafter. Etwa 50 Personen wurden verletzt.

(ap) In der nordägyptischen Industriestadt Mahalla el Kobra, wo sich die grösste Textilfabrik des Landes befindet, schleuderten 2000 Demonstranten Ziegelsteine auf Polizisten, die mit Tränengas gegen die Protestierenden vorging.

Preise für Grundnahrungsmittel fast verdoppelt

Die Regierung hatte die Bevölkerung vor einer Teilnahme an Streiks oder Demonstrationen am Sonntag gewarnt. Dennoch blieben tausende Ägypter der Arbeit fern oder liessen Seminare an der Universität ausfallen. Der Streik war ein Versuch von Oppositionsgruppen, zwei Tage vor Kommunalwahlen den wachsenden Unmut über steigende Preise und sich verschlechternde Arbeitsbedingungen in der Bevölkerung zu kanalisieren. Landesweite Proteste gegen steigende Preise in Ägypten: 150 Festnahmen und 50 Verletzte >>>

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Dutch Court Refuses to Ban Fitna

THE PRESS ASSOCIATION: A Dutch court has refused to ban an internet-based film criticising the Koran.

A group representing Dutch Muslims had sought an injunction banning right-wing politician Geert Wilders' film "Fitna", which links terror attacks by Muslim extremists with texts from the Koran.

In a written judgment, a civil judge at The Hague District Court said Mr Wilders' right to free speech allows him to criticise radical Islam and passages from the Muslim holy book. Dutch Court Refuses to Ban Fitna >>> | April 7, 2008

Interview with Geert Wilders: ‘Moderate Islam Is a Contradiction’

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

25,000 Pakistanis Rally Against Anti-Qur’an Film

CKWS: KARACHI, Pakistan - More than 25,000 people rallied in Karachi on Sunday in the largest protest in Pakistan so far against an anti-Qur'an film made by a Dutch legislator.

The 15-minute film by Geert Wilders, which sets verses from the Muslim holy book against a background of violent images from terror attacks, was released in March.

It has since sparked weekly protests in Pakistan, usually drawing hundreds of people after prayers on Friday, the Muslim Sabbath.

But on Sunday, Pakistani police estimated the crowed at 25,000, many of whom demanded that their government expel the Dutch ambassador.

Munawwar Hasan, a leader of the main Islamic party Jamat-e-Islami and a keynote speaker at the rally, was among those who denounced the film.

Hasan said the West calls such films freedom of expression, but that Muslims see it as "freedom of aggression."

Wearing head bands inscribed "We are ready to sacrifice our lives for the sanctity of the Prophet," the crowd marched more than a 1 1/2 kilometres, then gathered on Karachi's main street to listen to speeches. More than 25,000 Pakistanis Rally against Anti-Qur’an Film, Prophet Cartoons >>> | April 6, 2008

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement

BRUSSELS JOURNAL: An American friend of mine has proposed that native Europeans should create a European Indigenous People's Movement. I have hesitated with supporting this because it sounded a bit too extreme. However, in more and more European cities, the native population is being pushed out of their own neighborhoods by immigrant gangs. The natives receive little or no aid from their authorities, sometimes blatant hostility, when faced with immigrant violence. In an age where the global population increases with billions of people in a few decades, it is entirely plausible, indeed likely, that the West could soon become demographically overwhelmed. Not few of our intellectuals seem to derive pleasure from this thought.

Bat Ye'or in her book about Eurabia has documented how the European Union is actively allowing Muslims to colonize European countries. The next time EU leaders complain about China's treatment of minorities, I suggest the Chinese answer the following: "Yes, we represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to subduing the indigenous people of Tibet, but you represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to displacing the indigenous peoples of an entire continent." There is no love lost between me and the Chinese Communist Party, an organization responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its citizens, but even Chinese authorities do not actively seek to displace their own people with violent Muslims. European authorities do. Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement >>> By Fjordman

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
Newt Gingrich: "I’m Deeply Worried"

Hat tip: Revereridesagain

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
The Future of Radical Islam in Europe

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)
France: Muslim Graves Desecrated

REUTERS: LILLE, France (Reuters) - Vandals desecrated 148 graves in the Muslim section of a military cemetery in northern France, hanging a pig's head on one of the headstones, police said on Sunday.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy called the attack "a hateful act" and around 100 police were sent to the Notre-Dame de Lorette cemetery near Arras to hunt for clues.

State prosecutor Jean-Pierre Valensi said the vandals struck overnight, daubing insults on the graves.

"They directly referred to Islam and there were also insults directed at the justice minister," Valensi said, referring to Rachida Dati, whose parents came from North Africa.

The desecration came almost exactly a year after youths daubed Nazi inscriptions and swastikas on Muslim tombs in the same cemetery in Ablain Saint-Nazaire.

France's political class united in denouncing the vandalism. Muslim Graves Desecrated in World War I Cemetery >>> | April 6, 2008

Nouvelle profanation de tombes musulmanes au cimetière militaire Notre-Dame de Lorette

Gräber muslimischer Soldaten gesschändet: Auf einem Friedhof in Nordfrankreich sollen gefallene Soldaten in Ehre ruhen. Doch fast 150 Grabstätten muslimischer Soldaten wurden jetzt geschändet. Sogar einen Schweinekopf hängten die Täter an eines der Gräber. Der Hass richtete sich auch gegen ein Mitglied des Kabinetts [Rachida Dati].

Mark Alexander
Hetze im Netz

SPIEGELONLINE: Zwei Deutschtürken betreiben eines der größten deutschsprachigen Internet-Portale für Muslime. Sie sind bekennende Fundamentalisten, werden vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet und werben für einen Islam nach Art des iranischen Mullah-Regimes.

Yavuz und Gürhan Özoguz wollen - so sagen sie - Brücken bauen zwischen Orient und Okzident, zwischen Muslimen und Christen. Die Möglichkeit, dies massenwirksam zu tun, haben sie. Schließlich sind sie die Betreiber von "Muslim-Markt", einem der größten deutschsprachigen Internet-Portale islamischer Prägung.

Rund 100.000 Besuche, nach Auskunft der Brüder, haben sie monatlich auf ihrer Web-Seite, auf der der "Dialog der Kulturen" als "Dialog für Frieden" gepriesen wird. Doch die Art und Weise, wie die Delmenhorster den Dialog - oder das, was sie dafür halten - führen, hat mitunter realsatirische Züge.

Etwa wenn der katholische Fürst Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein im Interview bekennt, dass muslimischen Lehrerinnen, die in seinem Zwergstaat mit Kopftuch unterrichten wollten, keine Steine in den Weg gelegt würden: "In meiner Kindheit haben noch viele Frauen Kopftuch getragen, und niemand hat sich darüber aufgeregt." Ihm persönlich gefielen Frauen mit Kopftuch ohnehin "sehr viel besser als solche mit Nasenringen und violetten Haaren". Hetze im Netz >>> Von Gunther Latsch


Mark Alexander
Beyond Fitna

FOX NEWS: Stung by a Dutch lawmaker's graphic documentary depicting barbaric acts carried out in the name of Islam and the Koran, an Iranian film organization says it is producing a counter-documentary, "Beyond Fitna."

Iran's FARS news agency reports the film focuses on "orders given to worldwide Christians in the (distorted) version of the Bible for stoking violence, committing genocide, attacking others, beheading and burning women and children who have been taken into captivity."

The Iranian film announcement comes a week after far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders released his 17-minute film, "Fitna" in the Web.

The release of "Fitna" on March 27 sparked noisy protests from Islamic groups and leaders — some threatening Wilders with death — and the United Nations and several nations called for the removal of the film from video Web sites such as Google and YouTube.

FARS reports the film makers also will include segments on FOX News' Bill O'Reilly. Beyond Fitna >>>

Mark Alexander

Saturday, April 05, 2008

"Death to Wilders!", Say Malaysian Protestors

JIT: Malaysian protesters yesterday called for Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders to be sentenced to death for insulting the Koran, at a rally organised by the Islamic party PAS.

About 150 demonstrators marched several kilometres (miles) in the rain to the Dutch embassy from a mosque near the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, under the watchful eyes of police.

"Muslims should put out a death sentence on Wilders for slandering Islam. Wilders has insulted the Koran," said Reduan Mohamad Nor, a senior member of PAS, which is part of Malaysia's opposition alliance.

"We are here to condemn Wilders. He has insulted our Prophet Mohammed. Are we ready to die to defend the Koran? Reduan yelled as the crowd cheered "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great." Malaysian Protesters Call for Death for Dutch Filmmaker >>> | April 5, 2008

Anti-Islamic Campaign Has Opposite Effect: Spokesman

Mark Alexander
Jihad Comes to Wall Street

"Sharia finance" does exactly what it promises, financing the spread of sharia — and terror. - Alex Alexiev

NATIONALREVIEW ONLINE: If you’ve seen Geert Wilders’s film Fitna, you may not have noticed a single headline amongst all the bombings, beheadings, and earnest expressions of Islam’s eventual world domination: Halal-fund: investments for Muslims. But the investment vehicles referenced are an essential part of radical Islam’s efforts to insinuate itself into Western societies in order to destroy them from within. And Wall Street, barely out of the woods from its disastrous run-in with sub-prime mortgages — and having lost one of its historic investment houses, Bear Stearns, in the process — is now chasing the very kind of "sharia finance" against which Wilders's movie warns, a business line that may eventually wind up being even more calamitous than the subprime-mortgage fiasco.

For the growing army of its acolytes, who salivate at the prospect of tens of billions of dollars in transaction fees from the burgeoning industry, sharia-compliant finance is seen as little more than a cuddly Islamic version of socially conscious investment — with ethical strictures forbidding usury and sin industries, and emphasizing charity. Indeed, a conference on the subject last Fall co-sponsored by the Wall Street Journal was titled just that: "Islamic Ethical Investment." According to this rosy interpretation, sharia finance is a windfall for capital markets — allowing Wall Street to skim some foam off the ocean of petrodollar liquidity in the Middle East, and put it to good use.

Other interpretations are possible, of course. Critics see sharia finance as a massive subversion campaign by radical Islam designed to legitimize sharia in the West, to undermine our markets, and ultimately to imperil our free-enterprise system and national security — all the while exposing banks to financial risks that make the sub-prime fiasco look like a walk in the park. For its proponents and ideological enablers — such as the well known suicide-bombing advocate, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi — sharia finance is nothing less than "Jihad with money." As al-Qaradawi explains, "God has ordered us to fight enemies with our lives and with our money." Unfortunately for Wall Street, it’s hard to argue with the good sheikh on that score. Far from being a guide to ethical investment, sharia finance is indistinguishable from sharia itself.

Sharia is a reactionary-to-the-core medieval Islamic doctrine that claims control over every aspect of every Muslim’s life. It imposes such "ethical" mandates on Muslims as the obligation to discriminate against women and non-Muslims; to kill homosexuals, adulterers, and apostates; to establish and maintain Muslim rule around the world; and to carry out violent offensive jihad against infidels. Notably, for those Muslims who cannot engage in physical jihad using force of arms, sharia requires that they support jihad financially. This is what sharia finance is all about. Jihad Comes to Wall Street >>> By Alex Alexiev

Hat tip: Revereridesagain

Cross-posted at The Shrewd Economist

Mark Alexander
The Clintons: Down But Definitely Not Out!

THE TELERAPH: Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have revealed they have earned nearly $109 million (£55m) since leaving the White House.

In 2007 alone, the couple took in more than $20m in income.

Almost half of the Clinton's money came from the former president's speeches.

"I have absolutely nothing against rich people," Hillary Clinton told Democrats at a party convention in North Dakota, after the former first couple gave the public the most detailed look at their finances in eight years.

"As a matter of fact, my husband - much to my surprise and his - has made a lot of money since he left the White House doing what he loves doing most, talking to people." Clintons Reveal More Than $100m in Earnings >>> By Katie Franklin and agencies | April 5, 2008

Mark Alexander