Thursday, January 04, 2018

Inside Story: Will Donald Trump Cut All Aid to Palestine and Pakistan?

Palestinian leaders say they will not be blackmailed after US President Donald Trump threatened to cut aid worth around three quarters of a billion dollars a year.

He made the statement on Twitter, blaming Palestinians for refusing to engage in Middle East peace talks. The PA responded saying the US should not blame Palestinians for 'its own failures'.

Relations with the US have plummeted since Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital last month. The aid cut threatens money allocated to the Palestinian Authority. But most US funding goes to development and building projects - and not directly to the Authority itself.

The US is also withholding millions in financial assistance to the Pakistani government. Saying Islamabad has given the US 'nothing but lies and deceit' over the years - accusing the country of being a 'safe heaven for terrorists'. So, what's behind Trump's threats and what will it mean for US policy in the region?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Steven Rogers - A member of the Donald J Trump for President Advisory Board; David Sedney - Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Previously served as Deputy U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defence for Afghanistan and Pakistan

After Maria, a New Crisis in Puerto Rico: Mental Health

Why doesn't Donald Trump care about Puerto Ricans? Because they can't vote for him »

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Top US News & World Headlines — January 3, 2018

The Middle East's Cold War, Explained

How two feuding countries are tearing apart the Middle East.

Let Down by Reformists, Working-Class Iranians Join Widespread Protests

Thousands have taken to the streets in Iran's largest and deadliest protests since 2009. Exiled Iranian activist Dariush Arjmandi says demonstrators are challenging economic mismanagement and repressive state control, not pushing the regime change agenda of Iran's global foes

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

‘US Is Watching!’: Rising Political Crisis in Iran Stirred by US, Israel Support

Donald Trump has issued a strongly worded tweet warning Iran that “the US is watching” following the deaths of 20 people in anti-government protests that are sweeping the country.

Iran Protests: Will Wave of Anger Swell into Revolution?

Is a Two-State Solution Still Possible? | Inside Story

In the words of one Israeli opposition MP: 'when Jerusalem burns, everything burns'. Nahman Shai fears a newly passed law in the Knesset could lead to more unrest in the Middle East.

The Israeli law makes it harder to divide the contested capital of Jerusalem in any future deal with the Palestinians. Israel says the city is its capital, Palestinians say East Jerusalem has always been their capital. It all could have a dramatic impact on any peace deal between Israel and Palestine - with some saying it's yet another fatal blow to the two-state solution.

On Inside Story, an in-depth discussion on the consequences of the latest law.

Presenter: Adrian Finighan | Guests: Mouin Rabbani - Political Analyst and Senior Fellow, Institute for Palestine Studies; Robbie Sabel - Former legal adviser to Israel's Foreign Ministry; Geoffrey Aronson - Middle East Institute

Israel Deals New Blow to 2-State Solution

Israel's parliament passed an amendment that would make it more difficult for the country to cede control over parts of Jerusalem in any peace deal with Palestinians. CNN's Oren Liebermann reports.

Glenn Greenwald: Is Facebook Operating as an Arm of the Israeli State by Removing Palestinian Posts?

Glenn Greenwald on Iran Protests: Trump Tweets “Time for Change” While Backing Dictators Worldwide

At least 22 people are dead and hundreds have been arrested, as Iranian authorities move to quell the largest anti-government protests since 2009. President Donald Trump responded to the protests on Monday in one of his first tweets of the new year, writing ”TIME FOR CHANGE!” “This is the same president who, not more than three months ago, announced a ban on Iranians from coming to the United States,” says Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Glenn Greenwald. “He’s somebody who has aligned with the world’s worst, most savage dictators.”

Prince Reza Pahlavi Calls for Mass Demonstrations

Likens Iran protests to Nelson Mandela, fall of Berlin wall and end of Soviet Union.

Iran's Ruler Blames Unrest on 'Enemies' - BBC News

Iran's supreme leader has accused the country's enemies of stirring days of protests that have claimed at least 22 lives. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was speaking for the first time since people protesting at Iran's economic troubles clashed with security forces last Thursday.

Nine people, including a child, died overnight in violence in central Iran, state media say. The protests are the largest since the disputed 2009 presidential election. "In recent days, enemies of Iran used different tools including cash, weapons, politics and intelligence services to create troubles for the Islamic Republic," Iran's supreme leader was quoted as saying in a post on his official website.

10 Minutes: The US Under Trump

Donald Trump’s victory in the US election has left the world working out what it means for them. Trump's political flip-flops have added up to the uncertainty of what his presidency will look like.

People Are Not Happy with Current Regime in Iran – Analysis

Iranian State media says eight people were killed overnight, taking the total dead so far to 22. More than 500 others have been arrested.

The protests began over the weak economy, but the demands have since widened, with chants heard against both the government and the supreme leader,

Ali Khamenei. Khamenei blames what he calls Iran's enemies for the trouble. Joining us to discuss this is Ali Fathollah-Nejed, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center and an associate at the Harvard Kennedy School's Iran Project.

Top US News & World Headlines — January 2, 2018

Iranian President Calls for Calm amid Deadly Protests

Iran saw a fifth day of anti-government protests on Monday with at least 12 fatalities reported. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called for calm amid the regime’s most serious challenge to its rule since the 2009 mass demonstrations. William Brangham learns more from The New York Times’ Thomas Erdbrink in Tehran.

Monday, January 01, 2018

Duty to Warn: Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess the “Dangerous Case” of President Trump

We revisit our interview with someone who’s led a discussion of mental health professionals who are deeply concerned about President Trump’s psychological instability. Dr. Bandy Lee is a forensic psychiatrist on the faculty of Yale School of Medicine who organized the “Duty to Warn” conference at Yale and edited the best-selling book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” Dr. Bandy Lee declares that she is not representing the views of Yale University, Yale School of Medicine or Yale Department of Psychiatry.

Constitutional Lawyer John Bonifaz on the Growing Movement to Impeach Trump

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Protests over Economic Situation in Iran | Inside Story

Iranian protesters are angry at the high cost of basic goods. The price of eggs, for example, has gone up 40 per cent in just six months. Some Iranians say it's time for the government to focus on domestic issues, and to forget Syria, and forget Palestine.

These protesters hoped the Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015 would ease their financial struggles. Most international sanctions were lifted, but life for many Iranians has not improved. Government critics say the economic benefits of the deal haven't been passed on because of mismanagement and alleged corruption. They add that the budget announced this month cuts vital social welfare programmes, while giving more money to religious and revolutionary institutions.

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ali Fathollah-Nejad –Brooking Doha center

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Inside Story: Why Are So Many Countries Expanding Their Presence in the Red Sea?

Turkey has signed an agreement with Sudan that will allow it to have a military presence on the Red Sea. It's the latest country to expand into the area.

The list of countries already in the region or building bases there include: Saudi Arabia, China, Israel, United Arab Emirates and the US. The US and European Union maintain regular security patrols. But the Red Sea is also one of the world's busiest maritime gateways for transporting oil. So, why is there a sudden interest in the Red Sea region?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Metin Gurcan - Security Analyst and Columnist for Al Monitor; James Moran - Associate Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy; Mamoun Abu Nowar - Retired Jordanian Air Force General

American Decline: Global Power in the 21st Century

Nigel Farage's Having a Rant

Donald Trump, the Decline of an Empire

Donald Trump's views, policies and rhetoric have raised concerns among Americans. This documentary elaborates on Trump's standpoint on different issues.

The 7 Signs Of An Empire In Decline

The common signs of all empires collapse from the Moores to the Romans to now the United States?

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Fishers of Men: Winning Converts to the Orthodox Faith

Baptisms and Chrismations in the Parish of St. Andrew Orthodox Christian Church in Riverside CA.

Joseph Stiglitz: Trump Has 'Fascist' Tendencies

The economist and author of Globalisation and its Discontents talks to the Guardian's Larry Elliott about why he considers Donald Trump unfit to be US president. He says stagnant incomes, the opioid crisis and falling life expectancies all pointed towards a political problem in the US but no one imagined it leading to a Trump presidency

Monday, December 25, 2017

The Christmas Broadcast, 1957

The first televised Christmas Broadcast or 'Queen's Speech', filmed at Sandringham House in Norfolk.

The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 2017

Inside Story - Are the US and Russia Headed for More Tension in 2018?

The Trump administration kicked off 2017 with hope for better relations with Russia. But the year ends with hardening rhetoric between two of the world's most influential powers.

Washington is now taking a tougher stance on Moscow for what it calls 'destabilizing activities'. Just this week, Donald Trump announced the United States will give Ukraine 'enhanced defensive capabilities' to fight pro-Russia separatists, in other words, weapons. Vladimir Putin's responded with a warning that this will only increase the use of force, and he used the same tone in outlining how Russia will move into 2018. So are relations now at their lowest since the end of the Cold War? And what will 2018 bring?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests Nikolay Surkov, foreign policy analyst at the Russian International Affairs Council; Lawrence Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress; Macharia Munene, international relations expert at the United States International University

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Life of Jesus • English • Official Full HD Movie

Veteran British filmmaker Philip Saville directs the religious epic The Gospel of John| a production of the Canadian company Visual Bible International. This three-hour drama attempts to accurately follow the Gospel According to John| written sometime during the first century. The gospel contains four segments: an introduction to the nature of Jesus Christ; testimony by disciples and the presence of miracles; the Last Supper and crucifixion; and the appearance of the risen Christ. Henry Ian Cusick plays Jesus and Christopher Plummer provides voice-over narration. The Gospel of John was shown in a special presentation at the 2003 Toronto Film Festival.

Sanders: Voters' Views on Trump Is Trouble for GOP

Friday, December 22, 2017

Joe: What Nikki Haley Did At The UN Was An Embarrassment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

On Thursday, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a nonbinding resolution against President Trump's Jerusalem decision. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley spoke out, saying 'This vote will be remembered.'

Top US News & World Headlines — December 22, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Today Austria... The Normalisation of Europe's Far-right

Joe: Wrong Tax Cut, Wrong Time For Wrong People | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The GOP-controlled House is expected to give final approval on a sweeping tax plan on Wednesday, despite most Americans considering it a bad idea. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Lawrence: GOP Like 'Pigs At The Trough' Of Donald Trump's Tax Bill | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell compares the behavior of Republican Senators who will be enriched by the Trump-GOP tax bill to Senators he worked with who would have been "embarrassed" by serving special interests.

Why Trump Wanted To Fire His Own Supreme Court Pick

Top US News & World Headlines — December 20, 2017

Sunday, December 17, 2017

BBC Question Time from Barnsley – December 14, 2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Barnsley in South Yorkshire. On the panel are Conservative MP and former secretary of state for education Nicky Morgan, Labour's shadow business secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, scientist and broadcaster Professor Robert Winston, comedian Geoff Norcott and political journalist and commentator Isabel Oakeshott.

‘Mexico Will Not Finance US Wall,’ Foreign Minister Says

Nikki Haley’s Hypocrisy: US Strikes Out with New War-Mongering on Iran

US Ambassador Nikki Haley's speech on alleged Iranian violations was even less convincing than Colin Powell's fraudulent UN presentation on Iraqi WMDs, says Trita Parsi

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Far Right Gains Momentum in Chile's Presidential Elections

A far-right political party in Chile is expected to play a key role in determining the winner of Sunday's presidential run off. Its leader, Jose Antonio Kast, won a surprising 8% of the votes in the first round, and is now supporting former president Sebastian Pinera. Al Jazeera’s Lucia Newman reports from Santiago.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Deutsche Welle talks to US Senator Marco Rubio | DW English

US Senator Marco Rubio, who ran against US President Donald Trump during the Republican primaries, tells DW's Zhanna Nemtsova that talk of Trump's impeachment over alleged Russian ties is premature.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Inside Story - Can Muslim Leaders Change Trump's Jerusalem Decision?

Jerusalem's status as part of Israel, or Palestine, or both has long been a controversial issue many politicians have shied away from. But Donald Trump changed decades of US policy last week, by recognising the holy city as Israel's capital. That decision set off worldwide protests and condemnation. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan called a meeting of The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation on Wednesday to discuss a response. He said the US decision was illegal and a threat to all humanity. But what can the 57-member organisation realistically do to pressure the US?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Yusuf Kanli - Former Editor of Turkey's Hürriyet Daily News; Gedeon Levy - Columnist with Haaretz newspaper; Mouin Rabbani - Senior Fellow at the Institute for Palestine Studies

Top US News & World Headlines — December 13, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Trump's Jerusalem Move Angers Muslim World; UK and EU Break Deadlock on Brexit

‘Trump Was Wrong on Jerusalem’ – Israeli Who Witnessed Hamas Rocket Fire

The West Bank city of Bethlehem has remained turbulent since Donald Trump's announcement last week that he was recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Inside Story - Does the EU Have a Rôle in the Middle East?

There have been widespread protests and condemnation since the US announced its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. As activists around the world take to the streets in anger, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on his own tour to change minds. He is hoping to convince European leaders to follow the policy of US President Donald Trump.

Netanyahu met EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday. The Israeli leader is also expected to open the issue of the Iran nuclear deal. Most EU members have expressed alarm over Trump's decision on Jerusalem.

EU leaders say they want Netanyahu to resume meaningful negotiations with Palestinians. But as European and US policies towards the Middle East diverge, what options does Brussels really have?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: Ali Fathollah-Nejad - Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Doha Center; Robbie Sable - Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; James Moran - Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy.

Top US News & World Headlines — December 12, 2017

Im Zentrum: Rauchverbot auf der Kippe - ORF | 10.12.2017

Das geplante Rauchverbot ab Mai 2018 könnte wieder fallen, wenn es nach den Wünschen der FPÖ in den laufenden Koalitionsverhandlungen geht. Handelt es sich dabei um einen gesundheitspolitischen Rückschritt? Die Gegner des Rauchverbots sprechen von staatlicher Bevormundung, Mediziner und Nichtraucher sind alarmiert. Die Debatte um den blauen Dunst wird immer heftiger und emotionaler.

Saudi Arabia: Authorities Lift Ban on Cinemas

Monday, December 11, 2017

Top US News & World Headlines — December 11, 2017

Erdogan Calls Israel 'Terrorist', Netanyahu Hits Back

The Israeli prime minister says he won't take lectures from a Turkish president "who jails journalists... and helps terrorists"

Netanyahu in Paris: We Will Not Be Lectured to by Erdogan

Benjamin Netanyahu says Palestinians must quote "get to grips" with the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel in order to move towards peace. The Israeli Prime Minister made the comments in Paris during a meeting with the French president. When asked about discontent across the region over Trump’s decision, including harsh criticism from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Netanyahu said he would not be given morality lectures by the Turkish leader. Al Jazeera's Natacha Butler reports from Paris.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Brexit Could End the Age of "Cool Britannia" | The Economist

Chris Hedges "Fascism in the Age of Trump"

Journalist, author and war correspondent Chris Hedges spoke at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on November 10, 2017 on fascism and empire in the age of Trump.

Inside Story - Jerusalem: A Momentous Change, But At What Cost?

For decades American presidential candidates from both parties have promised to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem - but once elected they have retreated from the idea.

On Wednesday, Donald Trump changed that. Trump overruled his top political and military advisers to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and announce plans to relocate the US embassy. To give you a sense of how unusual that is: of all the countries that maintain formal diplomatic relations with Israel, not one currently has an embassy in Jerusalem. And the few that have had embassies there in the past have been small countries with little connection to the Middle East, such as Costa Rica and El Salvador.

Trump's decision has been widely condemned and has sparked protests in many parts of the Middle East and the wider Muslim world. It remains to be seen, however, exactly what will change and how fast those changes will be. While making his much-anticipated announcement in Washington on Wednesday night, Trump also signed a new national security waiver, exactly the same sort of waiver regarding the embassy move that every US president has signed twice each year for more than two decades. He also said that actually building a new embassy and moving American diplomats into it is a process that will take a minimum of several years.

There is no question, however, that Trump's move will alter the diplomatic and political situation on the ground. The question is: how?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Mouin Rabbani, Senior Fellow, Institute for Palestine Studies: JD Gordon, Former National Security & Foreign Policy Adviser to Donald Trump; Yossi Mekelberg, Professor of International Relations, Regent's University, London

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Trump Is Allowing Israel 'to Annex Jerusalem': Ashrawi

The city of Jerusalem has its historical, religious and political significance, and is a prominent symbol for the Palestinian cause, or what is left of it. The US, which undertook the role of peace broker between Israelis and Palestinians for over two decades, has become the first country in the world to recognise the whole of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Hanan Ashrawi, executive committee member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, told Al Jazeera why she believes Trump's move will allow Israel to "annex" Jerusalem from the Palestinians.

WIKI: Hanan Ashrawi »

Jerusalem Move ‘Makes Clear There Will Be No Peace Settlement’ – Former Diplomat

President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is in line with his Saudi and Israeli-aligned foreign policy, encourages his pro-Israel evangelical base, and builds bridges with Zionist Democrats like Chuck Schumer who praised the move, former diplomat Jim Jatras tells RT.

“There Are Thousands of Us”: Mental Health Professionals Warn of Trump’s Increasing Instability

As questions over President Donald Trump’s mental health grow, we continue our interview with Dr. Bandy Lee, a forensic psychiatrist on the faculty of Yale School of Medicine and an internationally recognized expert on violence. She edited the best-selling book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” Dr. Bandy Lee declares that she is not representing the views of Yale University, Yale School of Medicine or Yale Department of Psychiatry.

Friday, December 08, 2017

What's Next for Brexit? – Inside Story

It is a breakthrough on Brexit at long last. Leaders beat Friday’s deadline and shook hands on the terms of a "Brexit" divorce, allowing them to open up talks on the future of their relationship.

The European Commission announced on Friday that "sufficient progress" had been made by Britain on separation issues including the Irish border, Britain's divorce bill, and citizens' rights.

The initial agreement contains few specifics, and there are already signs that the different players' have conflicting views about what exactly has been agreed.

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: John Mills - Chairman of the Labour Leave campaign; Nina Schick - Europe political analyst; Conor Lenihan - Former cabinet minister in the government of Ireland

US President Trump Recognises Jerusalem As Israel's Capital

BBC Question Time from Swansea – November 7, 2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Swansea. The panel includes Conservative MP and member of the Vote Leave campaign Bernard Jenkin, the shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland, Labour's Owen Smith MP, the leader of Plaid Cymru at Westminster, Liz Saville-Roberts MP, TV and radio presenter Richard Bacon and Kate Andrews of the Institute of Economic Affairs.

Top US News & World Headlines — December 8, 2017

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Australia: Parliament Allows Same-Sex Marriage Across Nation

Top US News & World Headlines — December 7, 2017

Jerusalem Status: World Condemns Trump's Announcement - BBC News

The leader of the Islamist movement Hamas, which dominates Gaza, called for a "day of rage" on Friday and said it should "be the first day of the intifada against the occupier". "We have given instructions to all Hamas members and to all its wings to be fully ready for any new instructions or orders that may be given to confront this strategic danger," Ismail Haniya said.

Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was profoundly grateful to Mr Trump, who had "bound himself forever with the history of the capital". He also said Israel was "in touch with other countries to follow suit. I have no doubt other embassies will move to Jerusalem - the time has come." He did not name any of these countries, although the Philippines and the Czech Republic have been singled out in Israeli media.

Germany Offers Money for Refugees to Go Back Home

The number of Afghans being deported from Germany has almost doubled in recent years. Some asylum seekers in Germany are being offered cash if they volunteer to return home before February. The incentive applies to around 100,000 refugees and amounts to about $1,200 per person. Al Jazeera's Aela Callan reports from Bayreuth, Germany.

SIMPATICA: A Family Circumnavigation

SIMPATICA: A Family Circumnavigation from Wences Casares on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Interview with Michael Stürzenberger on Acquittal and New Charges

This is a follow up to the one we did with Michael after his sentencing to 6 months in jail posting a historically accurate photo to his FB page.

Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital: Donald Trump's Full Announcement - BBC News

President Trump has announced that the US now recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Mr Trump described the move as "a long overdue step" to advance the Middle East peace process. The president said the US would support a two-state solution, if approved by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Ahead of the decision, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned it would have "dangerous consequences" for the region.

Analysis: Trump's Jerusalem Move a 'Declaration of War on Palestinian Rights'

President Donald Trump has announced that the US formally recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will begin the process of moving its embassy to the city, breaking with decades of US policy. The president said he ordered the state department to develop a plan to relocate the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Al Jazeera's Marwan Bishara explains why his statement is a "declaration of war against Palestinian rights".

Theresa May Scrambles to Salvage Brexit Breakthrough

Iranians react to Trump's travel ban

A new extended US travel ban is due to come into effect. One of the original countries blacklisted by the White House was Iran. "Death to America" is a protest chant so synonymous with the country that US President Donald Trump even mentioned it in his recent policy speech as one of the reasons Iran's leaders could not be trusted. And though Iranians may resent the US government’s new visa restrictions, how they feel about America as a country is a little different. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports from Tehran.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Top US News & World Headlines — December 5, 2017

Saudi Arabia's House of Cards - BBC News

Saudi Arabia is seeing dramatic developments after decades of slow change. Modernisation, women’s rights and squaring up to Iran are all on the agenda, driven by the kingdom’s new, young crown prince. BBC Arabic's Ahmed Zaki tells us why it has suddenly happened. Producer: Dina Demrdash; Graphics: Albert Villa Alsena

Monday, December 04, 2017

Dr. Richard Wolff – Economist: Economic Update: Which Way For US Economy

This show is available at no cost to public access and non-profit community stations! Contact your local channels and let them know you would like them to add Economic Update to their programming. Let us know if you've reached out: info(a)

Will the US Move Its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? - Inside Story

For some it's a red line, for others it could ignite violence across the region. So why is the U.S. government considering moving its embassy in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

Arab leaders have been very vocal about their opposition to such a move; some have even accused Donald Trump of "playing with fire," others say it will fuel extremism. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has previously warned the White House against moving the embassy.

In 1995, during the Clinton Administration, the U.S. Congress passed legislation on moving the embassy. It was supposed to happen by May 31st, 1999. But there was a provision in the law that allowed the president to sign a waiver every six months - in the name of national security. Every president since 1998 has done so, even Donald Trump himself back in June.

Putting the embassy in Jerusalem is controversial because the eastern part of the city is Palestinian territory being illegally occupied by Israel. So, what message is the Trump Administration sending with this plan to relocate the embassy?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie. | Guests: Mustafa Barghouti - Secretary General, Palestinian National Initiative; Daniel Levy - President of U.S.-Middle East Project; Hussein Ibish - Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington

Rep. Keith Ellison: GOP Tax Bill Would Reorder Society & Create “Hereditary Aristocracy” for Rich

On Saturday morning, Senate Republicans passed a nearly 500-page tax bill that will have dramatic impacts not only the U.S. tax code, but also healthcare, domestic spending and even oil and gas drilling. The plan would cut taxes by nearly $1.5 trillion. Major corporations and the richest Americans, including President Trump and his own family, would reap the most dramatic benefits. Overall, the bill is expected to add $1.4 trillion to federal budget deficits over the next decade. The bill passed the Senate 51 to 49, with every Democrat voting against the bill and all Republicans voting for it except for Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee. We speak with Minnesota Democratic Congressmember Keith Ellison. He’s the first Muslim member of Congress. Ellison is also the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Top US News & World Headlines — December 4, 2017

Tucker: Trump Retweet Outrage Shows Death of Free Speech

Tucker's Thoughts: The furor over President Trump's retweet of three videos circulated by a British nationalist group's leader shows there's growing fascism and death of free speech in the West - even if the speech is unpopular.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

NY Times' Tom Friedman Presses Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman On Global Policy Views | CNBC

Tom Friedman, New York Times foreign affairs columnist and best selling author of "Thank you for Being Late," discusses his groundbreaking interview with the Mohammad Bin Salman, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince.

This man is talking BS. Wahhabism didn't start in 1979, and nor did it start with the Iranian Revolution. Further, MbS is not restoring Islam to its moderate version. Islam has never been moderate. That's an outright lie. This man has been taken in by MbS. This discussion is sickening to listen to. But it does play into the Western narrative, I suppose. – @Mark Alexander

This comment also appears here

Ex-Muslim Delivers the Greatest Speech I Have Ever Heard from an Arab Atheist

Stephanie: Life Beyond Faith

A Canadian woman who converted to Islam in her late-teens, Stephanie married a Libyan Muslim, and gave birth to two daughters. After a few years of living as a faithful Muslim, Stephanie began to have doubts. Recognizing the immorality and irrationality of Islam, Stephanie grew detached from the faith and concerned about her children being raised in such a context. In 2011,

Stephanie left their residence in Libya for a short trip to see her father in Canada. When safely out of Libya en route to an airport in a neighboring country, her husband unveiled his plan for her: he would never allow her to even visit her daughters again unless she gave up her Canadian custody of the kids.

Knowing that retention of custody of her daughters gives them a small chance of gaining their freedom, she refused his offer. Today, Stephanie lives in Canada, coping with the loss of her dearest loved ones and hopes to one day be reunited with her girls.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Colliding Worldviews: What is the Andalusian Problem?

BBC Question Time from Scarborough - November 30, 2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Scarborough, with a panel including Conservative MP and prisons minister Sam Gyimah, Labour's Chuka Umunna, Ukip's new leader Henry Bolton, deputy editor of The Sunday Times, Sarah Baxter and the economist and former finance minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis.

Senate Republicans Kill Democratic Measure To Force Companies To Spend Tax Cuts On Workers

In an attempt to force the Republican Party’s hand on the tax bill, Senate Democrats proposed adding a new provision to their corporate giveaway legislation that would have forced companies to spend their tax cuts on workers and wages, something that Republicans say will happen if we give corporations more money. Every single Republican in the Senate voted against that measure, and Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins offers up some explanations as to why that happened.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Constitutional Expert Says Move to Impeach Trump Can Proceed Without Derailing FBI’s Criminal Probe

At least 17 communities around the country are now on record calling for impeachment proceedings against President Trump. On Tuesday, the town of Weston, Massachusetts joined that list, when residents supported a citizen petition asking the House to assess whether Trump is violating the Constitution. This comes as a nationwide petition for impeachment launched in October by Democratic donor Tom Steyer has topped more than 3 million supporters. But calls for President Trump’s impeachment have been criticized by some Democratic leaders, who say it should come after investigators have concluded their work. We speak with constitutional attorney John Bonifaz, co-founder and director of Free Speech for People.