Showing posts with label immigrants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigrants. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Brussels Slams 'Intolerant' Dutch Website on Migrants Taking Jobs

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Brussels has warned that there is no place in the EU for an "intolerant" Dutch website that asks people to complain about jobs lost to migrants from Eastern Europe.

The "hotline" site has been set up by the anti-immigrant Freedom Party to gather allegations of "nuisance and pollution" caused by an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 East European migrant workers from EU countries in Holland.

The website invites respondents to tick "yes" or "no" when asked whether they have experienced loud noise, parking, drunkenness, squalor or "degeneracy" at the hands of migrants.

"Do you have trouble? Or have you lost your job to a Pole, Bulgarian, Romanian or other Central or Eastern European? We would like to hear," the site asks.

Viviane Reding, the EU's human rights commissioner has attacked the website and, hinting at possible legal action, warned "intolerance has no place on our continent".

"Citizens of the 27 EU Member States should feel at home no matter where they decide to move. The website runs totally counter to these principles. It is openly calling for people to be intolerant," she said.

"Europe is facing difficult times. We will only solve our problems by increasing solidarity, not by denouncing fellow citizens."

Geert Wilders, the leader of the Freedom Party, the third largest in the Dutch parliament, dismissed the EU criticism.

"Europe can get stuffed. We've had more than 32,000 complaints. This website has really hit the mark. We're looking for facts, so talk about discrimination is fantasy and nonsense," he said. » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Australian MP Says Immigrants Should Be Taught to Use Deodorant

THE GUARDIAN: Teresa Gambaro apologises after suggesting immigrants should learn about personal hygiene and queueing

The Australian opposition's spokeswoman on citizenship has apologised after saying immigrants should be taught to wear deodorant.

Teresa Gambaro's comments, in an interview with the [sic] Australian, provoked a firestorm of criticism. Gambaro said that new arrivals needed to be taught about "what are norms in Australia", which also included how to queue properly.

"Without trying to be offensive, we are talking about hygiene and what is an acceptable norm in this country when you are working closely with other co-workers," the [sic] Australian reported her as saying. "You hear reports of people using public transport (without deodorant) and I think Australian residents are guilty of this too. I think we all need to be mindful of our fellow traveller."

However, after her comments attracted a mixture of anger and ridicule, Gambaro, the daughter of Italian immigrants, backtracked. "I regret any offence that may have been taken and unreservedly apologise," she said. » | Haroon Siddique | Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nationalist Shadow Looms Over Germany’s Rainbow Cities

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Migrants Are Having Big Families to Claim Benefits, Says Asian Baroness

MAIL ONLINE: ‘Nobody likes to accept that, nobody likes to talk about it because it is supposed to be very politically incorrect’

Some Asian families in Britain are having too many children in order to claim extra welfare payments, Britain’s first female Asian peer claimed last night.

Baroness Flather accused the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities of failing to adopt the values of British society and said they should have their benefits slashed.

Lady Flather, a former Tory who now sits as a crossbencher, said this abuse of the welfare system has been brushed under the carpet out of political correctness.

She spoke out in the House of Lords during the second reading of the Welfare Reform Bill.

Lady Flather, a former barrister who was born in the Pakistani city of Lahore when it was part of India, praised the Indian community in the UK for having taken on ‘the pattern’ of families in their adopted country, by limiting the size of their families.

But she took aim at the Pakistani community, saying uneducated immigrants are still following the traditions of their homeland by having more children because they end up getting a ‘bigger house’. » | Tim Shipman | Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Geert Wilders Pushes Netherlands to Class Immigrant Grandchildren as Non-native

THE DAILY TELEGRAPGH: Geert Wilders and his anti-Islam Freedom Party are pushing the Dutch government to class the grandchildren of immigrants as "allochtonen" or non-native.

Under current law the third generation children of immigrants in Holland are classified as Dutch, in terms of government statistics and entitlements, as long as both their parents were born there.

But the anti-Muslim Freedom Party is concerned that by treating the grandchildren of immigrants as Dutch, 80 per cent of whom are under 10 years old, it will stop being possible to measure their integration.

Joram van Klaveren, a Freedom Party MP, has called for the change because, he claimed, unless third generation migrants are included in statistics as "allochtonen" then proof of immigration related crime would disappear.

"Non-western immigrants are still over-represented in the crime figures. Soon we won't see that anymore because they will be classified as natives," he told the news website. » | Bruno Waterfield | Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Deutscher Bundestag verschärft Regeln für Ausländer

DIE PRESSE: Ein mit schwarz-gelber Mehrheit beschlossenes Gesetz bringt eine Reihe von verschärften Regelungen für Migranten und soll Zwangsehen bekämpfen. Die Opposition lehnt das Gesetz ab.

Für in Deutschland lebende Migranten gilt künftig eine Reihe verschärfter Regelungen. Ein vom Bundestag am Donnerstag mit den Stimmen von Schwarz-Gelb beschlossenes Gesetz sieht Sanktionen für den Fall vor, dass Neuzuwanderer nicht in ausreichendem Maße an den verpflichtenden Integrationskursen teilnehmen. Solange ein entsprechender Unterricht, in dem auch Deutsch gelehrt wird, nicht absolviert ist, wird die Aufenthaltserlaubnis jeweils nur für höchstens ein Jahr gewährt. Die Opposition sprach sich gegen die Neuregelung aus und votierte bei der Abstimmung dagegen. » | Ag. | Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thilo Sarrazin. Photo: Google Images

Angela Merkel Calls for Banker's Sacking Over Remarks on Jews and Muslims

THE GUARDIAN: German chancellor calls on Bundesbank to sack board member Thilo Sarrazin

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, today called on Germany's central bank to dismiss one of its board members over comments he made on Jews and immigrants.

Thilo Sarrazin said that "all Jews share the same gene" and Muslim immigrants in Europe were unwilling to integrate or incapable of integrating into western societies.

Jewish and Muslim communities have condemned the 65-year-old's remarks, which were made before the launch of his book, Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab – or Germany Abolishes Itself – today.

Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, reiterated the chancellor's call for the Bundesbank to consider Sarrazin's future.

"These are comments that only damage and don't help integration in this country, which is a national duty," Seibert said at a government news conference.

Last year, Sarrazin – who previously served as the regional finance minister for Berlin – told a magazine: "I do not need to accept anyone who lives on handouts from a state that it rejects, is not adequately concerned about the education of their children and constantly produces new little headscarf-clad girls." >>> Mark Tran and agencies | Monday, August 30, 2010

Related articles here

Angela Merkel and others can kid themselves as much as they like, but the fact is that Muslims will not integrate into Western societies. It is expressly demanded of them NOT TO DO SO by their 'religion'. That means to say that their prophet told them to keep themselves apart from the infidels by not taking them as friends or helpers, and by dressing differently from them. That way they can tell themselves apart, and that way they won't become "corrupted". So Angela Merkel had better go and do her homework. Islam is a hard nut to crack. Silencing its critics only makes our task that much harder. – © Mark Die Sarrazin-Debatte >>> | Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

Thilo Sarrazin schreibt über den Islam: „Bei keiner anderen Religion ist der Übergang zu Gewalt und Terrorismus so fließend“ Über seine harten Aussagen streitet Deutschland: Thilo Sarrazin (65, SPD) beschreibt in seinem neuen Buch „Deutschland schafft sich ab“, weshalb er glaubt, dass unser Land seine Zukunft aufs Spiel setzt. 
BILD veröffentlicht exklusive Auszüge. HEUTE: Warum die Integration vieler muslimischer Migranten am Islam scheitert.

Es reicht aus, dass Muslime unsere Gesetze beachten, ihre Frauen nicht unterdrücken, Zwangsheiraten abschaffen, ihre Jugendlichen an Gewalttätigkeiten hindern und für ihren Lebensunterhalt selbst aufkommen. Darum geht es.

Wer diese Forderungen als Zwang zur Assimilation kritisiert, hat in der Tat ein Integrationsproblem. Vielleicht sollte er einmal einen Gedanken daran verschwenden, weshalb es in ganz Europa Vorbehalte gegen Muslime gibt – mit guten Gründen:

• Keine andere Religion in Europa tritt so fordernd auf.

• Keine andere Immigration ist so stark wie die muslimische mit Inanspruchnahme des Sozialstaats und Kriminalität verbunden.

• Keine Gruppe betont in der Öffentlichkeit so sehr ihre Andersartigkeit, insbesondere durch die Kleidung der Frauen.

• Bei keiner anderen Religion ist der Übergang zu Gewalt, Diktatur und Terrorismus so fließend. >>> Von Thilo Sarrazin | Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Nicolas Sarkozy Threatens to Strip Citizenship from Immigrants Who Target Police *

THE TELEGRAPH: President Nicolas Sarkozy has given warning that France will strip French nationality from any immigrant who uses violence against police or public officials.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Photo: The Telegraph

"French nationality should be stripped from anybody who has threatened the life of a police officer or anybody involved in public policing," Mr Sarkozy said.

Speaking in the eastern city of Grenoble, scene in recent weeks of clashes between police and armed rioters, Mr Sarkozy said that foreign minors who commit crimes would henceforth find it harder to get citizenship on coming of age.

And he promised to review the welfare payments made to non-documented immigrants living in France, in a speech made amid renewed accusations that he had swerved to the right to distract from his political woes. >>> | Friday, July 30, 2010

* Is Nicolas Sarkozy the only politician with balls in the West? – © Mark

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Sarkozy: «La nationalité française se mérite» : IMMIGRÉS NATURALISÉS | Le président français veut pouvoir déchoir de leur nationalité les Français d’origine étrangère en cas d’atteinte à la vie d’un policier. >>> AP | Vendredi 30 Juillet 2010

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Sarrazin muss vor Gericht

WIENER ZEITUNG: SPD-Provokateur der Volksverhetzung beschuldigt.

Berlin. Gleich mehrere Anzeigen wegen Volksverhetzung sind bei der Staatsanwaltschaft eingelangt. Sie richten sich gegen niemand Geringeren als Bundesbank-Vorstand Thilo Sarrazin. Der ehemalige Berliner Finanzsenator und jetzige Banker hatte Mitte Juni erklärt, dass die Deutschen durch die Zuwanderung aus der Türkei, dem Nahen und Fernen Osten sowie aus Afrika "auf natürlichem Wege durchschnittlich dümmer" würden.

Es gebe "eine unterschiedliche Vermehrung von Bevölkerungsgruppen mit unterschiedlicher Intelligenz". Bereits Monate zuvor wurde er in einem Interview mit "lettre international" deutlich: "Je niedriger die Schicht, desto höher die Geburtenrate. Die Araber und die Türken haben einen zwei bis drei Mal höheren Anteil an Geburten, als es ihrem Bevölkerungsanteil entspricht." Und er ergänzte, die Türken würden Deutschland genauso "erobern", wie die Kosovaren den Kosovo erobert haben – durch eine höhere Geburtenrate. >>> Von WZ-Korrespondent Markus Kauffmann | Mittwoch, 07. Juli 2010


MAIL ONLINE: Migrants ‘Make Germany Dumb’… >>> Allan Hall in Berlin | Saturday, June 12, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Foreign Workers May Need Private Health Care to Work in UK

THE TELEGRAPH: Foreign workers face having to use private health care if they want to work in the UK to ease the social pressure of immigration, the Home Secretary has signalled.

Employers wanting to bring in migrants would have to provide them with private health insurance to avoid placing any "undue burden" on the NHS, under the proposals.

It came as Theresa May said the planned annual cap on migrants will be based on the impact they have on public services and communities as well as economic need.

The Coalition Government has pledged to bring net migration down to the "tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands" and a limit of foreign workers from outside the EU is a key part of that move. >>> Tom Whitehead, Home Affairs Editor | Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Migrants 'Make Germany Dumb' Says Central Banker in Astonishing* Outburst

MAIL ONLINE: Immigrants are making Germany 'dumber', according to a board member of the country's central bank.

Thilo Sarrazin claimed the 'limited education' of immigrants - coupled with their high birth rate - meant Germans 'are becoming dumber in a simple way'.

He said: 'There's a difference in the reproduction of population groups with varying intelligence.'

It is not the first time the 65-year-old member of the Bundesbank has caused controversy since he joined last year.

In October he described Muslim children as 'underclass' citizens.

'I don't have to accept someone who lives off a state they reject, doesn't properly take care of the education of his children-and keeps producing more little girls in headscarves,' Mr Sarrazin said.

'That goes for 70 percent of the Turkish and 90 percent of the Arabic population of Berlin.' He added that they were not fit for much other than 'fruit and vegetable selling'. >>> Allan Hall in Berlin | Saturday, June 12, 2010

*What's so astonishing about this? And was it really an "outburst"; or was the man merely stating the obvious – uttering the truth? People don't like hearing the truth these days. The truth is far too painful! – © Mark

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Took You So Long, Gord? Gordon Brown: 'Immigrants Must Honour British Values'

TIMES ONLINE: Immigrants who refuse to honour British values are unwelcome, Gordon Brown said today as he pledged to do more to meet the concerns of the “mainstream majority”.

Mr Brown said he agreed that it was unfair if newcomers took advantage of Britain’s freedoms without making a fair contribution in return.

But his attempt to meet voter concerns over immigration was undermined when he was criticised by the chairman of the national statistics watchdog for exaggerating the fall in migrant numbers.

Sir Michael Scholar said that the Prime Minister had used details in his weekend podcast that were “not comparable” when claiming a recent big fall in net inward migration.

Mr Brown conceded the point today, but stuck to his theme, saying that migrant numbers had fallen by tens of thousands in the past two years.

He defended Labour’s recent record on immigration as he sought to draw the sting from a potentially inflammatory campaign issue. >>> Roland Watson, Political Editor | Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Common Sense Trumps Theory and Experimentation

Now we need to find the politicians with enough courage to put this soupçon of common sense into practice. Don't hold your breath while we're looking, though! Please note that I have been calling for this ever since this blog was started, and ever since my book came onto the market. – © Mark

THE TELEGRAPH: All new immigrants should accept Britain’s traditional Christian values and be willing to adapt to them, according to a prominent clergyman.

The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, said the country must never again repeat the multicultural experiment of recent decades.

He also called for an end to the segregation of Muslims in British cities, which he warned provides a breeding ground for extremists.

The bishop made his strongly-worded comments after Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, backed a campaign by the cross-party Balanced Immigration Group to stop Britain’s population reaching 70 million.

Bishop Nazir-Ali, who grew up in Pakistan before joining the Church of England, said in a statement: “Both he and the group are right that every country has limits to the numbers of new arrivals that it can accommodate and the UK, in particular, as a small country cannot take an indefinite number of people who wish to live here.

“Not only is there over-crowding, especially of metropolitan areas, but social, educational and medical services are placed under increasing strain and there is always the concern about jobs and housing for the indigenous population, particularly from its poorer sections.

“The question, however, is not simply one of numbers but also of the quality of would-be immigrants. One of the missing features of the mass immigration of the 50s and 60s was any concern for the congruence of such immigration with the values, culture and language of the host country. We must never again allow this to happen.” Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali: Immigrants should accept Britain’s Christian values >>> Martin Beckford | Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stop the Islamization of Europe! Stop the Islamization of the West! >>> Mark Alexander | Monday, May 28, 2007

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Denmark to Pay Immigrants £12,000 to Go Home If They ‘Can’t or Won’t’ Assimilate

MAIL ONLINE: Denmark is boosting cash incentives to entice immigrants to return to their homelands if they 'can't or won't' assimilate into society.

The offer now on the table is close to £12,000 for every person who takes up the offer to leave.

Critics of the measure say it sends the wrong message to foreigners but the centre-right government in Copenhagen is forging ahead with the plan.

The financial carrot is ten times more than that previously offered under a scheme which as been law since 1997.

'We thought it was important to substantially increase this aid so that immigrants who want to return home because they are not able to adapt to Danish society have a strong financial basis to start a new life,' said foreign affairs spokesman Soeren Espersen of the far-right Danish People's Party.

The offer is aimed at immigrants and refugees who 'cannot or do not want to integrate into Danish society,' said the head of the DPP's parliamentary group, Kristian Tuelesen Dahl. >>> Allan Hall | Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hat tip: Jihad Watch

Friday, March 27, 2009

One Million Migrants in Just Four Years

DAILY EXPRESS: THE scale of Britain’s immigration crisis was laid bare last night with startling figures showing the number of migrants here rocketed by more than a million in four years.

Photo: Daily Express

Between 2004 and 2007 the number of immigrants in the UK grew from 5.2 million to 6.3 million – an increase of 21 per cent.

The increase is equivalent to the population of Birmingham. Some parts of the UK saw their foreign-born populations increase by a third after millions of eastern Europeans got the right to live and work here when their countries joined the EU in 2004.

In London, traditionally a magnet for immigrants, one in three residents was born abroad by 2007 with the boroughs of Westminster and Brent having more foreign-born people than Britons.

At the same time some areas, including Birmingham, Surrey and Sheffield, have seen a sharp decline in their British-born populations.

Many of the migrants were attracted by what was then a strong economy and the easy availability of low-skilled jobs that ­Britons did not want to take.

But with the economic downturn and rising unemployment, there are fears that the presence of large migrant communities could lead to rising hostility and an increase in support for far-right political groups.

The unexpected figures from the Office for National Statistics led to renewed demands for the Government to get a grip on a crisis that is threatening to cause serious unrest in Britain.

Critics claimed they provided fresh evidence of Labour’s failure to control Britain’s borders.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said:

“This is a huge rise in just four years. It is simply impossible for our country to absorb new arrivals at anything like this rate.” >>> By Alison Little and Gabriel Milland | Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

BNP Targeting European Parliament Elections

THE GUARDIAN: Recession misery could boost Britain's far-right / Britain's BNP using tactics of European far-right / BNP targeting European parliament elections

LONDON (Reuters) - Far-right politicians in Britain are ready to tap into the misery of millions forced into the ranks of the unemployed during the recession, and are learning new tactics from allies across Europe.

While many voices are raised in support of more left-wing social democracy to counter the unfettered capitalism blamed for the financial crisis, the paradox is that extreme far-right groups may be the beneficiary, as in the 1930s Depression years.

Immigration is rising up the political agenda in Britain, where energy workers staged protests earlier this year about the use of imported foreign labour.

Polls show opinion turning against foreigners who are seen as unwelcome competition for ever more scarce jobs, wages, and social services -- and the far-right British National Party (BNP) is poised to feed on any unrest.

"In terms of support for the far-right, recession is certainly a major factor," said Dr Matthew Goodwin, a research fellow in political science at Manchester University.

"This is an absolutely critical moment. We're in the midst of an economic recession, there are record levels of public concern over immigration, the mainstream parties are pretty much crowding each other out in the centre ground -- and that leaves a lot of space on the fringes of the political spectrum."

Experts say there is now greater cross-border cooperation between far-right parties in Europe which could boost those -- like the BNP -- who lag behind.

The BNP has no representation at national level but its local council strength is growing and it has one seat on the high-profile London Assembly government of the capital. >>> By Kate Kelland | Thursday, March 19, 2009

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Immigrants in France Assert Their Own Culture as Their Numbers Increase

Photo courtesy of Google Images

BNP*: North African immigrants in France who were given French names have started to change their names back to Arabic versions in an assertion of their increasing numbers and power in that country.

Requests from immigrants’ children for name changes back into Arabic are mounting in the French courts and worrying a state that lays store on melding a single national culture.

This is a superb example of how immigrant communities do not assimilate but, once their numbers reach large enough amounts, assert their own culture and change the nature of the nation in which they have settled. >>> BNP News | November 15, 2008

*Please note that this posting should NOT be construed as an endorsement of the BNP. This website neither supports any British political party nor is it in any way connected to any of them.

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Immigrants Exploit Loophole to Gain British Citizenship in Church of England Marriages

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Illegal immigrants are exploiting a legal loophole to gain British citizenship by getting married in Church of England ceremonies.

Confidential guidelines have been issued by bishops to warn clergy of the scam, which has exploded since a Government crackdown on sham marriages was introduced in 2004.

Official figures show that the number of bogus weddings performed by Anglican priests has risen by as much as 400 per cent in some dioceses over the last four years.

Foreign nationals have turned to the Church because it is exempt from rules that require all foreign nationals from outside the European Union to obtain a Home Office certificate of approval to marry in a register office. Immigrants Exploit Loophole to Gain British Citizenship in Church of England Marriages >>> By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Religious Affairs Correspondent | August 24, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Does Germany Have a Problem with Gay Hate Crime?

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Migration to Germany from countries including Turkey and Russia, where homosexuality is taboo, has led to a rise in crime against gays. Gay-bashing hip hop music isn't helping, either. So how should liberal-minded Germans deal with less-tolerant immigrants? Does Germany Have a Problem with Gay Hate Crime? >>> By Michael Scott Moore in Berlin | July 3, 2008

Amsterdam to Study Gay Bashers >>> | November 30, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Latinos in America ‘Embrace’ Islam

The huge number of Hispanic illegal immigrants in the States is bound to have a great influence on the future course of the country. Anyone who loves America as it always has been is certainly going to be unsettled by the following videos:

Watch video 2: Thousands of Hispanics Convert to Islam in the USA >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)