Sunday, June 13, 2010

Migrants 'Make Germany Dumb' Says Central Banker in Astonishing* Outburst

MAIL ONLINE: Immigrants are making Germany 'dumber', according to a board member of the country's central bank.

Thilo Sarrazin claimed the 'limited education' of immigrants - coupled with their high birth rate - meant Germans 'are becoming dumber in a simple way'.

He said: 'There's a difference in the reproduction of population groups with varying intelligence.'

It is not the first time the 65-year-old member of the Bundesbank has caused controversy since he joined last year.

In October he described Muslim children as 'underclass' citizens.

'I don't have to accept someone who lives off a state they reject, doesn't properly take care of the education of his children-and keeps producing more little girls in headscarves,' Mr Sarrazin said.

'That goes for 70 percent of the Turkish and 90 percent of the Arabic population of Berlin.' He added that they were not fit for much other than 'fruit and vegetable selling'. >>> Allan Hall in Berlin | Saturday, June 12, 2010

*What's so astonishing about this? And was it really an "outburst"; or was the man merely stating the obvious – uttering the truth? People don't like hearing the truth these days. The truth is far too painful! – © Mark