Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

'Islamic Jew-hatred' Ads with Hitler & Palestinian Leader Adorn DC Buses

Bus ads linking "Islamic Jew-hatred" with Adolf Hitler are rolling through the streets of Washington, DC, with First Amendment protections guaranteeing they will remain a regular sight on the beltway for some time to come.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ads Linking Hitler to Islam to Run on DC-area Buses

Pamela Geller: 'My intent is to leapfrog over a media that is not even-handed'

WND: An organization run by an anti-Mulsim blogger has purchased billboards on the sides of twenty Washington DC Metro buses featuring Adolph [sic] Hitler and calling for an end to ‘all aid to Islamic countries.’

The ads are paid for by American Freedom Defense Initiative, an organization devoted to fighting “global jihad and Islamic supremacism,’ and headed by Long Island-based Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller, according to WJLA. » | Agence France-Presse | Sunday, May 18, 2014

Friday, May 09, 2014

US Condemns North Korea's Obama 'Monkey' Jibes

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pyongyang's description of US leader as 'crossbreed' and 'wicked black monkey' dismissed as 'ugly and disrespectful' by White House

The United States has condemned descriptions in North Korean state media of President Barack Obama as a "crossbreed" and a "wicked black monkey".

A spokeswoman in Washington DC said the comments were "ugly and disrespectful".

The Korea Central News Agency had released stories that graphically described the US leader as a "monkey" in comments by North Koreans in the days after he paid a state visit to South Korea.

"How Obama looks makes me disgusted," said Kang Hyuk, a worker at the Chollima Ironworks Factory, in a translation by the NK News website.

"As I watch him more closely, I realise that he looks like an African native monkey with a black face, gaunt grey eyes, cavate [sic] nostrils, plump mouth and hairy, rough ears.

"He acts like a monkey with a red bum, irrationally eating everything," Mr Kang added. "Africa's national zoo will be the perfect place for Obama to live, licking breadcrumbs thrown by visitors." » | Julian Ryall in Tokyo | Friday, May 09, 2014

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Face Time: Hundreds March in DC in Anonymous-inspired Protest

People in hundreds of cities across the world are taking part in mass rallies planned by the global protest group - Anonymous. The day of action is called the Million Mask March - it's uniting those, protesting against the violation of online privacy, as well as corporate greed and corrupt governments. Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks - are demonstrating their allegiance with the Anonymous hacktivist group - infamous for its online anti-government actions. One of the biggest rallies is underway in Washington DC - RT's Gayane Chichakyan joined the protesters there.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Mann starb nach Selbstverbrennung nahe US-Kongress

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Zum zweiten Mal in einer Woche erschüttert ein tödlicher Zwischenfall die US-Hauptstadt: Mitten im Zentrum von Washington hat sich ein Mann mit Benzin übergossen und angezündet. Er starb an den Folgen seiner schweren Verbrennungen in der Nacht auf Samstag, wie die Polizei mitteilte.

Auf der Parkpromenade National Mall nahe des Kongresses, an der viele bekannte Museen und Denkmäler liegen, hatte der Mann am Freitag einen Benzinkanister genommen, sich übergossen und sich selbst in Brand gesteckt. Ein vorbeikommender Jogger riss sich das T-Shirt vom Leib und versuchte, die Flammen zu ersticken.

Als das Feuer erstickt war, sei der verbrannte Mann noch bei Bewusstsein gewesen und habe geatmet, sagte eine Sprecherin der Polizei. Er habe sich noch bei einem seiner Helfer bedankt, berichtete eine Joggerin. Dutzende Polizeiwagen eilten herbei. Sanitäter flogen den Verletzten ins Krankenhaus, doch jede notärztliche Hilfe kam zu spät. » | AG/red | Samstag, 05. Oktober 2013

Another Violent Episode Making America Look Bad

Talking Points 10/4

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Gunshots Heard In Front Of US Capitol Building

Multiple gun shots have been heard near Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Several people have reportedly been injured. For more we're now joined live by RT's Anissa Naouai, who's in Washington.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Barack Obama verurteilt Anschlag als "feigen Akt"

DIE WELT: Bei einer Schießerei auf einem US-Marinestützpunkt sind mehrere Menschen getötet und verletzt worden. Die Polizei fahndet nach zwei möglichen Schützen. US-Präsident Obama verurteilt den Anschlag.

Auf dem Gelände eines Navy-Stützpunktes in Washington ist bei einem Amoklauf ein Blutbad angerichtet worden. Nach ersten Berichten soll es mindestens zwölf Tote gegeben haben, wie CNN meldet. Es ist die höchste Zahl von Toten in der US-Hauptstadt seit einem Flugzeugabsturz 1982 mit 78 Toten.

Mindestens zwölf Menschen wurden verletzt, darunter auch Polizisten. Sie wurden in umliegende Krankenhäuser gebracht.

Drei Schussverletzte werden im Washington Hospital Center behandelt, ein Polizeioffizier ist im Operationssaal. Alle drei sind in "kritischem Zustand", haben aber gute Aussichten, so eine Kliniksprecherin, ihre Verletzungen zu überleben. Zwei der Schussverletzten sind Frauen, vermutlich Zivilangestellte der US-Marine. » | Von Michael Remke und Uwe Schmitt | Montag, 16. September 2013

Fusillade à Washington: un tireur tué, «deux autres» recherchés

LA PRESSE: «Au moins 12» personnes ont été tuées dans la fusillade qui s'est produite lundi matin dans un immeuble de la Marine américaine à Washington, a annoncé le maire de la ville Vincent Gray lors d'une conférence de presse.

«Quelques» personnes ont par ailleurs été blessées, dont un policier, a de son côté déclaré la chef de la police de la ville, Cathy Lanier, sans préciser leur nombre exact ni les motivations du ou des tireurs.

L'auteur présumé de la fusillade, abattu par les policiers, figure au nombre des 12 morts. «Deux autres tireurs», qui pourraient être impliqués dans le drame, sont toujours recherchés par les autorités.

Cette fusillade en plein coeur de la capitale fédérale est la plus importante s'étant déroulée sur une implantation militaire depuis l'assassinat de 13 militaires sur la base de Fort Hood, au Texas, en 2009.

L'identité et les motivations du ou des tireurs étaient inconnues dans l'immédiat. » | Raphaëlle Picard | Agence France-Presse | Washington | lundi 16 septembre 2013

DC Navy Yard Shooting 'May Be Related to US Foreign Policy'

Four people have been confirmed dead and eight injured, after a shooting at a Navy Yard in Washington DC. Witnesses say a gunman was shooting from the 4th floor at people in a cafeteria. Reports claim two or three gunmen may have been involved in the attack - though that's unconfirmed. Several civilians and police officers are among the victims. Approximately three thousand people work at the building, where the largest of the Navy's command systems is situated. For more , RT talks to political commentator John Wight.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

'G20 Marks End of Washington's Era of Dominance'

The US Secretary of State's on a fresh bid to woo European ministers, in a last-minute effort to drum up support for a unilateral strike on Syria. This, after the international chorus of voices against the move grew louder at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg. Even France, which earlier backed unconditional US action, now says it will wait for the results of the UN's probe into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. Political commentator John Wight joins RT to discuss this issue.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Moscow Slams US Claims of Assad Chemical Weapon Use

The Syrian government has vehemently denied US claims its army has resorted to chemical weapons, describing American accusations as a 'caravan of lies'. While the US and its allies claim they have chemical clues against President Assad, news and reports on the ground suggest quite the opposite. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also stated that he felt there would be no point whatsoever for the Syrian army to resort to such tactics.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Pamela Geller: Islamic Apartheid Ads Go Up in New York City and Washington DC

AFDI: Now more than ever, we have to educate the American people. And we are getting it done. In the wake of the Boston jihad bombings, the enemedia is in overdrive to obscure and obfuscate the motive behind the blood and carnage on a shiny, happy Monday in Boston.

AFDI fights this propaganda putsch by going on the offens[iv]e and taking the message to the people.

We’re bringing the truth about the jihad against free people and Islamic supremacism directly to the people. We force a media discussion of the grim realities of jihad and Sharia that they usually sweep under the rug.

Ads calling Israel an apartheid state are running on New York Metro North train platforms. For years, ads like this one have run unchallenged. But we are there. Their lies will not stand.

Our Islamic apartheid ads are going up on New York subways and Washington, DC dioramas this week to counter the Muslim lies and expose the truth about the Sharia.

No one else is doing what we are doing and no one is as effective as we have been.

You see how furiously the enemedia is spinning in the wake of the Boston jihad. Even after jihadis blew up our families in our streets, they still lie and obscure the truth about the jihad against the U.S.

But we will not be stopped.

Help us get our ads up. We need your help. Help fund the fight. Stop the Islamization of America. Donate here.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Petraeus Testifies in Benghazi Attack Inquiry

The US Congress continues to investigate the circumstances surrounding the attack on the US consulate in Libya two months ago. Former CIA director David Petraeus - fresh from a scandal about an extra-marital affair - has been testifying behind closed doors. Al jazeera's John Terrett has the latest from Washington DC.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

'Controversial Anti-Islam Ads Set for Washington DC'

THE JERUSALEM POST: 'Washington Post' reports inflammatory ad equating jihad with savagery to be posted in 4 DC subways beginning Monday.

A federal judge has ordered the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Agency to begin displaying controversial advertisements beginning Monday in Washington DC, The Washington Post reported on Saturday.

The decision came last Friday in a one-page ruling by US District Judge Rosemary Collyer, granting an injunction to the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) that sought to force Metro to display provocative posters in four stations, the Washington Post reported, even though the transit agency has worried the ads might incite violence. The posters were scheduled to be displayed for a month starting Sept. 24, but were delayed until the court decision.

The ads will say: "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man," the ad reads. "Support Israel/Defeat Jihad."

Rabbi's for Human Rights in North America plans to take out subway ads urging riders to "choose love" in what the Jewish group's director calls a response to the anti-jihad advertisements, The Jewish Weekly reported Friday.

The Rabbis for Human Rights' ads say, "In the choice between love and hate, choose love. Help stop bigotry against our Muslim neighbors.” » | JPOST.COM STAFF | Reuters contributed to this report | Saturday, October 06, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Oracles of Pennsylvania Avenue

A two-part series looking at three individuals and their 25-year, 24/7 peace vigil in front of the White House.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Atheists Rally on National Mall in Show of Political Force

THE WASHINGTON POST: WASHINGTON — Atheists and nonbelievers gathered on the National Mall Saturday (March 24) in a bid to show politicians, voters and even themselves that they have grown into a force to be recognized and reckoned with.

“We are here to deliver a message to America,” David Silverman, president of American Atheists, one of the rally’s sponsors, told the crowd. “We are here and we will never be silent again.”

Indeed, thousands came out for what organizers dubbed The Reason Rally and billed as the largest-ever gathering of nonbelievers in one place. They stood in a steady and sometimes heavy rain as speakers, singers, writers, comedians and activists charged them with channeling their common rejection of God into a force for political change.

“We are here to celebrate our belief in reason, science and the power of the human mind,” comedian Paul Provenza said from the podium as raindrops fell. “We are here to say to elected politicians ... that there is a base for them to stand on to stand up to the religious right.” » | Kimberly Winston| Religion News Service | Saturday, March 24, 2012 »

Friday, March 16, 2012

George Clooney Arrested

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: George Clooney has been arrested and handcuffed during a protest at the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.

Clooney and other protesters, including his father Nick, Virginia congressman Jim Moran, and civil rights leader Ben Jealous, were placed in the back of a US Secret Service van and taken away.

The group of activists had been given three verbal warnings not to cross a police line as they gathered outside the embassy. Others at the prostest included Martin Luther King III. They blame the government of Sudan for attacks that have killed civilians there.

"I’m just trying to raise attention. Let your Congress know, let your president know," said Clooney.

“It’s actually a humiliating thing to be arrested no matter what you do, but i’m [sic] glad to be standing here with my father.” » | Nick Allen, and Jon Swaine in Washington | Friday, March 16, 2012

Related video »
George Clooney Arrested Protesting Outside Sudanese Embassy in Washington DC