Showing posts with label nuclear challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuclear challenge. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Oracles of Pennsylvania Avenue

A two-part series looking at three individuals and their 25-year, 24/7 peace vigil in front of the White House.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Russia’s New Nuclear Challenge to Europe

TIMESONLINE: Russia is considering arming its Baltic fleet with nuclear warheads for the first time since the cold war, senior military sources warned last night.

The move, in response to American plans for a missile defence shield in Europe, would heighten tensions raised by the advance of Russian forces to within 20 miles of Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, yesterday.

Under the Russian plans, nuclear warheads could be supplied to submarines, cruisers and fighter bombers of the Baltic fleet based in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave between the European Union countries of Poland and Lithuania. A senior military source in Moscow said the fleet had suffered from underfunding since the collapse of communism. “That will change now,” said the source.

“In view of America’s determination to set up a missile defence shield in Europe, the military is reviewing all its plans to give Washington an adequate response.”

The proposal to bring back nuclear warheads was condemned by Kurt Volker, the US ambassador to Nato, who said he knew of the threat.

“It is really unfortunate that Russia chooses to react by putting nuclear warheads in different places – if indeed it does that – when the rest of the world is not looking at some kind of old-fashioned superpower conflict,” he said.

The warnings came 24 hours after Russia told Poland that it could face a nuclear strike for agreeing to let the United States station components of the missile defence shield on its soil. Russia’s New Nuclear Challenge to Europe >>> By Mark Franchetti, Tbilisi | August 17, 2008

Russia Denies South Ossetia Pullout Under Way: Defence ministry official says withdrawal under consideration >>> By Luke Harding, Mitch Prothero, and Jenny Percival | August 17, 2008

'Moscow Sees No Need to Give an Inch': After promising to leave, Russian troops haven't budged from Georgia in the wake of a surprising flare-up of violence in the Caucasus. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also wouldn't budge in his posture toward Angela Merkel during a mini-summit on Friday. German commentators wonder if Russia cares about Europe at all >>> By Michael Scott Moore | August 16, 2008

Opinion: Russia Capitalizes on New World Disorder >>> By Gerhard Spörl | August 14, 2008
Géorgie: Les Russes persistent >>> Par Maud Pierron (avec Reuters) | Dimanche 17 Août 2008

Russen zögern Truppenabmarsch hinaus >>> als/dpa/AFP | 17.08.2008

Europa muss Russland die Grenzen aufzeigen: Das russische Vorgehen und die manifeste Unfähigkeit des Westens, es zu stoppen, versetzt nicht nur die Ukraine in größte Unruhe, die damit rechnen muss, als nächstes an die Reihe zu kommen, sondern auch die osteuropäischen EU-Staaten >>> Von Richard Herzinger | 16.08.2008

UKRAINE, ESTLAND, POLEN - Die Angst vorm großen Bruder Russland: Bei Moskaus Ex-Verbündeten wächst die Angst vor dem großen Nachbarn. Länder wie die Ukraine oder Estland haben während des Kaukasus-Kriegs große Solidarität mit Georgien gezeigt. Jetzt nimmt die Sorge zu, dass bei ihnen Ähnliches passieren könnte. Auf der Krim beginnen viele bereits, Geld ins Ausland zu schaffen >>> Von Stephanie Bolzen | 16.08.2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>