Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Pamela Geller: Islamic Apartheid Ads Go Up in New York City and Washington DC

AFDI: Now more than ever, we have to educate the American people. And we are getting it done. In the wake of the Boston jihad bombings, the enemedia is in overdrive to obscure and obfuscate the motive behind the blood and carnage on a shiny, happy Monday in Boston.

AFDI fights this propaganda putsch by going on the offens[iv]e and taking the message to the people.

We’re bringing the truth about the jihad against free people and Islamic supremacism directly to the people. We force a media discussion of the grim realities of jihad and Sharia that they usually sweep under the rug.

Ads calling Israel an apartheid state are running on New York Metro North train platforms. For years, ads like this one have run unchallenged. But we are there. Their lies will not stand.

Our Islamic apartheid ads are going up on New York subways and Washington, DC dioramas this week to counter the Muslim lies and expose the truth about the Sharia.

No one else is doing what we are doing and no one is as effective as we have been.

You see how furiously the enemedia is spinning in the wake of the Boston jihad. Even after jihadis blew up our families in our streets, they still lie and obscure the truth about the jihad against the U.S.

But we will not be stopped.

Help us get our ads up. We need your help. Help fund the fight. Stop the Islamization of America. Donate here.