Showing posts with label Henryk M Broder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henryk M Broder. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Henryk M. Broder – After Attack on Danish Cartoonist: The West Is Choked by Fear

A Somalian man broke into the home of Kurt Westergaard on Friday armed with an ax and a knife. He is accused of the attempted murder of the Danish cartoonist. Photograph: Spiegel Online International

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL – Editorial: The attack on illustrator Kurt Westergaard wasn't the first attempt to carry out a deadly fatwa. When Muslims tried to murder Salman Rushdie 20 years ago, the protests among intellectuals were loud. Today, though, Western writers and thinkers would rather take cover than defend basic rights.

In 1988, Salman Rushdie's novel "The Satanic Verses" was published in its English-language original edition. Its publication led the Iranian state and its revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, to issue a "fatwa" against Rushdie and offer a hefty bounty for his murder. This triggered several attacks on the novel's translators and publishers, including the murder of Japanese translator Hitoshi Igarashi. Millions of Muslims around the world who had never read a single line of the book, and who had never even heard the name Salman Rushdie before, wanted to see the death sentence against the author carried out -- and the sooner the better, so that the stained honor of the prophet could be washed clean again with Rushdie's blood.

In that atmosphere, no German publisher had the courage to publish Rushdie's book. This led a handful of famous German authors, led by Günter Grass, to take the initiative to ensure that Rushdie's novel could appear in Germany by founding a publishing house exclusively for that purpose. It was called Artikel 19, named after the paragraph in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights that guarantees the freedom of opinion. Dozens of publishing houses, organizations, journalists, politicians and other prominent members of German society were involved in the joint venture, which was the broadest coalition that had ever been formed in postwar German history.

Sympathy for the Hurt Feelings of Muslims

Seventeen years later, after the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten published a dozen Muhammad cartoons on a single page, there were similar reactions in the Islamic world to those that had followed the publication of "The Satanic Verses." Millions of Muslims from London to Jakarta who had never seen the caricatures or even heard the name of the newspaper, took to the streets in protests against an insult to the prophet and demanded the appropriate punishment for the offenders: death. Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden even went so far as to demand the cartoonists' extradition so that they could be condemned by an Islamic court.

This time, however, in contrast to the Rushdie case, hardly anyone has showed any solidarity with the threatened Danish cartoonists -- to the contrary. Grass, who had initiated the Artikel 19 campaign, expressed his understanding for the hurt feelings of the Muslims and the violent reactions that resulted. Grass described them as a "fundamentalist response to a fundamentalist act," in the process drawing a moral equivalence between the 12 cartoons and the death threats against the cartoonists. Grass also stated that: "We have lost the right to seek protection under the umbrella of freedom of expression." >>> Henryk M. Broder | Monday, January 04, 2010

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: ’Islam Needs a Sexual Revolution’ >>>

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Kommentar zum Minarettverbot: Einer muss den Anfang machen

WELT ONLINE: Die Schweizer sind die erste europäische Nation, die sich in einer freien Abstimmung gegen die Islamisierung ihres Landes entschieden hat. Aber nicht gegen die Religionsfreiheit oder den Islam als Religion. Nur gegen eine Asymmetrie der Verbote für Religionen im Orient und Okzident.

Vorgestern noch waren meine Gastgeber in Schaffhausen überzeugt, dass die Anti-Minarett-Initiative es nicht schaffen würde, obwohl sie selber dafür stimmen wollten. Heute sieht alles anders aus.

Unabhängig davon, wie man das Ergebnis bewertet – nicht die Moslems sind die Verlierer, die niemand in der Schweiz daran hindert, ihre Religion zu praktizieren, es sind die Gutmenschen, die eine andere Kultur immer verteidigenswerter finden als die eigene, die Trittbrettfahrer, die schon immer für totalitäre Versuchungen anfällig waren, und die Appeaser wie die Schweizer Außenministerin, die sich Sorgen um mögliche Reaktionen in der arabisch-muslimischen Welt machte und dem Export Schweizer Produkte zuliebe die Demokratie nach Schweizer Art ein wenig entschärfen wollte.

War das Vorspiel zur Abstimmung schon extrem „luschtig”, das Nachspiel wird es noch mehr. Kann man doch am heutigen Montag in Zeitungen wie der SZ und der taz lesen, warum sich die Schweizer katastrophal falsch entschieden, der Demokratie, der Glaubenfreiheit und den guten Beziehungen zur arabisch-islamischen Welt einen Bärendienst getan haben. >>> Henryk M. Broder | Montag, 30. Dezember 2009

WELT ONLINE: Lärmschutzgutachten gegen Gebets-Ruf: Rendsburg will Muezzin zum Schweigen bringen >>> Von Daniel-C. Schmidt | Freitag, 04. Dezember 2009