Showing posts with label Fitna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitna. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Islamkritiker vor Gericht: Wilders ist ein Provokateur, kein Rechtsextremist

WELT ONLINE: Der niederländische Parlamentsabgeordnete Geert Wilders polarisiert mit seiner Islamkritik weit über die Grenzen des Landes hinaus. Jetzt muss sich der glänzende Provokateur in Amsterdam vor Gericht verantworten. Aber ein moralisches Urteil fällt schwerer, als viele Kritiker zu glauben meinen.

Was ist eigentlich in den Niederlanden los? Noch vor zehn Jahren war das Land eines der tolerantesten in Europa. Es schien modellhaft zu zeigen, wie verschiedene Religionen und Rassen, Werte und Lebensentwürfe friedlich nebeneinander existieren können. Heute kommen aus den Niederlanden die schrillsten Töne in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam, und dort findet man auch einige der radikalsten Verteidiger der liberalen Gesellschaft westlicher Prägung. Der populärste unter ihnen ist der Islamkritiker Geert Wilders, dessen Ein-Mann-Bewegung „Partei für die Freiheit“ bei der Europawahl zur zweitstärksten Kraft des Landes wurde und in jüngeren Umfragen sogar auf dem ersten Platz landete. Seit Kurzem steht der 46-jährige Parlamentsabgeordnete in Amsterdam wegen des Vorwurfs der Volksverhetzung vor Gericht, heute wird der Prozess fortgesetzt.

Der dramatische Wandel der politischen Landschaft in den Niederlanden hat eine innere Logik. Gerade weil der Staat zu lange zu tolerant war gegenüber Einwanderern, die viele Werte ihres Gastlandes ablehnten, weil er nichts unternahm gegen die Gettos und die wachsende Kriminalität muslimischer Jugendbanden oder gegen die laut Geheimdienst auf 50000 angewachsene Zahl von gewaltbereiten Muslimen – deshalb erhielten islamkritische Politiker wie der 2002 ermordete Pim Fortuyn großen Zulauf. Er war der Erste, der die niederländische Konsenspolitik beendet sehen wollte und die Probleme klar benannte. Die grausame Hinrichtung des Filmemachers Theo van Gogh durch einen in den Niederlanden geborenen Sohn marokkanischer Einwanderer stürzte das Land 2004 in eine Identitätskrise, die bis heute andauert. Der kultivierte "Rechtspopulist" >>> Von Rainer Haubrich | Montag, 01. Februar 2010

Geert Wilders to Test British Free Speech with Anti-Muslim Film Screening

THE TELEGRAPH: Geert Wilders, the radical anti-Muslim Dutch politician, will seek to test free speech in Britain next month when he makes a second attempt to visit the House of Lords to screen a controversial film equating Islam to Nazism.

Mr Wilders has accepted an invitation from Lord Pearson of Rannoch, the leader of UKIP, and Baroness Cox, a crossbench peer, to show his anti-Islam film Fitna in the Palace of Westminster on March 5.

His visit and the film, which claims the that Koran is a terrorist handbook, are expected to spark protests from British Muslims, including other members of the Lords.

British officials said the Government is powerless to ban Mr Wilders, despite continuing public order fears, after he overturned a previous entry ban following a legal challenge last year.

"He's free to travel and the Border Agency will not be alerted," said an official. >>> Bruno Waterfield in Brussels | Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wilders to Show Fitna in London in March Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders will travel to London on March 5 to show his short video compilation Fitna at the invitation of two members of the British upper house of parliament, the House of Lords. >>> © | Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Douglas Murray – Geert Wilders: On Trial for Telling the Truth

THE TELEGRAPH – BLOG: There is nothing hyperbolic in stating that a trial which has just started in Holland will have unparalleled significance for the future of Europe. It is not just about whether our culture will survive, but whether we are even allowed to state the fact that it is being threatened.

The trial of Geert Wilders has garnered hardly any attention in the mainstream press here. Fortunately the blogosphere can correct some of this.

Wilders is a Dutch MP and leader of Holland’s fastest-growing party, the Party for Freedom. Just a few years ago he was the sole MP for his party. The latest polls show that his party could win the biggest number of seats of any party in Holland when the voters next go to the polls.

His stances have clearly chimed with the Dutch people. They include an end to the era of mass immigration, an end to cultural relativism, and an end to the perceived suborning of European values to Islamic ones. For saying this, and more, he has for many years had to live under round-the-clock security protection. Which you would have thought proves the point to some extent.

Now the latest attempt of the Dutch ruling class to keep Wilders from office has begun. Last week, apparently because of the number of complaints they have received (trial by vote anyone?) the trial of Wilders began.

The Dutch courts charge that Wilders ‘on multiple occasions, at least once, (each time) in public, orally, in writing or through images, intentionally offended a group of people, i.e. Muslims, based on their religion’.

I’m sorry? Whoa there, just a minute. The man’s on trial because he ‘offended a group of people’? I get offended by all sorts of people. I get offended by very fat people. I get offended by very thick people. I get offended by very sensitive people. I get offended by the crazy car-crash of vowels in Dutch verbs. But I don’t try to press charges.

Yet, crazily, this is exactly what is going on now in a Dutch courtroom. If found guilty of this Alice-in-Wonderland accusation of ‘offending a group of people’, Wilders faces up to two years in prison.

If anyone doubts the surreal nature of the proceedings now going on they should simply look through the summons which is available in an English translation here. It shows that Wilders is on trial for his film Fitna. And for various things he has said in articles and interviews in the Dutch press.

Now some people liked Fitna and some people didn’t. That’s a matter of choice. But by any previous interpretation it is not the job of courts in democratic countries to become film-critics. In fact it would create a very bad precedent. I thought the latest Alec Baldwin film stank. But I don’t think (though the temptation lingers) Baldwin should go to prison for it. Read on & comment here >>> Douglas Murray | Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Einwanderungspolitik: Das Problem der Niederlande mit dem "Multikulti"

WELT ONLINE: Obwohl die Morde an Pim Fortuyn und Theo van Gogh mehr als ein halbes Jahrzehnt zurückliegen, sucht die Niederlande bei der Einwanderungspolitik noch immer ihren inneren Kompass. Das zeigt auch der Volksverhetzungsprozess gegen Geert Wilders. Der Politiker profitiert von der tiefen Krise seines Landes.

Kurz vor Weihnachten wollte die Haagse Hogeschool ihren Studenten etwas Gutes tun. Die Hochschule in der niederländischen Regierungsstadt Den Haag beschloss, anders als bisher in diesem Jahr keinen Weihnachtsbaum aufzustellen. Die 19.000 Studenten nicht-westlicher Herkunft, so lautete die Begründung, könnten sich an der christlichen Symbolwirkung eines geschmückten Baumes stören – was sich wiederum negativ auf künftige Immatrikulationszahlen auswirken könnte. Kommunikationsdirektorin Annelies van Rosmalen bringt es auf den Punkt: "Der Baum passt nicht zum internationalen Charakter der Hochschule.“

Fortuyn 2002, Van Gogh 2004

So mancher fragt sich seit dem „Weihnachtskrieg von Den Haag“, ob die Holländer nur nett zu den Immigranten sein wollen oder ob sie – aus Angst oder falsch verstandener Toleranz – freiwillig ihre eigene Kultur über Bord werfen.

Der Fall mit dem Weihnachtsbaum ist nämlich keinesfalls eine Ausnahme. Der in Ägypten geborene Ezzat Aziz hat seine eigenen Erfahrungen gemacht. Seit 1998 arbeitet er als Fahrkartenkontrolleur beim öffentlichen Transportunternehmen von Amsterdam. Der 56-Jährige trägt bei seiner Arbeit immer ein Kreuz auf der Brust, denn er ist Christ, Mitglied der ägyptischen Minderheit der Kopten. Dann aber verbot das Unternehmen seinen Mitarbeitern, christliche Symbole zu tragen. Aus „Gründen der Professionalität“ dürfe Schmuck nicht über der Kleidung getragen werden, erläuterte Unternehmenssprecherin Petra Faber.

Aziz war 1984 nach Holland emigriert und versteht nun die Welt nicht mehr: "Ich lebe doch in einem demokratischen Land, in dem man das Recht hat, sich zu seinem Glauben zu bekennen.“ Es half nichts, Aziz wurde vom Dienst suspendiert. Er klagte, doch der Richter bestätigte die Sichtweise des Arbeitgebers. Jacqueline Koops, die Anwältin von Aziz, sieht Grundrechte verletzt. ,,Amsterdam ist eine multikulturelle Stadt. Mein Mandant wird diskriminiert. Es ist Tram-Schaffnerinnen oder Busfahrerinnen ja auch erlaubt, im Dienst ein Kopftuch zu tragen.“ Aziz wird auf Weisung seiner Vorgesetzten inzwischen psychologisch betreut – und hat Redeverbot. >>> Von Rob Savelberg | Montag, 25. Januar 2010

Fitna the Movie

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Day in Wilders Trial

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIONAL: The trial of the Dutch politician Geert Wilders, began this Wednesday.

The lead judge of the court started off by addressing Geert Wilders, leader of the populist PVV party, directly. The judge said that while the media might have portrayed his case as foregone, his court “would not cast judgment before the last word has been spoken”.

It is quite uncommon for judges to reassure their suspects that they will receive a fair trial. But it seems little in the case against Wilders will be business as usual. On Wednesday morning, hundreds of Wilders’ sympathizers were gathered outside the Amsterdam courtroom where Wilders was on trial for group slander and inciting discrimination and violence. A large number of Wilder’s statements to the media and his anti-Islam film Fitna will be presented as evidence. A comparison Wilders drew between the Koran and Hitler’s Mein Kampf is one of his remarks now under legal scrutiny.

Witnesses to be called

The hearing on Wednesday was formal in nature, establishing a general schedule for the trial. The defence and prosecution will be presenting their cases later this year. The first outlines of the case became clear on Wednesday however. The court will have to decide who can be called as a witness by Thursday. Wilders has said he feels that Islam should be on trial instead of him. In an attempt to prove that Islam provokes evil, he wants to call Theo van Gogh’s murderer, Mohammed B., as a witness. He also hopes to call a number of Dutch scholars who have voiced criticism of Islam in the past. The court might limit or expand the scope of the trial by allowing or barring certain witnesses.

Wednesday’s formal hearing kicked off with a number of preliminary motions in which the defence argued why Wilders should not be tried in the first place. His lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, named several. He argued that Wilders should not be tried in Amsterdam, but in The Hague, where he lives. Moszkowicz also argued that the scope of the charges against Wilders had been extended unjustly when the public prosecutor chose to try him for inciting hatred against non-western migrant communities and Moroccans. The prosecution had not yet responded when this article was written. Already convicted? >>> Merel Thie | Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Dark Age Alert! Hero on Trial in the Netherlands

TIMES ONLINE: The Dutch far-right MP Geert Wilders was greeted with applause from the public gallery as he faced court for the first day of his landmark trial on charges of inciting racial hatred against Muslims.

Mr Wilders, 46, sat impassively as his lawyer argued that the leader of the Freedom Party, which made big gains at last summer's European elections, had made his critical remarks about Islam in his role as an elected Member of Parliament.

Bram Moszkowicz said that Mr Wilders had a mandate to speak out against what he saw as the Islamisation of the Netherlands and argued that he had not discriminated against a specific national group, saving his attacks for the ideology of political Islam.

Around 200 supporters of Mr Wilders had travelled from as far as Cologne in Germany to hold up placards declaring that free speech was under assault by Islam and by the politically correct. The case is being watched as a test of the limits of political tolerance in the Netherlands after years of relaxed immigration policies which have seen the Musim population rise to around 1 million out of 16 million.

"This case is about more than Mr Wilders," Mr Moszkowicz told Amsterdam District Court this morning. "It touches us all. It is such an important and principled question that could have far-reaching consequences."

Mr Wilders faces a 70-page charge sheet covering five counts of breaking Dutch law on incitement and discriminiation against Muslims in more than 100 public statements, for example by likenening the Koran to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and calling for an end to the "Islamic invasion."

The alleged offences include Mr Wilders' film Fitna, which shows images of 9/11 and beheadings interspersed with verses from the Koran. It ends with a the controverisal Danish cartoon of the prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb as a turban. Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders on trial for anti-Muslim stance >>> David Charter in Amsterdam | Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Islam-Gegner Wilders in den Niederlanden vor Gericht: Alle Anschuldigungen beim Prozessauftakt bestritten

NZZ ONLINE: Zu Beginn seines Prozesses wegen angeblicher Anstachelung zum Hass gegen Muslime hat der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders alle Vorwürfe der Volksverhetzung zurückgewiesen.

Die ihm zur Last gelegten kritischen Äusserungen über Muslime, den Koran und den Islam seien «ein substanzieller Beitrag zur öffentlichen Debatte» und keineswegs strafbar, erklärte Wilders Abraham Moszkowicz vor Gericht in Amsterdam.

Der Gründer und Chef der Partei für die Freiheit (PVV) habe seine Islam-Kritik zudem stets in seiner Eigenschaft als Abgeordneter des niederländischen Parlaments vorgebracht und müsse daher Immunität geniessen. Gerichtsgebäude abgeriegelt >>> sda/dpa | Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010

MEIN KOMMENTAR: So nervös sind wir des Islams wegen in Europa geworden, daß harmlose Kommentare wie dieser, aus Angst, werden nicht mehr gedruckt:
In Europa ist es so weit gekommen, daß wir nicht mehr aussprechen dürfen, was für ein Gefahr für unsere Zivilisation und unsere Freiheit Islam ist. Erstaunlich! Blödsinnig! Dumm! Wir begehen Selbstmord! – © Mark

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sudan Incites Against New Danish Movie

ARUTZ SHEVA: ( A new Danish film portraying the Arab Muslim genocide against Black Africans in Darfur is being compared by the Sudanese government to the anti-Islamist film Fitna and to cartoons of Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper in 2005. The publication of those cartoons of the founder of Islam led to worldwide rioting and ongoing violence, including an attempt this week to kill one of the cartoonists.

A spokesman for Sudan's foreign ministry called the movie, Hævnen ("The Revenge"; also titled Civilization in English) by Susanne Bier, "racist". The film "should be seen as a new extension of the notorious Fitna movie and the cartoons which insult the prophet Muhammad," according to Sudanese officials. >>> Nissan Ratzlav-Katz | Thursday, January 07, 2010

Friday, October 16, 2009

Geert Wilders Comes to Britain. Welcome!

DAILY MAIL: Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders sparked angry protests today as he declared that Islamic culture is inferior to Christianity.

The MP was met by angry Muslim protesters when he arrived in the UK after winning a court battle to enter the country.

Around 40 demonstrators gathered near the Houses of Parliament as Mr Wilders, whose film Fitna criticises the Koran as a 'fascist book', arrived in central London.

Brandishing banners saying 'Sharia is the solution, freedom go to hell' and 'Geert Wilders deserves Islamic punishment', the protesters were held back by police.

Abu Muaz, from Islam For UK, said: 'If I were to say some of the things he has said I would be arrested under the Terrorism Act. But because there is a war on Muslims he gets an easy ride.'

Addressing journalists alongside UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Mr Wilders said his visit was 'a victory'.

Explaining his controversial views on Islam, he said: 'I have a problem with the Islamic ideology, the Islamic culture, because I feel that the more Islam that we get in our societies the less freedom we get.'

Mr Wilders was allowed into the UK after successfully overturning a Government decision to bar him from Britain. Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders jets into Britain and declares Islam 'a bad religion' >>> | Friday, October 16, 2009

Fitna: The Original Version

BBC: After successfully overturning a ban on his presence in the country, Geert Wilders was never going to slip quietly into the UK.

The controversial Dutch politician sent a text message to Associated Press as he cleared customs at Heathrow to ensure the world's media had got the message.

But even he cannot have anticipated the scenes waiting for him in Westminster, as he swept into a side street opposite the Houses of Parliament.

His plan to stage an open-air news conference around the corner on College Green had to be abandoned when about 40 protesters arrived on the scene chanting "Wilders go to hell" and waving placards saying "Sharia for the Netherlands" and "Islam will be superior".

The MP, who is an outspoken critic of Muslim ideology and has called for the Koran to be banned, was bundled through a gate in the high stone wall surrounding Abbey Gardens, an outpost of the House of Lords which was to be the venue for his hastily rearranged conference.

The young Muslims outside, held in check by a line of police officers, chanted "Wilders running scared" and "Wilders come out" - but they were far outnumbered by reporters and photographers, many from the MP's native Netherlands, who seemed even more desperate to get into the overcrowded venue. >>> Brian Wheeler, Political Reporter, BBC News | Friday, October 16, 2009

Angry Protesters Greet Right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders

Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders Arrives in UK

THE GUARDIAN: Geert Wilders hails 'victory for freedom of speech' / Press conference moved inside Westminster amid safety fears

The Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders expanded on his controversial views on Islam on arrival in the UK today and described the decision to allow him into the country as a "victory for the freedom of speech".

At a press conference moved inside the Houses of Parliament because of fears for Wilders's safety, the Freedom party leader said that Islamic culture was inferior to western cultures.

"I have a problem with the Islamic ideology, the Islamic culture, because I feel that the more Islam that we get in our societies the less freedom that we get," he said.

Wilders, who won an appeal this week against a decision to deny him entry, will not be screening his film Fitna, which criticises the Qur'an as a "fascist book", on this trip. The film had been intended to be shown at the House of Lords in February. He said he still intended to screen the film in the Lords in the future.

"Being here is a victory," Wilders said. "Not a victory for myself but for the freedom of speech. It is ridiculous that the UK government thought my presence would in any way lead to violence. I have nothing to do with violence, I am no extremist, I am a politician who is democratically elected."

Wilders said he had "nothing against" Muslims, but had a problem with the "Islamification of our societies". >>> Adam Gabbatt | Friday, October 16, 2009

Geert Wilders Arrives in UK and Explains His 'Problems with Islam'

Geert Wilders, the right-wing Dutch politician who compared the Koran to Hitler's book Mein Kampf, was met with protests as he arrived in the UK.

Police held back a crowd of Muslim demonstrators as Geert Wilders met Ukip peer Lord Pearson opposite the Houses of Parliament.

Explaining his controversial views on Islam, he said: ''I have a problem with the Islamic ideology, the Islamic culture, because I feel that the more Islam that we get in our societies, the less freedom that we get.''

The leader of the Dutch Freedom Party was allowed into Britain after overturning a Government decision led by former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith to bar him from the country.

It was feared that his outspoken views on Islam could spark religious violence, but this was rejected by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal on Tuesday.

Mr Wilders denied responsibility for the publicity which has greeted his visit.

The 46-year-old said: ''If anybody has responsibility for this publicity, it is the UK Government and the Home Secretary and not Geert Wilders.''

Mr Wilders, who wants the Koran banned, insisted: ''I am not extreme, I am not a racist either.'' >>> | Friday, October 16, 2009

THE GUARDIAN – View picture gallery here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hip, Hip, Hoorah! Geert Can Enter the United Kingdom!

THE TELEGRAPH – BLOG: It’s being reported that Dutch MP Geert Wilders has won his appeal against being banned from the UK. According to Radio Netherlands:
The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in London has ruled that the British government was wrong to deny populist Dutch politician Geert Wilders entry to the United Kingdom. Mr Wilders planned to show his film Fitna to the British parliament. The government refused to allow him to enter the UK on the grounds that he represented a threat to public order. It is not clear whether the tribunal’s decision means that Mr Wilders is now free to travel to the UK. The British government has not yet reacted to the ruling.
Whether or not one agrees with Wilders’ views on Islam, which make me look like “Koran” Armstrong in comparison, the ban was outrageous. Britain allows all sorts of shady and colourful foreigners to use our premises for their nefarious activities – in contrast here was an elected representative of a democratic European party who was invited by two British parliamentarians to privately broadcast a film about religious fundamentalism.

Wilders had every right to come here, and as far as I can see the only reason he was banned was cowardly British fear of French-style riots. Lord Ahmed, a self-proclaimed Muslim “leader” who, unlike Wilders, has never been elected by anyone, said that Wilders’s criticism of his religion was “an incitement of religious and racial hatred”. He denies saying he would bring down 10,000 protesters to the Lords, but there was a definite air of surrender in the air.

Meanwhile the Government’s great friends, the Muslim Council of Britain, called Wilders “an open and relentless preacher of hate”. (This is the same MCB that has been reluctant to attend Holocaust Memorial Day and objects to mention of the “alleged Armenian genocide” and the “so-called gay Holocaust”.)

Wilders for his part has never preached hatred against any people, only a religion, and has flatly said “I don’t hate Muslims, I hate Islam”. (Plenty of my friends absolutely hate Christianity and wish it driven off the face of the earth, but I don’t take it as a personal affront. That’s because I’m a grown-up). Wilders has also compared the Koran to Mein Kampf and its founder to a terrorist, and has talked about a growing Islamic population with dread. He said: “Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches.” Geert Wilders is free to enter Britain >>> Ed West | Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fitna: The Original Version

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Court rules UK was wrong to bar Geert Wilders >>> Reuters, RNW | Tuesday, October 13, 2009

NRC HANDELSBLAD audio: Wilders reacts to UK ruling >>>

Friday, June 05, 2009

Baroness Uddin Talks BS about Geert Wilders (February 2009)

YOUTUBE: David Milliband Speaks Poppycock about Geert Wilders


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dutch Lawmaker to Make Sequel to Anti-Islamic Film

EURONEWS 24: THE HAGUE, Netherlands - A Dutch lawmaker is planning to make a sequel to the anti-Islamic film that sparked protests among Muslims around the world.

Geert Wilders said in an interview published Thursday in a Dutch newspaper that the film will likely come out next year.

He said it will not be a copy of Fitna, the film he released on the Internet last year that coupled images of terror attacks with verses from the Quran.

This is the next phase, Wilders said in the interview printed in De Telegraaf. >>> Mark of EuroNews 24 | Thursday, April 16, 2009

WELT ONLINE: Niederlande: Rechtspopulist Wilders plant neuen Anti-Islam-Film

WELT ONLINE: Der umstrittene niederländische Parlamentarier Geert Wilders plant für das nächste Jahr ein weiteres islamkritisches Video. Darin wolle er auf die Folgen einer Masseneinwanderung aus islamischen Ländern hinweisen und Problemlösungen aufzeigen. Für die Verwirklichung des Projekts sucht er noch Geldgeber.

Geert Wilders. Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Der holländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders hat mit der Ankündigung eines neuen Anti-Islam-Films Terrorismus-Bekämpfer alarmiert.

Politische Parteien und Muslim-Verbände in den Niederlanden reagierten hingegen zurückhaltend auf Wilders' Erklärung, er werde mit professioneller Hilfe aus den USA eine Fortsetzung seines vor einem Jahr heftig umstrittenen Internet-Films „Fitna“ produzieren. „Fitna 2“ werde die Folgen einer zunehmenden „Islamisierung“ des Westens deutlich machen.

Die Sicherheitsdienste prüften nun, welche Auswirkungen die Ankündigung möglicherweise für die Bedrohungssituation in den Niederlanden hat, erklärte ein Sprecher der Anti-Terrorismus-Behörde (NCTB). Dies sei die übliche Reaktion. Nach Einschätzung der Behörde war durch Wilders ersten Film die Gefahr von Anschlägen gewachsen.

Innenministerin Guusje ter Horst hatte Anfang April erklärt, die Bedrohungslage sei noch so ernst, dass die zweithöchste Alarmstufe „substanziell“ aufrechterhalten bleiben müsse.

Sie verwies dabei auch auf den Afghanistan-Einsatz der niederländischen Streitkräfte. Deshalb sowie wegen mutmaßlicher Beleidigungen des Islam, unter anderem durch „Fitna“, blieben die Niederlande in den Augen von muslimischen Extremisten ein „legitimes Angriffsziel“.

"Fitna 2" werde Anfang 2010 veröffentlicht, sagte Wilders der Zeitung „De Telegraaf“. „Ich habe dafür Hilfsangebote von Leuten aus New York und Hollywood, die schon Filme gemacht haben, die bei uns in den Kinos zu sehen waren“, fügte Wilders hinzu, ohne Namen zu nennen. >>> dpa/KNA/fsl | Donnerstag, 16. April 2009

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Islam and Freedom of Speech

THE BOSTON GLOBE: Geert Wilders is a member of the Dutch Parliament and head of the Freedom Party. In 2008 he released "Fitna," a controversial film about the Koran and jihadist violence. Wilders was condemned as an anti-Muslim agitator but also hailed as a defender of Western values and free speech. In January, a Dutch court ordered Wilders prosecuted for allegedly inciting hatred against Islam. Last month he was invited to screen "Fitna" at Westminster, but the British government barred him from entering the country. He was recently interviewed by Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, who prepared the following edited excerpts:

Q: You've said that England today is more Chamberlain than Churchill. Explain what you mean.

A: Well, Chamberlain was the biggest appeaser to a totalitarian ideology called fascism. Now we face the threat of another totalitarian ideology called Islam, at least according to me. And instead of defending our freedom, defending our values, when I was invited a few weeks ago to show "Fitna" in the House of Lords, they denied me entry to the United Kingdom.

Q: The letter from the British home secretary said: "Your statements about Muslims and their beliefs . . . would threaten community harmony, and therefore public security, in the UK."

A: What really happened is that she was pressured. In the English press, there was a lot of news that Lord Ahmed [Nazir Ahmed, a British peer] threatened to have 10,000 Muslims demonstrating in front of Westminster.

Q: If you were allowed into the country.

A: Yes. And this is what I meant by Chamberlain. The UK government is giving in, appeasing the enemy. They should stand up and say: We might not like the political view of this guy, but he should be allowed to come here and say it. >>> By Geert Wilders | Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

We Should Embrace Our Heritage and Identity


When Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian, arrived at Heathrow Airport to present to the British Parliament a screening of his film, Fitna, the frightened Home Secretary ordered him deported. 

Lord Ahmed, a Muslim member of the House of Lords, had threatened descent of 10,000 Muslims on Britain’s Parliament if Wilders were admitted. Wilders’ short film is a compilation of video footage from various recent Muslim terrorist atrocities and its documentation has earned him death threats as well as the Home Secretary’s unwelcome.

Wilders appeared on Fox News’s The O’Reilly Factor recently, and during the interview he made a simple but profound statement. “I think we should embrace our identity and be proud of our Judeo-Christian heritage,” Wilders said. He is correct. 

Unless we do embrace our identity and take pride in our Judeo-Christian heritage, then America, like Britain, will cower in the face of evil tyranny. This, I think, is the most pressing issue facing America today — even more than the economy, important though the economy may be. Unless we define who we are and have the courage to proclaim it, we will lack the wherewithal to face future exigencies. 

America’s richness derives in part from its multicultured and multi-faith composition. But despite our varied backgrounds and faiths, most of us share an overriding belief that by some power greater than ourselves, we have been granted certain inalienable rights. >>> Louise Friend, Friendsville | Sunday, March 1, 2009

*Serving Western Maryland and the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Soon It Will Be Prime Minister Wilders!

THE TELEGRAPH: Britain's controversial ban on the anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders has pushed his Freedom Party into the lead for the first time, according to Dutch opinion polls.

Geert Wilders. The next premier of the Netherlands? Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Mr Wilders has benefited from the publicity provided by Dutch and international headlines that followed a decision last month to ban him from showing his anti-Muslim film, Fitna, in the House of Lords.

His attempt to enter Britain, his detention and subsequent deportation, following an order by Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, have made the Dutch MP into a free speech martyr and celebrity in the Netherlands.

New opinion polling now puts Mr Wilders ahead of the Christian Democrats, who lead a coalition government.

"How happy I am about this. These are of course just polls, but it is an enormous sign of confidence from the Dutch voter," said Mr Wilders.

"As far as I am concerned, elections can be held tomorrow, then I will be the next premier". Geert Wilders Leads Dutch Polls >>> By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels | Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ellison Expresses Concern and Disappointment with Decision to Screen Anti-Islamic Film

COMMONDREAMS.ORG: Takes Issue with sponsorship of film by Senator Kyl

WASHINGTON - Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) took issue with the screening of a film by the controversial Dutch Parliamentarian, Geert Wilders, in the United States Capitol. The film being screened, "Fitna", is said to compare Islamic terrorism to Nazism. The screening is sponsored by Senator John Kyl (R-AZ).

"I am a strong an advocate of First Amendment free speech. However, this is not about free speech, but rather an issue of propriety, timing and venue," Ellison said. "Senator Kyl has every right to host anyone he chooses, however it becomes a question of propriety to use the United States Capitol as a venue for the condemnation of an entire religion," Ellison said.

Mr. Wilders was denied entry by the British government because of his extremist views. A British Home Office spokesman stated: "The government opposes extremism in all its forms." The Dutch government has disavowed Mr. Wilders visit to this country and believes the release of this film "serves no purpose other than to cause offence." According to the London Telegraph, Wilders has stated that the Qu'ran should be banned.

Ellison further stated, "At a time when President Obama has said to the Muslim world, ‘We are ready to initiate a new partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interest,' the showing of a film that denigrates the faith of 1.4 billion of the world's citizens does not foster mutual respect or mutual interest.

At a time when the US should be providing renewed leadership for peace and more understanding between the west and the Muslim world, one has to question the wisdom and judgment of promoting a film that erroneously condemns an entire religion-especially in the US Capitol," Ellison concluded. [Source:] Rick Jauert | Thursday, February 26, 2009

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Men of Custard

”Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.” – Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, French political philosopher (1712 - 1778)

Politicians today are craven! They do NOT deserve our respect!

Politicians, at least in the United Kingdom, are career politicians who only rarely have pursued other careers before entering Parliament.

In years gone by, this was very different: Men, and I mean men, used to go into politics when they had achieved a great deal in the real world, and when they felt that they had enough money to spend the rest of their working lives in the pursuit of improving the lot of the people. They were beholden unto no one, because they had made their money before entering politics, and were thus prepared to work for a relatively modest remuneration in order to try and improve the lot of the masses. Because they were men of independent means, they could speak their minds.

What we have today is but a mere pathetic shadow of the politicians of yore. What we have today are ‘company men’, party men, if you will. They toe the party line; and are terrified of losing their positions. How many politicians have you heard of recently who have been prepared to resign on a point of principle? Few, I would wager.

We, at least in the UK, are all the poorer for this sad development. It means that our politicians are far more concerned about their next pay packet than they are about the real concerns of politics.

Recent events have shown us, and very, very clearly, that our politicians are craven, unprincipled, and weak. Weak beyond measure!

The Houses of Parliament are peopled not only by men, but they are peopled by women also. To a great extent, British politics has become feminized. Bringing women into the political arena is, in many ways, a great thing; but it can only be a great thing if the women coming into politics can take the tough decisions necessary to ensure that our Judeo-Christian civilization can survive and thrive. Of late, this has clearly NOT been happening. On the contrary, our Judeo-Christian civilization, a civilization which has given us so, so much, has been dangerously weakened.

Just observe what has been happening in the United Kingdom! Just observe the pathetically weak and craven way that this NuLabour government has dealt with the threat that Islam has posed this nation! The ministers and politicians, all of whom are running scared, have placated these Muslims, even to the point of banning Geert Wilders from entering the country to show his film, Fitna, in the House of Lords.

It is abhorrent, to say nothing of being craven, to say nothing of being unworthy, to have banned this courageous man from this country. The decision was as disgusting as it was undemocratic. We in the United Kingdom were raised to expect our freedom of speech, we were raised to expect liberty. Yet, what has this awful government given us? Nothing but surrender to the forces of evil, surrender to the forces of darkness, surrender to the Jihad being waged against us. How can our politicians expect us willingly to embrace Muslims when we can see so plainly – it is as plain as the nose on your face – that Muslims are the cause of our loss of freedoms? How can this bring harmony in the community? Of course, it cannot!

The war on Islamic terror over the past years has been fought by politicians hell-bent on taking away the freedoms of the innocent people upon whom the ‘war on terror’ has been waged – the victims. Instead of targeting the perpetrators of the crimes, our ‘leaders’ have chosen to bring hurt upon the innocent. Why? Because they lack the courage necessary to punish the people who are perpetrating the crimes. Why? Because they know that if they were to punish the perpetrators of the crimes, they would meet with fierce opposition, whilst they know that by punishing the innocent, they will meet with nothing but meek and mild opposition, if indeed they meet with opposition at all.

Our so-called leaders, craven leaders almost all, decided that the ‘war on terror’ would be waged by taking your freedoms away, and mine. They decided that they would take our freedom away to criticize religion in general, and Islam in particular. (Oh, for the love of Allah, don’t criticize Islam!) As a result of this, and other stupidities, we now find ourselves with our hands tied firmly behind our backs, we find ourselves with a pitifully weakened voice. That’s how stupid and craven the politicians are that now lead us.

But can I tell you this: It is our birthright to be able to criticize Islam; it is our birthright to be able to criticize the Prophet Muhammad.

This is why it is IMPERATIVE that we be given an ‘international first amendment’, which Geert Wilders has called for, and which the International Free Press Society has called for, too. No constitution that the EU will write will be worth a damn if there is within it no ‘first amendment’. The people need to be free to speak their minds; they need to be free to criticize religion, any religion, and they need to be free to criticize any prophets considered to be – at least by some – the expounders of those faiths. No prophet, no god, must be above criticism, for any god worthy of being worshipped will accept such criticism. A god which cannot accept such criticism, a prophet who cannot accept such criticism, cannot be worthy of being worshipped at all! NO religion worthy of its salt is above criticism!

But our politicians are weak and craven and lacking in spunk: they cannot find it within themselves to criticize those who perpetrate crimes in the name of their pathetic religions, still less to criticize the religions themselves.

This is why our politicians are not worthy of being followed. This is why our politicians are not worthy of the title of ‘leaders’. This is why there is need of change at the top, this is why we are in need of change in the establishment.

We need leaders of spunk, but all I see around me are leaders of custard!

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Geert Wilders’ New York Speech

Thank you.

Thank you very much for inviting me. And – to the immigration authorities – thank you for letting me into this country. It is always a pleasure to cross a border without being sent back on the first plane.

Today, the dearest of our many freedoms is under attack all throughout Europe. Free speech is no longer a given. What we once considered a natural element of our existence, our birth right, is now something we once again have to battle for. 

As you might know, I will be prosecuted, because of my film Fitna, my remarks regarding Islam, and my view concerning what some call a ‘religion of peace’. A few years from now, I might be a criminal.

Whether or not I end up in jail is not the most pressing issue; I gave up my freedom four years ago. I am under full-time police protection ever since. The real question is: will free speech be put behind bars? And the larger question for the West is: will we leave Europe’s children the values of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem, or the values of Mecca, Teheran and Gaza?

This is what video blogger Pat Condell said in one of his latest you tube appearances. He says: “If I talked about Muslims the way their holy book talks about me, I’d be arrested for hate speech.” Now, Mr Condell is a stand-up comedian, but in the video he is dead serious and the joke is on us. Hate speech will always be used against the people defending the West – in order to please and appease Muslims. They can say whatever they want: throw gays from apartment buildings, kill the Jews, slaughter the infidel, destroy Israel, jihad against the West. Whatever their book tells them.

Today, I come before you to warn of a great threat. It is called Islam. It poses as a religion, but its goals are very worldly: world domination, holy war, sharia law, the end of the separation of church and state, slavery of women, the end of democracy. It is NOT a religion, it is an political ideology. It demands your respect, but has no respect for you.

There might be moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam. Islam will never change, because it is built on two rocks that are forever, two fundamental beliefs that will never change, and will never alter. First, there is the Quran, Allah’s personal word, uncreated, forever, with orders that need to be fulfilled regardless of place or time. And second, there is al-insal [sic] al-kamil, the perfect man, Muhammad the role model, whose deeds are to be imitated by all Muslims. And since Muhammad was a warlord and a conqueror we know what to expect. Islam means submission, so there cannot be any mistake about it’s goal. That’s a given. It’s fact.

This is Europe 2009. Muslim settlers calling for our destruction, and free speech on trial. All this is the outcome of a sick and evil ideology, the ideology that is weakening us, the surrender ideology of cultural relativism. It believes that all cultures are equal, and therefore Islam deserves an equal place in the West. It is their duty, the left thinks, to facilitate Islam. This way the cultural relativists paradise comes within reach and we will all be happy, and sing kumbaya.

The forces of Islam couldn’t agree more. Islam being facilitated by government is their agenda too. But they see it as jizya, the money dhimmis pay in order not to be killed or raped by their Muslim masters. Therefore, they happily accept the welfare cheque or the subsidies for their mosque or the money governments donate to their organizations.

This is just one example of cultural relativists and Muslim settlers having the same agenda. There is another. Islam considers itself a religion and therefore we are not permitted to criticize it. The left agrees. Although it hated Christianity for decades, now that Islam appears on the scene, they suddenly change course and demand ‘respect’ for something they call a religion.

Again we see the left and Islam having the same agenda: it is a religion, so shut up.

This all culminates in a third coming-together: nor the left nor Islam is in favor of criticism. In fact, given the opportunity, they would simply outlaw it. Multiculturalism is the left’s pet project. It is actually their religion. Their love of it is so great, if you oppose it, it must be hate. And if you say it, it is labeled hate speech. Now here is something the Islam can agree on.

This is the essence of my short introduction today: where the left and Islam come together, freedom will suffer.

My friends, make no mistake, my prosecution is a full-fledged attack by the left on freedom of speech in order to please Muslims. It was started by a member of the Dutch Labour party, and the entire legal proceeding is done by well-to-do liberals, the radical chic of Dutch society, the snobbish left. Too much money, too much time, too little love of liberty. If you read what the court of Amsterdam has written about me, you read the same texts that cultural relativists produce.

How low can we go in the Netherlands? About my prosecution, The Wall Street Journal noted: “this is no small victory for Islamic regimes seeking to export their censorship laws to wherever Muslims reside”. The Journal concluded that by The Netherlands accepting the free speech standards of, “Saudi-Arabia”, I stand correct in my observation that - I quote - “Muslim immigration is eroding traditional Dutch liberties”.

Now, if the Wall Street Journal has the moral clarity to see that my prosecution is the logical outcome of our disastrous, self-hating, multiculturalists immigration policies, then why can’t the European liberal establishment see the same thing? Why aren’t they getting at least a little bit scared by the latest news out of, for example, the UK. News that tells that the Muslim population in Britain is growing ten times as fast as the rest of society. Why don’t they care?

The answer is: they don’t care because they are blinded by their cultural relativism. Their disdain of the West is so much greater than the appreciation of our many liberties. And therefore, they are willing to sacrifice everything. The left once stood for women rights, gay rights, equality, democracy. Now, they favour immigration policies that will end all this. Many even lost their decency. Elite politicians have no problem to participate in or finance demonstrations where settlers shout “Death to the Jews”. Seventy years after Auschwitz they know of no shame.

Two weeks ago, I tried to get into Britain, a fellow EU country. I was invited to give a speech in Parliament. However, upon arrival at London airport, I was refused entry into the UK, and sent back on the first plane to Holland. I would have loved to have reminded the audience of a great man who once spoke in the House of Commons. In 1982 President Reagan gave a speech there very few people liked. Reagan called upon the West to reject communism and defend freedom. He introduced a phrase: ‘evil empire’. Reagan’s speech stands out as a clarion call to preserve our liberties. I quote: If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly. What Reagan meant is that you cannot run away from history, you cannot escape the dangers of ideologies that are out to destroy you. Denial is no option.

So, what should we do? Is this a good moment for freedom-loving people to give in or to change course? To all-of-a-sudden start singing praise of Islam, or proclaiming there is such a thing as a moderate Islam? Will we now accept the continuation of Muslim mass immigration to the West? Will we appease sharia and jihad? Should we sacrifice gay rights and women rights? Or democracy? Should we sell out Israel, our dearest ally, and a frontline state of Islam?

Well, my humble opinion is: No way, Jose!

I suggest to defend [sic] freedom in general and freedom of speech in particular. I propose the withdrawal of all hate speech legislation in Europe. I propose a European First Amendment. In Europe we should defend freedom of speech like you Americans do. In Europe freedom of speech should be extended, instead of restricted. Of course, calling for violence or unjustly yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre have to be punished, but the right to criticize ideologies or religions are necessary conditions for a vital democracry. As George Orwell once said: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.

Let us defend freedom of speech and let us gain strength and work hard to become even stronger. Millions think just like you and me. Millions think liberty is precious. That democracy is better than sharia. And after all, why should we be afraid? Our many freedoms and our prosperity are the result of centuries of endeavour. Centuries of hard work and sacrifice. We do not stand alone, and we stand on the shoulders of giants.

Late December 1944 the American army was suddenly faced with a last-ditch effort by the Germans. In the Ardennes, in the Battle of the Bulge, Hitler and his national-socialists fought for their last chance. And they were very successful. Americans faced defeat, and death.

In the darkest of winter, in the freezing cold, in a lonely forest with snow and ice as even fiercer enemies than the Nazi war machine itself, the American army was told to surrender. That might be their only chance to survive. But General McAuliffe thought otherwise. He gave the Germans a short message. This message contained just four letters. Four letters only, but never in the history of freedom was a desire for liberty and perseverance in the face of evil expressed more eloquently than in that message. It spelled N – U – T – S. “Nuts”.

My friends, the national-socialists got the message. Because it left no room for interpretation!

I suggest we walk in the tradition of giants like General McAuliffe and the American soldiers who fought and died for the freedom of my country and for a secular and democratic Europe, and we tell the enemies of freedom just that. NUTS! Because that’s all there is to it. No explanations. No beating around the bush. No caveats.

Our enemies should know: we will never apologize for being free men, we will never bow for the combined forces of Mecca and the left. And we will never surrender. We stand on the shoulders of giants. There is no stronger power than the force of free men fighting for the great cause of liberty. Because freedom is the birthright of all man.

Hat tip: Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs >>>

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Geert Wilders on Bill O’Reilly’s The Factor, February 23, 2009

PAJAMAS MEDIA: A Dutch Hero Comes to Warn Us, Seek Our Support. The Incomparable Geert Wilders, MP, in New York City

“I have come to warn you of a great threat. Free speech is no longer a given, we must now battle for our birthright. We are looking at the end of democracy, the slavery of women, the death of gays. While there might be moderate Muslims, there is no such thing as moderate Islam. Islam is not a religion, it is a political and totalitarian ideology.”

Some would say that these are fighting words.

Indeed, Dutch parliamentarian, Geert Wilders, is fighting for Western liberty and Western values, as rooted in the legacies of “Athens, Rome, and Jerusalem.” This is the legacy he wishes to leave the “children of Europe,” as opposed to the legacy of “Mecca and Gaza.” Wilders is fighting for us all, his fight is our fight. As he said earlier today, “it is not about (him) but about Free Speech.” Today he may be a “criminal, tomorrow, anyone of us might be considered a criminal too,” for telling the truth about the danger that Islam poses to Western democracy. “Today I may be put behind bars. I am not the issue. Will free speech be put behind bars?”

“It is not 8:55pm. It is 11:55pm. We will lose everything.”

Wilders is very blond, quite trim, and well tailored, both matter-of-fact and charming in a way that does not come across in still photos. Wilders’ Dutch and Scandinavian entourage: other members of Parliament, such as Barry Madlener, of the Party of Freedom, (PVV), with whom I sat, and Lars Hedegaard, (the head of The Free Speech Society–Denmark), were all impossibly handsome, healthy, fluent in English, and heartbreakingly serious.

“The Left has hated Christianity for decades. Now, it demands respect for Islam. Guess why? The Left and Islam are both opposed to criticism of any kind. Where the Left and Islam come together, freedom will always suffer.”

Wilders attributes the erosion of Western sanity and courage to the infernal doctrine of “multicultural relativism which has fatefully weakened the West.” Such politically correct beliefs have led to the liberal Dutch Labor Party’s initiation of the lawsuit against Wilders. While the public prosecutor’s office declined to prosecute Wilders for “hate speech,” (hundreds of people wrote to the Prosecutors on Wilders’ behalf), the liberals appealed their ruling to the High Court in Amsterdam which actually overruled the public prosecutor’s decision. Wilders is on his way to appeal this last decision in the Dutch Supreme Court. He says, wryly, that the lawsuits may last until 2015. >>> Phyllis Chesler | Monday, February 23, 2009

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Congress Shows Its Commitment to Freedom of Expression by Welcoming Geert Wilders. Americans Have More Backbone Than Craven Brits

It is a nonsense to imply that only Geert Wilders claims that Islam inspires terrorism. It is a fact that it does so; and anybody who knows anything about Islam knows that. It should come as no surprise to those at the top. In fact, if they were on top of their jobs, they wouldn’t need people like Geert Wilders to tell them the facts!

It is shameful and idiotic for the British government to have turned Geert Wilders away at Heathrow. In doing so, Brown & Co have shot the messenger. Always a stupid thing to do! In doing so, they have shown that they are not committed to freedom of expression, and not committed to liberty, either. The Brown government, with its craven Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, and Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, a woman of manifest incompetence, has disgraced Great Britain. She has destroyed Britain’s image of being the mother of all democracies. I can think of no action this government could have taken to do more damage to the freedoms Brits have enjoyed over the centuries, and nor can I think of any action it could have taken to demean the reputation of this once proud nation. Churchill will surely be turning in his grave!

But, of course, anyone with a few grey cells knows why this government banned him: Out of fear of Muslims, fear of Islam, and fear of losing the Muslim vote. Far more Muslims vote Labour than Conservative. Furthermore, Lord Ahmed, the Muslim peer, wields far too much power in the House of Lords. He should be cut down to size.

For anyone who thinks that Geert Wilders is showing double standards by wanting freedom for himself to warn the West of the dangers of Islam and Islamofascism whilst wanting to ban the Koran at the same time, divest yourself of the notion. There are no double standards there at all. Even in a free society, if you find that there is a growing ideology out there which wants to destroy the freedoms you enjoy, then you’d be a fool not to ban it. After all, this is not without precedence, is it? Nobody can form a Nazi party in the United Kingdom; and as Geert Wilders says, Mein Kampf is banned in the Netherlands, as it is in Germany and Austria. Yet these nations still enjoy freedom.

This government needs to get a grip.
– ©Mark

THE TELEGRAPH: Republican Senator Jon Kyl is hosting a film screening at the Capitol building in Washington for a [sic] the controversial Right-wing Dutch politician who claims that Islam inspires terrorism.

Mr Kyl is sponsoring the Thursday event for Geert Wilders, who was denied entry to Britain earlier this month after British officials said he posed a threat to public order.

The Home Office refused him entry on the grounds he "would threaten community security and therefore public security".

The elected Dutch MP had been invited to the House of Lords to show his 17-minute film, Fitna, which criticises the Koran as a "fascist book" and compares Islam to Nazism.

Mr Wilders' 15-minute film, Fitna, juxtaposes verses from the Koran with images of violence and compares Islam to Nazism.

Mr Wilders has defended himself against accusations of "double standards" over his own demand for freedom of speech alongside his calls for the Koran to be banned.

"I want to ban the Koran," he admitted.

"In the Netherlands we have banned Mein Kampf. I see a comparison between the two books. Not only are both books of totalitarian ideology but they both also incite violence." Dutch Anti-Muslim Politician Geert Wilders to Screen Fitna Film in Washington >>> | Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MAIL Online: Now Dutch MP Who Was Banned from Britain for His Anti-Islam Film Is Welcomed in the U.S.

Jon Kyl, host of the American film screening of Fitna, Geert Wilders’ amazingly accurate depiction of Islam. Photo courtesy of the Mail Online

A controversial Dutch MP banned from Britain for his fair right views will be allowed to screen his controversial anti-Islamic film in United States.

Geert Wilders, who was last month refused entry into Britain, will screen screen his anti-Islam film Fitna in Washington in two days time.

Republican Senator Jon Kyl will host Thursday's film screening for the far-right Dutch lawmaker who claims that Islam inspires terrorism.

The 15-minute film sparked controversy after it juxtaposed verses from the Koran with images of violence by Muslims.
Wilders had been invited to Britain by a member of Parliament's upper house, the House of Lords, to show his film.

But the British government refused his entry into the country, saying he posed a threat to 'community harmony.'
The Dutch MP also called Koran a 'fascist book' and said it should be banned.

But Kyl agreed to hold the event because he said 'all too often, people who have the courage to point out the dangers of militant Islamists find themselves vilified and endangered.'

Thursday's event is being sponsored by the International Free Press Society and is headed by Danish activist Lars Hedegaard, and the Center for Security Policy, a think tank in Washington led by Republican Frank Gaffney. >>> Mail Foreign Service | Tuesday, February 24, 2009


DIE PRESSE: Islam-Kritiker Wilders zeigt seinen Film im US-Kapitol

Der niederländische Abgeordnete Geert Wilders wird am Donnerstag seinen umstrittenen Kurzfilm "Fitna" auf Einladung des republikanischen Senators Kyl vorführen. Ein ähnliches Vorhaben in London scheiterte wegen eines Einreiseverbots.

Der niederländische Abgeordnete Geert Wilders wird am Donnerstag seinen umstrittenen Anti-Islam-Kurzfilm "Fitna" im Kapitol, dem Sitz des US-Kongresses in Washington, zeigen. Eingeladen hat ihn der republikanische US-Senator Jon Kyl. Das teilte Kyls Sprecher Ryan Patmintra am Montag mit.

Mit einem ähnlichen Vorhaben in Großbritannien war Wilders Anfang des Monats gescheitert. Auch dort wollte er auf Einladung eines Mitglieds des Oberhauses den Film zeigen. Die britische Regierung belegte den Rechtspopulisten jedoch wegen Islam-feindlicher Äußerungen mit einem Einreiseverbot. Er sei nicht willkommen, weil er eine Bedrohung für "die Harmonie der Gemeinschaft und damit die öffentlichen Sicherheit" darstelle, erklärte die Regierung. Film-Vorführung nicht öffentlich >>> Ag | Dienstag, 24. Februar 2009

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