Thursday, February 26, 2009

Men of Custard

”Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.” – Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, French political philosopher (1712 - 1778)

Politicians today are craven! They do NOT deserve our respect!

Politicians, at least in the United Kingdom, are career politicians who only rarely have pursued other careers before entering Parliament.

In years gone by, this was very different: Men, and I mean men, used to go into politics when they had achieved a great deal in the real world, and when they felt that they had enough money to spend the rest of their working lives in the pursuit of improving the lot of the people. They were beholden unto no one, because they had made their money before entering politics, and were thus prepared to work for a relatively modest remuneration in order to try and improve the lot of the masses. Because they were men of independent means, they could speak their minds.

What we have today is but a mere pathetic shadow of the politicians of yore. What we have today are ‘company men’, party men, if you will. They toe the party line; and are terrified of losing their positions. How many politicians have you heard of recently who have been prepared to resign on a point of principle? Few, I would wager.

We, at least in the UK, are all the poorer for this sad development. It means that our politicians are far more concerned about their next pay packet than they are about the real concerns of politics.

Recent events have shown us, and very, very clearly, that our politicians are craven, unprincipled, and weak. Weak beyond measure!

The Houses of Parliament are peopled not only by men, but they are peopled by women also. To a great extent, British politics has become feminized. Bringing women into the political arena is, in many ways, a great thing; but it can only be a great thing if the women coming into politics can take the tough decisions necessary to ensure that our Judeo-Christian civilization can survive and thrive. Of late, this has clearly NOT been happening. On the contrary, our Judeo-Christian civilization, a civilization which has given us so, so much, has been dangerously weakened.

Just observe what has been happening in the United Kingdom! Just observe the pathetically weak and craven way that this NuLabour government has dealt with the threat that Islam has posed this nation! The ministers and politicians, all of whom are running scared, have placated these Muslims, even to the point of banning Geert Wilders from entering the country to show his film, Fitna, in the House of Lords.

It is abhorrent, to say nothing of being craven, to say nothing of being unworthy, to have banned this courageous man from this country. The decision was as disgusting as it was undemocratic. We in the United Kingdom were raised to expect our freedom of speech, we were raised to expect liberty. Yet, what has this awful government given us? Nothing but surrender to the forces of evil, surrender to the forces of darkness, surrender to the Jihad being waged against us. How can our politicians expect us willingly to embrace Muslims when we can see so plainly – it is as plain as the nose on your face – that Muslims are the cause of our loss of freedoms? How can this bring harmony in the community? Of course, it cannot!

The war on Islamic terror over the past years has been fought by politicians hell-bent on taking away the freedoms of the innocent people upon whom the ‘war on terror’ has been waged – the victims. Instead of targeting the perpetrators of the crimes, our ‘leaders’ have chosen to bring hurt upon the innocent. Why? Because they lack the courage necessary to punish the people who are perpetrating the crimes. Why? Because they know that if they were to punish the perpetrators of the crimes, they would meet with fierce opposition, whilst they know that by punishing the innocent, they will meet with nothing but meek and mild opposition, if indeed they meet with opposition at all.

Our so-called leaders, craven leaders almost all, decided that the ‘war on terror’ would be waged by taking your freedoms away, and mine. They decided that they would take our freedom away to criticize religion in general, and Islam in particular. (Oh, for the love of Allah, don’t criticize Islam!) As a result of this, and other stupidities, we now find ourselves with our hands tied firmly behind our backs, we find ourselves with a pitifully weakened voice. That’s how stupid and craven the politicians are that now lead us.

But can I tell you this: It is our birthright to be able to criticize Islam; it is our birthright to be able to criticize the Prophet Muhammad.

This is why it is IMPERATIVE that we be given an ‘international first amendment’, which Geert Wilders has called for, and which the International Free Press Society has called for, too. No constitution that the EU will write will be worth a damn if there is within it no ‘first amendment’. The people need to be free to speak their minds; they need to be free to criticize religion, any religion, and they need to be free to criticize any prophets considered to be – at least by some – the expounders of those faiths. No prophet, no god, must be above criticism, for any god worthy of being worshipped will accept such criticism. A god which cannot accept such criticism, a prophet who cannot accept such criticism, cannot be worthy of being worshipped at all! NO religion worthy of its salt is above criticism!

But our politicians are weak and craven and lacking in spunk: they cannot find it within themselves to criticize those who perpetrate crimes in the name of their pathetic religions, still less to criticize the religions themselves.

This is why our politicians are not worthy of being followed. This is why our politicians are not worthy of the title of ‘leaders’. This is why there is need of change at the top, this is why we are in need of change in the establishment.

We need leaders of spunk, but all I see around me are leaders of custard!

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved


Always On Watch said...

Politicians, at least in the United Kingdom, are career politicians who only rarely have pursued other careers...

It seems to me that we have exactly the same situation here in the States and all throughout the West.

The few politicians who have past experience have corporate experience and are greedy, greedy, greedy -- even if hey had achieved a great deal in the real world.

We no longer have statesmen! Instead, we have slimy politicians.

It is our birthright to be able to criticize Islam; it is our birthright to be able to criticize the Prophet Muhammad.

I agree. But what we're witnessing now, dhimmitude on a grand scale and on the part of our so-called leaders, is the selling and destruction of our birthright.

I tell you, I'm discouraged beyond words.

I used to believe that if only our leaders knew the facts, they'd confront the dangerous Islamification of our dearly held culture. But such is not the case. These slimy leaders we've got are doing just the opposite. Indeed, they seem determined to undermine Western civilization as rapidly as possible.

Mark said...


It seems to me that we have exactly the same situation here in the States and all throughout the West.

Yes indeed! And it's so sad. We have always looked to America for our lead. Alas, it is not coming.

The few politicians who have past experience have corporate experience and are greedy, greedy, greedy -- even if hey had achieved a great deal in the real world.

Yes, and greedy in a BIG way!

We no longer have statesmen! Instead, we have slimy politicians.

Slimy, slimy, slimy!

It is our birthright to be able to criticize Islam; it is our birthright to be able to criticize the Prophet Muhammad.

I agree. But what we're witnessing now, dhimmitude on a grand scale and on the part of our so-called leaders, is the selling and destruction of our birthright.

I tell you, I'm discouraged beyond words.

You and me both! How can one be anything but discouraged?

I used to believe that if only our leaders knew the facts, they'd confront the dangerous Islamification of our dearly held culture. But such is not the case. These slimy leaders we've got are doing just the opposite. Indeed, they seem determined to undermine Western civilization as rapidly as possible.

I used to believe this, too. Now I know better. Our beloved Western civilization is being undermined at each and every turn. Does that mean that it is up to the people to defend it?

Always On Watch said...

Yes, it is up to the people now.

We're in for very unsettled times, I think, with major political and social upheaval.

But the alternative -- the dominance of Islam in the West -- would be even worse!

My concern is that the West will simply not wake up in time.

Mark said...


Yes, it is up to the people now.

When governments will do NOTHING, then it is ONLY the people who are left to do ANYTHING. But it is a sad situation when the people who are paid to protect our civilization and lifestyle are too cowardly to do so, whilst continuing to accept salaries funded by the taxpayer.

We're in for very unsettled times, I think, with major political and social upheaval.

The bad times and the upheaval are only just beginning.

But the alternative -- the dominance of Islam in the West -- would be even worse!

But it could still come to that. Going through unsettled times and eventually being dominated by Islam are in no way mutually exclusive. We could end with both scenarios – one after the other! Perish the thought!

My concern is that the West will simply not wake up in time.

Your concern is well justified, especially with all the cowardice, denial, and ignorance around.

Unknown said...

Men of custard indeed Mark. Craven, opportunistic parasites is what they are. But just how did we end up with this type of human beings in charge of everything? Well, yesterday, I had a very clear example of why.

While in idle conversation with a couple of neighbors, the subject of Bono, and U2 came up, and their decision to move their business interests to the Netherlands, in order to avoid the now excessive taxation in the Republic of Ireland. Now, under normal circumstances, this in itself is/was not remarkable, However Bono has set himself up as a champion of the masses, with the express purpose of arm twisting the governments of the world into send vast quantities of money to Africa, that would be vast quantities of TAX PAYER's money, but now it would seem ... not so much of his!

The revealing part of the conversation was as this one lady, defended Bono, as this being a smart business move, which under normal considerations it is, but she was arguing from a point of bias to which she was totally oblivious, Partly because, being a fan of U2 she saw it as an assault upon something/someone she admired, and partly "the cause" as she repeated the mantra of the left, that we should always and forever help others, regardless of outcome.Her arguments blotted out any aspect of responsibility for the condition to which vast tracts of humanity find themselves in.

However, this woman, like myself and others in our community, is/are not wealthy, in fact, most of us get along from month to month with a great struggle. So therefore, her desire to do good with aide packages is based upon what exactly....well, I would say....wishful thinking and a great desire to see herself as a "noble spirit" and a "better person", and not much else. She surely does not have the wherewithal to affect anything other than a very, very minimal occasional contribution, even were her actions to match her desires.

It is this empty wishful thinking, together with the metrosexualization of Western society, which has brought us to this pass. No wonder the Obama's and the Blair's of this world hold such sway, for they appeal directly to this shallow sentimentality, which thinks no deeper than a momentary thought and then wanders off to new pastures to enjoy the scenery ... tomorrows another day. The fact that a Blair, an Obama, or a Bono, may be following a more latent agenda is a total irrelevance to a mind such as this.

Hell, the woman can't even look after her own dog properly, for several of us have found it wandering the neighborhood alone and unattended at all hours, and this is not a good area for an unattended animal, the amount of roadkill around here is phenomenal

We all can fall foul of our assumptions from time to time, but some live their lives wallowing in their own comfort zones, while others awaken from their slumbers to the horror of just what the world is really all about....a harsh, hard, cold and calculating environment, where brute strength can often serve the meanest dog, and nothing more, all of which is held in check by the institutions of civilization, which the vainglorious left and their useful idiots, the shallow minded sheep, continue to assail and ridicule on a daily basis.

No, my neighbor is not the cause of the decline of our security in and of herself, just a symptom of it. She is the base fan club by which these cowardly custards gain their ascension to power.

A harsh comment on another human being...yes...absolutely. But her's is the hand that constrains our resolute response to Islam's incursions, for anything else would be an assault on her greater compassion, her more caring nature, and that simply cannot be, for then her fragile world would collapse around her ears.

We MUST steel ourselves, for the coming conflict will be brutal and barbaric, be under no illusions. Unfortunately, we will need to see a great number of our own slaughtered in the most barbaric fashion, before we become resolved to stern action, and brush aside this weak kneed sentimentality which pervades our societies. The irony is of course, when that day dawns, that neighbor will be hiding behind the backs of those who will defend her all the while she despises everything about expect NO gratitude.

Sorry to go off on such a tangent on your excellent article Mark, but then what's new...I always seem to do that. Again, your point goes straight to the heart of our problem, we are led by people proclaiming their suitabilities for high office, while possessing none of the real prerequisites. They simply are NOT leaders of men, they are false prophets.

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

It was a delight to read this comment. Your comments are always so thoughtful and well-constructed. Thank you again for this one. It's a gem.

Men of custard indeed Mark. Craven, opportunistic parasites is what they are. But just how did we end up with this type of human beings in charge of everything?

It's the bleeding heart liberals, don't you know? It would be funny if it weren't so damn sad.

It is this empty wishful thinking, together with the metrosexualization of Western society, which has brought us to this pass. No wonder the Obama's and the Blair's of this world hold such sway, for they appeal directly to this shallow sentimentality, which thinks no deeper than a momentary thought and then wanders off to new pastures to enjoy the scenery ... tomorrows another day. The fact that a Blair, an Obama, or a Bono, may be following a more latent agenda is a total irrelevance to a mind such as this.

Indeed, indeed, indeed! How many people actually look behind the veneer? How many people ask themselves the really hard questions? I would wager very few.

Unfortunately, we are living in an age in which form trumps substance. People are so concerned with how our politicians and 'leaders' look. Are they beautifully-dressed? Do they smoke? Do they drink too much alcohol? Do they speak a good line? Etc. All of these things are hardly important in determining a good leader. Would Churchill have given a damn what people thought of his drinking habit, or cigar-smoking habit? Did those habits deter him from being a wonderful leader? Could one really say that Churchill cut a dashing figure? Of course not. Yet he made a wonderful war-time leader (probably would have made a wonderful peace-time leader, too, if he's been given the chance).

People have become prissy and intolerant. Their values are askew. And we can discern the results. They are all around us, for everyone to observe.

We all can fall foul of our assumptions from time to time, but some live their lives wallowing in their own comfort zones, while others awaken from their slumbers to the horror of just what the world is really all about....a harsh, hard, cold and calculating environment, where brute strength can often serve the meanest dog, and nothing more, all of which is held in check by the institutions of civilization, which the vainglorious left and their useful idiots, the shallow minded sheep, continue to assail and ridicule on a daily basis.

The world is indeed cold and hard and calculating. And one of these fine days, we shall all be waking up to the harsh realities with which we shall be confronted.

No, my neighbor is not the cause of the decline of our security in and of herself, just a symptom of it. She is the base fan club by which these cowardly custards gain their ascension to power.

Yes, I fear so.

A harsh comment on another human being...yes...absolutely. But her's is the hand that constrains our resolute response to Islam's incursions, for anything else would be an assault on her greater compassion, her more caring nature, and that simply cannot be, for then her fragile world would collapse around her ears.

With the growth of Islam, we can hardly afford to be too caring. We must overcome; otherwise, we shall be overcome. And in short order!

We MUST steel ourselves, for the coming conflict will be brutal and barbaric, be under no illusions. Unfortunately, we will need to see a great number of our own slaughtered in the most barbaric fashion, before we become resolved to stern action, and brush aside this weak kneed sentimentality which pervades our societies.

Conflict is now almost inevitable, in one form of another; and as you say, it will be brutal and barbaric. Religious wars always are.

Sorry to go off on such a tangent on your excellent article Mark, but then what's new...I always seem to do that. Again, your point goes straight to the heart of our problem, we are led by people proclaiming their suitabilities for high office, while possessing none of the real prerequisites. They simply are NOT leaders of men, they are false prophets.

With thanks, JAR. I appreciate your kind remarks. As, of course, I appreciate your wonderful comments.