BBC AMERICA: Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been sentenced to life in prison by a court in New York for supporting terrorism.
He was convicted in May of multiple charges, including hostage-taking and plotting to set up a terrorism training camp in the US.
His trial followed a lengthy extradition process from the UK.
During the sentencing, his lawyers asked the judge to take into account his missing hands and eye.
They also argued a plan to imprison Abu Hamza in Colorado's Supermax federal prison would violate assurances the US made to judges in London to secure his 2012 extradition.
Prosecutors argued on Friday that the US government had never made such a promise to the UK and life in prison was the only appropriate sentence. » | Friday, January 09, 2015
Showing posts with label Abu Hamza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abu Hamza. Show all posts
Friday, January 09, 2015
Monday, May 19, 2014
Abu Hamza Trial: London Cleric Found Guilty on Terror Charges by US Jury
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Jury takes less than two days to find radical preacher guilty on terror and kidnapping charges
Abu Hamza, the radical hook-handed cleric, has been found guilty on terrorism charges by a New York court.Br />
A jury delivered their verdicts in 11 criminal counts, including assisting Yemeni militants who took a group of Western tourists hostage in 1998.
The jury also returned a guilty verdict on charges of sending followers to Oregon to establish a training camp and to Afghanistan to assist al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
He now faces a possible life sentence in the federal “supermax” high-security prison in Colorado that already houses several other convicted terrorists. A judge will sentence him at a later date.
The jury of eight women and four men delivered their verdicts on the second day of deliberation after a five-week trial in a federal courtroom just a few blocks from the scene of the World Trade Centre attacks on Sept 11, 2001. » | Philip Sherwell, New York | Monday, May 19, 2014
Abu Hamza, the radical hook-handed cleric, has been found guilty on terrorism charges by a New York court.Br />
A jury delivered their verdicts in 11 criminal counts, including assisting Yemeni militants who took a group of Western tourists hostage in 1998.
The jury also returned a guilty verdict on charges of sending followers to Oregon to establish a training camp and to Afghanistan to assist al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
He now faces a possible life sentence in the federal “supermax” high-security prison in Colorado that already houses several other convicted terrorists. A judge will sentence him at a later date.
The jury of eight women and four men delivered their verdicts on the second day of deliberation after a five-week trial in a federal courtroom just a few blocks from the scene of the World Trade Centre attacks on Sept 11, 2001. » | Philip Sherwell, New York | Monday, May 19, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Der Islamist mit der Metallkralle steht vor Gericht
Mit der Auswahl der Geschworenen hat am Montag der Prozess gegen den Hassprediger Abu Hamsa al-Masri in New York begonnen. Der 55 Jahre alte Islamist soll 1998 an einer Geiselnahme im Jemen beteiligt gewesen sein, bei der vier Menschen getötet wurden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft dem gebürtigen Ägypter mit britischen Pass zudem vor, er habe die Taliban in Afghanistan unterstützt und mitten in den USA, im Bundesstaat Oregon, ein Terrorcamp errichten wollen.
Die Geschworenen wurden befragt, ob sie in irgendeiner Verbindung zu al-Masri, der unter dem Namen Mustafa Kamel Mustafa angeklagt wurde, stehen. Al-Masri hat angegeben, dass er sich selbst verteidigen möchte – im Falle eines Schuldspruchs droht ihm lebenslange Haft. » | Montag, 14. April 2014
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Somalia's al-Qaeda-allied Islamists have threatened to "eclipse the horrors of 7/7" with an attack on Britain in revenge for the extradition of the radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza to the United States.
A High Court ruling overturning attempts to stop the Egyptian-born imam being sent to the US was “a testament to the reality of the west’s vicious war against Islam and the Muslims”, al-Shabaab said.
For this, the group said on its official Twitter feed, Britain faced another terror attack that would be deadlier than those on July 7 and July 21, 2005.
“Britain will pay the heftiest price for its brazen role in the war against Islam and endless brutality against innocent Muslims,” al-Shabaab’s press office tweeted on Monday. “We remind the British government that we’re a nation that doesn’t tolerate oppression [and] their actions will be repaid in retaliatory measure.
“The nightmare that surreptitiously looms on British shores is bound to eclipse the horrors of 7/7 and 21/7 combined, insh’allah.” Security agencies have long feared that terror cells trained in Somalia, some comprising British citizens, were planning attacks in Britain. » | Mike Pflanz, Mogadishu | Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Islam has cast a pall over the civilised world. – © Mark
Saturday, October 06, 2012
THE GUARDIAN: Islamist cleric to face judge within 24 hours of landing in US after he and four other terrorism suspects are extradited from UK
The Islamist cleric Abu Hamza is expected to appear in a US court on Saturday to face terrorism charges after he was extradited from Britain along with four other suspects. The men were deported on two planes which left a military airbase in Suffolk late on Friday night after the high court rejected their final appeals earlier in the day.
Abu Hamza faces 11 charges in the US relating to hostage taking, conspiracy to establish a militant training camp and calling for holy war in Afghanistan.
His lawyers argued he was not fit to be deported on health grounds but UK judges rejected his appeal, paving the way for his immediate removal from the UK.
He is set to go before a judge at an open hearing within 24 hours of landing at an airport in New York.
The high court also threw out challenges by Babar Ahmad, Syed Ahsan, Khaled al-Fawwaz and Adel Abdul Bary after ruling they did not show "new and compelling" reasons to stay in the UK.
The US attorney general has confirmed the arrival of a flight carrying Babar Ahmad and Syed Talha Ahsan who are due before a court in Connecticut in connection with the alleged running of a pro-jihad website. » | Cass Jones and Owen Bowcott | Saturday, October 06, 2012
Abu Hamza is wanted in the US on terrorist charges, including conspiring to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon, helping to abduct 16 hostages, two of them American. In the UK, he was charged with inciting racial hatred and encouraging followers to kill infidels »
Abu Hamza,
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Radical cleric Abu Hamza has left British soil and is en route to the United States with four other terror suspects after being deported from the UK, Home Secretary Theresa May said today.
Speaking after the US-bound flights had taken off from RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, Mrs May said: "I can confirm that tonight two planes have left RAF Mildenhall to transport Abu Hamza, Babar Ahmad, Adel Abdul Bary, Syed Ahsan and Khalid al-Fawwaz to the US to face trial.
"I am pleased the decision of the court today meant that these men, who used every available opportunity to frustrate and delay the extradition process over many years, could finally be removed.
"This government has co-operated fully with the courts and pressed at every stage to ensure this happened.
"We have worked tirelessly, alongside the US authorities, the police and the prison service, to put plans in place so that tonight these men could be handed over within hours of the court's decision.
"It is right that these men, who are all accused of very serious offences, will finally face justice." » | Martin Beckford, Home Affairs Editor | Saturday, October 06, 2012
THE GUARDIAN: Abu Hamza and other four terror suspects face 'clean version of hell': If convicted in a US court, the five terror suspects are likely to end up in the harsh 'supermax' prison at Florence, Colorado » | Alan Travis, home affairs editor | Friday, October 05, 2012
Abu Hamza,
Friday, October 05, 2012
DEMOTIX: Protesters gather at the Royal Courts of Justice as the high court rules whether Abu Hamza, Babar Ahmad, Syed Talha Ahsan, Khaled al-Fawwaz and Adel Abdul Bary will be extradited to the United States. Join the conversation » | Submitted by Rob Pinney | Friday, October 05, 2012
Abu Hamza,
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Abu Hamza and four other terror suspects will be extradited to the US "immediately" after their last-ditch appeals were dismissed out of hand by senior judges.
Lawyers for the Islamist cleric had told the High Court his health was deteriorating so he should have an MRI scan to see if he was fit to plead.
Two of the other suspects, accused of hosting an extremist website, wanted to undergo a private prosecution in Britain rather than the US.
The remaining pair, accused of supporting Osama Bin Laden’s bomb attacks on US embassies in Africa in 1998, said new evidence showed they had no links to the campaign.
They made the fresh applications to stay extradition after the European Court of Human Rights rejected their appeal bid, and in some cases they have been fighting being sent to the US for trial for more than 10 years.
But Sir John Thomas, President of the Queen's Bench Division, and Mr Justice Ouseley, dismissed their claims in a judgment delivered on Friday afternoon.
It means Hamza and the other suspects should be flown to the US to face trial within a few days. » | Martin Beckford, Home Affairs Editor | Friday, October 05, 2012
Abu Hamza,
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
MAIL ONLINE: The Queen contacted the Home Secretary and asked why the cleric was still a free man / She believed he must have broken the law and was 'upset' he had not been arrested / Hamza's appeal against extradition has failed - ending an eight-year legal saga costing UK taxpayers £1m / Judges in Strasbourg threw out his bid to reopen the case yesterday
The Queen directly intervened in the case of radical cleric Abu Hamza and asked the Home Secretary why he had not been arrested for his campaign of hate and violence in Britain.
She was so 'upset' by the content of his hate sermons, she contacted the Home Secretary to ask 'why is he he still at large?'
The Monarch's intervention was revealed today as the hook-handed criminal lost his final appeal against extradition to the United States.
According to the BBC's veteran security correspondent Frank Gardiner, the Queen 'was upset that her country and its subjects were being denigrated by this man who was using this country as a platform for his very violent, hateful views’.
When asked how he knew, he said: 'She told me.'
The security services, including MI5, had first wrongly dismissed the hate preacher as a 'noisy troublemaker' rather than a man bent on inciting violence.
'The Queen was pretty upset that there was no way to arrest him,' Mr Gardiner said.
'She couldn’t understand - there was surely some law he had broken. Well in the end, sure enough, she was right. He was eventually convicted and jailed for seven years for soliciting murder and racial hatred.
‘She spoke to the Home Secretary at the time and said my goodness, why is he still at large?
'He was conducting these radical activities and he called Britain a toilet, he was incredibly anti-British and yet he was sucking up money from this country for a long time and was a huge embarrassment to Muslims - who condemned him.'
The Home Secretary spoken to by the Queen was probably David Blunkett, who held the post from 2001 until 2004, the year Hamza was finally arrested.
Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the claims made on the BBC's Today programme on Radio 4. » | Martin Robinson | Tuesday, September 25, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: BBC apologises for revealing Queen's Hamza concerns: The BBC has apologised for revealing that the Queen had privately expressed concern over why Abu Hamza had not been arrested. » | Tom Whitehead and Sam Marsden | Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, da dozierte der ehemalige Berufsboxer Pierre ausführlich auch über sehr ernste Themen, etwa darüber, warum man Dieben zur Strafe die Hand abhacken sollte. Schließlich sei es auch für den Dieb besser, so argumentierte Vogel damals allen Ernstes, dass die Sünden bereits auf Erden abgegolten würden, als dass der Mensch seine Schuld mit ins Jenseits nähme.
Pierre Vogel war als Boxer einmal Deutscher Junioren-Meister im Halbschwergewicht, seine mäßige Karriere als Profi aber gab er recht zügig auf und konvertierte stattdessen mit 22 Jahren zum Islam. Besser als im Ring gelang es dem bulligen Rheinländer dort, mit wuchtigen Posen und derben Auftritten zum Star einer schnell wachsenden Szene fundamentalistischer Muslime zu avancieren.
Inzwischen gilt der 33-Jährige als einer der wichtigsten Prediger der sogenannten Salafisten - einer besonders strengen und rückwärtsgewandten Strömung des Islam. Laut Verfassungsschutz streben Salafisten in letzter Konsequenz einen Gottesstaat an, in dem wesentliche Grundrechte und Verfassungspositionen nicht mehr gelten. Einige Radikale nehmen dafür auch den Einsatz von Gewalt in Kauf.
Vogel spricht sich öffentlich zwar gegen Gewalt aus, doch die Behörden stufen ihn als gefährlich ein. Die vergangenen Monate verbrachte er angeblich im Norden Kairos, wo er eine Sprachschule besucht haben soll. Staats- und Verfassungsschützer fragten sich daher, ob er die Zeit vielleicht nicht auch nutzte, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Hat er sich - wie schon andere vor ihm - im selbstgewählten Exil weiter radikalisiert? Vogels ersten öffentlichen Auftritt in Deutschland, wo es in den vergangenen Wochen zu brutalen Übergriffen von Salafisten auf Polizisten gekommen war, erwarteten die Beamten mit großer Spannung. » | Von Jörg Diehl, Köln | Samstag, 09. Juni 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Abu Hamza al-Masri, the extremist preacher facing extradition to the United States for alleged terrorism offences, may be stripped of his prosthetic hook in prison amid fears it could pose a security risk.
The European Court of Human Rights ruled last month that Hamza and four other terrorism suspected can be extradited to the US to face trial. The preacher is wanted over an alleged plan to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon and for helping jihadis in Yemen.
He is likely to be held at the ADX Florence 'super-max' prison in Fremont County, Colorado. The high security prison, dubbed the 'Alcatraz of the Rockies', holds inmates deemed the most dangerous and in need of tightest control.
Hamza, who wears a distinctive metal hook after losing his right hand in an explosion in Afghanistan may lose the prosthesis under a prison regime which prevent prisoners having access to improvised weapons. » | Matthew Holehouse | Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Abu Hamza
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Human rights judges have this morning ruled the Government can lawfully extradite radical preacher Abu Hamza to America to face terrorist charges.
The judges gave a final ruling on six extradition cases in a verdict which effectively passed judgment on whether America's treatment of terrorist suspects amounts to "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" in breach of the European human rights code.
They decided it would be lawful for five of the six to be jailed for the rest of their lives in a so-called 'super-max' prison.
The ruling stated that the five, including radical preacher Abu Hamza, would not be subject to "ill-treatment" at ADX Florence, a so-called 'super-max' prison. The court adjourned its decision on Haroon Rashid Aswat pending consideration of further complaints lodged by him.
The ruling granted the men the right to appeal to the court's Grand Chamber, meaning any extradition could be some time away.
Prime Minister David Cameron said he was "very pleased" by the ruling. » | Matthew Holehouse | Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Friday, November 05, 2010
The radical cleric argued that such a move would render him 'stateless' as he had already been stripped of his Egyptian citizenship.
Delivering its 12-page ruling today, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) allowed his appeal.
The hook-handed cleric, who acquired a British passport through marriage, is serving seven years in maximum security Belmarsh Prison after being convicted for inciting murder and racial hatred in 2006.
The Home Office sort to remove the British citizenship he received in 1986 so he could be deported.
In his ruling, Mr Justice Mitting said: 'We are satisfied on balance of probabilities that if a deprivation order were to be made, the appellant (Hamza) would be made stateless.
'The conclusions which we have reached in the closed judgment supplement, but do not contradict, that conclusion.
'Accordingly, this appeal is allowed.'
But the 52-year-old used a high-powered team of legal eagles - funded by the taxpayer - to successfully argue his case.
A leading QC and team of lawyers all acted for Hamza, along with a special advocate appointed by the court.
Hamza's QC Ed Fitzgerald has represented clients including Moors Murderer Myra Hindley and the killer of James Bulger, Jon Venables.
Hamza claimed that he is no longer considered a citizen by Egypt, so taking away his UK nationality would leave him 'stateless' in contravention of Human Rights law. >>> Daily Mail Reporter | Friday, November 05, 2010
Abu Hamza
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Home Office wants to remove Hamza’s British nationality so that he can eventually be deported.
But the controversial preacher has claimed doing so would breach his human rights as it would leave him stateless.
Lawyers for Hamza told a Special Immigration Appeals Commission that the Egyptian authorities effectively removed his nationality when he became a British citizen in 1986.
They said his status was confirmed after he publicly criticised the Cairo government and was then arrested on terror charges in Britain.
The Egyptian authorities have said they are unable to answer Home Office inquiries as to whether Hamza is still regarded as an Egyptian national.
Hamza told the hearing: “It is not the habit of the Egyptian government to respond to anything,” but he added that he was certain he had been stripped of his citizenship. Abu Hamza claims removing his British citizenship would leave him stateless >>> Martin Evans | Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Abu Hamza
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
WELTWOCHE: Die Sichtung des Neumondes ist bestätigt, es ist Ramadan. Während Millionen Muslime die Fastenzeit ruhig, besinnlich oder überhaupt nicht angehen, nutzen einige fundamentalistische Konvertiten die Zeit für massive Propaganda. Von Daniel Glaus
Um 3.30 Uhr in der Nacht auf Mittwoch sollten Muslime aufstehen und die Vorfastenmahlzeit Sahur einnehmen. Ab 4.18 Uhr darf dann bis um 20.50 Uhr nicht mehr gegessen, getrunken oder geraucht werden. "Auch auf sexuellen Umgang sowie auf die Einnahme aller nicht durch ärztliche Indikation für zwingend notwendig erklärten Medikamente muss tagsüber verzichtet werden." Ausgenommen sind Kinder vor der Pubertät, kranke und Reisende, sowie unter Umständen Alte und Schwangere.
Diese Anweisungen hat der Islamische Zentralrat der Schweiz (IZRS) am 1. Ramadan 1431 verschickt. Also am 10. August 2010. Im Schreiben "bestätigte" er "die Sichtung des Neumondes und damit den Beginn des Heiligen Monats Ramadan".
Teufel und Dämonen in Ketten gelegt
Ramadan bedeute für Muslime nicht nur durch Enthaltsamkeit, schreibt der IZRS, sondern der Monat zeichne sich vielmehr als "potentiell moralischer Antrieb vieler Gläubigen" aus. Explizit heisst es: "So glauben Muslime, dass während der Dauer dieses Monats die Teufel und Dämonen in Ketten gelegt und die Tore des Himmels geöffnet werden."
Da sich die Exponenten des islamischen Zentralrats für gläubige Muslime halten, darf man annehmen, dass auch sie Teufel und Dämonen für real halten.
Rational denkende Menschen können die Existenz von Teufel und Dämonen nicht komplett ausschliessen, denn die These ist weder bestätigt noch widerlegt. Sicher ist hingegen, dass Teufel und Dämonen in einer aufgeklärten Gesellschaft und einem liberalen Rechtsstaat das ganze Jahr über in Ketten gelegt sind. Der Weg zu den Toren des Himmels ist reine Privatsache.
Man kann den IZRS-Mitgliedern ihren Glauben nicht zum Vorwurf machen. Sie sollen ihn auch in Gemeinschaft praktizieren dürfen. Auch mit ihren langen Bärten und in ihren Gewändern nach dem Vorbild des Propheten. "Bedanke Dich immer wieder bei Deinem Mann" >>> Von Daniel Glaus | Mittwoch, 11. August 2010
Islam & Islamismus >>>
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thursday, July 08, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Human rights judges have ordered a halt to the extraditions of Babar Ahmad and radical preacher Abu Hamza, both wanted in the US on terror charges.
The Strasbourg court said it wanted more time to examine possible human rights breaches if the men face trial on charges which could mean life sentences without parole.
Ahmad, a 36-year old computer expert, has been in a UK prison without trial for nearly six years, refused bail since his arrest in August 2004 on a US extradition warrant.
Radical preacher Hamza is also wanted on terror charges in the US.
Both appealed separately to the European Court of Human Rights on the grounds that their treatment and potential punishment could violate Human Rights Convention provisions on the ''prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment''.
The appeal prompted a stay of extradition proceedings pending today's verdict, which further postponed a final decision.
The ruling gives the UK Government until September 2 to submit observations and declares: ''The (Human Rights) Court decided to prolong, until further notice, the interim measures it had adopted indicating to the UK Government that it was in the interests of the proper conduct of the proceedings that the applicants should not be extradited while the cases were being examined by the court''. >>> | Thursday, July 08, 2010
Abu Hamza
Thursday, May 28, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: Three sons of the extremist Muslim preacher Abu Hamza have been jailed for their part in a £1m luxury car scam.
The gang targeted makes including Mercedes, BMW and Range Rover which had been left in long-stay car parks.
They wrote to the DVLA to change their address and re-register the vehicles and when new log books were sent out they obtained a new set of keys from dealerships.
The cars were then sold on to unwitting third parties or used as collateral for loans.
Abu Hamza's sons Hamza Kamel, 22, and Mohamed Mostafa, 27, helped run the two-year fraud with the hook handed cleric's stepson Mohssin Ghailam, 28.
Martyn Bowyer, prosecuting, called the operation a "sophisticated, well-planned and professionally executed enterprise" that involved 32 vehicles which together were valued at more than £1m.
The court heard that Kamel admitted five counts of handling stolen cars and of laundering more than £14,000 of criminal money in relation to the scam was sentenced to two and a half years..
Mostafa, who lives with his brother in Acton West London, pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud by using false French passport to secure a £12,000 loan and to obtain keys for a BMW and was sentenced to two years.
Ghailan, from Shepherd's Bush, West London, described as a "key player", admitted conspiracy to defraud and was jailed for four years. >>> By Duncan Gardham, Telegraph Security Correspondent | Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
HERALDSUN.COM.AU: EMBATTLED cleric Abu Hamza came under fire again yesterday for his radical views on rape, with his website claiming Muslim wives could "laugh off" unwanted sex and that rape could be confused with having a "pushy husband".
In response to the sex-on-demand and wife-smacking controversy sparked by Mr Hamza's lectures, his Islamic Information and Services Network of Australasia website published an article saying the media had no right to question his marital teachings.
The article stated: "If a husband enters upon his wife in a manner she does not approve, she might go as far as to contact police and accuse him of rape, or accept it with laughter and embarrassment."
It added that spousal rape was hard to define and could just be a case of being married to a pushy husband. >>> Mark Dunn | Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hat tip: Dhimmi Watch >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Australia) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Australia) >>>
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