Thursday, March 23, 2017

Terror Attack – London: Nigel Farage Just Said What the US Needs to Do and Fast

«Gott will Blut sehen»

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gewalt gehört zum Islam, sie ist im Koran angelegt und wurde von Mohammed vorgelebt. Das sagt der Islamwissenschafter Hamed Abdel-Samad im Gespräch mit NZZ-Chefredaktor Eric Gujer.

Hamed Abdel-Samad wendet sich entschieden gegen die Entschuldigung, islamistische Gewalt habe nichts mit dem Islam zu tun, sondern sie bedeute einen Missbrauch der Religion. Im Gespräch mit NZZ-Chefredaktor Eric Gujer und der politischen Philosophin Katja Gentinetta sagt er:

«Es ist kein Missbrauch der Religion, sondern ein Gebrauch. Denn die Religion schreit förmlich danach, gebraucht zu werden für Gewalt, weil es ein Bestandteil der Religion ist.» «25 Tötungsbefehle gibt es im Koran, direkte Tötungsbefehle, wo Gott den Tod sehen will. Gott will Blut sehen.» Und: «Mohammed war ein Krieger, lebte von Kriegsbeute.» » | >i>(Bearbeitung: awy.) | Mittwoch, 22. März 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

May: We Will All Move Forward, Never Giving In to Terror

Mar. 22, 2017 - 2:51 - British prime minister comments on London terror attack

A Note to My Visitors: On This Blog

Please note: What is posted on this blog does not necessarily reflect my own opinions; rather, I post items that I feel are interesting for some reason or other. I repeat: I do not necessarily agree with what I have posted. The items (will) have been posted for your interest. – Mark

Turkey Parts 1 & 2 – The Migrants; The New Ottomans: Chainsmoke Series

Part 1 of a discussion about the future of Turkey. With a focus on Erdogan, the migrant crisis, population manipulations, and potential European destabilization. Part 2 of a discussion about the future of Turkey. With a focus on Erdogan, NATO, The Middle East, North Africa, and relations with Russia.

Christianity Is 'Over' in Iraq and Will Not Return, Says Former Vicar of Baghdad

THE INDEPENDENT: War-torn Middle Eastern nation was once home to around 1.5m Christians. There are now thought to be less than 250,000

Christianity is all but dead in war-torn Iraq, according to the so-called British “Vicar of Baghdad”.

Canon Andrew White, who was vicar of the only Anglican church in the country before being pulled out in 2014, said the “time has come” where Christianity “is over” in Iraq.

Mr White, from Kent, was speaking in a Fox News interview as the Iraqi military continues its offensive to drive Isis out of its major Iraqi stronghold Mosul, and after Donald Trump attempted to enforce a travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and north Africa.

“The time has come where it is over, no Christians will be left,” Mr White said. » | Peter Walker | Wednesday, March 22, 2017

U.K. Parliament Assailant Shot by Police

THE NEW YORK TIMES: LONDON — Britain’s Parliament was placed on lockdown on Wednesday afternoon after a man stabbed a police officer and was then shot by other officers. The Metropolitan Police said it was treating the violence as “a terrorist incident,” as the country’s seat of power was put on high alert.

Witnesses also reported that a motorist on Westminster Bridge, next to Parliament, operating a large vehicle, mowed down at least five people before coming to a halt, but it was not clear if the motorist was also the assailant. » | Katrin Bennhold and Stephen Castle | Wednesday, March 22, 2017

US Vets Accuse Saudi Arabia of Tricking Them into Lobbying against Justice for 9/11 Families

The families of 9/11 victims have filed a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, accusing the Kingdom’s officials of aiding the terrorists. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan looks at how Saudi Arabia is allegedly trying to overturn that law.

Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) »

US: Trump Voters Fear Health Insurance Loss

Douglas Murray on Islamic Assimilation

Douglas Murray carefully lays out the argument that Islamic acculturation must stop immediately in Europe so as to protect Western Society. As a deconstructive force, he opines that Islamic migration is the most serious existential threat to our Culture since the middle ages for various, observable reasons.

Vertigo Politix »

Erdogan's War on the West

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: "Make not three, but five children. Because you are the future of Europe. That will be the best response to the injustices against you". — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the Muslims of Europe. / Turkey, instead of embracing Europe as an ally and future partner, seems to think that it can tame Europe by blackmailing it. / The official rhetoric in Ankara unveils the irreversible incompatibility between the democratic cultures of Europe and Turkey.

In 2005, the Turkish prime minister at the time, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, along with his Spanish counterpart, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, became the co-chairs of a United Nations-sponsored global effort that went by the fancy name "Alliance of Civilizations." Twelve years later, Zapatero is a retired politician, the Western world faces different flavors of Islamist-to-jihadist threats and Erdogan is at war with Western civilization. » | Burak Bekdil | Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Paul Auster: Donald Trump Is 'Deranged and Demented' - BBC Newsnight

US novelist Paul Auster speaks to our culture correspondent Stephen Smith about his new book 4321 - and his views on US President Donald Trump.

Obamacare vs. Trumpcare: The Future for American Healthcare - BBC Newsnight

Pennsylvania voted Republican for the first time in 24 years. How is Donald Trump's new healthcare plan - to replace Obamacare - going down there. Emily Maitlis finds out.

Ivanka Trump Is Moving Into The White House

Fox News Suspends Commentator Over Trump Comments

Andrew Napolitano has been kicked off the air at Fox News. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, tells you why his comments got him in trouble this time. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Only True Surprise? Trump’s an Idiot | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

How much grimmer would things be if these people were competent?

Five-Way Showdown: Will First Debate Impact French Presidential Race?

Plan to Make It More Difficult for Australians to Criticise Islam and Other Religious Groups If Turnbull Waters Down Race Speech Laws

DAILY MAIL: Victoria's Multicultural Affairs Minister flags tougher religious vilification laws / Robin Scott said he'd make push if Turnbull watered down 18C part of race laws / Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wants to scrap words 'offend' and 'insult' / Muslim psychologist Hanan Dover described the federal government as 's****'

Victoria is threatening to make it harder to criticise Islam if the Turnbull government waters down race speech laws.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has flagged his intention to scrap the words ‘offend’, ‘insult’ and 'humiliate' from section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and replace them with the term 'harass'.

In Victoria, it’s already an offence to publish material on the internet or on fliers that might encourage other people to 'hate' or 'ridicule' a particular religious group. Read on and comment » | Stephen Johnson for Daily Mail Australia | Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Islam Piece Ignores Historical, Biblical Truth

LEBANON DAILY NEWS: Political and moral points of view contained in LDN letters invariably have their genesis either in the Bible (God's truth), which is unequivocal and unchanging, or in a secular humanism, which is man's whimsical, every-changing "truth." Typically, conservative opinions are Biblically based and liberal views are secular. Those truly caught in "No Man's Land" claim to be lukewarm Christians who ignore or try to explain away Biblical truths and teachings.

Quite recently the LDN ignored Biblical truth in promoting Islam as a "religion of peace" having a legitimate place in the community of man. The LDN is a Denver, CO based paper, which all too often espouses the secular humanism of its liberal geographical base.

The one-sided Islamic promotional piece written in the LDN a few weeks ago ignored all historical and biblical truth. God tells us in Genesis that the progeny of Ishmael, who was cast out of his father's (Abraham) tribe as being "a wild ass of a man," (the progeny being Mohammad) would be a curse on mankind forever. Incontrovertible historical truth is that Mohammad was a mass murderer (his personal record being 900 beheadings he performed in a single day), a slave owner and trader, a rapist, a pedophile, who believed women were to be treated as mere property. The Koran and Hadith teaches his followers to be as intolerant and hateful to others as he was. Islam and America cannot ignore the Koran’s written truth that Islam is about world domination and subjugation of all other religions and people in hysterically brutal fashion. It is no more a religion than Scientology and is every bit as brutal and political as the Nazis. » | Daryl J. Gerber, Guest Columnist | Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Trump Voters Now Regretting That Decision

Some Trump voters are having buyers remorse. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, tell you why they’re disappointed in the guy they voted for. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.