Sunday, August 22, 2021

Tarte au citron par Pierre-Dominique Cécillon pour Larousse Cuisine

Pour 4 à 6 personnes. | Difficulté : facile.

Ingrédients :

250 g de pâte brisée ,
15 cl de jus de citron ,
200 g de sucre semoule,
3 œufs,
150 g de beurre ,
le zeste de 1 citron non traité.

Préparation :

1. Préparez la pâte brisée si vous n'utilisez pas une pâte toute prête.
2. Préchauffez le four à 180 °C (therm. 6).
3. Faites cuire la pâte à blanc : étalez la pâte sur 3 mm d'épaisseur et mettez-la dans un moule à tarte de 18 cm de diamètre. Piquez le fond avec une fourchette et posez par-dessus un disque de papier sulfurisé recouvert de noyaux d'abricots ou de légumes secs. Enfournez pour 20 minutes en retirant les légumes secs à mi-cuisson.
4. Dans une casserole, faites chauffer le jus de citron avec le sucre et les œufs. Mélangez, puis ajoutez le zeste de citron. Portez à ébullition sans cesser de fouetter.
5. Dès que le mélange commence à épaissir, retirez la casserole du feu et laissez refroidir pendant 10 minutes environ.
6. Ajoutez le beurre petit à petit dans la casserole en remuant bien pour l'incorporer.
7. Sortez la tarte du four et versez par-dessus la crème au citron.
Laissez refroidir avant de servir.

LarousseCuisine Apricot Tart (in English) here.

Apology to My Followers

I have an apology to make to my followers. I nixed the follower feature a few days ago, because on my computer, you, my followers, no longer showed up on the front page. However, when I went to check stats and other things on the back pages a short while ago, I see that you are all still there and still following me. All 53 of you! I am truly sorry about this. It was not my intention to nix you. Not at all! But as I couldn’t see you on the front page, I thought you had deserted me. But you haven’t.

When I went to re-install the list, it tells me that I must do it, one follower at a time. But there are no instructions as to how to do this. So, folks, please bear with me. I am going to have to do a spot of research as to how I can achieve this. In the past, followers just showed up – I didn’t have to do anything. Clearly, Google has changed the system.

So, dear followers, all of you, please forgive me for this screw-up. I will correct it, but I am not sure how long it’s going to take me. I think I shall have to go onto a forum somewhere on the Net and see if I can get some help with it.

I’m sorry! I truly am.


A Disastrous Brexit, Corruption, Chaos and Incompetence - The Johnson Government

Aug 22, 2021 • Four men will be remembered for bringing us Brexit, Farage, Cameron, Johnson and Corbyn Together with the far right of the Conservative party Farage frightened Cameron into calling a referendum expecting the result to be that we would remain. Johnson gambled that his best bet to becoming prime minister was to lead the 'Leave' campaign and then return to the Commons as a gallant loser, a hero to the right and pretender to the premiership.

The Johnson government, 60% of which is made up of those who campaigned for and voted 'Remain' must be one of the worst cabinets ever. Corruption and incompetence are rife and no offence is sackable under Johnson. From multi-millionaire Sunak taking away the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift to Priti Patel committing at least six breaches of the Ministerial Code to Dominic Raab going on holiday as the Taliban marched across Aghhanistan on its way to Kabul and refusing to call his counterpart in Kabul this cabinet is deeply flawed from top to bottom. Dishonesty, lying in Parliament and corruption have all become acceptable under Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson—I prefer to call him 'BoJo the Clown'—is the worst prime minister we've ever had in this country. He is a clone of that clown they had in America: Trump! Trump was the worst president Americans ever elected in my lifetime, too; and he did immense damage to the United Kingdom by shoring up support for that ridiculous Brexit referendum. It amazes me that the Americans haven't locked Trump up in a penitentiary. An orange jumpsuit would match his orange spray tan! I despair of this country's politics and America's, I really do. As I wrote recently in my essay, Brexit will have to be reversed asap. – © Mark

Schwules Sommercamp

Sep 6, 2016 • Einmal im Jahr bietet der Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund das schwule Sommerjugendcamp in Markelfingen am Bodensee an. Rund 70 homosexuelle junge Männer können hier Sport machen und ihre Freizeit genießen. An diesem Ort müssen sie sich keine dummen Sprüche oder Anfeindungen anhören.

Das Camp ist mittlerweile eine feste Institution und fand im August 2019 bereits zum 25. Mal statt. Betreuer und Teilnehmer sind hoch zufrieden. Sex spielt übrigens (entgegen der gängigen Vorurteile) keine große Rolle. Aber kennenlernen und verlieben kommt schon vor.

Michael Bolton : Missing You Now

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 1,291,435

Your Sunday Treat: "First Kiss"

This is a screenshot from the video.

”First Kiss” is an 84-minute kissing video between the artists Idan Bitton and Alfredo Ferran Calle

Venue: Tel Aviv | Year: 2013

Even though the camera is still, the kiss is in motion, provoking the viewer to stay and watch.

Idan and Alfredo do not interact with the viewer, but offer a peek into their intimate moments of commitment.

"This long-lasting, present and unapologetic kiss defines our current gay rights momentum: We are here, we love each other, and this is what it looks like."

By Idan Bitton (
Performed by Idan Bitton & Alfredo Ferran Calle
Video: Runn Shayo
More of Idan's work here Idan Bitton and Idan Bitton on Facebook.
Views on YouTube: 2,647,921

These two handsome gentlemen deserve to be assessed summa cum laude for this performance! It doesn’t get much better than this. This is a veritable ‘kissathon’. It’s impossible even to tire of watching it! It is truly fascinating.

As the video is age-restricted, it cannot be embedded here; so, unfortunately, you’ll will have to click over to YouTube to watch it. You can watch it here. Enjoy the experience! Before you click over, I highly recommend you to grab yourself a drink! This is a long performance; so you’re bound to get thirsty watching it.

If, perchance, the Taliban are watching—I have had visits from Afghanistan—I had one from Jalalabad only a few days ago. Whoever it was, must have gone away in shock! My message to the Taliban if any of them watched this splendid video (I have posted it before) is this: Eat your hearts out! – Mark

Afghanistan : Au Cœur de L’enfer

Aug 19, 2021 • Pendant un mois, le reporter Paul Comiti a partagé le quotidien d'une section de Marines américains dans le Helmand, province du sud Afghan. Le Lieutenant Scott et ses hommes doivent y tenir une enclave, cernée par les Talibans, dont les attaques sont quotidiennes. En trois mois, il a déjà perdu trois de ces hommes, dix pour cent de son effectif. Réalisateur : Paul Comiti

Tunisie : la chasse aux homos - L'Autre JT

Mar 3, 2016 • De Kairouan à Tunis, Sarah est allée à la rencontre de ceux qui sont aujourd’hui les parias du pays : les homosexuels subissent en ce moment en Tunisie humiliations, agressions et poursuites judiciaires.

L’article 230 du code pénal, qui date de l’époque coloniale, rend toujours passible de trois ans d’emprisonnement les personnes « pratiquant la sodomie et le lesbianisme » et les responsables d’Ennahda, le parti islamiste membre de du gouvernement s’attache à faire désormais respecter cet loi ! Une association, Shams tente de leur venir en aide. Elle est désormais menacée de dissolution par les autorités !

Menace islamiste : Xavier Bertrand reproche à Emmanuel Macron une «naïveté confondante»

Xavier Bertrand appelle à «dissoudre immédiatement toutes les organisations islamistes qui propagent une idéologie politique incompatible avec les valeurs que nous portons». SEBASTIEN SALOM-GOMIS / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le président de la Région Hauts-de-France et candidat à l'élection présidentielle estime également dans une interview au JDD que «la France a manqué de leadership» après l'arrivée des talibans au pouvoir en Afghanistan.

Xavier Bertrand, candidat (ex-LR) à la présidentielle, accuse Emmanuel Macron de «naïveté confondante» sur l'islamisme, et estime que «la France a manqué de leadership» après l'arrivée des talibans au pouvoir en Afghanistan, dans une interview au JDD.

«Depuis cinq ans, Emmanuel Macron a fait preuve d'une naïveté confondante» et «n'a absolument pas pris la mesure de la menace que fait peser l'islamisme radical sur notre sécurité et nos valeurs», affirme-t-il. Appelant à «dissoudre immédiatement toutes les organisations islamistes qui propagent une idéologie politique incompatible avec les valeurs que nous portons», il promet aussi qu'en cas d'élection à la présidence de la République, «les financements provenant directement ou indirectement d'États étrangers seront interdits». » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | dimanche 22 août 2021

Islamisme : des experts appellent à ne pas «croire que le djihadisme est derrière nous» »

‘Trapped in Hell’: Kabul Airport Chaos Casts Doubt on US Promise of Safe Evacuation

THE OBSERVER: There is no coherent system, and those who do make it to the airport face days stuck waiting to board flights

People wait at the airport in Kabul. The US has no figure for the exact number of people who need evacuating.Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

In a voice quivering with fear and exhaustion, Sara pleaded down the phone: “Please, get us out of here. The situation is very bad, we are trapped in a hell.”

For the past four days, Sara, who asked for her real name not to be used, has waited with her family among the thousands of people outside the gates of Kabul airport, desperately trying to board a US evacuation flight.

In the past few days, she said she had seen more than 15 people, including children, shot before her eyes, witnessed her uncle beaten brutally by Taliban fighters and had her nights on the hard street outside the airport gates interrupted by crowd surges and the panic-inducing crack of gunfire.

The crowds were packed in so tightly it was hard to breathe, and people had been trampled to death, she said, adding that the putrid stench of rubbish was getting worse by the day. They had run out of food and water. “My mental state is completely broken,” said Sara.

Sara and her four family members have all been issued US visas for evacuation from Afghanistan and received instructions in a letter from the US consul to go directly to Camp Sullivan, the US military base at Kabul airport, on 18 August. They were told to be prepared to wait hours, and bring bedding with them. But when they arrived on Wednesday, they found thousands blocking the entrance, and all the gates closed. They have not opened for them, and there has been no further information.

“No one is allowed through, even with visas,” she said. “No one from the US is helping us. No one is telling us which gate to go to – we don’t even know when the US flights are leaving. There is violence everywhere but every gate we go to is closed and no one gives us any information or shows any mercy.” » | Hannah Ellis-Petersen, South Asia correspondent | Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sieben Tote bei Gedränge am Flughafen von Kabul

Hoffen darauf, mit einem Flugzeug dem Machtbereich der Taliban zu entfliehen: Afghanen auf einer Straße vor dem Airport Kabul. (Foto: AFP)

SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Laut britischer Regierung sind sieben Menschen im Gedränge vor dem Flughafen Kabul gestorben. / Ein Großteil der Mitarbeiter von Hilfsorganisationen setzt seine Arbeit vor Ort fort. / Österreich will keine weiteren Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan aufnehmen. / Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer räumt gravierende Fehleinschätzungen der Bundesregierung und der Nato ein.

Nach dem Abzug der internationalen Truppen aus Afghanistan haben die islamistischen Taliban die Macht im Land übernommen - und gestalten es nach ihren Vorstellungen um. Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen im Newsblog.

In Kabul sind im Gedränge rund um den Flughafen nach Angaben der britischen Regierung sieben Menschen ums Leben gekommen. "Unsere Gedanken sind bei den Familien von sieben afghanischen Zivilisten, die tragischerweise in der Menge in Kabul gestorben sind", hieß es am Sonntag in einem Statement des Verteidigungsministeriums.

Zuvor hatte bereits ein Korrespondent des britischen Senders Sky News von Toten vor den Toren des Flughafens berichtet. Unter den Menschen, die darauf warteten, auf das Gelände zu gelangen und einen der Evakuierungsflüge zu erreichen, sei am Samstagmorgen Chaos ausgebrochen, berichtete der Korrespondent Stuart Ramsay, der die Szene nach eigenen Angaben vor Ort beobachtete.

Mehrere seien im Gedränge "gequetscht" worden, berichtete der Reporter. Soldaten und Rettungshelfer seien damit beschäftigt gewesen, die dehydrierten, verzweifelten Männer, Frauen und Kinder zu versorgen. Bei einigen kam jedoch wohl jede Rettung zu spät: Ramsay schilderte, wie Leichen in weiße Tücher eingewickelt wurden, nachdem Sanitäter bei den Menschen keine Lebenszeichen mehr feststellen konnten. Wie viele Menschen starben und was die genaue Todesursache war, blieb zunächst unklar. » | | Sonntag, 22. August 2021

Huit Muscadets à découvrir cet été, la sélection du Figaro Vin

La sélection des muscadets de l'été. DR

LE FIGARO : EXCLUSIF - Longtemps plombé par une réputation peu flatteuse et injustement considéré comme un vin acide tout juste bon à accompagner les fruits de mer, le Muscadet redore doucement son blason, jusqu'à reconquérir le cœur des fins buveurs, bien au-delà des frontières du pays Nantais.

Issu du bien mal nommé cépage melon de Bourgogne (dont il est originaire), le Muscadet est produit en Loire-Atlantique, au sud de Nantes, sur un vignoble débordant légèrement sur la Vendée et le Maine-et-Loire. Longtemps cantonné au négoce et à une image de tord-boyaux à moins de 5 euros, il est aujourd'hui l'un des vins les plus attachants de la Vallée de la Loire, et en passe de récupérer une à une ses lettres de noblesse, grâce au travail de vignerons convaincus de son potentiel. Voici notre sélection de huit cuvées à découvrir au bord de l'eau. » | Par Alicia Dorey | Publié : vendredi 20 août 3032 ; mis à jour : samedi 21 août 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto no.2 op.18 - Anna Fedorova - Complete Live Concert - HD

Sep 2, 2013 • Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie led by Martin Panteleev, Anna Fedorova, piano. | Views on YouTube: 32,688,861

Sergei Rachmaninoff »

Diese beiden gutaussehenden, haarigen Männer sind ineinander verknallt.

These two handsome, hairy men have a crush on each other. / Ces deux beaux hommes poilus ont le béguin l'un pour l'autre.

Vielen Dank an Pinterest fürs tolle Foto.

Michael Bolton : Can I Touch You... There?

Provided to YouTube by Columbia

Michael Bolton : Reach Out I'll Be There

Michael Bolton – Love Songs Greatest Hits Tour : Appearing in Harrogate, Blackpool, Glasgow and Cardiff. Tickets available online through Ticketmaster.

A Message to You, My Esteemed Visitors and Followers: Would You Kindly Do Me a Small, but Great, Favour?

Since changing the format of this blog, the number of monthly page views has grown a lot. This pleases me greatly, of course; in fact, it delights me!

However, I have bigger plans still for this blog: I want to grow its loyal readership still more – I want to reach even more readers and potential loyal followers. And this is where I want to ask you to help me. Would you please email a link to this website to a friend, an acquaintance, or a family member? Or to several! Doing this would be a great help to me.

My aim for this website/blog is to show how normal the gay community is: I am trying to bring the gay community and the straight community together. This will help fight homophobia. Homophobia is a big problem in the world today. We need to do all we can to eliminate it.

Because it is my intention to fight the evil of homophobia, it is why I do not blog things related only to the gay community. Were I to do to that, I’d simply be ‘preaching to the choir’!

What I believe we need to do is show the world how normal being gay is. For example, by showing men kissing each day, and blogging about stories related to gay issues, thinking people will be able to conclude that gays are not so different after all: they have normal feelings, desires and interests just as everyone else has. That is one reason why I like to blog about diverse issues.

You, my visitors, mean a great deal to me. Many of you are regular and daily visitors from all over the world. Although I don’t know you, I feel that I do. I look out for you on my data each day, in order to see if my ‘friend’ has visited! That’s how much you mean to me!

So if you would kindly help me grow this community still more, I would be truly grateful. The more people that come to see how normal we all are, the sooner we will rid the world of this awful thing called homophobia!

This week, Google took away the possibility for people to sign up for a daily feed of what has been posted. I don’t know why they have done that, but all bloggers will be affected by this change. We can counter this, however, if you help me by sending a link, or a few, to your contacts.

By the way, I have received no emails from anyone yet, despite having so many visitors. Please don’t hesitate to email me if you feel so inclined; I’d love to hear from you; and I’d love to get feedback from you with any suggestions for improvements you may have.

Warm wishes to all!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Hurricane Henri: Long Island and Southern New England Brace for Impact

THE GUARDIAN: Forecasters predict landfall in New York or Connecticut / New England has not been hit by hurricane since 1991

A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite handout image shows Hurricane Henri. Photograph: NOAA/GOES/AFP/Getty Images

Preparations for a monster storm forecast to hit parts of the US north-east were stepped up on Saturday, after Henri was promoted to a hurricane as it moved closer to land.

Forecasters said Henri would be at or near category one hurricane strength when it made landfall mid-afternoon Sunday over Long Island in New York and southern Connecticut. New England has not taken a direct hit from a hurricane since Bob, a category two storm, hit in 1991.

Forecasters also said a dangerous storm surge could also occur as early as late Saturday in portions of Rhode Island and south-eastern Massachusetts and high water could also be seen in coastal New England as Henri moves inland. Heavy rain and wind may also produce flooding, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. » | Lauren Aratani in New York and agencies | Saturday, August 21, 2021

Phil Collins : Separate Lives

Provided to YouTube by Laika Network | Views on YouTube: 771,967

Afghanistan: US Tells Citizens to Avoid Kabul Airport

US forces currently control the international airport in Kabul | US MARINE CORPS/REUTERS

BBC: The US has warned its citizens to avoid Kabul airport amid continued chaos outside the terminal.

A security alert issued on Saturday told US citizens to stay away due to "potential security threats outside the gates".

Only those individually told to make the journey by a US government representative should do so, it said.

The advice comes as thousands try to escape from Afghanistan via the airport following the Taliban takeover.

The militant group swept across the country and captured the capital, Kabul, on 15 August. Since then, tens of thousands of Afghans - as well as foreign nationals - have headed to the airport in a bid to flee the country.

Crowds have been gathering daily, hoping to be allowed on to a flight. Those who work with the US and its allies, as well as people who have campaigned on issues like human rights, fear they may face reprisals at the hands of the Taliban if they are unable to leave.

What exactly has been happening at the airport gates on Saturday remains unclear. With BBC video » | BBC | Saturday, August 21, 2021

Greece erects fence at Turkey border amid warnings of Afghan migrant surge »

Afghanistan : il sera «impossible» d'évacuer tous les personnels afghans de Kaboul pour le 31 août, estime l'UE »

Es wird immer schwieriger, Menschen zu retten »

After Afghanistan, the Pax Americana is over – as is Nato. About time too »