Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Disastrous Brexit, Corruption, Chaos and Incompetence - The Johnson Government

Aug 22, 2021 • Four men will be remembered for bringing us Brexit, Farage, Cameron, Johnson and Corbyn Together with the far right of the Conservative party Farage frightened Cameron into calling a referendum expecting the result to be that we would remain. Johnson gambled that his best bet to becoming prime minister was to lead the 'Leave' campaign and then return to the Commons as a gallant loser, a hero to the right and pretender to the premiership.

The Johnson government, 60% of which is made up of those who campaigned for and voted 'Remain' must be one of the worst cabinets ever. Corruption and incompetence are rife and no offence is sackable under Johnson. From multi-millionaire Sunak taking away the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift to Priti Patel committing at least six breaches of the Ministerial Code to Dominic Raab going on holiday as the Taliban marched across Aghhanistan on its way to Kabul and refusing to call his counterpart in Kabul this cabinet is deeply flawed from top to bottom. Dishonesty, lying in Parliament and corruption have all become acceptable under Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson—I prefer to call him 'BoJo the Clown'—is the worst prime minister we've ever had in this country. He is a clone of that clown they had in America: Trump! Trump was the worst president Americans ever elected in my lifetime, too; and he did immense damage to the United Kingdom by shoring up support for that ridiculous Brexit referendum. It amazes me that the Americans haven't locked Trump up in a penitentiary. An orange jumpsuit would match his orange spray tan! I despair of this country's politics and America's, I really do. As I wrote recently in my essay, Brexit will have to be reversed asap. – © Mark