Sunday, August 22, 2021

Apology to My Followers

I have an apology to make to my followers. I nixed the follower feature a few days ago, because on my computer, you, my followers, no longer showed up on the front page. However, when I went to check stats and other things on the back pages a short while ago, I see that you are all still there and still following me. All 53 of you! I am truly sorry about this. It was not my intention to nix you. Not at all! But as I couldn’t see you on the front page, I thought you had deserted me. But you haven’t.

When I went to re-install the list, it tells me that I must do it, one follower at a time. But there are no instructions as to how to do this. So, folks, please bear with me. I am going to have to do a spot of research as to how I can achieve this. In the past, followers just showed up – I didn’t have to do anything. Clearly, Google has changed the system.

So, dear followers, all of you, please forgive me for this screw-up. I will correct it, but I am not sure how long it’s going to take me. I think I shall have to go onto a forum somewhere on the Net and see if I can get some help with it.

I’m sorry! I truly am.
