Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Message to You, My Esteemed Visitors and Followers: Would You Kindly Do Me a Small, but Great, Favour?

Since changing the format of this blog, the number of monthly page views has grown a lot. This pleases me greatly, of course; in fact, it delights me!

However, I have bigger plans still for this blog: I want to grow its loyal readership still more – I want to reach even more readers and potential loyal followers. And this is where I want to ask you to help me. Would you please email a link to this website to a friend, an acquaintance, or a family member? Or to several! Doing this would be a great help to me.

My aim for this website/blog is to show how normal the gay community is: I am trying to bring the gay community and the straight community together. This will help fight homophobia. Homophobia is a big problem in the world today. We need to do all we can to eliminate it.

Because it is my intention to fight the evil of homophobia, it is why I do not blog things related only to the gay community. Were I to do to that, I’d simply be ‘preaching to the choir’!

What I believe we need to do is show the world how normal being gay is. For example, by showing men kissing each day, and blogging about stories related to gay issues, thinking people will be able to conclude that gays are not so different after all: they have normal feelings, desires and interests just as everyone else has. That is one reason why I like to blog about diverse issues.

You, my visitors, mean a great deal to me. Many of you are regular and daily visitors from all over the world. Although I don’t know you, I feel that I do. I look out for you on my data each day, in order to see if my ‘friend’ has visited! That’s how much you mean to me!

So if you would kindly help me grow this community still more, I would be truly grateful. The more people that come to see how normal we all are, the sooner we will rid the world of this awful thing called homophobia!

This week, Google took away the possibility for people to sign up for a daily feed of what has been posted. I don’t know why they have done that, but all bloggers will be affected by this change. We can counter this, however, if you help me by sending a link, or a few, to your contacts.

By the way, I have received no emails from anyone yet, despite having so many visitors. Please don’t hesitate to email me if you feel so inclined; I’d love to hear from you; and I’d love to get feedback from you with any suggestions for improvements you may have.

Warm wishes to all!