Saturday, July 08, 2017

'Europe Unite' Says Churchill (1948)

Jamie Glazov Moment: Canada -- Sharia Fine For Not Removing Shoes Where Muslims Prayed

N24 Nachrichten - G20-Kater: Nach Randale-Nacht räumt Hamburg auf

Gewaltexzesse, Anarchie, Hass. Der schwarze Block sorgt in Hamburgs Szeneviertel um die Rote Flora für die düstersten Stunden seit Jahrzehnten. Mehrere Stunden lang tobt ein Mob während des G20-Gipfels. Dann schreitet die Staatsmacht ein.

Immer wieder brennen Barrikaden, Autonome zerschlagen Fensterscheiben mit schweren Pflastersteinen, brechen in einen Drogeriemarkt und eine Filiale eines Supermarkts ein. Sie plündern den Laden, tragen alles raus, zerfetzen das Mobiliar, um es unter dem Jubel Schaulustiger auf der Straße ins Feuer zu werfen. Auf einem Straßenzug der Schanze, Hamburgs linkem Szeneviertel, brennt es lichterloh. Während des G20-Treffens der führenden Wirtschaftsmächte lassen gewalttätige Demonstranten ihre Wut aus.

Doch der politische Gipfel hat noch seine schwerste Aufgaben vor sich.

The Unknown - Canadistan Rewards a Jihadi

Friday, July 07, 2017

Inside Story: Are the Saudis Funding Extremism?

The diplomatic crisis in the Gulf has seen Qatar living under a blockade for more than a month now.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt accused Qatar of, among other things, supporting extremists - claims Doha strongly denies. Now, a report from a UK think tank is pointing the finger at Saudi Arabia for being a key figure in financing such groups. And raises questions about its role with armed groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant armed group.

There is also another report on the subject - from the British government, but its conclusions have not been made public. So, why is Saudi Arabia accusing other countries of sponsoring extremism? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Shafeeq Ghabra - Professor of Political Science at Kuwait University; Simon Mabon - Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lancaster; Marwan Kabalan - Associate Analyst at the Doha Institute: Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies

Finally They Meet: Trump, Putin Sit Down at G20; Italy on Its Own? Record Wave of Migrants

What the Media Won't Tell You About Qatar

G20: "It''s a Gloomy Summit"

Did Saudi Arabia Miscalculate with Qatar Feud? - UpFront

In this web extra, we discuss the new leadership of Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and look at how the current Gulf crisis may shape future diplomatic relations.

"I think [Mohammed bin Salman] has miscalculated, once again," says Barbara Slavin, Director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council. "I think he has scored an own goal."

"[Mohammed bin Salman] is not going to have quick success everywhere and his biggest challenge, actually, is not in foreign policy, it’s in domestic policy, and in reforming and diversifying his economy, and that’s a huge undertaking," says Bernard Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University.

The panellists also discussed whether relations between Gulf countries will recover.

"I think it is absolutely possible," Haykel says.

"There will be concessions from both sides, but I think that Qatar, culturally and religiously, is an extension of Arabia."

"This has never been a cohesive group and now it may be fatally broken," Slavin says.

Dystopian Nightmare: Eyewitness Decries Police Repression at G20 Summit as 100,000 Take to Streets

Mass demonstrations have erupted across Hamburg, Germany, as world leaders gather for the G20 summit, where President Donald Trump is meeting with other world leaders. About 100,000 protesters took to the streets and have staged sit-ins in an attempt to disrupt the first day of the summit. Police fired water cannons, pepper spray and stun grenades to disperse protesters. Key issues on the G20 agenda include climate change, trade and North Korea. Protesters who gathered say the G20 has failed to solve many issues, including climate change and global economic disparities. We speak with philosopher Sre?ko Horvat, who is taking part in the G20 alternative summit, known as the Global Solidarity Summit. He is the co-founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement, also known as DiEM25.

G20 Summit: Trump and Putin Hold Long-anticipated First Face-to-Face Meeting

HARDtalk: Naomi Klein

President Trump is meeting his fellow leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg when big issues like international trade and climate change will be on the agenda. Zeinab Badawi speaks to the progressive Canadian-American writer and activist Naomi Klein. She says Donald Trump's rise to power is a product of our time and that his becoming president amounts to a corporate takeover of the US by brand Trump. She's calling for mass protests against him. But are her radical policies a panacea for the current ills in the USA?

Italy's Cry for Help: What's Europe's Answer to the Migrant Crisis?

Polish First Lady Passes Over Trump's Handshake

During a visit to Warsaw on July 6, President Trump was left hanging when Poland's first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda appeared to pass over his first offer for a handshake and turned to his wife Melania instead.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Embraced by Far-Right Gov't in Poland, Trump Claims Future of Western Civilization Is at Stake

In a major speech in Poland, President Donald Trump said Western civilization is at stake, as he warned about the threats of "terrorism and extremism." He was cheered on by supporters of Poland’s right-wing government, who were bused in to the speech. Meanwhile, Trump is facing criticism after becoming the first U.S. president in decades to skip visiting the Warsaw ghetto uprising monument. We speak with Polish-Nigerian journalist Remi Adekoya, a regular contributor to The Guardian and the former political editor of the Warsaw Business Journal.

Treffen von Merkel und Trump: Freundliches Gespräch mit „erheblichen Differenzen“

Auch nach dem Gespräch von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel mit US-Präsident Donald Trump bleiben nach Angaben von Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel erhebliche Differenzen. Die G20-Themen Handel und Klimaschutz seien „noch deutlich strittig“, sagte Gabriel am Donnerstagabend in der ARD zum G20-Gipfel. „Viele Gemeinsamkeiten“ hätte es dagegen bei den außenpolitischen Themen gegeben.

What Will More Sanctions Mean for North Koreans? - Inside Story

North Korea's latest missile launch has once again attracted strong condemnation. The US is seeking to impose more sanctions at the UN while warning of a possible military action against Pyongyang. It says the time for diplomacy is running out and has been reassuring its allies the US will do everything it can to protect them.

The era of strategic patience with North Korea appears to be over, but what is not clear is what comes next. What does it mean for the people of North Korea? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Dr Youngshik Bong - research fellow at Yonsei University Institute for North Korean Studies; Barnaby Willits-King - research fellow at Overseas Development Institute

Regierungserklärung Angela Merkels zum Brexit

Brexit: Wie geht es weiter? Was sind die Leitlinien der Verhandlungen mit Großbritannien? Kanzlerin Merkel zum weiteren gemeinsamen Vorgehen der EU27 und den drei Schwerpunkten:

Kanzlerin Merkel zum Brexit (2016)

„Es gibt nichts drum herum zureden. Der heutige Tag ist ein Einschnitt für Europa", sagt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Sie macht aber auch klar: „Die EU ist stark genug, um die richtigen Antworten zu geben!“

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill's Speech in the University of Zurich, 1946 - Parts 1 & 2 (English)

Deutsch: Im September 1946 rief Winston Churchill in einer Rede an der Universität Zürich dazu auf, „eine Art Vereinigte Staaten von Europa" zu errichten. Im selben Jahr fand ein Kongress der europäischen Föderalisten in Hertenstein in der Schweiz statt. Dort wurden zwölf Thesen verfasst, die als Hertensteiner Programm zur Grundlage der europäischen Arbeit der Nachkriegsjahre und zugleich zum politischen Gründungsdokument der Europa-Union Deutschland wurden. Ziel ist bis heute eine auf "föderativer Grundlage errichtete, europäische Gemeinschaft"