Saturday, January 30, 2016

Violence Erupts as Far-right and Anti-fascist Groups Clash in Dover

THE TELEGRAPH: Dressed in black, some protesters were seen giving the Nazi salute while others had bloodied faces

Far-right and anti-fascist groups have clashed in the centre of Dover.

The National Front, South East Alliance, North West Infidels and East Kent English Patriots are among the organisations involved in the anti-refugee protest on Saturday afternoon.

A large group of pro-immigration activists organised a counter-protest, where Labour Dianne Abbott MP has been speaking.

Photographs from the scene show protesters with bloodied faces.

Dressed all in black, some protesters were seen giving the Nazi salute, amid a heavy police presence. » | Camilla Turner | Saturday, January 30, 2016

Why the Migration Fiasco Spells Doom for Project Europe

THE TELEGRAPH: The influx of migrants has exposed the anti-democratic bias and the administrative uselessness of the EU

History offers up another of its ironies. The Soviet Union collapsed when great masses of people simply walked away from it. You may recall the blissful faces of those crowds who strolled peacefully into West Berlin, and then proceeded to tear down the wall which had imprisoned them for two generations. Now the European Union is about to collapse because great masses of people are walking into it: very little ecstasy this time, just lawless desperation. But by sheer numbers, their progression is as inexorable and politically destabilising as that miraculous exodus which brought down the great Communist empire without a shot being fired.

Forget the pantomime “negotiations” this weekend over an emergency brake – which can’t be used without prior universal agreement (rather like a fire alarm that can’t be activated without an international committee being convened), or the tortuous new wording of empty promises. That isn’t even a sideshow. It is deliberately deceptive nonsense. » | Janet Daley | Saturday, January 30, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016

DrB: The Refugee Experiment

Migrants, Mayhem and Beta Males: Is Europe in a Testosterone Recession?

Faith Goldy of asks: With European nations now facing the ugly consequences of hasty mass migration, where all their men have gone? PLUS Andrew Lawton looks at the Liberal government's shift in tone towards our friend and ally, Israel.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Anti-Islam Groups Launch Europe-wide Coalition Pledging to Defend 'Western Civilisation'

THE TELEGRAPH: ANTI-ISLAMISATION groups from across Europe have joined forces to form a single mass movement today with a pledge to protect "the thousand-year history of Western Civilisation".

The British branch of the far-right PEGIDA movement will join colleagues from across the continent as part of the Fortress Europe coalition, which says it will "never surrender to our enemies" amid concerns about mass Muslim migration.

The new alliance brings together tens of thousands of campaigners from across Europe and has been announced in response to the escalating migrant crisis and alleged refugee sex attacks in Germany and Sweden.

It will feature veteran activists from all corners of Europe including Tommy Robinson - the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL) who is now leading PEGIDA UK.

The groups met near Prague last week to thrash out a common mission statement with eight bullet points in which the campaigners pledge to "risk our lives" to oppose "political Islam, extreme Islamic regimes and their European collaborators".

The movement is being spearheaded by campaigners from Germany, where PEGIDA was founded, and which has taken in more than one million refugees and migrants flooding into Europe from the Middle East, Asia and North Africa.

Criticism of Angela Merkel's open door migration policy has been growing amid fury over the Cologne refugee sex attacks and subsequent cover-up attempts by authorities. » | Nick Gutteridge | Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hollande-Rouhani Lunch Scrapped after Elysée Palace 'Refused to Remove Wine from Menu'

THE TELEGRAPH: The lunch with François Hollande was reportedly dropped as the French refused to bow to demand for halal meat to be served and for the wine to be left off the table

France, unlike Italy, has reportedly refused to take wine off the table for Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, meaning he will lunch alone during his historic trip to Paris – the first for an Iranian leader in 17 years.

As anger mounted in Rome on Wednesday over a decision to cover up nude statues with large white panels so as not to offend Mr Rouhani, the French have already made it clear that no such cultural concessions would be made regarding its cherished gastronomy.

In Rome, alcohol was not served at an official dinner held in Mr Rouhani’s honour – a standard Italian diplomatic gesture for visiting Muslim dignitaries.

But in Paris, an originally planned lunch at the Elysée Palace with François Hollande was dropped because the French refused to cede to the Iranian presidency's demand for halal meat to be served and for the wine to be left off the table, citing “republican traditions”.

Alcohol consumption is no laughing matter in Iran, whose culture ministry has just banned the word “wine” from books published in the Islamic Republic on the grounds that it amounts to the “cultural invasion” of the West. » | Henry Samuel, in Paris | Thursday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Pope Asks Iran to Work for Mideast Peace, Stop Spread of Terrorism

Pope Francis met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the Vatican, asking Tehran to help promote peace in the region. Nathan Frandino reports.

Kreml wirft Berlin Vertuschung von Vergewaltigung vor

DIE PRESSE: Deutsche Behörden dementieren, dass die 13-jährige Lisa F. von Flüchtlingen vergewaltigt wurde - doch die russische Regierung sieht das anders.

Mehr als einen ganzen Tag lang war die 13-jährige Lisa F. aus Berlin verschwunden. Mit Plakaten und Fotos suchten sie ihre verzweifelten Eltern und meldeten sie bei der Polizei als vermisst. Als das Mädchen dann schließlich wieder auftauchte, erzählte sie eine Horrorgeschichte: Mehrere Männer hätten sie entführt, in eine Wohnung gebracht und dort vergewaltigt. Sie sprach von Männern, die kaum Deutsch konnten, von "Südländern". » | Red. | Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016

Fico: "EU begeht rituellen Selbstmord"

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Die EU begeht nach Auffassung des slowakischen Regierungschefs Robert Fico mit ihrer aktuellen Flüchtlingspolitik "rituellen Selbstmord". "Und wir alle schauen nur zu", sagte der sozialdemokratische Premier in einem Interview mit der tschechischen Tageszeitung "Pravo" am Dienstag. » | AG/red | Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016

Violent Clashes in Paris: Tear Gas & Burning Tires as Anti-Uber Protest Grips French Capital

Taxi drivers in France are blockading roads with burning tires in protest at the low-cost Uber app, resulting in at least 20 arrests. Air traffic controllers are also staging a demonstration, leading to dozens of canceled flights.

Trump Quakes in His Boots: Trudeau Disagrees with His Politics: PM Justin Trudeau on Donald Trump's "Politics of Division"

During a Maclean's Town Hall with Justin Trudeau in Ottawa on December 16, 2016, the Prime Minister is asked to comment on the rantings of Republican presidential contender Donald J. Trump.

Hillary Clinton Defends Popularity among Young Voters at Iowa Forum

Bernie Sanders appears at ease at presidential town hall during which student presses Clinton: ‘I don’t see the same enthusiasm from younger people for you’

Read the Guardian article here

Trudeau Parties at Davos While Canada's World Standing Plummets

Ezra Levant of looks at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's recent trip to Davos, Switzerland. Trudeau violated protocol by giving an amateurish speech mocking his predecessor, then took selfies with movies stars. Is that what he was elected to do?

DrB: Unsinn der Regierung in der Flüchtlingskrise

Sicherheit ist ein hohes Gut. Jedoch hat die deutsche Bundesregierung dieses Gut unter das Asylrecht gestellt. Mit wahrscheinlich verheerenden Konsequenzen.

How Rich Is Russian Leader Vladimir Putin?

BBC: The US Treasury has told a BBC investigation that it considers the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, to be corrupt.

Though the US government has already imposed sanctions on Kremlin insiders, this is thought to be the first time they have directly accused Mr Putin of corruption.

Panorama investigated Mr Putin's private finances and spoke to those who say they have inside knowledge of his secret fortune.

Richard Bilton reports. (+ BBC video) » | Monday, January 25, 2016

Panorama: Putin's secret riches, BBC One, 8.30pm, Monday 25 Jan.

Netherlands: IS Planning Further European Attacks - Europol Director

The so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS, ISIL) “has the willingness and the capability to carry out further attacks in Europe,” Director of Europol Rob Wainwright said during presser held in Amsterdam, Monday. “All of the national authorities are working to prevent that from happening,” he added.

Germany: Ex-EDL Leader Tommy Robinson Joins PEGIDA Rally in Dresden

Former leader of the English Defence League (EDL) Tommy Robinson joined around 4,000 PEGIDA supporters at a rally in Dresden, Monday.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Wives with Benefits: Immigrants with More Than One Spouse Win Extra Payments under New Reforms

BREITBART.COM: Immigrants with many wives stand to make substantial financial gains under looming changes to Britain’s welfare system.

Polygamous marriages, which form a common thread in Islam, are recognised in Britain but only if they take place in countries where they are legal. Now a House of Commons library paper, published earlier this month, has highlighted a loophole that will allow additional wives coming to the UK to claim a full single person’s allowance while the husband and his first wife still receive their respective benefits. » | Simon Kent | Sunday, January 24, 2016

Isis Targeting Europe for Paris-style Attacks, Says EU Police Chief

THE GUARDIAN: Europol head says Islamic State seeking to carry out large-scale attacks in Europe similar to last year’s on French capital

Islamic State is actively focusing its attention on conducting large-scale attacks in Europe similar to those last year in Paris, the head of the EU’s law enforcement agency has said.

Rob Wainwright, the head of Europol, the Hague-based organisation that coordinates EU policing efforts over terrorism and organised crime, said Isis had “developed a new combat-style capability to carry out a campaign of large-scale terrorist attacks on a global stage, with a particular focus in Europe”.

His comments, at a meeting of interior ministers in Amsterdam, came as France’s interior minister said Islamist terrorists had planned to attack another concert in Paris and carry out a mass killing in the streets of the capital.

Bernard Cazeneuve was defending the government’s decision to maintain a state of emergency imposed after the shootings and bombings across Paris on 13 November, which left 130 people dead, including 89 at the Bataclan concert hall. Isis claimed responsibility.

Cazeneuve said that since last spring the country’s intelligence services had foiled 11 terrorist attacks, some of which had been ordered by the Islamic State attackers behind the Paris atrocities. » | Kim Willsher in Paris and Peter Walker | Monday, January 25, 2016

Abendspaziergang: PEGIDA Dresden vom Theaterplatz – Live (25.1.16)