Tuesday, December 01, 2015

«Mein Kampf» en édition commentée dès janvier

Soixante-dix ans après la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, c'est
la première fois que le brûlot antisémite est réédité en Allemagne.
LE MATIN: ALLEMAGNE — Pour la première fois depuis la fin du Troisième Reich, une édition commentée de «Mein Kampf» sortira en Allemagne début 2016.

Andreas Wirsching, directeur de l'Institut d'histoire contemporaine (IFZ) de Munich (sud) a estimé que la sortie du pamphlet d'Adolf Hitler aura lieu «entre 8 et le 11 janvier». Une présentation au public est prévue durant la première quinzaine du même mois.

L'ouvrage, qui comprend le texte du dictateur nazi ainsi que 3500 annotations, comportera deux volumes pour un total de 1.948 pages et sera vendu 59 euros, a précisé le responsable de l'Institut qui travaille depuis 2009 sur ce projet.

«Il aurait été irresponsable de laisser le livre passer de main en main sans être commenté», a-t-il également insisté lors d'une rencontre avec des journalistes étrangers à Berlin. » | afp/nxp | mardi 1 décembre 2015

Explosion dans le métro d'Istanbul, des blessés

L’EXPRESS: Une forte explosion d'origine indéterminée a eu lieu dans le métro d'Istanbul, rapportent plusieurs médias. Il y aurait au moins six blessés.

Une forte explosion a eu lieu en début d'après midi dans le métro d'Istanbul. D'origine encore indéterminée, elle s'est produite près de la station Bayrampasa. Elle a fait au moins six blessés, selon la chaîne turque NTV. Il y aurait aussi un mort, selon la chaîne Haberturk. » | Par LEXPRESS.fr avec AFP | mardi 1 décembre 2015

Turkey Should Be Booted Out of NATO - US General

The downing of a Russian jet in Syria by Turkish fighters has shocked both Russia and NATO. And though the motives for the action are unclear, the incident is bound to have significant geopolitical consequences. What was the reasoning behind the Turkish decision to shoot down the jet, and is it likely to jeopardize the fragile diplomatic effort to reach a peaceful settlement in Syria. Oksana is joined by Paul Vallely, a retired US Army Major General, to sift through these issues.

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Erdogan Promises to Resign If ISIS Oil Links to Turkey Are Confirmed

Russia has received additional intelligence confirming that oil from deposits controlled by Islamic State is moved through Turkey on an industrial scale, said Vladimir Putin. President Recep Erdogan said he will resign if this is confirmed.

Germany: Darmstadt Parents Sentenced to Life for Murder of Daughter

A mother and father were sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering their 19-year-old daughter, during their trial for the crime in the city of Darmstadt, Tuesday.

Germany: Die Linke against Joining War against the So-called Islamic State

Die Linke Parliamentary group co-leader Dietmar Bartsch said that Die Linke opposes the German government's decision to participate in the war against the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), speaking at a press conference in Berlin, Tuesday.

Germany: Merkel to Seek Parliamentary Approval for Military Action in Syria

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she aims to increase her countries military participation in the US-led alliance in Syria, in a joint address to press with New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key, in Berlin, Tuesday.

France: Turkey Can Do "Much Better" in Stopping IS - Obama

US President Barack Obama said that Turkey can do much more to seal off their border with Syria and block off supply routes of the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) during a press conference at the COP21 climate talks in Paris, Tuesday. "With respect to Turkey, I have had repeated conversations with President Erdogan about the need to close the border between Turkey and Syria," Obama said. The US president continued, noting that "our militaries work together to determine how a combination of air and Turkish ground forces on the Turkish side of the border can do a much better job of sealing the border than it currently is and I think President Erdogan recognises that."

Russisch-türkischer Streit: Kreml veröffentlicht Sanktionsliste

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Auf Tomaten, Apfelsinen und Weintrauben aus der Türkei müssen die Russen in Zukunft verzichten. Der Kreml hat die Einfuhr dieser und anderer Güter jetzt untersagt. Es gibt aber auch noch weitergehende Sanktionen.

Russland hat im heftigen Streit mit der Führung in Ankara seine Sanktionsliste gegen die Türkei veröffentlicht. Demnach verbietet Moskau vom 1. Januar 2016 an unter anderem die Einfuhr von Hühner- und Putenfleisch, Tomaten, Apfelsinen, Weintrauben und Salz aus der Türkei. Ebenfalls am Neujahrstag tritt eine Visapflicht für Türken in Kraft.

Der visafreie Reiseverkehr zwischen beiden Ländern war im April 2011 in Kraft getreten und vor allem von Touristen genutzt worden. Zuletzt reisten jährlich etwa vier Millionen Russen in die Türkei, die größte Gruppe nach den Deutschen. Nun stellt Russland – bis auf die Heimreisen russischer Touristen – auch alle Charterflüge mit der Türkei ein. » | Quelle: okü./dpa | Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2015

Cabinet Approves Syria Airstrikes Motion

THE GUARDIAN: Twelve-point plan put forward by David Cameron is approved unanimously at weekly meeting devoted entirely to Syria

The cabinet has approved a 12-point motion designed to pave the way for Britain to extend its involvement in airstrikes on Islamic State targets from Iraq to Syria.

The motion, which is deliberately designed to reflect the motion passed by the Labour party at its conference in September, was approved unanimously by the cabinet at its weekly meeting, which was devoted entirely to Syria. » | Nicholas Watt, Chief political correspondent | Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Marine Le Pen's Front National Makes Political Gains after Paris Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: Far-right party poised to win two regions for first time as it reaps electoral advantage from France’s fear of Islamists and migrants

Looking out across hundreds of flag-waving supporters at a rally in the northern city of Lille, the far-right leader Marine Le Pen told the crowd that the Front National was the only party that could reassure France in this moment of “infinite sadness”.

The death of 130 people in the Paris terrorist attacks was, she claimed, the result of government inaction, lies, and, above all, its “crazy, undiscerning immigration policy”. The Socialist president, François Hollande, who had declared France’s war on terrorism was “a war chief who hasn’t even got the measure of the enemy!” she boomed. Only 10 months after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Paris kosher supermarket left 17 dead, the government had failed to protect French people from another attack and was “more than just responsible!” she cried. The crowd stamped their feet and roared support, chanting “Hollande resign! Hollande resign!”

The political fallout of the Paris terror attacks looks likely to shake France’s Socialist government this Sunday when the country votes in the first round of key regional elections. Even though Hollande has seen his popularity rise since the attacks, this has not helped his wider party and its candidates. Instead, it is Le Pen’s far-right Front National that stands to make the most gains at the ballot box. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Lille | Tuesday, December 1, 2015

You Can’t Negotiate with Extremists

WALES ONLINE – LETTER TO SOUTH WALES ECHO: I am tired of Muslims proclaiming that Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam spread through the conquest of mainly Christian countries by Arab and Berber armies.

They swept across North Africa and then Spain until they were defeated by Charles Martel at the battle of Tours in 732AD and later expelled from Spain by Isabella and Ferdinand. The Crusades were a response to militant Islam and the persecution of Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. Read more » | Bryan D Prescott | Monday, November 30, 2015

Reaktion auf Pariser Anschläge: USA verschärfen Einreisebestimmung

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Einreise in die USA ist ohnehin schon kompliziert, jetzt will das Land die Bestimmungen für visumfreies Reisen verschärfen. Betroffen sind auch Touristen und Geschäftsleute aus Deutschland.

Nach den Anschlägen in Paris verschärfen die USA ihre Regeln für die Einreise ohne Visum. Bürger aus Deutschland und 37 anderen Ländern, mit denen die Vereinigten Staaten ein Abkommen für visumfreies Reisen haben, würden strengeren Sicherheitskontrollen unterworfen, teilte das Weiße Haus am Montag mit. » | sun/AFP/dpa | Montag, 30. November 2015

Bundeswehreinsatz in Syrien: Von der Leyen schließt Kooperation mit Assad aus

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ursula von der Leyen kann sich zwar grundsätzlich eine Zusammenarbeit mit syrischen Truppen vorstellen. Ein Sprecher der Ministerin stellte jetzt aber klar: Eine Kooperation mit Machthaber Assad werde es nicht geben.

Bei ihrem geplanten Anti-Terror-Einsatz in Syrien hat die Bundesregierung eine Kooperation mit Truppen unter dem Kommando des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad ausgeschlossen. "Jetzt wird es keine Zusammenarbeit mit Assad geben und auch keine Zusammenarbeit mit Truppen unter Assad", sagte der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums, Jens Flosdorff, in Berlin. Das habe auch Ministerin Ursula von der Leyen klargemacht. » | kev/dpa | Montag, 1. Dezember 2015

Refugee-welcoming Germany Could Soon Ban the Burqa as It ‘Doesn’t Fit’ Society

EXPRESS: Lawmakers in Germany's biggest state Bavaria want a new law making the wearing of the burqa illegal in the whole of the country.

The conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), which is the sister party in the state to the ruling CDU of Chancellor Angela Merkel, is pressing Berlin to support the measure.

Ilse Aigner, finance minister in Bavaria, said: “The law on a burqa ban should be quickly passed by the government.

“It is first and foremost about showing one’s face. It’s about living together as a society and seeing one another. It doesn’t fit to our society to hide oneself, and it contradicts our idea of sexual equality.” » | Allan Hall | Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ankara's Decision to Shoot Down Russian Plane Was Wrong, Says Leading Turkish Politician

Figen Yuksekdag, co-chairman of pro-Kurdish HDP, criticised
Turkey's shoot down of a Russian war plane as "wrong"
THE TELEGRAPH: Exclusive: Figen Yuksekdag, Turkey's most powerful female politician, says Ankara wrongly hit Russia, an ally in the fight against Isil, and the shoot down could risk further tension in the region

Ankara's decision to shoot down a Russian fighter jet has escalated tensions in an already fragile region and undermined efforts to build a global coalition against Isil, according to Turkey's leading opposition politician.

Figen Yuksekdag, Turkey's most powerful female politician and co-leader of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), said shooting the warplane meant that Ankara hit an ally in the fight against Isil.

Russia is not part of the US-led coalition bombing Isil positions. However, after the Paris terror attacks on November 13 which killed 130 people, the EU and other countries are seeking a worldwide anti-Isil coalition including Moscow after a UN resolution called for "all necessary measures" to tackle the Islamic extremist threat. » | Raziye Akkoc | Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Muslim Taxi Driver Shot by Passenger Who Asked Him about the Islamic State

THE TELEGRAPH: Campaigners say attack is the latest in a spike in anti-Muslim crimes after the Paris attacks and demand it be investigated as a hate crime

A Muslim taxi driver was shot in the back by a passenger who joked about the Prophet Mohammed and talked about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), according to the victim and his supporters.

A Muslim rights group said the attack, during the Thanksgiving holiday, was a hate crime and part of backlash after the Paris attacks.

The driver, a 38-year-old Moroccan immigrant who requested anonymity, needed hospital treatment in Pittsburgh for his wounds. » | Rob Crilly, New York | Monday, November 30, 2015

US State Department Refuses to Openly Confirm Russian Jet Was Hit in Syrian Airspace

The downing of Russia’s bomber by Turkish fighter jets in Syrian airspace last week has been dominating world news. RT’s Gayane Chichkyan has been following the US reaction.

France: Le Pen Blasts EU Hypocrisy over Gulf States in War against IS

Leader of the Front National Marine Le Pen hit out at EU handling of foreign and migrant policy during a rally in Lille, Monday, as part of her campaign for upcoming French regional elections on December 6 and 13. Le Pen is running as the Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional presidential candidate.

Germany: PEGIDA Decry Migrant Policies at Monday Dresden Rally

Hundreds of supporters of the anti-Islamist group PEGIDA rallied through the centre of Dresden, Monday, to protest against the German government's migration policy.