Friday, November 27, 2015

Germany: 'Turkey Must Pay' for Death of Su-24 Pilot, Say Protesters in Berlin

Protesters rallied in front of the Turkish embassy in Berlin, Friday, over the downing of Russian Su-24 warplane by NATO member Turkey, claiming that the country should be responsible for the death of the Russian pilot.

‪Turkish Police Use Pepper Spray to Disperse Protesters in Ankara‬

Minor clashes broke out with police using pepper spray to push back protesters that gathered outside the Cumhuriyet newspaper offices in Ankara, to show solidarity with two of the daily's journalists who have been jailed on terror and espionage charges for publishing reports that accuse the government of arms smuggling into Syria.

Russia Imposes Sanctions on Turkey over Downed Plane

A protester at a rally in Moscow on Wednesday holds a placard
reading 'Don't go to Turkey'.
THE GUARDIAN: Russian prime minister says punitive steps could include halting joint economic projects, restricting financial transactions and changing customs duties

Russia has announced that it will impose import sanctions on Turkey and cancel major investment projects as the spat between the two countries over the downed Su-24 fighter jet continues.

The Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, said broad punitive steps could include halting joint economic projects, restricting financial and trade transactions and changing customs duties. There were calls to ban imports of all Turkish produce, while in the city of Krasnodar, dozens of Turkish workers were rounded up and arrested for visa violations.

Already, the country’s tourist board has suspended all tours to Turkey, a move that it estimated would cost the Turkish economy $10bn (£6.6bn). Russia also said it was suspending all military cooperation with Turkey, including closing down an emergency hotline to share information on Russian airstrikes in Syria. » | Shaun Walker in Moscow | Thursday, November 26, 2015

Saudi Arabia Executions: Kingdom to Behead 50 Men Convicted of Terrorism Offences despite Threat of Shia Revolt

THE INDEPENDENT: Impervious to international opinion, the desert kingdom is poised to execute more than 50 people, three of whom were under 18 when their alleged crime took place. All because of a power struggle within the ruling family

Saudi authorities appear set in the next few days to carry out a series of beheadings across the country of more than 50 men convicted of terrorism offences. Among those facing execution are three young men who were juveniles when they were arrested.

The publication earlier this week of an article in the newspaper Okaz, which has close links to the Saudi Ministry of the Interior, has convinced families of the accused and concerned human-rights organisations that the executions are imminent.

Sources have said that the plan is to behead the men in several cities across the kingdom, most likely after Friday prayers. » | Bill Law | Thursday, November 26, 2015

LIVE: Putin and Hollande Give a Joint Press Conference Following Their Meeting - English Audio

Russian president Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande will hold a joint press conference following their meeting in Moscow on Thursday, November 26.

French President Francois Hollande is scheduled to travel to Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss French and Russian actions in combating terrorism as well as the Syrian Crisis on Thursday, November 26.

Russia, which already launched its bombing campaign against militants in Syria on September 30, will negotiate with France for an international anti-terrorism operation in Syria. Hollande called for a broad coalition including the USA after the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militant group claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris last week, that killed 130 people and left hundreds injured.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

David Cameron Accused of Failing to Pressure Gulf States over Isis Funding due to Tory Links to Wealthy Saudis

David Cameron was also accused of shelving a report into
the Muslim Brotherhood because it would be 'unhelpful'
to the Saudis
THE INDEPENDENT: Former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown suggests Cameron had failed to exert pressure on Saudi Arabia and Qatar to stop its 'rich businessmen' from funding jihadists because of the 'closeness' between the Tories and wealthy Arab individuals

David Cameron has been accused of failing to tell Gulf states to crack down on the flow of funds to Isis because of the Conservative party’s links to rich Arab individuals.

Former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown suggested that the Prime Minister had not put enough pressure on countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar to stop its “rich businessmen” funding the Salafists and the Wahhabists and had also failed to do enough to persuade them from joining the bombing of Isis in Syria.

This could be explained by the “closeness” between Gulf donors and the Tory party in the UK, Lord Ashdown alleged.

He also accused the Prime Minister of shelving a report on the funding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain because it came up with findings that were “unhelpful” to the Saudis. » | Matt Dathan, Adam Withnall Online political reporter | Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Islamisierung in Deutschland - Buschkowsky - 9.11.2015

Heinz Buschkowsky spricht über die bereits vorhanden Probleme mit islamischen Parallelgesellschaften und mögliche Auswirkungen von den weiteren Millionen "Flüchtlingen" auf Gesellschaft und Politik.

Das Ende Europas - Flüchtlingswelle bedroht Abendland

Diese Einwanderunsgwelle wird Europa "erschlagen". Nicht nur, dass Hunderttausende von nicht registrierten Einwanderern aus Syrien und Irak (dem Wirkungskreis des Islamischen Staates) hier sind, also es hier Tausende von IS-Schläfern gibt. Die Millionen von "Flüchtlingen" wollen auch ihre Familien nachholen und haben hohe Ansprüche (Auto, Haus, Frau, usw.).

Wird das System aufgrund des nicht endenwollenden Menschen-Stroms kollabieren, werden die "Flüchtlinge", die überall im Land gut verteilt sind, hungern und frieren. Dann bricht hier die Hölle los.

‘Cameron’s Claims on Anti-ISIS Airstrikes Are Deceit’: Former Ambassador to Syria

Prime Minister David Cameron has made his case for extending UK airstrikes against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from Iraq into Syria. He has ruled out using British ground troops and claims disagreements with Russia are 'narrowing.'

Happy Thanksgiving!

I should like to take this opportunity to wish our American visitors, followers, and Twitter followers VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

EU Politicians Blast Turkey’s Links to ISIS, Call Erdogan’s Policies Dangerous

Turkey's attack on the Russian bomber is the first such incident between a NATO country and Moscow in half a century. Across the media, there are concerns that relations between the Alliance and Russia could worsen and see a return to Cold War times.

David Cameron: Syrian Bombing Must Not Wait - But Involvement Could Last 'Many Years' - Live

Prime Minister hints at prolonged Syria bombing campaign in 36-page plan as he seeks to win over Tory rebels and Labour MPs ahead of Commons vote

Collapse of 'Comatose' Schengen Will Wreck Euro, Admits Jean-Claude Juncker

Jean-Claude Juncker
THE TELEGRAPH: Jean-Claude Juncker issues bleakest assessment yet of state of Schengen free-travel zone

The Schengen zone is “partially comatose”, Jean-Claude Juncker conceded on Wednesday, as he warned that its collapse would take down the eurozone.

The single currency cannot survive if the free movement of people granted by the passport-free travel zone ends, the president of the European Commission said, in the starkest warning yet.

Mr Juncker could only watch this summer after state after state reintroduced border controls in a desperate attempt to halt the influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants. The Paris terrorist attacks led France to announce indefinite border checks.

"We have to safeguard the spirit behind Schengen,” Mr Juncker told the European Parliament. “Yes, the Schengen system is partially comatose.” » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Downing of Russian Jet by Turkey Could Push Us Back to 'Darkest Hour' of Cold War: Expert

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: London: The shooting down of a Russian fighter jet on the Turkey-Syria border is a grave development that could push the world back towards the darkest hour of the Cold War, a foreign policy expert has warned.

There are early signs that Russia will respond to the incident aggressively, rather than diplomatically, warned analyst Lukasz Kulesa. (+ video) » | Nick Miller | Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Germany: Salafists on the Rapid Increase

ARUTZ SHEVA: Salafist fundamentalist Islam is rising strongly in Germany, according to German security services.

Salafism – a form of fundamentalist Islam – is on the rise in Germany, according to a survey commissioned by German security services.

Clarion Project - which is committed to "challenging extremism [and] promoting dialogue," according to its website - says the reports shows that over the first half of 2015, the number of German Muslims identifying themselves as Salafists has risen 25%. In the past, this number has risen approximately 3% over six-month periods.

Though the numbers are still small, the rapid growth is attracting interest. In June of this year, 7,900 people are estimated to be Salafists, as opposed to 6,300 in January.

Salafism is a form of Islam that itself is roughly divided into three groups: Those who don't get involved in politics, those who do, and Jihadist Salafists. All three seek to return the practice of Islam to its original form as delineated by Muhammed 14 centuries ago. They are also all in favor of a global caliphate and sharia (Islamic) law.

Clarion notes that Salafists believe that democracy must be eradicated. ISIS (the Islamic State), al-Qaeda and most of the world’s Islamist terror organizations practice Salafist Islam. » | Hillel Fendel | Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tunisia: At least 12 Dead as Blast Targets Bus Carrying Presidential Guards

A bus carrying the Tunisian presidential guards was hit by an explosion leaving at least 12 dead and around 16 injured in central Tunis, Tuesday.

According to security sources, the guards were boarding the bus at Mohamed V Avenue near the Interior Ministry to be taken to the presidential place in the suburbs of Tunisia's capital when the explosion occurred. It is not clear at the moment whether the explosion was caused by bomb or an explosive fired at the bus.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Teenage Austrian 'Poster Girl for the Islamic State' Killed by Group for Trying to Escape

Austrian teenager Sabra Kesinovic
THE TELEGRAPH: Sabra Kesinovic, 17, was reportedly murdered after she was caught attempting to escape from Raqqa, Syria

An Austrian teenager who became a poster girl for the Islamic State has reportedly been beaten to death by the group after she was caught trying to leave Syria.

Sabra Kesinovic, 17, was murdered after she was caught attempting to escape from Raqqa, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant's (Isil) de facto capital in Syria, according to reports in two Austrian newspapers.

She appeared extensively in Isil propaganda material after leaving her native Vienna to join the group together with Sabina Selimovic, a 16-year-old friend.

The two teenagers were shown wearing Islamic headbands and brandishing Kalashnikov rifles, surrounded by masked male jihadists.

They were also shown wearing full Islamic veils and pointing towards heaven.

The Austrian government refused to comment on reports in Österreich and Kronen Zeitung newspapers that Kesinovic had been beaten to death. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Obama & Hollande Speeches, Press Conference after ISIL Talks

U.S. president, Barack Obama, speaks after talks with Francois Hollande, the President of France, to discuss strategy against ISIL in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. The talks took place at the White House in Washington, D.C.

Hollande-Obama : les principales déclarations

LE POINT: Après Mohammed VI et David Cameron, le président français a rencontré son homologue américain pour obtenir un renforcement de la lutte contre Daech.

Voici les principales déclarations faites par François Hollande et Barack Obama au terme de la rencontre qui a eu lieu ce mardi entre les deux chefs d'État.

« Nous sommes tous français »

« Nous sommes tous français », a lancé, en français, le président américain Barack Obama aux côtés de son homologue français François Hollande, lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe mardi à la Maison-Blanche. Onze jours après les pires attentats jamais perpétrés en France, le président Obama a affirmé que les États-Unis et la France étaient « unis » et « totalement solidaires » dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. « Nous aimons les Français », a encore lancé Barack Obama, rappelant que Paris était traditionnellement le « plus ancien allié de l'Amérique », en allusion à la Révolution américaine de la fin du XVIIIe siècle appuyée par des Français et que la France s'était tenue aux côtés des États-Unis lors des attentats du 11 Septembre 2001 avec le fameux « Nous sommes tous américains ». Le président des États-Unis a également assuré que les Américains ne se laisseront « pas terroriser » par les menaces terroristes, au lendemain d'une alerte mondiale lancée par le département d'État sur les risques de voyager à l'étranger pour ses ressortissants. À cet égard, le président Obama a exhorté l'Union européenne à partager avec les États-Unis les informations relatives aux passagers du transport aérien. » | Le (avec AFP) | mardi 24 novembre 2015

Les visites compliquées de François Hollande à Washington et Moscou

LE MONDE: François Hollande est arrivé aux Etats-Unis, mardi 24 novembre dans l’après-midi, pour une rencontre avec le président Barack Obama, destinée à accentuer la mobilisation contre l’Etat islamique (EI). La veille, M. Hollande a reçu le soutien du premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, accueilli à l’Elysée.

La partie s’annonce plus compliquée pour le président français à Washington puis, ensuite, à Moscou, jeudi. Avec Barack Obama, les relations ont toujours été tendues sur la Syrie, depuis le revirement d’août 2013, lorsque la Maison Blanche a renoncé à frapper le régime de Bachar Al-Assad qui venait pourtant de franchir une « ligne rouge » édictée par M. Obama en utilisant des armes chimiques contre sa population. » | Par Yves-Michel Riols | mardi 24 novembre 2015