Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Is President Obama Delusional?

Nov. 16, 2015 - 7:43 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 11/16

Huckabee on War on Terror: 'It's Put Up or Shut Up Time'

Nov. 17, 2015 - 5:09 - Republican presidential candidate says the West is engaged in a battle with 'complete barbarism'

Op-Ed: Paris Pays the Price of Europe's Inability to Recognize the Real Enemy

ARUTZ SHEVA: The real enemy is radical Islamism, not one Islamic group or the other.

What happened in Paris on the horrifying night of Friday November 13, 2015, is Europe's chickens coming home to roost. For decades Europe turned a blind eye to the virulent humans rights violations of despotic, radical Islamic regimes across the Middle East. Within Europe, and across Western intelligentsia, a politically correct ideology took hold. Backed by an omnipotent politically correct mainstream media-- violent, misogynist, anti-Semitic, and anti-democratic rhetoric and behavior by radical muslims [sic] at home and abroad was either given a free pass, or got little to no media coverage. Meanwhile, Israel was singled out for biased, hypocritical and immoral condemnation. And by ignoring what is the real threat to Western civilization and democracy, Leonardo Da Vinci's immortal words turned into a devastating reality: "he who does not punish evil, commands it to be done.”

France, Europe, and the West will be making yet another terrible miscalculation, in the aftermath of this horrendous attack, if they interpret these attacks as only emanating from the Islamic State. The issue is much broader than that, and is a clash of civilizations (as the term was coined by Prof. Samuel Huntington), between democratic modernism and theocratic medieval barbarism. The West needs to recognize and acknowledge the enemy, namely radical Islamism. Sadly this is not a fringe movement, as PC ideologues would like to believe, and enjoys widespread and popular support.

Read the whole article here » | Noam Rotem | Tuesday, November 17, 2015

French Friday Sermon on Day of Paris Attacks: Our Children Can Become Rulers of France through Legal Means

Robert Spencer on Hannity: The Paris Jihad Attacks and Muslim Refugees , November 14, 2015

Finland: Anti-migrant Rally Fumes against Mosque Construction Plan

In the wake of plans for a new Mosque to be built in the centre of Helsinki, an anti-immigration rally was held, Saturday. The protest, branded 'Islamophobic' by counter-protesters, formed in opposition to the building plans in the Finnish capital. Protesters held banners and chanted slogans denouncing the plan. However, the 'anti-racist' demo who met them also held banners decrying their 'prejudice' and 'discrimination.'

Europe's 'Porous Borders' Increase Terror Risk, Head of Metropolitan Police Says

THE TELEGRAPH: Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe says Europe has a 'problem' as he criticises the Schengen agreement and warns that terrorists could pose as migrants

Europe's "porous" borders mean that terrorists could be able to "hide" among migrants coming from Syria, the head of the Metropolitan Police has warned as he criticised the Schengen agreement.

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said that in the wake of the Paris terror attacks Europe has a significant "problem" because it has "millions of people wandering through" but only "limited control over the borders".

Asked if he is a fan of the Schengen agreement on open borders, he wants "good strong borders" to ensure that the police and security services can properly assess the risk people pose.

He told LBC Radio: "If you've got porous borders and you've got migrants coming through there's a risk that terrorists are hidden amongst them or people who become terrorists get hidden amongst them. (+ video) » | Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor, video source LBC | Tuesday, November 17, 2015

PEGIDA Dresden: Rede von Tatjana Festerling (16.11.2015)

PEGIDA Dresden 16.11.2015 Rede von Tatjana Festerling (1) vor über 30 000 Patrioten.

Germany: PEGIDA Holds First Rally Since Paris Attacks

Thousands of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) supporters gathered at Theaterplatz in Dresden, Monday, to march through the city centre in protest against Merkel's policies on Europe's ongoing migrant and refugee crisis.

Gretchen's Take: Who Will Stand Up to Obama to Keep Us Safe?

Nov. 16, 2015 - 1:18 - White House needs to get serious on ISIS

Obama Not Reconsidering Acceptance of Syrian Refugees

Nov. 16, 2015 - 1:52 - Kristin Fisher reports from New York

Gov. Kasich on Decision to Refuse Syrian Refugees

Nov. 16, 2015 - 4:18 - Republican presidential candidate notes the public 'is deeply concerned'

After Paris Attacks, a Darker Mood Toward Islam Emerges in France

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — November is not January. That thought has been filtering through the statements of most French politicians and the news media, and most people seem to understand.

Unlike the response in January after attacks at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere left 17 dead, there were no grand public appeals for solidarity with Muslims after the Friday attacks that left 129 dead in Paris. There were no marches, few pleas not to confuse practitioners of Islam with those who preach jihad.

Instead, there was a palpable fear, even anger, as President François Hollande asked Parliament to extend a state of emergency and called for changing the Constitution to deal with terrorism. It was largely unspoken but nevertheless clear: Secular France had always had a complicated relationship with its Muslim community, but now it was tipping toward outright distrust, even hostility.

The shift could be all the more tempting because the government is struggling to find its footing politically as it is threatened on its far right by the anti-immigrant National Front party.

Already, tough talk from officials in the government shows them shifting rightward, calling for new scrutiny of mosques, extending the state of emergency and possibly placing restrictions on the 10,000 or more people loosely indexed as possible threats to the state. France needs to “expel all these radicalized imams,” Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared Saturday. » | Adam Nossiter and Liz Alderman | Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

France Will Be in a State of Emergency for Three Months: Hollande Vows to 'Destroy' ISIS and Pledges 'No Barbarians Will Prevent Us from Living How We Have Decided to Live'

DAILY MAIL: Francois [sic] Hollande is sending more jets to 'destroy ISIS' for the 129 dead / President also calling for UN resolution to fight on the ground in Syria / Army will stay on streets and strict border controls will last until into 2016 / He said: 'Terrorism will never destroy the republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'

France will be in a state of emergency for the next three months and is now 'at war' with ISIS, Francois [sic] Hollande said today.

The French President told MPs in Paris he 'will destroy' the terror group by intensifying bombing raids on targets in Syria and is sending an aircraft carrier packed with jets this week.

In a speech at Versailles this afternoon Mr Hollande announced he wants a new UN Security Council resolution to fight ISIS, which could in theory lead to a coalition ground invasion.

He said: 'France is at war. No barbarians will prevent us from living how we have decided to live. To live fully. Terrorism will never destroy the republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'.

To make France safer from future attacks he said he would change the law to revoke terrorists of their French citizenship and ban them from entering the country. Read on and comment » | Martin Robinson for MailOnline | Monday, November 16, 2015

Les principales annonces du président de la République devant le Parlement réuni en Congrès

[REPORTAGE] Les principales annonces du... by elysee

Château de Versailes »

Donald Trump: Syrian Refugees a 'Trojan Horse'

Österreich: Merkel muss weg : Wieder tausende Flüchtlinge in Spielfeld

Merkel will alle "Flüchtlinge"der Welt nach Deutschland herlocken

Beim Bürgerdialog am 28.10.2015 wirbt sie für mehr Zuwanderung, insbesondere aus Afrika und den Balkanländern. Weil noch nicht genug kommen, fordert sie mehr Propaganda in den entsprechenden Regionen.

Terror in Paris - Anschläge auf die Freiheit - Sicherheit, Flüchtlinge, Hetze, Solidarität - ZDF

Terror in Paris - mit den Themen: 1.) Sicherheitslage in Deutschland, 2.) Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik, 3.) Hetze gegen Flüchtlinge im Internet, 4.) Was bedeutet "internationale Solidarität"?

Pegida-Demo: Mehr als 9000 Teilnehmer am Montagabend

DIE PRESSE: Die antiislamische Bewegung hat nach den Anschlägen in Paris offenbar etwas mehr Zulauf bekommen. In Dresden waren Plakate mit Aufschriften wie "Gestern in Paris - morgen in Deutschland" zu sehen.

Drei Tage nach den Anschlägen in Paris hat die fremdenfeindliche und antiislamische Pegida-Bewegung in Dresden offenbar etwas mehr Zulauf bekommen. Nach ersten Schätzungen der Studenteninitiative "Durchgezählt" kamen zu der Pegida-Kundgebung am Montagabend 9000 bis 12000 Menschen. Vor einer Woche hatte Pegida bis zu 8500 Anhänger auf die Straße gebracht.

Zum Beginn der Kundgebung vor der Semperoper legten die Demonstranten eine Schweigeminute für die Opfer der Anschläge in Paris ein. Einige Demonstranten trugen französische Fahnen mit Trauerflor. Es waren Plakate zu sehen mit Aufschriften wie "Je suis Paris", aber auch "Gestern in Paris - morgen in Deutschland". » | APA/AFP | Montag, 16. November 2015