Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Austria: Fights Break Out as Thousands of Refugees Left Stranded in 'No Man's Land'

Fights broke between refugees after several thousands of migrants were left stranded in "no man's land" on the Slovenia-Austria border for seven hours near the Austrian town of Spielfeld, Monday. Without water for an extended amount of time tensions snapped, with several refugees including children collapsing.

Monday, October 26, 2015

LIVE: Counter-protest Meets PEGIDA Demo in Dresden

Antifa protesters are due to rally in Dresden on Monday, October 26, threatening to disrupt a march of the far-right movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA). The first of PEGIDA’s evening marches took place on October 20, 2014. Numbers kept growing until a record 20,000 supporters gathered in Dresden on October 19, 2015.

Anti-immigrant and anti-Islam protests have dogged Germany for the last year, with a spike in hate crimes against refugees over the last few months as the impact of Europe's refugee crisis continues to grow.

Migrants : nouvel afflux en Allemagne

LE POINT: L'Allemagne a fait face ce dimanche à un nouvel afflux massif de migrants en Bavière à la frontière avec l'Autriche. La police dit être "noyée".

"Aujourd'hui, on se noie." C'est l'aveu du porte-parole de l'antenne bavaroise de la police fédérale, Frank Koller, à l'agence allemande de presse DPA. Selon lui, rien que samedi, 4 000 personnes sont arrivées dans le secteur de Passau, à la frontière avec l'Autriche, l'un des principaux points d'arrivée des migrants en Allemagne. En 2015, ce pays s'attend à accueillir jusqu'à un million de migrants, contre 200 000 l'an passé. "À Passau, on attend encore ce soir dix cars en provenance d'Autriche. On part du principe qu'on va avoir un problème aujourd'hui. (...) On ne va pas pouvoir traiter comme ça ce flux", a-t-il ajouté. » | Source AFP | Publié : dimanche 25 octobre 2015 | Modifié : lundi 26 octobre 2015

Geert Wilders Tells Australia to Abandon Multiculturalism or End Up Like the EU

THE GUARDIAN: The far-right Dutch MP speaks to media in Perth after the secretive launch of ALA, saying belief in cultural equality the ‘biggest disease in Europe today’

Speaking in the calm, flat voice of one who is used to protesters with megaphones crashing his media appearances, the far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders stood behind a bank of microphones and recommended Australia close its borders and abandon its long-held policy of multiculturalism, lest “Australian society” be irrevocably lost.

“You will have millions of people coming to Australia, like we do in Europe, and you will not be able to handle it,” Wilders said. “You should be a sovereign country that closes your borders to those kinds of immigrants.”

“Those kind of immigrants” are Muslims. Opposing Islam is the central tenet of Wilders’ Party for Freedom, which has been leading the polls in the Netherlands since August. It is also the key policy of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA), the new party that Wilders flew to Australia to launch. » | Calla Wahlquist | Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Islam and 9/11 Not Connected, 12-Year-Olds Taught in America

FRONTPAGE MAG: How stealth Jihad gets at our kids.

Parents in Illinois are outraged that a public school there is painting a positive picture of Islam and teaching impressionable young students that Islam bears no responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

This is just the latest incident demonstrating a growing trend in American education to portray the intolerant, slavery-sanctioning, woman-oppressing, genocidal, and relentlessly expansionist Religion of Peace as a misunderstood force for good or as just another world religion, no better or worse than the others. The relativist, multiculturalist, pro-Sharia compliance perspective is that a few bad, weird people who just happened to be Muslims flew airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, 2001, and that these jihadist extremists in no way represent the core teachings of the Koran and the whole Islamic community, even though Muslims have been slaughtering, enslaving, and otherwise subjugating unbelievers for 1,400 years.

One of the education sector's gatekeepers Mark Halwachs, superintendent of High Mount School in Swansea, Ill., is proud to be serving humanity by presenting Islam as a positive thing that had absolutely nothing to do with the horrors of 9/11. The Kindergarten-to-8th Grade school he oversees has no plans to abandon its Islamic misinformation efforts and the teaching of revisionist history. » | Matthew Vadum | Monday, October 26, 2015

Österreicher decken sich mit Waffen ein

Für Schrotflinten benötigt man in Österreich keine Waffenbesitzkarte
STERN: Täglich strömen Tausende über die Westbalkanroute in Richtung Österreich und Deutschland. Eine Entwicklung, die unseren Nachbarn offensichtlich große Angst einjagt. Denn die rüsten auf.

Die Angst vor Flüchtlingen ist in Österreich offenbar groß. Wie das Onlineportal "oe24" berichtet, wurden gut 70.000 Waffen mehr als im Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres verkauft. Als häufigsten Grund für die Aufrüstung nennt "oe24" ohne Angaben von Quellen Angst vor Flüchtlingen und vor Dämmerungseinbrechern. Mittlerweilen lagerten fast 900.000 Waffen in den Haushalten. » | jek/DPA | Montag, 26. Oktober 2015

Japanisches TV berichtet über die Islamisierung Deutschlands

Islamisierung in Deutschland

Und trotz dieser Missstände hat Merkel die Grenzen geöffnet und lässt weiterer Millionen Muslime ins Land rein.

Zusammenschnitt der Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und Anti-HoGeSa-Demonstranten in Köln

Gestern haben in Köln rund 800 HoGeSa-Teilnehmer (Hooligans gegen Salafisten) zum einjährigen Bestehen der Gruppe demonstriert. Dagegen gingen überall in Köln über 10.000 Menschen auf die Straße. Rund 3.500 Polizisten waren im Einsatz. In Köln-Deutz kam es immer wieder zu Zusammenstößen zwischen der Polizei und den Gegendemonstranten. Wir liefern einen Zusammenschnitt von diesen.

Clashes in Cologne over anti-Islam rally »

Saudis Want Britain's Respect, But It Must Be Earned – Not Bought

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdelaziz used an article
in the Daily Telegraph to warn the UK of 'serious repurcussions'
if it fails to treat Saudi Arabia with respect.
THE GUARDIAN: The deference afforded to its monied rulers in the past has been replaced with scrutiny over its human rights and dissatisfaction with its regional meddling

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UK, Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, has complained in an article for the Daily Telegraph that his country is being unfairly picked on in Britain. It is, he claims, “an alarming change” in tone. His words reflect a puncturing of the mystique that has traditionally protected the wealthy, secretive Gulf kingdom from rigorous scrutiny.

But the ambassador’s discomfort may also stem from the Saudi regime’s raised profile in regional affairs, which makes it more of a target for attack, and from a sense that the kingdom’s unelected, uninspiring rulers are increasingly vulnerable.

Successive British governments have treated the Saudi royals with exaggerated respect bordering on obsequiousness. This was primarily down to the Saudis’ unmatched oil wealth, rather than any natural affinity. The motive was self-interest, not affection. » | Simon Tisdall | Monday, October 26, 2015

Saudi royal calls for regime change in Riyadh »

Refugees Will Freeze to Death, Warn EU Heads

Luxembourgish President of the European Commission
Jean-Claude Juncker
THE TELEGRAPH: Leaders warn the continent was "falling apart" trying to deal with the migrant crisis

Migrants crossing the Balkans will begin freezing to death as winter approaches, the head of European Union has said, as leaders warned the continent was "falling apart" trying to deal with the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War.

As leaders of eastern European countries turned on each other at a foul-tempered emergency summit in Brussels, they said the Schengen visa-free zone and even the European Union itself could be pulled apart as states threw up borders to halt the influx.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, said a solution was urgently needed or thousands of refugee families facing winter temperature on the hillsides and freezing river-banks of Eastern Europe, would die.

"Every day counts," he said. "Otherwise we will soon see families in cold rivers in the Balkans perish miserably." Miro Cerar, the Slovenian prime minister, said the EU was days from collapse as his country buckled under an “unbearable” influx of migrants.

"If we do not deliver some immediate and concrete actions on the ground in the next few days and weeks I believe the EU and Europe as a whole will start falling apart," he said.

Werner Faymann, the Austrian chancellor, said Sunday's meeting would "either consolidate the unity of Europe or watch the slow decomposition of the EU." » | Matthew Holehouse, in Brussels and Melanie Hall in Berlin | Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Live: HoGeSa demonstrieren zum ersten Jubiläum in Köln - starker Gegenprotest erwartet


WIKIPEDIA: Hooligans gegen Salafisten (HoGeSa) »

The Most Important Video About Israel You'll Ever See!

Can ancient prophecies about Israel be true? Is the Bible true or relevant today? This video will put those questions to rest!!

The Land of Israel / Israel Inspired »

Canadian PM: I Will Defend Israel 'Whatever the Cost'

Ottawa, Canada - Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he was prepared to suffer any political backlash that would come his way for speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric.

The Outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "Do I Seem Like I Smoke Marijuana?"

Australia: Anti-Islam Party Takes First Steps

Geert Wilders
THE WEST AUSTRALIAN: They want to ban burqas, freeze Muslim immigration and end Australia's “failed experiment” with multiculturalism.

The proudly anti-Islam Australian Liberty Alliance — the nation’s newest political party — also claims that a growing number of Australians want exactly those same things.

“I do believe that people are waking up to the dangers and the problems that will come from increased (Muslim) immigration,” ALA co-founder and political candidate Debbie Robinson said.

“Islam is a problem and if we don't take steps to put laws in place to protect our culture and our society, then we are going to lose our freedom.”

It is a message that many Australians who have watched the rise of radicalism at home and abroad with a growing sense of unease are likely to identify with.

But many more will also find those same views confronting and offensive — none more so than members of Australia's Muslim community who have described the emergence of the ALA as “alarming”. » | Grant Taylor | Sunday, October 25, 2015

Flüchtlingskrise: Angela Merkel: Wir schaffen das

Zur aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise, der passende Song von Angela Merkel !

Sicherheitsexperten entsetzt über deutsche Politik

DIE WELT: "Wir werden eine Abkehr vieler Menschen vom Verfassungsstaat erleben", warnen Sicherheitsbeamte. Ex-Innen-Staatssekretär August Hanning legt einen Zehn-Punkte-Plan zur Lösung der Flüchtlingskrise vor.

In den deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden wächst die Kritik an der Flüchtlingspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU). Vor allem im Verfassungsschutz, im Bundeskriminalamt, beim Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) und der Bundespolizei gibt es nach Informationen der "Welt am Sonntag" erhebliche Sorgen um die innere Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik.

"Der hohe Zuzug von Menschen aus anderen Weltteilen wird zur Instabilität unseres Landes führen", warnt demnach ein mit Sicherheitsfragen vertrauter Spitzenbeamter. "Wir produzieren durch diese Zuwanderung Extremisten, die bürgerliche Mitte radikalisiert sich, weil sie diese Zuwanderung mehrheitlich nicht will und ihr dies von der politischen Elite aufgezwungen wird", befürchtet er weiter. Seine Prognose ist düster: "Wir werden eine Abkehr vieler Menschen von diesem Verfassungsstaat erleben." (+ Videos) » | Von Stefan Aust , Claus Christian Malzahn | Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015

Assad accepterait une élection présidentielle

LE MATIN: SYRIE — Selon un député russe, le président syrien serait prêt à se soumettre à la vox populi. Mais sous conditions.

Le président syrien Bachar el-Assad s'est dit prêt à organiser une élection présidentielle en Syrie, a déclaré un député russe se trouvant à Damas. Toutefois, il faut que le pays ait auparavant été «libéré» des combattants du groupe Etat islamique (EI). » | ats/afp/nxp | dimanche 25 octobre 2015

Captured ISIS Jihadist Says Islam Will Expand to Europe Soon

Captured ISIS Jihadist says Islam will expand to Europe soon.