Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Germany: EDL Founder Robinson Addresses Thousands at PEGIDA Rally in Dresden

PEGIDA leader Lutz Bachmann spoke to a 20,000-strong crowd of supporters alongside former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson at a rally in Dresden's Theaterplaz on Monday evening.

Tatjana Festerling »

Islamist Terror Cell Liquidated in Moscow, around Hundred Apprehended

Terror cell was eliminated in Russian capital. Around hundred people were apprehended and 20 arrested, Russian Interior Ministry announced.

‪‘Golden Era of Relations Starts’: UK Rolls Out Lavish Welcome for Chinese Leader‬

Chinese President Xi Jinping was met with pomp and pageantry as he kicked off his four-day tour of the UK, the first visit by a Chinese leader to the country in a decade and one which is expected to lead to billions of pounds in trade and investment deals.

Arab Nations Ask UN to Designate Western Wall as Muslim Territory

FOX NEWS: False rumors about Israel's designs on a site held sacred by both Jews and Muslims helped trigger the bloody wave of attacks plaguing Jerusalem, but a tangible plan by six Arab nations to purge the Jewish State's claim to its holiest location will be voted on Wednesday by the United Nations' cultural arm.

A UN draft decision circulated by Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates reviewed by FoxNews.com “affirms that the Buraq Plaza is an integral part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” – a statement that would specifically fold the Jewish Western Wall into Islamic domain on the Temple Mount.

“This is a clear endeavor to distort history, in order to erase the connection between the Jewish People and its holiest site, and to create a false reality,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a Monday statement. » | Cody Derespina | Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Europas Rechte sieht die "Zivilisation in Gefahr"

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Europas Rechtspolitiker hatten jetzt dank des "Wall Street Journal" internationales Publikum: Heinz-Christian Strache, Frankreichs Marine Le Pen und Geert Wilders (Niederlande) sowie Matteo Salvini (Italien) warnen in einem gemeinsam verfassten Artikel scharf vor dem aktuellen Flüchtlingsstrom, sehen gar die "Zivilisation in Gefahr". Die Flüchtlingslage in Europa sei "vollkommen außer Kontrolle geraten", weshalb es nötig sei, die Kontrolle über die Grenzen wieder zu übernehmen.

Mit der Asylpolitik der EU- Länder sei "die Zivilisation in Gefahr", betonen die Autoren im angesehenen "Wall Street Journal" . Und die Rechtspolitiker erhielten viel Platz, um dramatisch vor den Flüchtlingswellen zu warnen: So wird Ungarns Außenminister zitiert, der eine Zuwanderung von "35 Millionen Flüchtlingen nach Europa" erwartet. Strache und Kollegen schreiben unter anderem über "Glücksritter und zu viele Analphabeten unter den Asylwerbern", über den hohen Zugewinn der FPÖ bei der Wien- Wahl und auch darüber, dass die nationalen Parlamente in Europa "nur noch Schein- Parlamente" seien. » | red | Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

Warnings over Resurgence of German Far-Right Movement Pegida Sparked by Refugee Crisis

THE TELEGRAPH: The anti-immigration movement held its biggest rally in months in Dresden with up to 20,000 people attending

Fears are growing in Germany of a far-Right resurgence stoked by the refugee crisis, after nearly 20,000 took to the streets of Dresden in the biggest rally by the Pegida anti-immigrant movement for months.

Martin Schulz, the German president of the European parliament, warned of the potential for “far-Right violence and brutality” while Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-Chancellor, accused Pegida’s leaders of using the “battle rhetoric” of the early Nazi party.

The charge came as one of the speakers at a massive Pegida rally in Dresden spoke of regret that “the concentration camps are out of action”.

Between 15,000 and 20,000 people took part in a demonstration to mark the first anniversary of Pegida’s founding on Monday, according to police. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hamed Abdel-Samad: Der Islam ist gefährlich

WIKIPEDIA: Hamed Abdel-Samad »

Swastikas Scrawled on Jewish Graves in Austria

ARUTZ SHEVA: Nazi symbols deface Jewish cemetery weeks after vandals paint swastikas on Jewish quarter and Jewish museum.

A Jewish and a Muslim cemetery were defiled with Nazi symbols and anti-migrant slogans in western Austria, police said Monday, just weeks after similar attacks on a refugee hostel and Jewish museum.

Unknown perpetrators desecrated graves and buildings with a red pen in the Jewish cemetery of the town of Hohenems, close to the Swiss border, some time between Saturday night and Sunday morning, a police spokeswoman told the APA news agency.

The offenders also drew swastikas and wrote racist slogans at a Muslim burial ground in the nearby municipality of Altach. » | Arutz Sheva Staff | Monday, October 19, 2015

"Prières de rue" - Marine Le Pen : "Je n'ai commis aucune infraction"

LE POINT: La présidente du Front national est jugée en correctionnelle pour avoir comparé en 2010 les prières de rue des musulmans à l'Occupation.

Malgré son entreprise de dédiabolisation du Front national, Marine Le Pen s'était laissée aller à comparer les prières de rue à l'Occupation : elle est jugée mardi en correctionnelle à Lyon pour ces propos tenus il y a cinq ans. La présidente du FN est arrivée vers 13 h 30 au tribunal. "Je n'ai commis aucune infraction", a-t-elle lancé, tout sourire, à la foule de journalistes qui l'attendaient devant le bâtiment. » | Source AFP | mardi 20 octobre 2015

«Europa steht am Beginn einer neuen Terrorismuswelle»

TAGES ANZEIGER: Sicherheitsexperte Peter Neumann über die Flüchtlingswelle, den IS und neue Jihadisten, die Gefahren für Europa und bessere Ansätze der Terrorprävention.

Die Flüchtlingswelle aus dem Nahen Osten hat in Europa viele Ängste ausgelöst. Es gibt etwa die Sorge, dass sich IS-Jihadisten unter die Flüchtlinge mischen, um später in Europa Anschläge auszuführen. Ist diese Sorge berechtigt?
Dass der IS aktiv und systematisch Leute nach Europa einschleust, trifft nicht zu. Es gibt bisher einen einzigen dokumentierten Fall aus Deutschland. Der mutmassliche Jihadist wurde von den Flüchtlingen der Polizei gemeldet. Die Flüchtlinge selbst haben kein Interesse, dass Jihadisten den Weg nach Europa finden. Die Hysterie, die teilweise von Politikern geschürt wird, ist nicht gerechtfertigt. Dagegen ist es ein echtes Problem, dass hochradikalisierte Muslime und potenzielle Terroristen längst unter uns leben. Die Anschläge in Paris und Kopenhagen Anfang dieses Jahres waren keine Einzelfälle. Sie sind vielmehr erste Hinweise darauf, was in den nächsten Jahren und Jahrzehnten passieren wird. Europa steht am Beginn einer neuen Terrorismuswelle, die uns noch eine Generation lang beschäftigen wird. Und das ist nicht alles. » | Vincenzo Capodici, Redaktor International | Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

WIKIPEDIA: Peter R. Neumann »

What It's Like to Live under ISIS? Syrian Truck Drivers Reveal to RT

Truck drivers travel all around Syria to bring fresh produce to markets in Damascus. RT’s Lizzie Phealn has more.

Italy: Violent Clashes Break Out as Police Evict Families from Bologna Squat

Police and protesters clashed in Bologna, Tuesday, as authorities attempted to evict around 80 families from a disused Telecoms headquarters.

Germany: Four killed, Four Injured in Suspected Arson Attack on Refugee Shelter

Four people were killed and four injured in a suspected arson attack on a refugee shelter in Pforzheim, north of Stuttgart, in the early hours of Tuesday.

Germany: Tensions Soar before Ruptly Cameraman Is Attacked Filming PEGIDA Rally

Ruptly cameraman Jose Sequeira was attacked by PEGIDA supporters as he filmed a rally organised by the anti-migrant group in Dresden, Monday.

Golden Throne: Germany Looks toward Turkey for Help on Growing Refugee Crisis

Merkel is promising to speed up Turkey's application for EU membership - if Ankara stems the refugee flow across its borders. The German Chancellor traveled to Istanbul to discuss the refugee crisis... she also offered to lift EU visa restrictions for Turks.

Thousands Gather in Dresden for Anniversary of Pegida Movement

People gather for an anti-immigration demonstration
organised by Pegida in Dresden.
THE GUARDIAN: One person injured after being set upon by rival protesters as anti-migration group draws thousands to east German city – and similar numbers of counter-protesters

At least one person has been seriously hurt after thousands of people massed in the eastern German city of Dresden to mark the first anniversary of the anti-migrant movement Pegida. Thousands more came out in counter-protest.

Dresden police said in a tweet that a Pegida supporter had been attacked by unidentified assailants, leaving him seriously injured.

Carrying placards bearing images of burqa-clad women crossed out, or slogans referring to the German chancellor such as: “Go [Angela] Merkel: you give the Judas kiss”, Pegida supporters gathered in downtown Dresden on Monday, the birthplace of the movement. One of them, Hannelore, told AFP: “We are here for our children and grandchildren. We are proud to be here and that many people are here. We are glad that people have the courage to speak out.”

“Pegida is not a brown-shirt movement. Never,” said the protester in her 60s, referring to the Nazis, adding: “Frau Merkel is driving our country against the wall.” » | Agence France-Presse in Dresden | Monday, October 19, 2015

Marine Le Pen Goes On Trial Charged with Anti-Muslim Hate Speech

Marine Le Pen compared Muslims praying in the streets
to the Nazi occupation of France.
THE GUARDIAN: French Front National party leader made comments at a rally in 2010, prompting anti-racism and human rights groups to bring case against her

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right Front National, is to appear in court in Lyon on hate speech charges after she compared Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation.

Four anti-racism and human rights groups have brought a case against her on charges of “incitement to discrimination, violence or hatred towards a group of people on the basis of their religion”.

The trial begins on Tuesday and it is the first time Le Pen has faced charges for hate speech, although her father and party founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has several convictions under the charge, including one for contesting crimes against humanity after saying the Nazi occupation of France was not “particularly inhumane”. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Tuesday, October 20, 2015

'The People Are Never Wrong': Highlights from Stephen Harper's Concession Speech

Stephen Harper's Conservative Party of Canada lost to the Liberal Party of Canada on Election Night.

Trudeau Rides National Desire for Change to Majority Government

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: In a stunning political comeback propelled by a national desire for change, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals won a decisive majority Monday night, bringing an end to the Stephen Harper era and a decade of Conservative rule.

Long derided by opponents as shallow and inexperienced, the Liberal Leader will now be the second Trudeau to take up residence as Prime Minister at 24 Sussex Dr. after leading the Liberals from the political wilderness back into government.

The result signals a vast reversal of fortunes for a party that was all but written off after winning just 34 seats in the past election. Their seat haul on Monday – with huge gains across the country – amounts to the largest increase in seats for a party between elections in Canadian history. The party was elected in 175 ridings and leading in a handful of others late Monday night.

The vote put an end to a long, acrimonious campaign that saw charges of Conservative Islamophobia and a bitter fight between the Liberals and NDP for the “change vote,” a battle the Liberals won. » | Eric Andrew-Gee, Steven Chase, Daniel Leblanc, and Les Perreaux | The Globe and Mail | Monday, October 19, 2015; Updated: Tuesday, October 20, 2015

THE GLOBE AND MAIL – EDITORIAL: Voters wanted change. They got it »

Contre le niqab, des électeurs votent masqués

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Des citoyens québécois ont ainsi protesté contre l'autorisation du niqab lors des cérémonies à la citoyenneté canadienne.

A Saint-Hubert, en banlieue sud de Montréal, Catherine Leclerc est arrivée, la tête et le haut du corps enveloppé dans un voile intégral (niqab) noir afin d'accomplir son devoir civique à son bureau de vote.

«Ce symbole du niqab, ce n'est pas un symbole religieux, c'est un symbole politique, un symbole d'oppression de la femme que l'on ne devrait pas tolérer dans une société égalitaire», a-t-elle déclaré à sa sortie.

Comme cette jeune femme, de nombreux Québécois ont voté aux législatives canadiennes avec soit un sac de pommes de terre sur la tête, soit un masque de soudeur ou d'autres accoutrements cachant leur visage. » | afp/nxp | lundi 19 octobre 2015