Sunday, October 11, 2015

Record Result for Austrian Far-right in 'Red Vienna'

YAHOO! NEWS: Vienna (AFP) - Europe's migrant crisis helped Austria's far-right on Sunday post its best-ever election result in Vienna, although its score was weaker than predicted and the centre-left retained power in its traditional fiefdom.

Fifteen years after the Freedom Party (FPOe) under the late Joerg Haider stunned Europe by entering the federal government, the populist party won 32.3 percent of the vote in the city state, preliminary results showed.

The result for the party now led by Heinz-Christian Strache represented a rise of 6.5 percentage points compared to the last election in Vienna in 2010, when their score soared 11 percentage points.

The Social Democrats (SPOe), which have ruled 1.8-million strong "Red Vienna" uninterrupted since 1945, scored 39.4 percent, down 4.9 points, adding to a similar drop in support in 2010. » | Simon Sturdee | Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ben Carson Sticks by 'Holocaust' Analogy

Ben Carson follows up on his ‘Holocaust’ remarks by clarifying his thoughts on gun free zones, disarmament and ‘the left wing press trying to stir up controversy”.

Ben Carson: Founding Fathers Wouldn’t Have Trusted a Muslim President

MSNBC: Ben Carson offered up a new explanation for why he’s opposed to a Muslim American becoming president, citing fears of “different loyalties” that he believes the Founding Fathers articulated by barring immigrants from becoming chief executive.

As has been the case in the past, the implication was that outwardly patriotic Muslims could not be fully trusted as loyal Americans given their faith. He has previously cited theories popular on the far right warning that seemingly assimilated Muslim Americans may be using religious edicts to conceal an extremist plot.

The latest comments came at an appearance at the National Press Club on Friday, when an audience member asked why he felt a Muslim citizen couldn’t be loyal to the Constitution as president given that there were already Muslim military officers, policemen, and judges – all positions that require fidelity to the law.

“A good understanding of the Constitution answers that question for you,” Carson said. “Because when you look at the Article II, and we’re talking about requirements for the president, they have to be a ‘natural born citizen.’ Now why is that the case?” » | Benjy Sarlin | Saturday, October 10, 2015

Deutschland: Die wahren Gesichter der Einwanderer

Germany: Dresden Refugee Camp on Lockdown after Hooligans Target Inhabitants

A mob of 20 hooligans reportedly attacked a camp for refugees in a suburb south of Dresden, Saturday.

EDL Say 'No to Islam' & Burn ISIS Flag in Aylesbury

Minor clashes broke out between members of the far-right English Defence League (EDL), the police and a group of counter-protesters in the small Buckinghamshire town of Aylesbury, Saturday.

L'Etat islamique serait à l'origine de l'attentat d'Ankara

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Turquie – Des sources turques mettent en cause l'Etat islamique dans l'attentat qui a tué au moins 95 personnes samedi à Ankara.

Les premiers éléments de l'enquête sur le double attentat de samedi à Ankara semblent mettre en cause les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique (EI), a-t-on appris dimanche de deux sources haut placées au sein des services de sécurité turcs. Cette piste est privilégiée par les enquêteurs. » | ats/nxp | dimanche 11 octobre 2015

Vienne pourrait passer aux mains de l'extrême droite

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Autriche – A Vienne, l'extrême droite devrait réaliser son meilleur score depuis la 2e Guerre mondiale aux élections municipales.

Les Viennois votent dimanche lors de municipales où l'extrême droite devrait réaliser son meilleur score depuis la 2e Guerre mondiale. Une participation record est attendue. Le chef du parti d'extrême droite FPÖ, Heinz-Christian Strache, défie le maire sortant.

Au pouvoir depuis 21 ans dans la capitale autrichienne, Michaël Häupl, a tout à craindre de son principal contradicteur, alors que Vienne est aux mains des sociaux-démocrates du SPÖ depuis 1945. Selon les derniers sondages publiés une semaine avant le scrutin, le FPÖ pourrait recueillir de 33,5 à 35% des suffrages, après avoir obtenu 25,8% des voix en 2010. Le SPÖ est pour sa part crédité de 36 à 37,5% des intentions de vote, soit son plus mauvais score depuis la guerre. Le parti avait recueilli 44,3% des voix il y a cinq ans.

«Je crois qu'il est désormais clair pour tous que nous pouvons, pour la première fois depuis 70 ans, devenir la première force politique» à Vienne, a estimé récemment M. Strache, un ancien prothésiste dentaire âgé de 46 ans, aux yeux bleus et au sourire avenant. » | ats/nxp | dimanche 11 octobre 2015

President Obama's Visit to the Killing Ground in Oregon

Oct. 09, 2015 - 7:16 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 10/9

Ben Carson Responds to GQ Article: We Should Pray for Them

Oct. 10, 2015 - 4:48 - The doctor speaks for the first time on 'Fox & Friends' about recent vicious attacks made by media

Convoy Including ISIS Leader Hit by Airstrike, Iraq's Military Says

CNN: (CNN) – Iraq's military claims its air force struck a convoy in western Anbar province that included ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The fate of al-Baghdadi is unknown, the military statement said.

"The Iraqi airforce carried out a heroic operation by striking al-Baghdadi's convoy while he on his way to attend a meeting with senior ISIS leaders in Karabelah," the statement said.

The site of the meeting was also struck and several ISIS leaders were killed and wounded, the statement said. (+ video) » | Susanna Capelouto and Mohammed Tawfeeq, CNN | Sunday, October 11, 2015

La Turquie en deuil après le pire attentat de son histoire

LE FIGARO: Deux explosions ont retenti en plein cœur d'une manifestation de l'opposition en faveur de la paix à Ankara, en Turquie, tuant au moins 95 personnes. De «fortes preuves» laissent penser à des attaques de kamikazes. Un deuil national a été décrété.

Le chaos dans le centre d'Ankara. Au moins 95 personnes ont été tuées samedi dans le plus grave attentat jamais commis dans la capitale turque Ankara, qui a visé une manifestation pour la paix organisée par l'opposition prokurde à trois semaines des élections législatives anticipées. A 10h04 locales (9h04 à Paris), deux fortes explosions ont secoué les alentours de la gare centrale d'Ankara, où des milliers de militants venus de toute la Turquie à l'appel de plusieurs syndicats, d'ONG et partis de gauche se rassemblaient pour dénoncer la reprise du conflit entre Ankara et les rebelles kurdes. (+ vidéo) » | Par 3 auteurs | samedi 10 octobre 2015

Die Angst vor dem Flüchtlingsansturm ist berechtigt

DIE WELT: Fremdheit kann durchaus bereichern, aber nur, wenn sie in homöopathischen Dosen kommt. Doch der aktuelle Zuwanderungsdruck ist bei Weitem zu groß. Es wird ein böses Erwachen geben.

Völkerwanderungen gibt es, seitdem es Menschen gibt. Sie waren selten eine idyllische Angelegenheit, "commercium et connubium" – Handel und Heirat. Sehr viel öfter Kampf um Land und Herrschaft, Sprache und Recht. Für die gegenwärtig durch den gescheiterten "arabischen Frühling" ausgelösten Völkerwanderungen fehlt es an Vorbildern.

Sie sind für Europa als Ganzes, Deutschland im Besonderen ein unfreiwilliges Experiment in Social Engineering. Wenn es schlecht endet – in Angst und Ablehnung, Furcht und Schrecken –, dann gibt es kein Zurück.

Der innere Zusammenhalt der EU ist gefährdet, nicht nur in England. Schengenland ist abgebrannt, die deutsche Führungsrolle ähnelt unkontrollierter Flucht nach vorn. Das alles ist nur der Anfang. Die sozialen Medien beamen die schönen Versprechungen über die ganze Welt. "Mama Merkel" wird verehrt – allerdings in Deutschland mit abnehmender Tendenz. » | Von Michael Stürmer | Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Straight Outta Carson: Six Controversial Views from the Good Doctor

Republican candidate Ben Carson, who is currently second in the nomination race to the White House, gives his views on the Holocaust (‘more guns needed’), the presidential race (‘don’t elect a Muslim’), Obamacare (‘comparable to slavery’) and other hot topics he says the liberal media is too scared to talk straight on

Saturday, October 10, 2015

President Obama Mulls Executive Actions on Gun Control

TIME: Anyone who sells 50 to 100 guns in a year would be treated like a gun dealer

As he travels to Roseburg, Ore., to console grieving families, President Obama is mulling further executive actions to limit access to guns.

Among the options being reviewed is a proposal to redefine who is considered a licensed gun dealer, which would also change requirements for conducting gun background checks. According to NBC News, under the proposed executive action anyone who sells 50 to 100 guns every year would be considered “in the business” of selling guns and have to adhere to laws that apply to gun dealers such as conducting background checks on buyers.

The action would reportedly not apply to people who occasionally sell, exchange, or purchase guns for their personal collection or anyone who sells off all or parts of their personal firearm collection. » | Maya Rhodan | Friday, October 9, 2015

Euro, Russland, Flüchtlinge - wie geht es weiter mit der EU? - Diskussion am 09.10.2015

Im Rahmen des Themenschwerpunktes zeigt phoenix die Diskussionsrunde "Menschen in Europa" mit Jean-Claude Juncker (EU-Kommissionspräsident)

Why Does Russia Support Syria's Bashar al-Assad?

This video explores why Russia is supporting President Bashar al-Assad through its bombing campaign in Syria.

Marine Le Pen Attacks EU Project and Angela Merkel (October 7, 2015)

France's Front National leader Marine LePen lets rip against visiting guest German chancellor Angela Merkel on the whole European Union project. She says she accepts the honour of being "anti-Merkel".

WND Exclusive: Nationwide Protests Against Islam Catching Heat

Jon Ritzheimer, a U.S. Marine who fought in [the] Iraq,
at rally in Phoenixin June against Shariah law.
WND: Some groups urging 'come armed' to rallies outside mosques Saturday

Groups planning nationwide protests Saturday against the importation of Muslim refugees are being vilified by Muslim civil rights groups and major media outlets.

The “Global Rally for Humanity” has included calls by some organizers for protesters to show up Saturday in front of mosques, armed.

While the protests are in most cases targeting specifically the U.S. government’s refugee resettlement program, which involves refugees hand-selected by the United Nations and imported directly from the Third World into more than 175 U.S. cities and towns, the establishment media are portraying the protests as “anti-Muslim” with little or no mention of the refugee program and how it works. » | Leo Hohmann | Friday, October 9, 2015

Oregon: Protesters in Roseburg Declare 'Obama Free Zone,' Display Guns on Hips, Support Sheriff

Read the Oregonian/OregonLive article here | Rebecca Woolington | Friday, October 9, 2015