Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Reagan Warned Us About Obama

How Reagan summed up Obama in the first 5 minutes of a speech over 40 years ago.

Jon Voight Tells the Truth about Obama. Wake Up America!

Relocation Agreement: EU Votes for Refugee, Migrant Quota Plan

The distribution of 120 thousand refugees is a modest step in tackling the migrant and refugee crisis - with 6 thousand reaching European shores every day, according to the UN. For more insight RT is joined by Franco Frattini, a former Italian Foreign Minister.

Pegida Canada: First North American Rally, Toronto September l9, 20l5

Pegida Canada: lst North American rally against the Islamification of Canada.

Réfugiés : la Hongrie rejette "l'impérialisme moral" de Merkel

LE POINT: "Quelle que soit la décision que prendra l'Allemagne, cela ne vaut que pour elle", a déclaré le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban.

Le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban a rejeté mercredi "l'impérialisme moral" que tente selon lui d'imposer la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel au reste de l'Europe concernant l'accueil des réfugiés, et proposé un plan en six points pour régler la crise. "Le plus important est qu'il n'y ait pas d'impérialisme moral" sur la question de l'afflux des migrants, a-t-il déclaré à la presse à Bad Staffelstein (Sud), en réponse à une question sur ce qu'il attendait aujourd'hui d'Angela Merkel. Il a demandé le droit pour son pays d'agir différemment de l'Allemagne. » | Le | mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Water Cannons v. Molotovs: Protesters Clash with Police in Turkey

Turkish police fired water cannon and tear-gas at pro-Kurdish protesters who lit fire-works and Molotov cocktails to throw at authorities. The clashes broke out during a protest against recent attacks on Kurdish communities by nationalists and the perceived persecution by Turkish authorities.

Putin, Abbas, Erdogan Attend Moscow Grand Mosque Opening Ceremony

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin attended a ceremony to open the Moscow Grand Mosque. The new mosque, which was erected on the site of the city's original mosque built in 1904 and which has been under reconstruction since 2005, will be able to accommodate up to 10,000 people simultaneously.

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One of Europe's Largest Mosques Opens in Moscow

The long awaited opening of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, the largest in Europe took place in the Russian capital. It has capacity for around 10,000 worships to pray on six floors. The opening ceremony was be attended by the leaders of Russia, Turkey, Palestine and Kazakhstan.

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House of Saud: Letter Calls for Saudi King to Be Replaced

The backstairs intrigue within the House of Saud has seen a letter circulating among members of the royal family. It calls for the Saudi king and deputy crown prince to be replaced.

Profiting Politicians? German Journalist Claims Huge Industry behind EU Refugee Crisis

Germany is often the preferred destination of refugees seeking to settle in Europe. Renowned German journalist Udo Ulfkotte claims politicians are actually profitting from the ever-growing wave of asylum seekers. Ulfkotte is hiding his location - after allegedly receiving death threats. RT's Peter Oliver has more.

Refugee Crisis: EU Divided as Hungary Attacks Migrant Quota as 'Unrealisable and Nonsense'

THE TELEGRAPH: Hungarian foreign minister attacks the EU refugee quota forced through as a waste of time after interior ministers forced a plan to relocate 120,000 on the continent

The EU migrant quota plan to relocate thousands of migrants across the continent is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense”, Hungary's foreign minister said, as Europe's east-west division was laid bare on Wednesday.

As EU leaders meet in Brussels on Wednesday to approve a plan to relocate 120,000 attacked by eastern European countries, Péter Szijjártó called the quota scheme a waste of time.

Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece but it was forced through on Tuesday.

Under the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker's plan, Hungary would receive 1,294 of the 120,000 to be shared by the EU countries. But instead, the Hungarian government supports a pan-EU Greek border protection initiative which would deploy helicopters and infrared cameras to catch migrants, with Frontex and Greece setting numbers on troops and border guards.

Budapest suggested that the EU should then fund refugee camps for Syrians and finance new camps if required.

Mr Szijjártó described the plan as a waste of time and said: "The plan is unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense."

He added: “This is the beginning of a new world order; we are not talking about a refugee crisis, but about a wave of mass migration."

The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban accused German chancellor Angela Merkel of "moral imperialism" and of trying to impose her vision of an open EU on the rest of the bloc. (+ video) » | Dan Nolan at the Hungarian-Croatian border | Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A horvát és a szlovén határszakasz védelméhez kell a honvédség is (Viktor Orbán speaking in the Hungarian Parliament on the migrant crisis, with English sub-titles)

Vladimir Poutine inaugure la Grande Mosquée de Moscou

Devant la Grande mosquée, un écran géant retransmet
le discours de Vladimir Poutine.
LE MATIN: RUSSIE — Le président russe a vanté un islam «humaniste». Cette nouvelle mosquée située près du centre de la capitale peut accueillir 10.000 personnes.

Vladimir Poutine a vanté mercredi les vertus «humanistes» de l'islam lors de l'inauguration, en présence de son homologue palestinien Mahmoud Abbas et du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, de la Grande Mosquée de Moscou, l'une des plus grandes d'Europe.

«C'est un grand événement pour les musulmans de Russie. L'une des plus anciennes mosquées de Moscou a été reconstruite à son emplacement historique», a déclaré le président russe lors de son discours inaugural.

«La Russie est un pays multiconfessionnel dans lequel, et je tiens à le souligner, l'islam est une des religions traditionnelles», a poursuivi le président russe.

«Cette mosquée sera une source pour propager les idées humanistes et les vraies valeurs de l'islam», a-t-il ajouté, dénonçant l'organisation Etat islamique (EI) qui selon lui «dénature l'islam». » | afp/nxp | mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Iran Holds Military Parade as 'Biggest Regional Power' Fighting Terrorism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that his country's military is the "biggest regional power against terrorism". His comments came during a speech at an annual military parade in Tehran, which was broadcast live on state TV. Rouhani also said Iranian troops were willing to help both Iraq and Syria in the struggle against Islamic State group militants, adding that Mideast nations should not put too much faith in "Western powers as their defenders".

American Muslims Fear a New Wave of Islamophobia

REUTERS.COM: Muslim Americans responded with a mix of frustration, exasperation and anger to what many see as a growing wave of Islamophobia fueled by two of the Republican Party’s most popular presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

At the Islamic Institute of Orange County, which houses a mosque and a school in Anaheim, in southern California, tensions were already mounting since a group of white men screamed at mothers and children arriving at the center on this year’s anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, calling them cowards who did not belong in America.

Many of the country’s 2.8 million Muslims say such tensions could become uglier during a presidential race that they fear is already tapping a vein of anger and bigotry.

“It’s pretty troubling that someone running for president would make those claims,” Zuhair Shaath, Palestinian-American, said of Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who on Sunday said Muslims were unfit for the presidency of the United States.

Carson's campaign defended his comments on Monday, saying he was not suggesting a Muslim should be barred from running for president. But his campaign said he would not advocate for that person becoming a leader and would not support it.

Later on Monday, Carson said he "absolutely" stood by his comments but would be open to a moderate Muslim candidate who denounced radical Islamists.

The remarks by Carson, who is near the top of opinion polls for the crowded field of Republican candidates for the 2016 election, followed billionaire Trump’s failure to challenge comments made on Friday by a supporter who labeled U.S. President Barack Obama a Muslim. » | Tim Reid | Anaheim, Calif. | Monday, September 21, 2015

BS! ‘EU Measures Fail to Provide Long-term Solution to Refugee Crisis’

The EU has approved a scheme to relocate 12, 000 refugees across the continent, triggering outrage from central European nations. Under European law, three of the countries that voted against the proposal — the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia — would be required to accept migrants against their will. RT talks to former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament Lode Vanoost.

Immigration Crisis: Budapest Sends Clear Messages Both to East and West

HUNGARY TODAY: Hungary’s Parliament has not only green-lighted further measures enabling protection of the county’s borders but also passed a government resolution calling on EU leaders to protect the continent and its citizens against the consequences of the migration crisis. “The waves of illegal migration threaten an explosion in the whole of Europe,” said the resolution in which the Hungarian government blames the EU for allowing the situation to escalate. “People are now dying in the wake of Brussels’ irresponsible policies,” the document said.

“All European politicians are irresponsible if they encourage migrants to leave all they have behind and risk their lives to get to Europe in the hope of better conditions,” the resoultion said. The countries of central Europe, which have just recovered from an economic crisis, “cannot afford to suffer the damage wrought by Brussels’ ill-advised policies”, according to the document. Hungary cannot allow illegal migrants to jeopardise employment and Hungarians’ social security, it added. “We have the right to protect our culture, language and values,” it said, adding that the government is committed to further developing the economy “without the unbearable burden of illegal migrants arriving in Hungary”. » | via and MTI | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ben Carson’s Take On Islam Wins Support on the Right

Read the Washington Post article here | David Weigel | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Police Raid Berlin Mosque as 'Isil' Jihadists Try to Recruit Refugees

THE TELEGRAPH: Several raids in German capital as officials fear Islamic terrorists are trying to recruit Syrian refugees flooding into the country.

Police raided a mosque and several apartments in Berlin in the early house [hours] of Tuesday morning as German intelligence warned Islamic extremists are trying to recruit Syrian refugees flooding into the country.

“We are very concerned that Islamists in Germany are trying, under the cover of humanitarian assistance, to exploit the situation of the refugees for their own ends and to proselytise and recruit among asylum-seekers,” Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s domestic security service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BFV), said. » | Justin Higgler, Berlin | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thai Printers Refuse to Publish New York Times Edition over Article about King

King Bhumibol celebrating his 84th birthday in 2011. In
April, a Thai man was jailed for 30 years for insulting
the monarchy on Facebook.
THE GUARDIAN: Front-page story in International New York Times on declining health of King Bhumibol, 87, considered too sensitive, with strict lèse-majesté laws in place

The Thai printers of the International New York Times have refused to publish the paper’s Tuesday edition because a front-page article on the country’s ailing king was deemed too sensitive.

Strict lèse-majesté laws in Thailand make it a crime to criticise, defame or insult members of the royal family, and can land people in jail for up to 15 years on each count.

The article, headlined “As Thai king ails, crown’s future unclear”, focused on the declining health of 87-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej and discussed concerns surrounding the succession.

“Today’s edition of the International New York Times was not printed in Thailand because it includes an article that our locally contracted printer deemed too sensitive too print,” the paper told subscribers in an email.

“This decision was made solely by the printer and is not endorsed by the International New York Times,” it said. » | Oliver Holmes in Bangkok | Tuesday, September 22, 2015