Monday, September 21, 2015

Erzwungene nationale Psychotherapie? - Merkels Kommentar aus kanadischer Sicht

Merkels Kommentar aus kanadischer Sicht. Der kanadische Journalist Ezra Levant analysiert das am 03.09.2015 erschienene Video von Angela Merkel, in welchem sie auf die Frage einer Bürgerin antwortet, wie Merkel die Kultur und Gesetze Europas und speziell Deutschlands schützen wird, wenn durch die Flüchtlinge und Migranten ein radikaler Islam nach Europa importiert werden sollte.

'Leaving Syria Is a Big Mistake' - Not All Syrians Want to Seek Asylum

The mass exodus is of great concern to Syrians who stay behind. Many believe the number of highly qualified professionals leaving is draining Syria of its best minds. Seeking asylum elsewhere also means separation from families.

Police Pepper Spray Asylum Seeker Trying to Pull Down Barrier on Slovenian Border

Slovenian police used pepper spray on a man who tried to break through the border fence in Harmica on the Slovenian border. The escalations led to altercations between the police and migrants and refugees. Many in the crowd attempted to calm down the situation, negotiating and mediating tensions.

'Brave German Woman' Rebukes Islam's Lie

Islam continues to grow in power and influence across Europe. But in Germany one Christian woman has decided to stand up and declare Christ alone as Lord over her country.

WIKI: Weiße Rose »

WIKI: White Rose »

Sunday, September 20, 2015

‘Bad Choice’: Hungary Hit with Criticism for Closing Borders to Refugees and Migrants

Hungary is building a fence on its border with Croatia, to prevent migrants from sneaking in. Soldiers and police officers are already guarding the frontier. Some local officials are going even further. One border-town mayor made a video set to macho music warning the refugees not to come.

Fury after Saudi Arabia 'Chosen to Head Key UN Human Rights Panel'

THE INDEPENDENT: Wife of imprisoned blogger Raif Badawi says move amounts to "a green light to flog him"

The United Nations has been criticised for handing Saudi Arabia a key human rights role - despite the country having “arguably the worst record in the world” on freedoms for women, minorities and dissidents.

Critics, including the wife of imprisoned pro-democracy blogger Raif Badawi – sentenced to 1,000 lashes for blogging about free speech – labelled the appointment “scandalous”, saying it meant “oil trumps human rights”.

Mr Badawi’s wife, Ensaf Haidar, who is leading an international campaign to free her husband, said on Facebook that handing the role to Faisal bin Hassan Trad, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador at the UN in Geneva, was effectively “a green light to start flogging [him] again”.

UN Watch, an independent campaigning NGO, revealed Mr Trad, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador at the UN in Geneva, was elected as chair of a panel of independent experts on the UN Human Rights Council. » | Tom Brooks-Pollock | Sunday, September 20, 2015

Republican Candidate Carson Says Muslims Unfit to Be U.S. President

U.S. Republican candidate Dr. Ben Carson speaks during the
Heritage Action for America presidential candidate forum
in Greenville, South Carolina September 18, 2015.
REUTERS.COM: Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Sunday said Muslims were unfit to be president of the United States, arguing their faith was inconsistent with American principles.

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that," Carson told NBC's "Meet the Press."

The remarks by Carson, who is near the top of opinion polls for the crowded field of Republican candidates, followed a controversy that erupted when front-runner Donald Trump declined to challenge anti-Muslim comments made by a supporter on Friday.

Carson, a Christian who says he got a core idea for his tax proposals from the Bible, said he thought a U.S. president's faith should be "consistent with the Constitution."

Asked if he thought Islam met this bar, the retired neurosurgeon said: "No, I do not." » | Jason Lange | Washington | Additional reporting by Alistair Bell and Eric Walsh; Editing by Ros Russell and Eric Walsh | Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hollande-Mohammed VI, les nouveaux amis

leJDD: Retrouvailles chaleureuses à Tanger entre la France et le Maroc : le Président et le roi vont lancer ensemble dimanche un "appel de Tanger" en faveur du climat.

Son ami le roi. Son nouvel ami le roi. François Hollande a multiplié les gestes envers Mohammed VI tout au long de sa première journée marocaine. Il lui a offert une photographie de Palmyre de 1992, retouchée à la peinture, d'Anne et Patrick Poirier, deux artistes français qui travaillent sur la destruction des mémoires. En venant à Tanger, la ville préférée du roi, la vitrine économique du royaume, le président de la République voulait sceller la réconciliation après un an de brouille diplomatique, due principalement à des plaintes déposées en France pour "complicité de torture" contre un haut responsable marocain. » | Cécile Amar, envoyée spéciale au Maroc - Le Journal du Dimanche | dimanche 20 septembre 2015

leJDD: François Hollande grimé en Hitler à la une d'un hebdo marocain : L'hebdomadaire marocain Al Watan Al An a publié cette semaine un numéro où figure un montage de François Hollande affublé d'une moustache et d'un costume nazi. Le journal titre "Les Français vont-ils faire renaître les camps de concentration d'Hitler pour exterminer les musulmans?" : des propos assumés par le directeur de la publication. » | Alix Hardy - | vendredi 30 janvier 2015

François Fillon évoque un "ressentiment personnel" envers Nicolas Sarkozy

Dans son livre "Faire", l'ancien Premiere ministre qualifie
Nicolas Sarkozy de "plébéien teigneux" qui "répugnait
de ne pas aimé".
L’EXPRESS: L'ancien Premier ministre était interrogé ce dimanche sur son livre "Faire" dans lequel il qualifie Nicolas Sarkozy de "plébéien teigneux". Dans un lapsus, il a reconnu un "ressentiment personnel" à l'égard de l'ex-président.

François Fillon a du mal à cacher sa rancoeur envers Nicolas Sarkozy. Dans son livre Faire, l'ancien Premier ministre dresse un portrait sévère de l'ex-président, qu'il dépeint en "plébéien teigneux" qui "répugnait de ne pas être aimé".

Interrogé ce dimanche sur son ouvrage lors du "Grand Rendez-vous" iTÉLÉ-Le Monde-Europe 1, le député de Paris a commis un savoureux lapsus en expliquant sa démarche. "J'ai écrit ce livre car je voulais dire des choses que je ressens, je voulais exprimer des émotions, je voulais exprimer mon ressentiment personnel. (voir vidéo, à partir de 5min30). » | Par avec AFP | dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Are Nazis On The Rise In Europe?

Many might consider neo-Nazis on the fringes of mainstream society, but is the anti-Semitic movement growing? TestTube looks at how popular and powerful neo-Nazi groups are in Europe today.

Japan Readies for War? New Military Bill Sparks Fierce Protests

Thousands have rallied in Japan against the controversial military bill, passed by the parliament. Since now Japanese forces will be allowed to fight overseas. The demonstrations show this is far from being universally welcomed.

Verwandt »

Asylerpressung von Mutti Merkel

Angela Merkel bricht Gesetze zum Nachteil des deutschen Volkes Horst Seehofer Asyl Debatte CSU

Bundeskanzlerin Angela bricht Gesetze zum Nachteil des deutschen Volkes Horst Seehofer Asyl Debatte

Jamie Glazov Moment: Our Death Through Jihad-By-Immigration

Franklin Graham Condemns Obama's Guest List for Papal Welcome as 'Sinful'

CHRISTIAN POST: White House Invitation to Transgender Activists, Gay Bishop, Abortion Supporter Irks Vatican

Evangelist Franklin Graham has called President Obama's guest list for Pope Francis' welcome this week "disgraceful and obviously inappropriate," even as the Vatican has reportedly objected to the White House's invitation to transgender activists, an openly gay bishop and supporters of abortion and euthanasia.

The guest list for a planned event at the White House's South Lawn to welcome the pope on his first full day in the U.S. on Wednesday includes Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network, a "Catholic social justice lobby" which allegedly supports abortion and euthanasia; Bishop Gene Robinson, former Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire who is the first openly gay Episcopal bishop in the country; Mateo Williamson, a former co-head of the transgender caucus of Dignity USA; and also activists from the LGBT group GLAAD.

"This is disgraceful and obviously inappropriate," Graham wrote on his Facebook page Saturday. "Is there no end to the lengths the president will go to in order to push his sinful agenda?"

Graham, who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said it is wise of the Vatican to "question President Obama's guest list" and that the list of guests "should raise a lot of eyebrows."

The Vatican has taken offense, according to The Wall Street Journal. » | Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor | Sunday, September 20, 2015

Immigration: Hungary Will Not Be Forced to Change Its Cultural and Ethnic Composition, PM Orbán Tells Envoys

HUNGARY TODAY: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said his request to migrants not to come to Europe through Hungary was “for moral reasons” because he could not take responsibility for what might happen to them along the way.

Addressing a meeting of Hungary’s foreign mission leaders yesterday morning, Mr. Orbán said that people who had already made it to Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Austria are already safe, so they are not running for safety. They have actually “set their eyes on life in Germany”, he added. The Prime Minister said that in 90 per cent of European Union member states, the opinion of the people and “political elite” are diverged. In Hungary, however, points of agreement have been formed between the people and the government thanks to national consultations, which anchor government operations in a democratic way, he said, adding thereby the government is sticking to its asylum policy. “A country without borders is not a country,” he told the envoys. And this is also true if those borders are unprotected, he added. The EU was right to make borders between member states fade into insignificance, but Hungary also has external borders to protect, under a legal obligation in the Schengen Agreement, the prime minister noted. Hungary has built a barrier in order to keep to Schengen rules, and while there is no guarantee that this will suffice, it must try all it can to protect the external borders, he said. » | via and MTI | Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Adam Topolansky: ”Useful Idiots” of the West and the Creation of Chaos through Mass Migration

HUNGARY TODAY: Western ideologues’ demagoguery regarding the European immigration crisis is rehashing an old phrase: „useful idiots of the West”. This phrase was originally coined by Vladimir Iljich Lenin who allegedly referred to Westerners who unintentionally contributed to the demise of their own civilization through their self-defeating guilt complexes and false reflex machanisms, thereby promoting the cause of internationalism, i.e. socialism and communism. Lenin and Stalin used the term “polyezniy idiot” or “useful idiot” to describe sympathizers in the West who blindly supported Communist leaders.

A New York Times article from 1948, on contemporary Italian politics, documented usage of the term in an article from the social-democratic Italian paper L’Umanita. The French equivalent, “idiots utiles”, was used in a newspaper article title in 1946. A similar term, useful innocents, appears in Austrian-American economist Ludwig von Mises‘s “Planned Chaos” (1947). A 2010 BBC radio documentary titled Useful Idiots listed among “useful idiots” of Joseph Stalin several prominent British writers including H. G. Wells and Doris Lessing, the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw, the American journalist Walter Duranty, and the singer Paul Robeson.

One thing is for certain, these „useful idiots of the West” are once again at their “best” during the European immigration crisis. Their guilt trip and false reasoning are fast chipping away at western civilization. They are typically driven by pathological altruism, believing that they know best how to run the lives of all people throughout the world. » | Adam Topolansky | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Croatia: Families Divided as Refugees Struggle to Board Train

Hundreds of refugees struggled to board a train from Tovarnik to an undisclosed location after being left stranded at the Croatian-Serbian border town, Sunday. Authorities are not giving information on the destination of the trains.

"Refugees" Protesting in Sweden - Conditions Are Not Top–notch

Daily scenes of "refugees" who are angry because the quality of housing, food, area to live in, and service which is offered them are not good enough. When will the majority of people realize that they are not refugees.

Croatia: Scenes of Chaos as Hundreds of Refugees Board Westward-bound Trains

Hundreds of refugees crowded on to trains at Beli Manastir train station, Croatia, bound for Zagreb on Friday. The previous day at least 26 buses and one train brought refugees to Beli Manastir.