Sunday, January 27, 2013

«L’Allemagne ne refoule rien»

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: La chancelière Angela Merkel a rappelé la «responsabilité permanente» de son pays face au nazisme à quelques jours du 80e anniversaire de l'arrivée au pouvoir d'Adolf Hitler.

«Naturellement, nous avons une responsabilité permanente pour les crimes du national-socialisme, pour les victimes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et avant toutes choses, également, pour l'Holocauste», a déclaré la chancelière, dans un podcast, diffusé samedi sur son site internet alors que mercredi marquera le 80e anniversaire de l'arrivée au pouvoir d'Adolf Hitler, le 30 janvier 1933. » | ats/Newsnet | samedi 26 janvier 2013
Russland will «Homosexuellen-Propaganda» verbieten

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die russische Staatsduma hat einem landesweiten Verbot von öffentlichen homosexuellen Veranstaltungen zugestimmt. Vor dem Entscheid attackierten Orthodoxe Schwule und Lesben mit Eiern.

Schwule und Lesben sollen in Russland künftig nicht mehr über ihre Sexualität reden dürfen. Nachdem bereits mehrere Grossstädte «Homosexuellen-Propaganda» unter Strafe gestellt haben, droht nun ein landesweites Verbot.

Begleitet von Zusammenstössen zwischen Homosexuellen und Ultraorthodoxen nahm die russische Staatsduma erwartungsgemäss in erster Lesung das umstrittene Verbot an. Nur ein Parlamentarier lehnte das Gesetz ab, ein weiterer enthielt sich. » | rbi/sda | Freitag, 25. Januar 2013
Deutsche Dschihadisten: Die Gotteskrieger vom Nil

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ägypten ist das neue Lieblingsziel deutscher Dschihadisten. Es ist eine Drehscheibe für Ausbildungslager in anderen Staaten geworden. Kairo reagiert nicht. In wenigen Tagen kommt Präsident Mursi zu Besuch nach Berlin.

Ist es nicht Zeit, dass du die Pflicht des Dschihad erfüllst? Ist es nicht Zeit, dass du deine Waffe in die Hand nimmst?“ Der Mann in der Tarnuniform, mit dem schwarzen Vollbart und dem Gewehr auf dem Rücken ist Abu Usama Al-Gharib. Gott sei gepriesen, ruft er auf Arabisch. Immer dann, fährt er auf Deutsch fort, wenn die Mudschahedin die Ungläubigen abschlachteten, wenn eine Kugel den Feind treffe.

Es sind solche Hasspredigten, die Mohamed Mahmoud, wie der Mann aus dem Video heißt, bekanntgemacht haben. Der Österreicher mit ägyptischen Wurzeln hatte von 2007 bis 2011 für seine Aufforderung zur Gewalt, die er unter der Marke Globale Islamische Medien Front (GIMF) verbreitete, eine Haftstrafe in Österreich abgesessen. Nach deren Verbüßung ging er nach Deutschland, scharte in Solingen eine Gruppe radikaler Anhänger um sich und warb weiter für den Heiligen Krieg gegen Ungläubige und Kreuzzügler. Sein salafistischer Verein „Millatu Ibrahim“ wurde im Juni vergangenen Jahres von Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich verboten. Seiner Ausweisung kam Mahmoud zuvor, indem er mit seiner Frau, der Konvertitin Miranda K., vom hessischen Erbach nach Ägypten zog. » | Markus Wehner | Samstag, 26. Januar 2013
Les Français veulent que le Royaume-Uni reste dans l'UE SONDAGE – Les Britanniques ne doivent pas quitter l'Union européenne pour 58% des Français, selon une enquête Ifop parue dimanche dans le JDD. Si les sondés refusent une Europe à la carte, une majorité estime toutefois que l'UE coûte plus à la France qu'elle ne lui rapporte.

Les Français veulent toujours de leurs voisins britanniques au sein de l'Union européenne. Selon notre sondage Ifop à paraître dans Le Journal du Dimanche, 58% d'entre eux souhaitent que le Royaume-Uni reste dans l'UE, quand 42% des personnes interrogées préféreraient qu'il la quitte à l'horizon 2015-2017. En cas de réélection en 2015, le Premier ministre David Cameron a en effet décidé mercredi d'organiser d'ici quatre ans un référendum sur cette question, dans le cas où l'Union ne se réformerait pas. » | Arnaud Focraud - Le Journal du Dimanche | samedi 26 janvier 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Europeans Increasingly Converting to Islam

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Irish actor Liam Neeson says he is thinking about becoming a Muslim after undergoing a spiritual awakening in Turkey.

Neeson, who was born into a Roman Catholic family in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, told the London-based newspaper The Sun that he was impressed by the religious atmosphere in Istanbul while filming a movie in the city.

He said: "The [Islamic] call to prayer happens five times a day, and for the first week, it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit, and it's the most beautiful, beautiful thing. There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning, and it really makes me think about becoming a Muslim."

Neeson is just one of hundreds of thousands of Europeans who are trading their Christian heritage for the supposed exoticism of Islam. The surge in conversions is contributing to the mainstreaming of Islam in Europe and contributing to the Islamization of the continent.

In Britain, the number of Muslim converts recently passed the 100,000 mark, according to a survey conducted by an inter-faith group called Faith Matters. The survey revealed that nearly two thirds of the converts were women, more than 70% were white and the average age at conversion was just 27.

The survey, conducted by Kevin Brice from Swansea University in Wales, asked converts for their views on the negative aspects of British culture. They identified alcohol and drunkenness, a "lack of morality and sexual permissiveness" and "unrestrained consumerism."

More than one in four acknowledged there was a "natural conflict" between being a devout Muslim and living in Britain. Nine out of ten women converts said their change of religion had led to them dressing more conservatively. More than half started wearing a head scarf and 5% had worn the burka.

Separately, government authorities revealed that an increasing number of inmates at British prisons are converting to Islam. For example, one-third of the inmates at one of Britain's most notorious youth jails are Muslims and the religion is attracting a large number of converts. » | Soeren Kern | Friday, January 27, 2012
Muslim Gangs Enforce Sharia Law in London

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: "This is not-so-Great Britain, this is a Muslim area. We are vigilantes implementing Islam upon your own necks." — Member, Muslim London Patrol

Muslim gangs have been filmed loitering on streets in London and demanding that passersby conform to Islamic Sharia law.

The self-proclaimed vigilantes, who call themselves Muslim London Patrol, are seen in several videos abusing people for drinking alcohol, for showing too much flesh and for being homosexual.

In one three-and-a-half minute video posted on YouTube on January 17, a number of hooded men are seen repeatedly shouting "this is a Muslim area" towards non-Muslim passers-by.

In the footage, which was shot at night on the weekend of January 12/13 on a mobile phone, in what is believed to be Whitechapel in east London, one gang member is seen telling a young woman who is wearing a short skirt, "you cannot dress like that in a Muslim area, this is a Muslim area."

A few moments later, the vigilantes confront a man carrying a can of beer, telling him "no alcohol is allowed." They then force him to empty out the contents of the can on the sidewalk. One gang member shouts: "Get him to pour it out, pour it out, Muslim area. Alcohol bad. This is a Muslim area. This area is a Muslim area. No drink in this area." He continues: "What this is, is a Muslim Patrol. We are Muslims and we patrol the area. Forbidden … evil. Alcohol is evil. No alcohol. Yes? Have a good day."

A few moments later, the vigilantes accost a woman who, referring to the imposition of Sharia law in the neighborhood exclaims, "I cannot believe it!" The Muslims respond: "We do not care if you believe it or not."

At another point, one gang member admonishes another gang member not to allow non-Muslims to pass along the sidewalk in front of a mosque. He shouts: "You need to control this area and forbid these people from dressing like this and exposing themselves outside the mosque." A few moments later, a gang member accosts two non-Muslims who are passing by. "Remove yourself away from the mosque. Go away now. This is a Muslim area. Muslim patrol. Muslim patrol. Move away from the mosque."

Another Muslim then shouts: "This is democracy, this is freedom, this is secularism, move away from the mosque. We clearly need Islam. Go away and don't come back. Don't come back. Keep your mouth closed."

Next the men then accost a woman passerby. "We do not respect dolls who disobey God, we don't respect them." The woman, stunned, responds, "I am so appalled." The men reply: "We don't care if you are appalled at all." She says: "This is Great Britain." The men reply: "This is not-so-Great Britain, this is a Muslim area. We are vigilantes implementing Islam upon your own necks."

In another video, Muslims are seen harassing a man they perceive to be a homosexual. They aggressively pursue the man and shout at him, "Hello mate, don't you know this is a Muslim area. Why are you dressed like that for." The man responds: "Why are you bothering me." The Muslims respond: "You are walking in a Muslim area dressed like a fag, mate. You need to get out of here." Clearly terrified, the man responds, "I am getting out of here." The Muslims respond, "Get out of here quicker then. You're dirty mate. Admit you're dirty. You're gay, mate. Get out of here, you bloody fag." » | Soeren Kern | Friday, January 25, 2013

My comment:

So what are the police doing about this? Imagine the situation in reverse. Imagine someone shouting out “This is a homosexual area. You’re dirty mate. Muslims not allowed. Get out of here. This is a gay area. Dirty Muslims not allowed. What’s that fuzz you’ve got on your face? Get out of here! Muslims not allowed. This a gay area. Just imagine the outcry if this were to happen! The police would be after you, the Muslims would be after you, and the liberals would be after you. So why aren’t we going after these throwbacks for going against the law of the land? After all, isn’t this supposed to be a pluralistic, multi-cultural paradise? What’s good for the goose, is also good for the gander – © Mark
Czech Election: Milos Zeman Wins Presidential Poll

BBC: Former PM Milos Zeman has won the Czech Republic's presidential election - the first time the position has been decided by direct popular vote.

He won 55% of votes in the second-round poll, compared to Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg's 45%.

Voters had braved freezing conditions to turn out in what was being seen as a nail-bitingly close poll.

Mr Zeman is seen as a hard-drinking, chain-smoking politician, known for his witty put-downs of opponents.

As president, he will represent the Czech Republic abroad and appoint candidates to the constitutional court and the central bank, but the post does not carry much day-to-day power.

Mr Zeman will replace the eurosceptic Vaclav Klaus, who steps down in March after ten years in office.

Both presidential candidates support deeper integration of the European Union. (+ video) » | Saturday, January 26, 2013
Davos 2013: Femen Stage Topless Protest

Ukrainian protest group Femen, angry over what they perceive as sexism and male domination of the world economy, ripped off their shirts and tried to force their way into the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Documentary | The Island of Cyprus - National Geographic

Indicted Tycoon Kim Dotcom Launches New Site

Kim Dot Com, perhaps the United States' most-wanted computer geek, once operated the file sharing website 'Mega Upload'. It's estimated that it accounted for up to four per cent of the world's internet traffic. A year ago, however, US authorities had the site shut down, and charged Dot Com with piracy. He managed to escape extradition to the US, and now he's started a new website that allows users to share files - but also to choose who they share them with.

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Berlusconi Neither Down Nor Out

France Declares War on English Language

Auschwitz Concentration Camp Tour | Holocaust | January 2006 | Poland

Holocaust Survivor Reflections: Stories of Courage

Holocaust Survivor Henia Bryer: Prisoner Number A26188

BBC: The German invasion of Poland in 1939 ended the happy childhood of Henia Bryer. Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day she recalls how she was sent to four concentration camps, but survived them all.

"They were wearing these black uniforms with a skull on top and they installed loud speakers all over the town spreading hate propaganda," says Henia Bryer of the German army's arrival in Radom, eight days after they crossed the border on 1 September.

"Hitler's speeches went on for hours and hours... he never made any secret of what he was going to do to the Jews."

At first, Bryer's family - including an older brother and a younger brother and sister - survived on the gold coins saved by her father, a shoe factory owner who continued working, but was not paid. Much worse was to come.

In 1941 they were among the 30,000 people confined to a ghetto, set up in the Jewish area. Conditions were very poor, with 10 people living in a single room.

Violence and shootings were commonplace, yet the family managed to stay together.

It did not last. » | Duncan Walker | BBC News | Saturday, January 26, 2013

BBC: A Chance Encounter: A chance encounter in a concentration camp means Henia is thrown an unexpected lifeline. An old family friend is able to provide her with the clothes she so desperatly needs. »
Muslim Abuser Who 'Didn't Know' That Sex with a Girl of 13 Was Illegal Is Spared Jail

MAIL ONLINE: Adil Rashid admitted travelling to Nottingham and having sex with the girl / He met the 13-year-old on Facebook and they communicated by texts and phone for two months before they met / He was educated in a madrassa and 'had little experience of women' / Said he had been taught 'women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground' / Added he was reluctant to have sex but that he was 'tempted by [the girl]'

A muslim who raped a 13-year-old girl he groomed on Facebook has been spared a prison sentence after a judge heard he went to an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless.

Adil Rashid, 18, claimed he was not aware that it was illegal for him to have sex with the girl because his education left him ignorant of British law.

Yesterday Judge Michael Stokes handed Rashid a suspended sentence, saying: ‘Although chronologically 18, it is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters.’

Earlier Nottingham Crown Court heard that such crimes usually result in a four to seven-year prison sentence.

But the judge said that because Rashid was ‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’, sending him to jail might cause him ‘more damage than good’. Read on and comment » | Paul Bentley | Friday, January 25, 2013
Deadly Violence Grips Egypt on Revolution Anniversary

THE GUARDIAN: Seven reported dead and scores of civilians and security forces injured as thousands protest for anti-Morsi protests

Fatal clashes continued into the night in several Egyptian cities on Friday as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to protest against President Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and police brutality – exactly two years after the start of the 2011 revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

According to state media, at least seven people died in Suez and 379 were injured across the country as riots broke out in Cairo's Tahrir Square and cities including Alexandria, Mahalla, and Ismailia. Police repeatedly fired teargas across much of central Cairo and protesters pelted them with stones – bringing parts of the city's road and metro networks to a standstill.

As night fell, medics warned that the amount of teargas in Tahrir Square had reached a "dangerous level". According to Tahrir Bodyguards, a group protecting female protesters, at least nine women were sexually assaulted in the square – prompting memories of some of the worst moments of the Egyptian uprising in 2011. » | Patrick Kingsley and Abdel-Rahman Hussein in Cairo | Friday, January 25, 2013
Race to Save the Language of Jesus: Aramaic in Danger of Becoming Extinct as Number of Speakers of Ancient Tongue Plummets

MAIL ONLINE: Language once widely used in Middle East but speakers are now scattered / Aramaic is believed to have been used by Jesus and his disciples / British linguist Geoffrey Khan developing database of recordings

It is thought to have been spoken by Jesus Christ and his disciples more than 2,000 years ago.

But now Aramaic, an ancient language related to both Hebrew and Arabic, is threatened with extinction as the number of speakers worldwide has dwindled.

Linguist Professor Geoffrey Khan of the University of Cambridge, has launched a quest to record the language before it dies out by visiting the scattered communities where it is still used.

By recording some of the remaining native Aramaic speakers he hopes to preserve the language which is one of a number threatened with extinction worldwide.

The 3,000-year-old language was once common throughout the entire Middle East and was used for trade, government and divine worship from the Holy Land to India and China.

As a key language used in Israel from 539 BC to 70 AD, experts believe it was likely to have been spoken by Jesus.

It is also the language of large sections of the biblical books of Daniel and Ezra, and is the main language of the Talmud (a key Jewish text).

Parts of the ancient Dead Sea scrolls were written in Aramaic. As Jesus died on the cross, he cried out in Aramaic, 'Elahi, Elahi, lema shabaqtani?' ('My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?').

But speakers are now scattered across the globe, with pockets even found in US cities such as Chicago where several thousands Assyrians live. Prof Khan told that he felt his 'calling' to record the language after speaking to a Jew from Erbil, a northern Iraqi city.

'It completely blew my mind,' he said. 'To discover a living language through the lips of a living person, it was just incredibly exhilarating.' Read on and comment » | Sam Adams | Friday, January 25, 2013
Duma beschneidet Rechte von Homosexuellen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Schwule und Lesben sollen in Russland nicht mehr über ihre Sexualität reden dürfen. Nachdem mehrere Großstädte "Homosexuellen-Propaganda" unter Strafe gestellt haben, droht nun auch ein landesweites Verbot. Vor der Duma kam es zu Zusammenstößen zwischen Aktivisten und fanatischen Gläubigen.

Moskau - Die russische Staatsduma hat erwartungsgemäß in erster Lesung ein umstrittenes Verbot von "Homosexuellen-Propaganda" mit breiter Mehrheit angenommen. 388 von 450 Abgeordneten stimmten für den Entwurf. Er sieht für öffentliche Äußerungen über HomosexualitätGeldstrafen bis zu umgerechnet 12.500 Euro vor. Das meldete die Agentur Itar-Tass am Freitag. Für das Gesetz sind eine zweite und dritte Lesung notwendig.

Der Abgeordnete Sergej Dorofejew von der Regierungspartei EinigesRussland sagte vor der Abstimmung, mit dem Gesetz sollten Minderjährige "vor den Auswirkungen der Homosexualität" geschützt werden. Die Abgeordnete Elena Misulina von der liberalen Oppositionspartei Gerechtes Russland sagte, "homosexuelle Propaganda" schränke "das Recht der Minderjährigen zur freien Entwicklung" und zur freien Wahl ihrer sexuellen Orientierung ein.

Dutzende fanatische Gläubige attackierten mit faulen Eiern und Farbe homosexuelle Aktivisten, die sich aus Protest gegen das Vorhaben vor derDuma öffentlich küssten. "Moskau ist nicht Sodom", riefen die Gläubigen gegen "Sünde und Lasterhaftigkeit". Aber nicht die Angreifer kamen in Polizeigewahrsam, sondern die lesbischen und schwulen Aktivisten, die um ihr Recht auf Selbstbestimmung und freie Meinungsäußerung kämpften. "Wir haben auch ein Recht auf Liebe", riefen sie an diesem eisigen Tag. » | ler/dpa/AFP | Freitag, 25. Januar 2013