Friday, November 09, 2012

Assad: Erdogan Thinks He's Caliph, New Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Exclusive)

Bashar al-Assad talks to Sophie Shevardnadze | Assad: Not a civil war, terrorism my enemy, no regrets for now

Visite historique du patriarche russe Kirill en Terre sainte

LE FIGARO: Le chef de l'Église orthodoxe russe va rencontrer les dirigeants israéliens et palestiniens et célébrer une messe avec le patriarche grec orthodoxe de Jérusalem.

Tout comme le Vatican, l'Église orthodoxe russe s'inquiète du sort des chrétiens d'Orient. Le patriarche de Moscou, Kirill, fera part de cette préoccupation lors du séjour symbolique de près d'une semaine en Terre Sainte, qu'il entreprend ce vendredi. De Jérusalem à Amman en Jordanie, en passant par les actuels territoires occupés, Kirill, qui est à la tête de la plus importante des Églises orthodoxes orientales (150 millions de fidèles), mettra l'accent sur un principe sacré: le «respect des droits de l'homme», qu'il assimile intentionnellement aux «droits des chrétiens». «Il s'agit d'une visite pastorale et de paix qui n'a aucun but politique», insiste le père Philaret, vice-président du département des relations extérieures du patriarcat. «Même si en Israël et en Palestine, les chrétiens ne sont pas la cible d'attaques, la situation, comme on le voit en Syrie et en Libye, peut changer, et ce phénomène nous inquiète», ajoute le prélat interrogé par Le Figaro. Israël compte aujourd'hui quelques 120.000 chrétiens arabes, toutes confessions confondues, et 250.000 chrétiens orthodoxes. » | Par Pierre Avril, correspondant à Moscou | vendredi 09 novembre 2012
Guttenberg-Auftritt in Washington: Gerüchte aus dem Schneegestöber

09.11.2012 - Ex-Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg spricht bei einem Auftritt in Washington über ein mögliches Comeback in der deutschen Politik.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Guttenberg nennt Comeback-Plan "Quatsch" » | Von Sebastian Fischer, Washington | Freitag, 09. November 2012
Robert Spencer and Michael Coren Discuss Obama's Re-election

Topic: Obama's presidential victory and his capitulation to jihad and islamofascism.

HT: Robert Spencer @ Jihad Watch »

Thursday, November 08, 2012

New Dawn? This Looks More Like a New Dusk

MAIL ONLINE: The next four years for America look bleak. It’s not so much a new dawn as a new dusk. And with 50 months left in power, President Obama, his hands tied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives, is a lame duck already.

He was re-elected despite a majority of voters thinking the economy is on the wrong track. And with tax rises that could wreck recovery due on January 1 – the so-called ‘fiscal cliff’ – experts fear a recession here in 2013.

The most sensible policy – which a Romney administration would have pursued – is deficit reduction. Instead, the second Obama term will increase the deficit, further diminishing America’s economic power and credibility.

Around $1trillion a year will be added to debt – bringing the total to $20trillion by 2016. This will drive up interest rates on US bonds, and hard-pressed Americans will have to pay more taxes to fund higher interest payments.

Meanwhile, the President is determined to push through his ‘Obamacare’ health insurance policy, which would account for a large part of that increase.

But the Democrats are well aware that the pumping of federal money into corporate bail-outs and infrastructure projects in declining regions is the key to creating a state clientele that keeps voting them back into office.

The administration is already devising stealth taxes to help pay for the bribes it wishes to offer the coalition of minorities that comprise its supporters. Some will corrode the core of American self-reliance, such as taxes on any substantial capital gains made from house sales. Others are simply opportunist, such as a tax on tanning salons.

These are all measures of how desperate the financial situation is – a reality apparently kept from most of the American electorate, so far. Read on and comment » | Simon Heffer | Wednesday, November 07, 2012
USA: Record Snow, New Power Outages as Storm Slams Northeast

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Read the article here »
L'Iran interdit l'importation des biens de "luxe"

LE POINT: Téhéran dit vouloir "économiser des milliards de dollars".

L'Iran a décidé d'interdire l'importation de voitures étrangères, d'ordinateurs portables, et d'autres biens dits de "luxe" dans la perspective d'économiser des milliards de dollars face à la crise de sa monnaie, a annoncé un quotidien officiel. » | Source SIPA | jeudi 08 novembre 2012
Norvège : Anders Behring Breivik se plaint de ses conditions de détention

LE POINT: L'homme qui avait assassiné 77 personnes en 2011 estime que ses conditions de détention sont "contraires aux droits de l'homme".

Anders Behring Breivik, condamné pour le meurtre de 77 personnes le 22 juillet 2011 en Norvège, s'est plaint de ses conditions de détention "contraires aux droits de l'homme", a annoncé jeudi un de ses avocats. L'extrémiste de droite de 33 ans a envoyé une lettre aux autorités pénitentiaires dans laquelle il fustige le régime carcéral de très haute sécurité auquel il est soumis depuis plus d'un an et les restrictions encadrant sa correspondance. Selon l'avocat Tord Jordet, Breivik est en pratique privé d'accès à un ordinateur qui lui avait été fourni - sans accès à internet - pendant sa détention provisoire et les courriers qu'il reçoit et envoie sont censurés dès qu'ils abordent un thème politique. » | Source AFP | jeudi 08 novembre 2012

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Norway killer Breivik complains about prison: Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, convicted of killing 77 people last year, has complained that prison conditions are violating his human rights, one of his lawyers said Thursday. » | Thursday, November 08, 2012
Bibi’s Bad Bet: Netanyahu Damaged Political Chances By Backing Romney

Assad to RT: 'I'm Not Western Puppet - I Have to Live and Die in Syria'

Bashar Assad speaking with RT's Sophie Shevardnadze

RT.COM: Read the article here »
Anger in Athens as Greek Austerity Measures Passed

THE GUARDIAN: Petrol bombs thrown and teargas and water cannons used during protests as draconian cuts pass narrowly

It came after a night of rain, tear gas and clashes. But after four months of tortuous negotiations and a rancorous parliamentary debate, the Greek parliament finally announced late on Wednesday night that it had passed the most draconian package yet of austerity measures needed to keep Europe's weakest economy afloat.

Following heady scenes inside and outside the 300-seat house, 153 MPs supported the €13.5bn (£10.8bn) package in a vote that will be remembered as perhaps the most electrifying in the history of the three-year Greek debt crisis.

Approval of the spending cuts, tax rises and labour reforms was given with a weakened majority – seven rebels voted against the measures – but on trade markets around the world there were signs of relief. Mandarins in Brussels said the ballot would pave the way to the release of €31.5bn in EU and IMF sponsored rescue funds – desperately needed to keep bankruptcy at bay.

"Greece today has taken a big, decisive and optimistic step. A step towards recovery," said prime minister Antonis Samaras after the cliffhanger vote. "I am very pleased," he told reporters before emphasising that the "next step" was passage of the 2013 budget in a vote on Sunday. » | Helena Smith in Athens | Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Verwandtes Video »
Athen: Krawalle vor der Spardebatte

In Griechenland berät das Parlament über die Sparmassnahmen. Währenddessen demonstrieren zehntausende Griechen auf der Strasse. Vor dem Parlamentsgebäude ist die Grossdemo in wüsten Krawallen ausgeartet.

10vor10 vom 07.11.2012
Romneys Traum geplatzt

Im republikanischen Lager in Boston war die Enttäuschung gross. Nach dem klaren Wahlergebnis trat Mitt Romney vor seine Anhänger, gestand seine Niederlage ein und gratulierte Obama zu seinem Sieg. Einschätzungen der SF-Korrespondenten Fritz Reimann und Tilman Lingner.

Tagesschau vom 07.11.2012
Selon Julian Assange: Barack Obama est un «loup déguisé en agneau»

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Barack Obama est un «loup déguisé en agneau», a déclaré mercredi le fondateur de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, en réaction à la réélection du président américain.

«Obama semble être un homme sympathique. Et c'est précisément le problème», a estimé Julian Assange dans une interview par téléphone, accordée depuis l'ambassade d'Equateur à Londres où il est réfugié depuis la mi-juin.

«C'est mieux d'avoir un agneau habillé en loup qu'un loup déguisé en agneau», a-t-il ajouté. «Toutes les actions contre WikiLeaks ont été engagées par l'administration Obama», a-t-il encore dit, faisant notamment allusion à l'incarcération depuis mai 2010 du militaire Bradley Manning soupçonné par la justice américaine d'avoir été la «taupe» de WikiLeaks. » | afp/Newsnet | mercredi 07 novembre 2012

RT.COM: Assange: Reelected Obama a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' » | Thursday, November 08, 2012
Anti-Islam Filmmaker Gets Prison for Violating Probation

BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK: The California man linked to the “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube video that sparked riots in the Middle East and North Africa admitted to violating the terms of his probation and was sent back to prison for a year.

U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder in Los Angeles yesterday sentenced Mark Basseley Youssef after he confessed to using a name other than his true legal one, which violated the terms of his supervised release following a 2010 conviction for bank fraud.

Youssef, as part of an agreement with prosecutors, admitted to four allegations, including falsely telling his probation officer that he hadn’t used the name Sam Bacile, the name attached to the YouTube account that posted the video. Snyder denied a request by Youssef’s lawyer, Steven Seiden, to sentence him to home confinement. » | Edvard Pettersson | Thursday, November 08, 2012
Forget ‘Hope and Change’ – This Was a Victory for Fear and Loathing

MAIL ONLINE: Mitt Romney was right about one thing. He was secretly taped back in May telling fund-raisers that half the country would support Barack Obama because they depend on the government for all or part of their income.

Romney correctly identified America’s burgeoning entitlement culture as a major obstacle to a Republican winning back the White House.

‘There are 47 per cent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what . . . who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe they are entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing, to you name it.’

Striking an almost defeatist note, he concluded: ‘I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their own lives.’

Romney’s leaked remarks caused a predictable storm of confected outrage, but his analysis was bang on the money. Just as Gordon Brown cynically constructed a client state in Britain to maximise Labour’s electoral advantage, so the Democrats deliberately drain the public purse to feed their supporters’ insatiable appetite for handouts.

When 47 per cent of the electorate depends to a greater or lesser degree on government largesse, the Democrats have only to target another four or five  per cent of voters to secure a majority.

With the overall result pivoting on a handful of battleground states, Obama’s supporters concentrated successfully on turning out the Democratic base and convincing sufficient wavering independents that they would be hurt financially by a Romney victory.

This wasn’t a ‘hope and change’ election like 2008. Obama’s campaign this time was based on fear and loathing. » | Richard Littlejohn | Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Angela Merkel Warns UK Will Struggle Alone If It Turns Against EU

THE GUARDIAN: German chancellor prepares to fight PM over implied budget veto threat as he admits no early end in sight for deadlock

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, warned Britain not to turn its back on Europe just before heading to London on Wednesday night for a crunch meeting with the prime minister David Cameron.

Merkel is visiting the UK in the hope of resolving a growing dispute about the EU budget, with Downing Street raising the implicit threat that it could veto any increase in spending. In a speech to the European parliament in Brussels before leaving for London, the German leader issued a veiled warning that Britain would struggle alone.

"I want to have a strong UK in the EU," said Merkel in a question and answer session after her address to MEPs. "The UK was with us when we were liberated from national socialism. We still have British soldiers in Germany. I can't imagine that the UK [would] not be part of Europe.

"I think it is good also for the UK to be part of Europe. If you have a world of seven billion, and if you are alone in that world, I don't think that is good for the UK. So I will do everything to keep the UK in the EU as a good partner, and that is why I'm going to London and I will ask the inhabitants of the wonderful island to reflect that they will not be happy if they are alone in this world.

"With a strong Europe with 500 million we are in favour of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and democracy. Look around the world at where this isn't the case and be happy that we are together". » | Juliette Jowit, Mark Rice-Oxley and Ian Traynor in Brussels | Wednesday, November 07, 2012

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Charmeoffensive in London – Merkel blitzt bei Cameron ab: In Europa stehen wichtige Entscheidungen über EU-Haushalt und Bankenunion an, Kanzlerin Merkel war deshalb auf diplomatischer Mission in Brüssel und London. Doch die Charmeoffensive verpuffte, der britische Premier Cameron bleibt vorerst auf Veto-Kurs. » | Von Carsten Volkery, London | Mittwoch, 07. November 2012

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Une mosquée pour gays et transsexuels musulmans en France

SAPHIRNEWS.COM: Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed refait parler de lui. Le président fondateur de l’association Homosexuels musulmans de France (HM2F) avait créé la polémique en s’unissant religieusement avec un autre homme musulman en mars dernier. Aujourd’hui, il annonce l'ouverture, fin novembre, d'une mosquée « inclusive » en Île-de-France, permettant aux gays, lesbiennes, bisexuels et transsexuels de prier dans un lieu sûr et de se marier. Réel besoin pour HM2F, son initiative s'apparente surtout à nouvelle provocation pour une majorité de musulmans. Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed s’en explique à Saphirnews.

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed ne comprend pas tout l’étonnement que sa proposition suscite. Pourtant, elle est bien loin d’être banale pour les musulmans pratiquants. En effet, le fondateur de l’association Homosexuels musulmans de France (HM2F) a annoncé, lundi 5 novembre, l’ouverture d’un lieu de culte musulman « inclusif », ouvert aux « homosexuels, lesbiennes, bisexuels et transsexuels » et qui permettra de « marier religieusement des couples du même sexe ».

Dans un premier temps, c'est un dojo bouddhiste zen de la banlieue Est de Paris qui hébergera le culte du vendredi, mais le président de H2MF est actuellement à la recherche active d'un lieu de culte sûr, qui aura pour vocation première d’accueillir les fidèles de son association « au moins une fois par semaine » lors de la prière du vendredi. Un lieu de prière sûr pour les homosexuels » | Rédigé par Maria Magassa-Konaté | mardi 6 novembre 2012
Saudi Sharia Judges Decry Westernizing "Stench" of Legal Reforms

REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) - Saudi judges who enforce sharia (Islamic law) have condemned what they see as "the stench of Western ideas" in sweeping legal reforms pushed by King Abdullah, underscoring friction between government modernizers and religious hardliners.

In a letter to Justice Minister Mohammed al-Issa seen by Reuters, eight judges complained about foreign trainers who shave their beards contrary to purist Islam, the minister's meetings with diplomats of "infidel" states and plans to let women practice as lawyers.

The authenticity of the letter, which did not directly criticize either the king or Issa, was confirmed by a source in the Justice Ministry who said it was sent late last month.

Saudi lawyers and political analysts say the judicial reforms announced by King Abdullah in 2007 and supported by Issa are needed to make the legal system more efficient and modern. » | Angus McDowall | RIYADH | Tuesday, November 06, 2012

HT: Robert Spencer @ Jihad Watch »
Bahrain Revokes Citizenship of Shia Activists

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Bahraini authorities have revoked the citizenships of 31 Shia activists, among them two former members of parliament, for having "undermined state security," according to state news.

The names of the 31 activists, including brothers Jawad and Jalal Fairuz, both ex-MPs who represented the major Shiite Al-Wefaq bloc, were listed in the BNA report, which quoted an interior ministry statement.

Also named was Ali Mashaima, son of prominent activist Hassan Mashaima who is head of the radical Shiite opposition movement Haq and who is serving a life sentence for allegedly plotting against the monarchy.

The government move comes after Bahrain late last month banned all protests and gatherings to ensure "security is maintained," after clashes between Shia-led demonstrators and security forces in the Sunni-ruled country.

The Gulf state has experienced unrest since March last year when the authorities crushed protests led by the Shia Muslim majority. » | Source: AFP | Wednesday, November 07, 2012