Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Warren Buffett: Presidential Endorsement

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)
Talking to the Taleban

’Globe and Mail’ videos: Watch here

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Canada)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Canada)
Identify Causes of Decline, Scholar Tells Muslims

ARAB NEWS: JEDDAH — Dr. M. Umer Chapra, an eminent economist, social scientist and the winner of the King Faisal International Prize, has urged Muslims to identify the reasons for their decline. After making vitally important contributions to civilization for several centuries, the Muslim world went into decline and Chapra would like for the lost glory to become a reality once again.

Addressing a ceremony held at the Jeddah Hilton Sunday night to launch his latest book “Muslim Civilization: The Causes of Decline and the Need for Reform,” Chapra urged Muslim governments and societies to give top priority to establish justice and equality. “No society can progress without justice,” he added. Identify Causes of Decline, Scholar Tells Muslims >>> By P.K. Abdul Ghafour | May 20, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Clinton warnt Obama vor verfrühten Siegesfeiern

Foto von Hillary Clinton dank dem Telegraph

NZZ Online: Die demokratische Präsidentschaftsbewerberin Hillary Clinton hat ihren Rivalen Barack Obama kurz vor den Vorwahlen in zwei weiteren Gliedstaaten davor gewarnt, sich im parteiinternen Rennen voreilig als Sieger zu erklären. Clinton warnt Obama vor verfrühten Siegesfeiern: Schlussspurt vor den Vorwahlen in Oregon und Kentucky >>> | 20. Mai 2008

”Slap in the Face” >>> | May 20, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Téhéran décapite 
la direction baha'ie

En 2004, à Téhéran, la maison de Mirza Abbas Nuri, père du fondateur de la foi baha'ie, a été détruite. Depuis la révolution islamique de 1979, de nombreux sites sacrés ont été démolis. Photo de la direction baha’ie grâce au Figaro

LE FIGARO: Les persécutions ont repris contre cette minorité religieuse pacifique.

Beyrouth, L'ARRESTATION sans motif, mardi, de six dirigeants de la communauté baha'ie, vient de susciter un profond émoi parmi les membres de cette minorité religieuse régulièrement persécutée en Iran. « Depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (juin 2005), on assiste à un durcissement. Il y a deux ans, une cinquantaine de jeunes Baha'is avaient déjà été arrêtés. Mais là, c'est la première fois que ce sont des coordinateurs importants de la communauté qui sont touchés en bloc », indique au Figaro Diane Ala'i, représentante de la communauté baha'ie auprès des Nations unies, à Genève.

Depuis la révolution islamique de 1979, le culte baha'ie, né en Iran au XIXe siècle, est proscrit. À l'inverse des autres minorités religieuses (chrétiens, zoroastriens, juifs) du pays, la petite communauté ne dispose d'aucun représentant au Parlement iranien. Au début des années 1980, les neufs membres de l'assemblée spirituelle baha'ie disparurent sans laisser de trace. L'année suivante, huit des neufs nouveaux membres furent exécutés. À l'époque, la répression finit par pousser la communauté à s'organiser dans la plus grande discrétion, et à créer un groupe d'amis, chargé de gérer les affaires de la communauté de manière informelle. C'est de ce groupe que faisaient partie les six personnes arrêtées, Behrouz Tavakkoli, Saeid Rezaie, Fariba Kamalabadi, Vahid Tizfahm, Jamaloddin Khanjani et Afif Naeim. Le septième membre du groupe, Mme Mahvash Sabet, était déjà emprisonné depuis le 5 mars. Incitation à la haine >>>

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The Dawning of a new Dark Age (Relié)
La crise des ordures embarrasse Berlusconi

LE FIGARO: Depuis le 21 décembre, Naples est confrontée à une crise sans précédent dans le ramassage des ordures. 100.000 tonnes de déchets jonchent les rues. Alors que l'armée italienne est appelée à la rescousse, les Napolitains composent depuis plusieurs semaines avec un paysage chaotique. EN IMAGES: Naples et ses ordures >>> 19/01/2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché)
The Dawning of a new Dark Age (Relié)
Big Brother Is Just About to Get a Whole Lot Bigger!

DAILY MAIL: A giant database of every phone call and email sent in Britain is being considered by the Government.

Internet service providers and telephone companies would be forced to hand over records to the Home Office, which would keep them on a computer system.

All forms of electronic communication face being monitored, including social networking sites and text messages.

The database would also include details of how long individuals spend on the internet.

The government would retain the data for 12 months and security services and police could seek court permission to access it in the fight against terrorism.

The plans are being considered for inclusion in the draft Communications Bill to be published in November's Queen speech.

Last night, however, opponents reacted with horror, branding them disproportionate and an 'Orwellian step too far', not least because the Government has an appalling record at keeping data. Big Brother Database to Track Phone Calls and e-Mails >>> By Daniel Bates | May 20, 2008

’Big Brother’ Database for Phones and e-Mails >>> By Richard Ford | May 20, 2008

Britisches Innenministerium plant Schnüffel-Datenbank: Jeder Anruf in Großbritannien wird aufgezeichnet, jede E-Mail gespeichert - so jedenfalls sehen es Pläne des Innenministeriums für eine Abhördatenbank vor. Die Initiatoren beschwören als Begründung den Kampf gegen die Kriminalität. Kritiker höhnen, der Datenschutz im Land sei schon jetzt ein Witz >>> | 20. Mai 2008

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Geert Wilders Warns Bush

UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL: BRUSSELS -- As President George W. Bush wraps up his trip to the Middle East, controversial Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, a passionate supporter of Bush and the U.S. war on terrorism, called on him to drop his "double agenda" in the region by ending support to Islamic states like Saudi Arabia.

Wilders, who briefly achieved global notoriety when he released his anti-Koran film "Fitna" in March, told United Press International that the United States should not overlook Saudi Arabia's flagrant bad governance and human-rights abuses.

"American relations with Saudi Arabia should be revised," he said, adding that Saudi Arabia's status as a major oil producer should not mean that its track record ought to be overlooked. "Saudi Arabia is no good and won't be for the foreseeable future," he said.

"I think supporting Saudi Arabia is a bad policy and shows a double agenda," said Wilders. But he demurred at the suggestion of sanctions or military action -- "it's not like they should invade tomorrow" -- suggesting only that the desert kingdom be subject to the same standards as other U.S. allies like Israel.

The parliamentarian recently returned from a trip to the United States and said he was surprised to find his anti-Islam agenda had so much resonance there.

Wilders heads a small anti-immigration party in the Dutch Parliament and lives under 24-hour police protection because of death threats resulting from his public comments about Islam and the Koran, which he has compared to Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and says should be banned in the Netherlands.

Echoing the comments of some U.S. neoconservatives, Wilders has said he regards the spread of radical Islam as the next great challenge to the West, after fascism and communism.

"I think Islamization presents a threat to the public safety of the entire West, including the United States," he told UPI. "Direct and indirect dangers are present in (Muslim) politics and culture."

He said the shared enemy demanded closer trans-Atlantic ties. Dutch Critic of Islam Warns Bush >>> By Leander Schaerlaeckens | May 19, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)
Gregorius Nekshot, Dutch Cartoonist, Arrested

Gregorius Nekshot's cartoon courtesy of Jihad Watch

DANISH AFFAIRS: AMSTERDAM. The Dutch Cartoonist working under the pseudonym Gregorius Neckshot [sic] was arrested 13th of May. This arrest is not just another example of ridiculous European dhimmitude towards the totalitarian ideology of Islam. This incident shows that post-war Europe is no longer a safe haven for freedom loving human beings dedicated to defending the open society against its enemies.

First they came for the bloggers and cartoonists. Who will be next?

The arrest is particularly remarkable because it follows a complaint dating from 2005. Three years later, there was suddenly reason to take Nekschot by surprise in his home, said Teeuwen with incomprehension. Dutch Cartoonist Arrested >>> | May 17, 2008

Join the discussion here >>> | May 16, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Pervez Kambaksh Still Faces Death in Afghanistan on Charges of ‘Blasphemy’, and Has Difficulty Finding a Lawyer to Represent Him

Photo of Perves Kambaksh courtesy of The Independent

THE INDEPENDENT: Pervez Kambaksh, the Afghan student sentenced to death after being accused of downloading internet reports on women's rights, yesterday pleaded innocent to charges of blasphemy. He told an appeal court in Kabul that he had been tortured into confessing.

Mr Kambaksh, 24, vehemently denied that he had been responsible for producing anti-Islamic literature. He insisted the prosecution had been motivated by personal malice of two members of staff and their student supporters at the university in Balkh, where he was studying journalism.

He was convicted in proceedings behind closed doors in a trial which he said had lasted just four minutes and where he had been denied legal representation.

Yesterday, in the first public hearing of the case, the prosecution claimed that Mr Kambaksh had disrupted classes at the university by asking questions about women's rights under Islam. It also said he distributed an article on the subject after writing an additional three paragraphs including the phrase "This is the real face of Islam ... The prophet Mohamad wrote verses of the holy Koran just for his own benefit."

In a highly emotional statement, Mr Kambaksh said: "I'm Muslim and I would never let myself write such an article. These accusations are nonsense, [they] come from two professors and other students because of private hostilities against me. I was tortured by the intelligence service in Balkh province and they made me confess that I wrote three paragraphs in this article."

Mr Kambaksh represented himself because his family are having difficulties finding a lawyer to represent him after threats by fundamentalist groups that anyone taking on the job would be killed. I Was Tortured to Confess, Pervez Tells Appeal Court >>> By Kim Sengupta | May 19, 2008

Galloway audio on Afghanistan: ‘Afghanistan to Execute Student for Blasphemy’ >>>


The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Anti-Immigrant Mobs on the Rampage in Johannesburg

Watch Guardian video: Anti-Immigrant Mobs Rampage through Johannesburg: More than a dozen people have died and 3,000 people left homeless after a wave of attacks on foreigners in poor suburbs of Johannesburg >>>

Chasse aux étrangers en Afrique du Sud >>> | 19/05/2008

Watch BBC video: Scenes of violence on the streets of Johannesburg >>> |May 19, 2008

Read BBC report: Thousands Flee South Africa Attacks >>> | May 19, 2008

Xenophobic rage explodes in South Africa: Mobs kill at least 22 foreigners and injure hundreds as violence sweeps townships around the capital >>> Stephanie Nolan | May 20, 2008

Hass auf Ausländer erschüttert Südafrika >>> 19. Mai 2008

Hassgefühle wie zu Zeiten der Apartheid: In den engen Armenvierteln von Johannesburg geht die Hetzjagd auf Einwanderer weiter. Und droht auch auf andere Landesteile Südafrikas überzugreifen >>> Von Christine D'Anna-Huber | 19. Mai 2008

Südafrika: Tausende Ausländer fliehen vor Gewalt >>> | 20. Mai 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Italien geht hart gegen illegale Einwanderer vor

WELT ONLINE: Die italienische Regierung macht ihr Wahlversprechen wahr: Das Vorgehen gegen illegale Einwanderer wird drastisch verschärft. Hunderte Menschen wurden festgenommen, neue Gesetze sind in Planung. Besonders Rumänen sind den Italienern ein Dorn im Auge. Die fürchten nun fremdenfeindliche Übergriffe.

Man kann der neuen italienischen Regierung nicht vorwerfen, sie kümmere sich nicht um ihre Wahlversprechen. Im Wahlkampf hatte Silvio Berlusconi in ganz Italien Plakate mit der Aufschrift „Nie mehr illegale Einwanderer vor der Haustür“ aufhängen lassen. Nun macht die Regierung Ernst. In den vergangenen Tagen haben italienische Sicherheitskräfte mehr als 400 Personen festgenommen, davon mehr als die Hälfte Ausländer, meist ohne Aufenthaltsberechtigung.

Am Mittwoch will das Kabinett auf seiner Sitzung in Neapel ein „Sicherheitspaket“ verabschieden. Es soll auf dem Fünf-Punkte-Plan basieren, den Innenminister Roberto Maroni von der Lega Nord am vergangenen Dienstag angekündigt hatte. Demnach will die Regierung vor allem die illegale Einwanderung aus Ländern, die nicht der EU angehören, stoppen. So soll auch die „clandestinità“, der Aufenthalt ohne Erlaubnis, als Straftat verfolgt werden. Ausgenommen werden soll, wer Arbeit und Wohnung hat. Doch die Regierung plant auch, EU-Bürger, die nicht über ein eigenes Einkommen verfügen oder eine Straftat begehen, in ihre Heimatländer abzuschieben. Diese Bestimmung zielt vor allem auf rumänische Staatsbürger und unter ihnen vor allem die Sinti und Roma. Italien geht hart gegen illegale Einwanderer vor >>> | 19. Mai 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Hadeel Alhodaif, Leading Female Saudi Blogger, Dies Aged 25

“I would like to educate Saudi women about the importance of blogging as an efficient medium that can greatly influence public opinion” - the late Hadeel Alhodaif, Saudi blogger

TIMES ONLINE: The Saudi blogosphere is in mourning after the sudden death of a young female web-diarist and author who battled for a freer media in the restrictive kingdom.

Hadeel Alhodaif died last Friday after failing to emerge from a coma she fell unexpectedly into last month, just two days after her 25th birthday.

Her death made news in Saudi dailies today, while many distraught online admirers offered prayers for her soul and condolences to her family.

“Saudis from all ages and backgrounds – liberals and conservatives alike, those who knew her closely or from a distance, and even those who did not know her at all – are mourning the bright, skinny girl with high dreams and hopes of better future for all Saudis,” Arab News, an English-language Saudi daily, said today. Hadeel Alhodaif, leading female Saudi blogger, dies aged 25 >>> By Michael Theodoulou, Nicosia | May 19, 2008

Hadeel’s Blog: Heaven’s Steps

Leading Saudi Woman Blogger Alhodaif Passes Away at 25 >>> By Ebtihal Mubarak | May 19, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Barack Obama – Muslim Apostate?

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: STAFFORD, VA. - Osama bin Laden must be chuckling in his safe house. After all, the 2008 campaign could very well give Al Qaeda the ultimate propaganda tool: President Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim apostate.

The fact that Senator Obama – the son of a Muslim father – insists he was never a Muslim before becoming Christian is irrelevant to bin Laden. In bin Laden's eyes, Obama is a murtad fitri, the worst type of apostate, because he was blessed by Allah to be born into the true faith of Islam.

There are two types of apostates according to sharia (Islamic law) and the Hadith (sayings of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).

The first type is murtad milli, one who converted to Islam and later renounced the faith. The second, and most egregious, type is murtad fitri. It refers to a person born of a Muslim father who renounces his birthright. Two recent examples of the latter are Magdi Allam (a male Egyptian who converted to Catholicism in Italy) and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Somali-born woman who's now an atheist). Both now face death threats.

According to Islamic jurisprudence, children of a Muslim father – even an apparently nonpracticing one, such as Obama's father, and irrespective of the mother's faith – are automatically Muslims. Most Muslims around the world agree: A child of a Muslim father is a Muslim. Period.

Should Obama become US commander in chief, there is a strong likelihood that Al Qaeda's media arm, As-Sahab, will exploit his background to argue that an apostate is leading the global war on terror (read: attacks against fellow Muslims). This perception would be leveraged to galvanize sympathizers into action.

Remember: Al Qaeda's ultimate goal is to restore the caliphate (the Islamic form of government that would preside over the community of believers) and expand Dar al Islam ("Abode of Islam"). Reaching it requires a long war against all – Muslim and non-Muslim – who don't share its extremist Wahhabi worldview.

Al Qaeda, though, has struggled recently to recruit volunteers for this jihad. While bin Laden retains significant support as someone willing to stand up for Muslim concerns, most Muslims abhor Al Qaeda's terrorist methods whose primary targets are innocent noncombatants.

But an apostate as head of the United States could change this equation. It would be a propaganda boost for Al Qaeda's mission. All one has to do is read Al Qaeda's public statements to recognize how frequently it makes baseless apostasy accusations against fellow Muslims who challenge its message or actions. Barack Obama – Muslim Apostate: For Al Qaeda, the answer – and the implication – is clear >>> By Shireen K. Burki | May 19, 2008

US Elections 2008: Barack Obama Prepares for Democrat Coronation >>> By Toby Harnden in Washington | May 19, 2008

Frecher Kerl - Obama hat Hillary Clinton bereits abgeschrieben: Barack Obama gibt sich siegessicher: Bei einer Rede in Oregon sprach er vom Wahlkampf seiner Konkurrentin Hillary Clinton nur in der Vergangenheitsform. "Sie hat einen außergewöhnlichen Wahlkampf geführt", bilanzierte er. US-Medien berichten von Gesprächen zwischen den Lagern, wie eine gemeinsame Kampagne aussehen könnte >>> | 19. Mai 2008

US Rivals Get Nasty on Foreign Policy >>> By Paul Reynolds, World affairs correspondent, BBC website | May 19, 2008

Obama prépare son couronnement >>> De Julie Connan | 19/05/2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)
La France parle avec le Hamas

Photo grâce au Figaro

LE FIGARO: Nicolas Sarkozy n'est plus hostile à l'ouverture de «passerelles» avec les islamistes palestiniens.

Dans la plus grande discrétion, une première rencontre a eu lieu, il y a un mois environ, à Gaza, entre Yves Aubin de La Messuzière, diplomate français de haut rang en retraite depuis janvier, et les principaux responsables du Hamas, révèle Le Figaro. Ancien ambassadeur en Irak et patron de la direction Afrique du Nord, Moyen-Orient au Quai d'Orsay, La Messuzière s'est notamment entretenu avec Ismaël Haniyeh et Mahmoud Zahar, avant d'informer le Quai d'Orsay de ses discussions.

«Ce n'était pas une mission officielle, nous déclare l'intéressé, j'ai dit au Hamas qu'il devait se rapprocher au maximum des conditions imposées par l'Occident pour qu'on leur parle (mettre fin au terrorisme, reconnaître l'État hébreu et entériner les accords signés entre Israël et l'Autorité palestinienne, NDLR). Ils m'ont répondu qu'ils étaient prêts à accepter un État palestinien dans les frontières de 1967, ce qui équivaut à une reconnaissance indi­recte d'Israël. Ils se sont dits prêts à arrêter les attentats kamikazes, et ce qui m'a surpris, c'est que les dirigeants islamistes reconnaissent la légitimité de Mahmoud Abbas (le chef de l'Autorité palestinienne, NDLR). Dans tous les bureaux où je suis allé, son portrait était collé à ceux des responsables du Hamas», confie Aubin de La Messuzière, qui qualifie sa visite de «très utile».

Jusqu'à présent, les relations entre la France et le plus puissant parti intégriste palestinien étaient limitées aux services de renseignements. Elles avaient été interrompues en juin 2007, lorsque le Hamas conquit par la force la bande de Gaza. Mais, en août, les postes diplomatiques français de Tel-Aviv et Jérusalem recevaient un télégramme autorisant les services à renouer avec les islamistes. «Aujourd'hui, on passe à des contacts politiques», note un diplomate à Jérusalem. La France parle avec le Hamas >>> De Georges Malbrunot | 19/05/2008

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

And Now for Something Quite, Quite Different - Queen Rania of Jordon: ‘Isn’t She Lovely?'

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
An Ex-Muslim on the Prophet Muhammad

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)
Britain Is Focal Point for Terrorism, Warns Europe's Police Force

The black flag symbolizing Jihad and 'Dar ul Harb' (House of War) courtesy of Google Images

THE INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY: Britain is the focal point for Islamic terrorism across Europe, and its controversial military campaigns overseas are putting the entire continent at risk, a disturbing new report has warned.

An analysis of the terrorist threat by Europol, the European Police Office, has concluded that the dangers posed by militant groups rose to unprecedented proportions in 2007, with steep increases in the number of arrests, plots and attacks.

But Islamic terrorism, particularly through a rejuvenated al-Qa'ida, was highlighted as the most significant security threat to the authorities in the UK. At least one person is arrested every day across Europe under suspicion of involvement in Islamic terror conspiracies or attacks. Europol warned that the UK was recognised as fertile ground for radical Islamists seeking recruits to their jihadist campaigns, with "young, radicalised British citizens" often used to mount attacks.

The bleak warning came as the Government prepared for a battle over its plans to allow the police to detain terror suspects for up to six weeks without charge. Britain Is Focal Point for Terrorism, Warns Europe's Police Force: Bleak report portrays EU under siege, with terror plots soaring and the UK fertile ground for jihadist recruiters >>> By Brian Brady, Whitehall Editor | May 18, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Al Yamamah: BAE Bosses Detained by US Authorities

Photo of Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE Systems, courtesy of The Sunday Telegraph

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Two senior executives at Britain's biggest defence company were detained last week by American authorities investigating corruption allegations, the Telegraph has learnt.

Mike Turner, the chief executive of BAE Systems, was held with a senior colleague as they landed in America. Personal electronic equipment, including laptops and BlackBerries, was seized and examined before the pair were released.

The detentions are part of an investigation by the US Department of Justice into allegations surrounding the £43 billion al-Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia. BAE has been accused of making tens of millions of pounds in illegal payments to Saudi officials, although the company maintains it has always acted lawfully.

In December 2006 the Government announced that the Serious Fraud Office was dropping its investigation into the al-Yamamah deal, prompting political controversy. America is continuing its inquiries.

The detention of the BAE executives, understood to have been at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas, has raised serious concerns at high levels of the Government about "heavy-handed" treatment.

The detentions follow the case of the "NatWest Three", British businessmen each sentenced to 37 months in prison in America this year, and threatens to harm US-UK relations in the run-up to the Group of Eight summit of leading industrial nations in Japan in July.

About the same time as Mr Turner and his unnamed colleague were being detained last week, a number of US-based BAE executives had their homes raided by authorities, The Telegraph understands. BAE Systems Inc, a subsidiary of British-based parent BAE Systems plc, has 43,000 employees in America.

A Foreign Office official expressed concern last night about the way Mr Turner and his colleague, who were on their way to a business meeting, had been treated. He said: "It was pretty heavy-handed. They had their laptops taken away and their documents photocopied."

British officials in Washington were informed of the incident on Monday when Mr Turner, a 59-year-old father of four, alerted military contacts at the embassy. He is also understood to have called contacts in the American government.

The Foreign Office official said it was clear that the American authorities were expecting the men's arrival. "They knew they were coming and they prepared the whole thing," he said. Mr Turner, who was back home in Britain this weekend, is expected to return to the US shortly in ­connection with the corruption investigation. BAE Bosses Detained by US Investigators over Saudi Case >>> By Patrick Hennessy and Tim Shipman | May 18, 2008

US Detains BAE Bosses over Saudi Contracts >>> By Gaby Hinsliff | May 18, 2008

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Bis 2020 beschert Öl Golf-Staaten sechs Billionen Dollar

WELT ONLINE: Es ist eine gigantische Summe: Nach einer Schätzung des DIHK werden die Golf-Staaten wie Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate bis 2020 rund sechs Billionen Dollar einnehmen – nur durch den Verkauf von Öl. Nun will Finanzminister Steinbrück das Geld zurück nach Deutschland holen.

Der Höhenflug des Ölpreises macht die Golf-Staaten zu Top-Adressen der internationalen Finanzwelt. Denn in den Wüstenstaaten türmen sich viele der Milliarden, die Industrie und Autofahrer weltweit mittlerweile für ihre Tankfüllungen ausgeben müssen. Bundes-finanzminister Peer Steinbrück reist von Montag bis Donnerstag erstmals in die Region. In Kuwait und Dubai will er ergründen, wo und wie die Scheichs ihren rasant wachsenden Reichtum anlegen wollen – und was davon für die deutsche Wirtschaft abfällt.

„Die Golf-Staaten verfügen mittlerweile über gigantische Liquidität“, rechnet der Nah- und Mittelostexperte des Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertages (DIHK), Felix Neugart, vor. Schätzungen zufolge könnten Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate am Persischen Golf bis 2020 mit Einnahmen in Höhe von sechs Billionen US-Dollar rechnen. Davon werde ein Teil in die Infrastruktur der Länder selbst investiert, der überwiegende Teil aber in Unternehmensbeteiligungen auf der ganzen Welt.

Dazu bedienen sich die dortigen Regierungen staatlicher Investitionsbehörden, in denen die Petrodollar gebündelt werden. Der größte Staatsfonds der Welt, ADIA, sitzt in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, zu denen Dubai zählt. Schätzungsweise verfügt er schon jetzt über gut 850 Milliarden Dollar. Das Geld steckt in der US-Industrie, im europäischen Luftfahrtkonzern EADS, aber auch in der Deutschen Bank. In Kuwait residiert der älteste Staatsfonds KIA, gegründet vor 54 Jahren. Er hält einen Anteil von 7,2 Prozent an Daimler und hat sich auch in Krisen als verlässlich erwiesen.

Die Frage ist, ob es auf Dauer bei eher konservativen und passiven Investments bleibt, oder ob die Scheichs aktiver werden und mehr Mitsprache fordern, wenn die Billionen sprudeln. Die Finanzkrise haben arabische Staatsfonds bereits massiv genutzt, um sich Anteile an internationalen Großbanken zu kaufen – damit bekommen sie Zugriff aus das empfindliche Nervenzentren der Weltwirtschaft. Andererseits, das betont Steinbrück, haben sie Instituten wie der Citigroup oder UBS bei der notwendigen Rekapitalisierung geholfen und sie stabilisiert. Bi 2020 beschert Öl Golf Staaten sechs Billionen Dollar >>> | 18. Mai 2008

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