Thursday, April 13, 2017

Calls Grow to Fire Sean Spicer After He Says Hitler Didn't Use Chemical Weapons During Holocaust

Lawmakers and Jewish organizations, including the Anne Frank Center, are continuing to call for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to be fired, after Spicer compared Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Hitler and falsely claimed Hitler never used chemical weapons. In fact, the Nazis systematically used poison gas as part of its genocide of 6 million Jews. The Nazis began experimenting with gas with the specific purpose of carrying out mass murder in the late 1930s. We speak to Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect.

Stephen Cohen: Will Syrian State Collapse & Fall into More Chaos If Assad Is Toppled?

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, "I think it is clear to all of us that the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end." But what will Syria look like if the U.S. pushes for regime change in Syria? Professor Stephen Cohen predicts Syria could fall into even more chaos

Turkey's Last Battle? “We’re Fighting to Save Democracy from Dictatorship”

Chris Matthews: It's a Battle between Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner | Hardball | MSNBC

Kristen Welker, Susan Page and Nick Confessore debate the growing tensions in the White House between Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon.

'100% Fabrication': Assad on Accusations of Chemical Attack in Idlib

The chemical incident in Idlib province blamed on Damascus was a “100 percent fabrication” as the Syrian military has already dismantled chemical weapons stockpiles, President Bashar Assad told AFP.

Eric Trump Admits Nepotism Got Him This Far In Life, But Swears He’s Not Incompetent

During an interview with Forbes that appeared online this week, Eric Trump admitted that nepotism got him where he is in life because of nepotism, but he swears that he’s great at what he does. After all, Eric tells us that daddy would have fired him long ago if he weren’t amazing at business. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Ridge: Former Chemical Weapons Inspector, Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith, a former chemical weapons inspector in Syria, spoke to Sophy Ridge about the human impact of the suspected chemical weapons attack, which killed at least 87 people.

Assad Says Syria Chemical Attack Was Fabricated

The deadly gas attack in Syria is "100% fabrication", says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He explains here what he thinks really happened, in his first interview since the incident.

Who Really Has the Chemical Weapons - the Syrian Government or UK/US de facto Backed Militants?

We speak to the Associate Editor of the Spectator magazine, Middle East Eye columnist, Peter Oborne on the similar hallmarks this time round in Syria to WMD in Iraq and genocide in Libya.

Assad Says Army 'Gave Up' All Chemical Weapons

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said his government handed over all its chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013 and could not have been behind last week's suspected sarin attack.

Syria's Assad Denies Use of Chemical Weapons

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town was a "fabrication" to justify a US military strike, in an exclusive AFP interview.

Assad Says US 'Not Serious' About Fighting Terrorism

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accuses the United States and the West of not being "serious" about fighting terrorism in the region.

Syria's Assad Says Chemical Attack Is Pure Fabrication

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town was a "fabrication" to justify a US military strike, in an exclusive AFP interview.

A Heartfelt Message to Our President | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

What kind of man is Donald Trump?

White House Claims on Syria Chemical Attack ‘Obviously False’ - Prof. Theodor Postol of MIT

Earlier the US released a declassified intelligence brief accusing Syrian President Assad of ordering and organizing the chemical attack on civilians in the rebel-held town in the Idlib province. At the same time, the report 'contains absolutely no evidence' to prove this, says Theodore Postol, Professor in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and leading CW expert.

'Most Beautiful Piece of Chocolate Cake' Trump Orders and Tells Xi of Syria Strike over Dessert

US President Donald Trump gave an intimate account of his state of mind as he ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria last week, and implied that China’s leader Xi Jinping agreed with his decision.

Russia Vetoes West’s Syria Resolution at UN Security Council

Moscow has vetoed a US-backed resolution condemning the Khan Shaykun incident on April 4 as a chemical attack while demanding that Syria open up its military bases to inspections.

Can Russia Abandon Assad? – Inside Story

US President Donald Trump's inauguration was expected to usher in a new era of close ties with Russia. The past week, however, shows that's not happening. Harsh words have been traded over the Syrian conflict. It started with the chemical attack in Idlib last week, blamed on the Russian-backed Assad regime, followed by the US strike on a Syrian airbase.

Rex Tillerson's visit to Moscow has done little to ease tensions. Tillerson met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov to discuss the future of the Syrian President. The US wants Assad gone. But Russia wants to know what America's real intentions are. And what the West is planning for a Syria without Assad?

Presenter: Sohail Rahman. Guests: Alexander Nekrassov, Russian political analyst and former Kremlin adviser; Wa'el Alzayat, former senior Syria adviser to Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the United Nations under President Obama; Ian Black, visiting senior fellow at the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics.

Trump Undercuts Bannon, Whose Job May Be in Danger

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s grenade-lobbing pugilist of a chief strategist, has a fitting nickname for his West Wing office: “the war room.”

But more and more, war is being waged on Mr. Bannon himself. And it is unclear how much longer he can survive in his job.

His isolation inside the White House, after weeks of battle with senior aides aligned with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, appeared to grow even starker this week after Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Bannon in two interviews and played down his role in the Trump presidential campaign. » | Jeremy W. Peters and Maggie Haberman | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Bannon’s Worldview: Dissecting the Message of ‘The Fourth Turning’ »

White House Ineptitude Shown In Its Spokesman Sean Spicer | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reviews in grueling detail White House spokesman Sean Spicer's ineptitude at speaking for the White House and cleaning up his own messes, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson doing his part to make ridiculous statements as well.

''I’m Speechless.'' Anderson Cooper Dumbfounded by Trump Just Now Realizing Diplomacy Is Not So Easy

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How Much Power Does the UK Really Have in the World? Debate - BBC Newsnight

Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry and former US State Department adviser Jeremy Shapiro joined Evan Davis in the studio to discuss the UK's place on the world stage after Brexit.

‘I Screwed Up’: Sean Spicer On Hitler Comments

White House press secretary Sean Spicer says in an appearance on Wednesday that he "made a mistake" by making a comparison to the Holocaust in comments about Syrian President Bashar Assad's use of chemical weapons. The remarks drew instant rebuke from Jewish groups and critics.

'I've let the president down': Sean Spicer apology tour continues »

Dangerous Brinksmanship? Trump, North Korea and China

Kucinich: No Evidence Assad Was Behind Chemical Attacks

Why Does Bannon Want This Job? | Morning Joe | April 12, 2017

Ivanka Convinced Trump To Bomb Syria?

Ivanka Trump is calling a lot of important shots in the White House. Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker, and Grace Baldridge, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Putin Meets With Tillerson in Russia After Keeping Him Waiting

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MOSCOW — After Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson waited for much of the day, wondering whether he would get to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin, the two men sat down at the Kremlin late Wednesday afternoon in the first face-to-face meeting between the Russian leader and a top official in the Trump administration.

Relations between the United States and Russia have grown so tense that it was unclear whether Mr. Putin would agree to see Mr. Tillerson, a man he once gave a medal of friendship. » | David E. Sanger | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

United Airlines CEO Attacks Passenger

The CEO of United Airlines told his employees that the passenger brutalized on one of his planes kind of deserved it. Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker, and Grace Baldridge, the hosts of The Young Turks, break down his so-called apology.

Sean Spicer Under Fire as Backlash Grows

The White House Press Secretary's remarks about Hitler, Assad, and the Holocaust have caused many to call for his resignation.

Tillerson in Moscow: Have US Strikes in Syria Scuppered US-Russia Relations? (Parts 1 & 2)

Steve Bannon "Just Snapped"

The Trump Administration would like you to think they aren't still plagued with infighting. Wrong. Sad. Babies. Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola, and Maz Jobrani, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

US Fails to Impress Putin with ‘Beauty of Their Weapons’ in Syrian Strike ahead of Tillerson's Visit

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson begins his visit with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. The agenda is expected to focus on spiking Russia-US tensions in light of an alleged chemical attack in Syria and a US missile strike in response.

Vladimir Putin: "This US Strike Reminds Me Strongly of Events in Iraq in 2003"

Sean Spicer Raises Outcry With Talk of Hitler, Assad and Poison Gas

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, set off an intense backlash on Tuesday when he suggested that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was guilty of acts worse than Hitler and asserted that Hitler had not used chemical weapons, ignoring the use of gas chambers at concentration camps during the Holocaust. Mr. Spicer later apologized.

During his daily briefing for reporters, Mr. Spicer was defending President Trump’s decision to order a missile strike on Syria by trying to lend gravity to the actions of Mr. Assad. American officials accuse the Syrian president of using sarin gas, a lethal chemical weapon, in an attack on a rebel-held area of Idlib Province last week that killed dozens, many of them children.

But in misconstruing the facts of the Holocaust — Nazi Germany’s brutally efficient, carefully orchestrated extermination of six million Jews and others — Mr. Spicer instead drew a torrent of criticism and added to the perception that the Trump White House lacks sensitivity and has a tenuous grasp of history. Read on and comment » | Nicholas Fandos and Mark Landler | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vladimir Putin Says Trust between US and Russia Has 'Degraded' Since Donald Trump Took Office

THE TELEGRAPH: Russia's top diplomat accused the United States on Wednesday of carrying out an unlawful attack against Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces as he opened a fraught meeting with visiting US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Sergey Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, said Russia had lots of questions about the Trump administration's "very ambiguous" and "contradictory" ideas.

In an ominous start to their meeting, Mr Lavrov said it was important for Moscow to understand the "real intentions" of the Trump administration.

"We have seen very alarming actions recently with an unlawful attack against Syria," Mr Lavrov said. "We consider it of utmost importance to prevent the risks of replay of similar action in the future." Read on and comment » | Roland Oliphant | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

White House Accuses Russia of Cover-Up in Syria Chemical Attack

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — The White House accused the Russian government on Tuesday of engaging in a cover-up of the chemical weapons attack last week by Syrian forces that prompted American missile strikes, saying that United States intelligence and numerous contemporaneous reports confirmed that the Syrians used sarin gas on their own people.

In a declassified four-page report that details United States intelligence on the chemical weapons attack and contains a point-by-point rebuttal of Moscow’s claims, the White House asserted that the Syrian and Russian governments had sought to confuse the world community about the assault through disinformation and “false narratives.”

The strongly worded document calls for international condemnation of Syria’s use of chemical weapons and harshly criticizes Russia for “shielding” an ally that has used weapons of mass destruction. Read on and comment » | Julie Hirschfeld Davis | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Eric Trump Says President Bombed Syria Because Ivanka Told Him To

According to the President’s son, Eric, the President made the decision to bomb Syria because Ivanka urged him to. Supposedly, she was so broken-hearted over the images on the news that she told daddy he had to do something.

Is It the End of Socialism in Venezuela? – Inside Story

Will the US Try to Denuclearise North Korea by Force? - Inside Story

The US has rerouted several warships towards the region, after North Korea fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.

North Korea Warns US Over Aircraft Carrier Deployment

North Korea warns US over aircraft carrier deployment.

North Korea is vowing to respond to what it calls “reckless” US behaviour.

It's on edge over a joint military exercise by the US and South Korea, which is under way in Pohang.

Tensions have intensified after Washington deployed a naval strike group to the Korean Peninsula, over Pyongyang’s recent missile tests.

Al Jazeera's Craig Leeson reports from Pohang, South Korea.

Donald Trump Jr. Denies He Will Run for New York Governor But Hints at Future Political Career

THE INDEPENDENTE: President's son refutes rumours he intends to challenge incumbent Andrew Cuomo in 2018

Donald Trump Jr., rumored to be eyeing a move to follow his father's footsteps into politics, will not be a candidate for governor of New York next year but is not ruling out a possible run for office in the future.

The younger Trump, in an interview Monday with The Associated Press, categorically denied any speculation that he might challenge incumbent Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“I am not running in 2018,” Trump said in his first public comments about a possible candidacy next year.

But he acknowledged having been bitten by the politics bug and said that he could consider a run down the road. Read on and comment » | Jonathan Lemire | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

AM Joy: Jared Kushner Battles Steve Bannon for White House Power | April 8, 2017

Alt-Right Actually Believed Trump Was Anti-War

Published on 10 Apr 2017 You’ll never guess who the Alt-Right is blaming for Trump’s bombing of Syria… Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

Steve Bannon's Role Being Questioned: President Trump 'Never Needed' Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Is Steve Bannon backing down from his feud with Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner? The New York Times' Jeremy Peters discusses his reporting on Bannon's rôle in the White House.

Putin: Syria Chemical Attack Was ‘False Flag,’ More ‘Provocations’ Coming

BREITBART.COM: At a Tuesday press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed last week’s chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province of Syria was a “false flag” – a phony operation staged by enemies of Russia and Syria to discredit them. He said more such false flag operations were on the way.

“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” said Putin, as reported by Russia’s » | John Hayward | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vladimir Putin Claims the US Plans to Plant Chemical Weapons in Syria, Attack and Blame Assad

Putin Shrugs Off Criticism of Syria Ties before Tillerson Visit

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president calls for UN inquiry as he compares chemical attack claims against Syria to US accusations Iraq had WMDs

Vladimir Putin has shrugged off western criticism of his support for the Syrian regime, shortly after the top US diplomat said Bashar al-Assad’s days in power were numbered, ratcheting up tensions between the the US and Russia before talks in Moscow.

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, had hoped to underscore the US position with a unified message from the G7, which condemned the chemical attack at a summit in Italy on Tuesday. However, G7 foreign ministers were divided over possible next steps and refused to back a UK call for fresh sanctions.

Putin said western and Turkish accusations that Syria’s government dropped the nerve agent sarin that killed dozens of civilians in Idlib earlier this month were comparable with the now-discredited claim that Saddam Hussein’s had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. » | Emma Graham-Harrison and Heather Stewart | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

La Corée du Nord prête à la «guerre» contre les États-Unis

LE FIGARO: Pyongyang a dénoncé l'envoi d'un porte-avions par Washington vers la péninsule de Corée et s'est dit prête à riposter ce mardi. Alors que le régime s'apprête à célébrer le 105e anniversaire de sa fondation, les observateurs internationaux redoutent le lancement d'un sixième essai nucléaire.

La Corée du Nord s'est dite prête à «la guerre» ce mardi après l'envoi ce week-end d'un groupe aéronaval américain vers la péninsule de Corée. Washington a en effet, dépêché dimanche le porte-avions USS Carl Vinson et son escadre qui devait initialement faire escale en Australie. » | Par Le et AFP, AP, Reuters Agences | mardi 11 avril 2017

Chechnya Opens World's First Concentration Camp for Homosexuals since Hitler's in the 1930s Where Campaigners Say Gay Men Are Being Tortured with Electric Shocks and Beaten to Death

MAIL ONLINE: Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler / Prisoners reportedly tortured with electric shocks and some beaten to death / One of those who fled said prisoners were beaten to force them to reveal other members of the gay community / Comes after 100 gay men were detained and three killed in Chechyna last week

Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where homosexuals are killed or forced to promise to leave the republic.

One of the camps is reportedly at the former military headquarters in the town of Argun.

Svetlana Zakharova, from the Russian LGBT Network, told MailOnline: 'Gay people have been detained and rounded up and we are working to evacuate people from the camps and some have now left the region.

'Those who have escaped said they are detained in the same room and people are kept altogether, around 30 or 40. They are tortured with electric currents and heavily beaten, sometimes to death.' Read on and comment » | Thomas Burrows for MailOnline | Monday, April 10, 2017

Syria’s Government ‘Coming to an End,’ Tillerson Warns Before Russia Trip

THE NEW YORK TIMES: LUCCA, Italy — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said on Tuesday that the reign of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was “coming to an end” and warned that Russia was at risk of becoming irrelevant in the Middle East by continuing to support him.

Mr. Tillerson, in comments made just before he traveled to Moscow for a high-stakes summit meeting, sought to clear up the United States’ position on Syria while also declaring that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia needed to choose whether to side with Mr. Assad or the West.

Russia can be a part of the discussions “and play an important role,” Mr. Tillerson said at a Group of 7 meeting in Lucca, Italy, or it “can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.” » | Gardiner Harris | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

President Donald Trump To Save Syrian Babies But Cut Meals On Wheels | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid and her panel discuss why Trump is suddenly inspired to intervene in Syria, after not being so moved in recent years, or in his current domestic policy.

US-Russia Tensions: How Is Moscow Likely to Respond to Tillerson's Latest Remarks?

Egypt Church Attacks: "The Target Is to Divide Muslims and Christians"

Monday, April 10, 2017

Four Way Race? Late Surge by Far-left Candidate Mélenchon

Blood Money: The Islamic Practice Turning Businesslike?

The Observers takes a closer look at "Blood Money": paid to spare the lives of those destined for execution, is the traditional practice becoming increasingly businesslike in countries with Islamic law?

Morning Joe: Steve Bannon Is Isolated In The White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: Two Senior White House aides held lengthy meetings at Mar-a-Lago in an attempt to mend a rift that has caused many to speculate a change in White House staff is imminent.

Russia's War of Words after US Missile Strike

Boris Johnson Slapped Down as Syrian Air Strikes Reverberate

Tillerson, on Eve of Russia Trip, Takes Hard Line on Syria

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson is taking a hard line against Russia on the eve of his first diplomatic trip to Moscow, calling the country “incompetent” for allowing Syria to hold on to chemical weapons and accusing Russia of trying to influence elections in Europe using the same methods it employed in the United States.

Mr. Tillerson’s comments, made in interviews aired on Sunday, were far more critical of the Russian government than any public statements by President Trump, who has been an increasingly lonely voice for better ties with Russia. They seemed to reflect Mr. Tillerson’s expectation, which he has expressed privately to aides and members of Congress, that the American relationship with Russia is already reverting to the norm: one of friction, distrust and mutual efforts to undermine each other’s reach. Read on and comment » | David E. Sanger | Sunday, April 9, 2017

US Became Investigator & Judge; This Is a Violation of International Law – Bolivia UN Envoy on Syria Strike

Bolivia envoy slams US missile strike on a Syrian Army airbase after Russia calls for emergency UNSC meeting on the attack.

US Strike Helping ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Enemy US Supposed to Fight against – Ron Paul

The UN security Council is holding an emergency meeting on the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase. To discuss the UN Security Council meeting we're joined by Ron Paul, chairman and founder of The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

‘No Rhyme or Reason to Trump’s Incoherent Policy in Syria’ – Historian to RT

The U.S. says its missile strike was in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack in Idlib province on Tuesday - Damascus has constantly stressed it does not use toxic weapons. However, now just days after President Trump ordered the airfield strikes, his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says participation with the current Syrian government is needed to end the conflict there.

US - What Will Be Donald Trump's Reaction to North Korea Nuclear Missile Tests?

Egypt: Islamic State Group Claims Responsibility for Twin Church Bombings

Le Pen Says France Not Responsible for WWII Roundup of Jews

THE WASHINGTON POST: PARIS — Far-right French presidential contender Marine Le Pen made “a serious mistake” by denying that the French State was responsible for the roundup of Jews in World War II, her main rival said Monday.

Emmanuel Macron, an independent centrist, was among many presidential candidates criticizing Le Pen’s comments Monday.

“Some had forgotten that Marine Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen,” Macron, the front-runner in the April 23-May 7 two-round election, told BFM TV.

Le Pen’s father repeatedly has been convicted for anti-Semitism and racism. » | Associated Press | Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Kevin MacDonald - Neocons to Remove Assad, Trump Buys the MSM Lie

Jihadi Justin Admits It: M103 Is an Islamic Blasphemy Law

Jihadi Justin admits to House of Commons that M103 is entirely about Islamophobia (not the general anti discrimination motion they said it was). Further more in his speech, he makes it clear criticism of Islam will no longer be tolerated.

This man is out of his depth, methinks. – Mark

Justin Trudeau’s Unhinged Islamophobia Rant

Justin Trudeau is happy you opposed M-103, because you’ve exposed your bigotry.

Sen. Rubio on U.S. Strike on Syria Air Base, Removing al-Assad

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio joins "CBS This Morning" from the Capitol to discuss the U.S. military strike on the Syrian Shayrat air base, believed to be the origin of the plane that launched the latest chemical attack on Syrians. Rubio also discusses the risks behind the strike and how President Bashar al-Assad could be ousted.

Marco Rubio doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He has a simplistic solution to an extremely complicated problem. Sorry, Mr. Rubio, you’re wrong! – Mark

Trump Turns On Assad: How Will US Strikes Impact War in Syria? (Parts 1 & 2)

Lavrov to Tillerson: Attack on Syrian Airbase Plays into Extremists' Hands

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stressed there is no evidence of Syria's involvement in the Idlib chemical incident. On Saturday he told his American counterpart that the U.S. strike on the Syrian base had played into the extremists' hands.

Statin Side Effects (Excerpt from Statin Nation)

Statin Nation »

U.S. Attack on Syria Cements Kremlin’s Embrace of Assad

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MOSCOW — If Russia once maintained at least a semblance of distance from President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, it rushed to his defense after the American missile strike ordered by President Trump on Thursday. The attack cemented Moscow more closely than ever to the notorious Syrian autocrat.

Even as the United States condemned Mr. Assad for gassing his own citizens and held Russia partly responsible, given its 2013 promise to rid Syria of chemical weapons, the Kremlin kept denying that Syria had any such capability.

By championing Mr. Assad and condemning American “aggression,” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia seemed to be burying the idea that he could somehow cooperate with the Trump administration to end the conflict on his terms. » | Neil MacFarquhar | Saturday, April 8, 2017

Explosion Rips through Egyptian Church

Multiple people were killed in an explosion as they celebrated Palm Sunday at a Coptic Christian church in Egypt. CNN's Ben Wedeman has more.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Two Explosions Kill at Least 31 at Egyptian Coptic Churches on Palm Sunday »

Forget Islamophobia, Trudeauphobia on the Rise!

From seniors to millennials, from Ontario to B.C Trudeaumania 2.0 has been replaced with Trudeauphobia. No word from the Liberals (yet) on whether they'll introduce a motion banning criticism of the PM.

Syria Crisis: Russia Raises Prospect of War If It Is Given G7 Ultimatum as It Mocks Boris Johnson's No-show

THE TELEGRAPH: Russia has raised the prospect of war with the West as it mocked Boris Johnson for cancelling a trip to Moscow in the wake of the Syrian nerve gas attack.

The Russian Embassy in London posted a series of provocative tweets on its official account in which it suggested that "a conventional war" could be one outcome if the G7 group of nations presents it with an ultimatum later this week.

The Embassy also said it was "deplorable" that Mr Johnson was "unable to stand Western ground" by attending talks with his Russian counterpart.

It came as Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, warned Russia it is responsible for the deaths caused by the Syrian chemical weapons attack "by proxy". » | Gordon Raynor, Political Editor and Kate McCann, Senior Political Correspondent | Sunday, April 9, 2017

US Syria Strike Was Illegal, No Matter Who Carried Out Gas Attack

The US had no right to launch a unilateral attack on Syria Phyllis Bennis tells Paul Jay, and it’s a violation of the UN charter

Interview with Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad - BBC Newsnight

Evan Davis speaks to Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad about the suspected chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun in north-western Syria and the subsequent missile strike against a Syrian air base carried out by the US.

Democrat Lawmaker Who Met with Assad Blasts Trump

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard sparked criticism a few months ago for meeting with Syria leader Assad and now tells Tucker why she believes Trump's airstrikes on Syria were illegal, 'counterproductive' and 'reckless'

Lawmaker Questions Gas Attack Evidence

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) talks about the chemical attack in Syria and the US military strike of a Syrian base with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Wilkerson: Trump Attack on Syria Driven by Domestic Politics

Former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, tells Paul Jay that the Syrian Government may not be responsible for the chemical attack and that Trump's response was a violation of international law

Syrian War Turns into ‘International Armed Conflict’ after US Strike

The Red Cross says the United States' airstrike on the Syrian base has pushed Syria into an “international armed conflict.” It signals a shift for the humanitarian organization, which previously regarded Syria's conflict as an internal civil war. RT got more from Ralph El Hage, who represents the Red Cross Near and Middle East region.

’The Last Word’ with Lawrence O'Donnell | April 7, 2017

Debate on US Strike against Syria

Nine civilians are among the 14 people killed in a U.S. missile bombardment, on a Syrian airbase. President Trump says it was a retaliation for a chemical attack despite providing no evidence.

Putin Slams ‘Trumped Up’ US Strike in Syria | April 8, 2017

Morning Joe: Kuschner, Bannon, and White House Infighting | April 7, 2017

Pamela Geller on Syria Strike: ‘What Is the Objective? Which Al-Qaeda Satellite Are We Partnering With?’

Read the Breitbart article here

Sandra Solomon Moment: What Islam Taught Me about the Jews

Poll: Why Is Trump Really Bombing Syria?

O'Reilly's Show Mysteriously Ends Early

Trump Fires Warning Shot in Battle Between Bannon and Kushner

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — As he grappled on Thursday with his first major decision involving military action, a fed-up and frustrated President Trump turned to his two top aides and told them he had had enough of their incessant knife-fights in the media.

“Work this out,” Mr. Trump said, according to two people briefed on the exchange. The admonition was aimed at Stephen K. Bannon, the tempestuous chief strategist, and Reince Priebus, the mild-mannered chief of staff, over a series of dust-ups with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, and the top economic adviser, Gary D. Cohn.

But they may not be able to. » | Jeremy W. Peters and Maggie Haberman | Friday, April 7, 2017

Donald Trump 'Considering Sacking Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus' as Simmering West Wing Feud Engulfs White House

THE TELEGRAPH: Donald Trump is considering a major shake-up of his top team, with both Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus reportedly facing "reassignment" amid intense infighting at the White House.

The US president is said to be determined to end the simmering feud within the West Wing that pits Mr Bannon and his allies against Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump.

The relationship between the far-Right former media executive and the president's son-in-law has deteriorated to the point of "breakdown", sources say. » | Barney Henderson, New York | Saturday, April 8, 2017

Friday, April 07, 2017

Peace Advocates: If Trump Wanted To Help Syrians, He Would Lift Refugee Ban & Fund Humanitarian Aid

We continue our roundtable discussion on Syria after the United States carried out a missile attack on a Syrian airfield, saying it was a response to a chemical weapons attack that killed 86 people, including at least 30 children. Syria denies carrying out the attack. "Both these superpowers … do not give a damn about Syrian self-determination nor justice for Syrians," says Yazan al-Saadi, a Syrian-Canadian writer who joins us from Beirut. "We do want something that will be positive for the Syrian people," adds Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CodePink. "That means immediately lifting of the Trump ban on Syrian refugees coming to the United States, of funding of the $5 billion that the U.N. says is desperately needed to help the humanitarian crisis facing the Syrian refugees, and demand that the U.S. work with Russia to finally come to a ceasefire and work for a political solution." We are also joined by Alia Malek, journalist and former human rights lawyer, and Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Russia Condemns US Strikes on Syria as a 'Violation of International Law'

‘Why Would Assad Attack Civilians Not Military? It’s Simply Irrational’ – U.S. Senator

More than 80 people were killed in the incident in Syria, but a few weeks ago in the Iraqi city of Mosul, a U.S.-led coalition airstrike reportedly killed more than 200. In both cases government officials claimed terrorist munitions had been targeted. The Syria attack sparked immediate reaction - both in the media and from Western officials.

US Bombs Syria! The War Machine Hums On Under Trump!

Putin Believes US Attack On Syria Violates International Law - Kremlin

President Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

Dozens of U.S. Missiles Hit Air Base in Syria

President Trump spoke after the United States carried out a missile attack in Syria on Thursday in response to the Syrian government's deadly chemical weapons attack.

Read the New York Times article here

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Is Russia Clamping Down On Jehovah's Witnesses?

BBC: Russia's Supreme Court has begun hearing a government request to outlaw the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation.

The justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of extremist groups. (+BBC video) » | Thursday, April 6, 2017