Showing posts with label synagogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label synagogue. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2012

Monday, October 03, 2011

With Gadhafi Gone, Jewish Residents Reclaim Long-shut Synagogue

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: David Gerbi is a 56-year-old psychoanalyst from Italy, but to Libyan rebels he was the “revolutionary Jew.” He returned to his homeland after 44 years in exile to help oust Colonel Moammar Gadhafi, and to take on what may be an even more challenging mission.

That job began Sunday, when he took a sledgehammer to a concrete wall. Behind it, the door to Tripoli’s crumbling main synagogue, unused since Col. Gadhafi expelled Libya’s small Jewish community early in his decades-long rule.

Mr. Gerbi knocked down the wall, said a prayer and cried.

“What Gadhafi tried to do is to eliminate the memory of us,” said Mr. Gerbi, whose family fled to Italy when he was 12. “I want to give a chance to the Jewish of Libya to come back.”

The Star of David is still visible inside and outside the peach-coloured Dar al-Bishi synagogue in Tripoli’s walled Old City. An empty ark remains where Torah scrolls were once kept. But graffiti is painted on the walls, and the floor and upper chambers are covered in plastic water bottles, clothes, mattresses, drug paraphernalia and pigeon carcasses.

He and a team of helpers carted in brooms, rakes and buckets to prepare to clean it out. » | Kim Gamel | Sunday, October 02, 2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Tunisia Synagogue Set Alight by Arsonists Overnight

HAARETZ: Mainly Muslim Tunisia has one of the largest Jewish communities in North Africa, but attacks are rare.

A synagogue was set on fire by arsonists in the Tunisian city of Ghabes overnight, a spokesman for the Jewish community said on Tuesday.

"I condemn this action and I believe those who did it want to create divisions between Jews and Muslims in Tunisia who have lived for decades in peace," Peres Trabelsi told Reuters. >>> Reuters | Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Monday, November 01, 2010

Brandanschlag auf Synagoge in Mainz

NZZ ONLINE: Unbekannte haben in der Nacht zum Sonntag nahe der neuen jüdischen Synagoge in Mainz einen Brandsatz gezündet. Wie die Polizei am Sonntag mitteilte, handelte es sich offenbar um eine Art Molotowcocktail.

Der rheinland-pfälzische Innenminister Karl Peter Bruch (SPD) verurteilte den mutmasslichen Anschlag als «verabscheuungswürdigen Akt». Zeugen hatten Polizeiangaben zufolge eine Stichflamme in unmittelbarer Nähe der Synagoge beobachtet. >>> sda/ddp | Montag, 01. November 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Explosive Devices 'Intended for Chicago Synagogues'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: An international terrorist alert over an al-Qaeda parcel bomb plot has been triggered following the discovery of a package containing explosive material at a British airport.

The plot – described as a “credible threat” originating in Yemen - was uncovered by MI6 after a tip-off to one of its officers based in the Middle East.

On Friday night, airports in the United States were on high alert after parcels containing explosive material, and addressed to synagogues in Chicago, were discovered on cargo aircraft at East Midlands airport and in Dubai. >>> Richard Edwards, Duncan Gardham and Gordon Rayner | Saturday, October 30, 2010

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Cargo plane bomb plot: Yemen doubts its link to the plot: The government of Yemen has expressed astonishment at the cargo plane bomb plots, claiming there were no UPS cargo planes that had taken off from Yemen >>> | Saturday, October 30, 2010

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Cargo plane plot: Anwar al-Awlaki profile: Anwar al-Awlaki, the senior al-Qaeda figure linked to the East Midlands Airport cargo plane bomb plot, is rapidly becoming enemy number one for British intelligence organisations. >>> Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent | Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Terror Alert: Suspicious Devices 'Dry Run' for Terror Campaign Against US Synagogues

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A series of suspicious packages found in Britain and Dubai could have been part of a “dry run” by al-Qaeda for a mail bomb plot in the United States, authorities believe.

The packages were found on an American-registered cargo plane at East Midlands airport in England, en route from Yemen to Chicago, via Cologne in Germany, and on aircraft in Dubai which had also come from Yemen.

"We know that these packages originated in Yemen and we are looking into potential links to terrorism," said one U.S. official.

It was claimed the devices were destined for synagogues in Chicago. Jewish organisations and synagogues in Britain said they were already on high alert. >>> Andrew Hough, and Peter Hutchison | Friday, October 29, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Newt Gingrich: We Will Build a Mosque When You Open a Church and Synagogue in Mecca

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Le pape Benoît XVI en visite à la synagogue de Rome

LE MONDE: Vingt-quatre ans après la visite historique qu'y avait effectuée son prédécesseur Jean Paul II, le pape Benoît XVI doit se rendre, dimanche 17 janvier, à la synagogue de Rome. La visite, prévue de longue date, intervient un mois après que Benoît XVI eut, une nouvelle fois, soulevé la colère d'une partie de la communauté juive mondiale en proclamant, le 19 décembre, les "vertus héroïques" du pape Pie XII. Cette étape a ouvert la voie à la possible béatification de ce pape controversé pour son attitude envers les juifs durant la seconde guerre mondiale.

La relance du processus de béatification, qui avait pris de court le monde catholique, avait été suspendue afin de ne pas envenimer les relations entre le Vatican et le monde juif mises à mal en janvier 2009 par la levée de l'excommunication d'un évêque négationniste, Richard Williamson. L'annonce de décembre a durant quelques jours laissé planer le doute sur la venue du pape à la synagogue. Le président des rabbins italiens a décidé de boycotter l'événement.

"Nous devons dire à la communauté juive ce que Pie XII a fait en faveur des juifs pendant la seconde guerre mondiale et qui n'est pas assez connu", a de son côté défendu le cardinal Walter Kasper, chargé au Vatican des relations avec les juifs. "Pie XII a suivi la volonté de Dieu telle qu'il la comprenait à cette époque, nous ne pouvons le juger avec la mentalité d'aujourd'hui." >>> Stéphanie Le Bars | Samedi 16 Janvier 2010

Jewish Leaders Confront Pope Over Vatican's Holocaust 'Silence'

THE TELEGRAPH: A Jewish leader told the Pope on Sunday that his controversial wartime predecessor, Pius XII, should have protested more forcefully against Jews being sent to the "ovens of Auschwitz".

Pius's "silence" at a time when hundreds of thousands of Jews were being rounded up across Europe and despatched to death camps was still hurtful, Riccardo Pacifici, the president of Rome's Jewish community, said as Pope Benedict XVI visited the city's synagogue for the first time.

The criticism was one of the bluntest comments made in public by a Jewish leader to a pope.

"The silence of Pius XII before the Shoah (Holocaust) still hurts because something should have been done," Mr Pacifici told the pontiff during an address to the synagogue, which lies in an area of central Rome still known as the Ghetto, where Jews were confined for centuries on the orders of the Vatican.

"Maybe it would not have stopped the death trains, but it would have sent a signal, a word of extreme comfort, of human solidarity, towards those brothers of ours transported to the ovens of Auschwitz," he said.

The Vatican had hoped that the synagogue visit would rebuild bridges with the Jewish world, after the German-born Benedict dismayed Jews by rehabilitating a Holocaust-denying British renegade bishop a year ago, and by advancing Pius further along the path to sainthood by recognising his "heroic virtues" last month.

The fact that Benedict is German and served during the war in the Hitler Youth – albeit against his will – makes Jewish sensitivities all the more acute.

The Vatican claims that Pius, who was Pope from 1939 to 1958, worked behind the scenes to save Jews and allowed thousands of refugees to hide in church institutions.

The Roman Catholic Church insists that he feared that criticising Hitler more strongly would have provoked even more severe persecution of the Jews. >>> Nick Squires in Rome | Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New York Police: Suspects Aimed for 'Jihad' in Synagogue Bomb Plot

HAARETZ: Four men arrested after planting what they thought were explosives near two synagogues and plotting to shoot down a military plane were bent on carrying out "jihad," a holy war, against America, authorities said Thursday.

The suspects were arrested Wednesday night, shortly after placing a 17-kilogram device they thought was an explosive in the trunk of a car outside the Riverdale Temple and two mock bombs in the backseat of a car outside the Riverdale Jewish Center, another synagogue a few blocks away, authorities said.

Police blocked their escape with an 18-wheel truck, smashing their tinted SUV windows and apprehending the unarmed suspects.

At a news conference outside the Riverdale Temple in the Bronx, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly quoted one of the men as saying, "If Jews were killed in this attack ... that would be all right." >>> By News Agencies | Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Geert Wilders Applauded at Florida Synagogue

ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL): ADL Condemns Anti-Islam Remarks Made by Dutch Parliamentarian During Appearances in S. Florida

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemns remarks made over the last few days at various appearances throughout South Florida by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders. In his speeches, he claimed that "Islam is not a religion" and "the right to religious freedom should not apply to this totalitarian ideology called Islam." Mr. Wilders also stated that the Koran is a book of hatred, and that Mohammed was both "a pedophile and a warlord."

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director, issued the following statement:
The ADL strongly condemns Geert Wilders' message of hate against Islam as inflammatory, divisive and antithetical to American democratic ideals.

This rhetoric is dangerous and incendiary, and wrongly focuses on Islam as a religion, as opposed to the very real threat of extremist, radical Islamists.
[Source: ADL] | Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Synagogue Desecrated in Venezuela

Watch silent video: Cameras capture the extent of the damage to the ransacked synagogue in Venezuela >>>

BBC: An armed gang has ransacked the oldest Jewish synagogue in the Venezuelan capital Caracas after occupying the building for several hours.

About 15 unidentified men broke into the building before daubing graffiti on the walls and desecrating scriptures.

They also called for Jewish people to be expelled from the country.

Jewish leaders say tensions have risen since Venezuela broke diplomatic relations with Israel this month over its recent military offensive in Gaza.

Elias Farache, president of Venezuela's Jewish Association, said the gang had tied and gagged security guards before destroying offices and the place where holy books were kept.

Anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli slogans were painted on the walls.

"Never in the history of Venezuela's Jewish community have we been the target of such an aggression," said Mr Farache.

"The climate is very tense. We feel threatened, intimidated, attacked." >>> | Sunday, February 1, 2009

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Jewish Youths Jailed for Neo-Nazi Attacks in Israel

THE GUARDIAN: A gang of Jewish teenagers were today jailed by an Israeli court for a 12-month campaign of neo-Nazi attacks.

The sentencing in Tel Aviv, which comes over a year after the arrest of the eight youths, closed a case that has sparked revulsion across the Jewish state.

The judge, Zvi Gurfinkel, sentenced the teens, aged 16 to 19, to between one and seven years in prison for a "shocking and horrifying" year-long spree of attacks that focused on foreign workers, gay people, ultra-orthodox Jews and homeless men.

The ring posted pro-Hitler video clips and recordings of their attacks on the internet. Its members also planned to attack Arabs.

They were arrested in September 2007 and reports said that searches of their homes unearthed Nazi uniforms, knives, guns and the explosive TNT.

Gang members had tattoos popular with white supremacists – including the number 88, code for "heil Hitler", H being the eighth letter of the alphabet.

The charges against them included painting swastikas in a synagogue and planning a birthday party for Hitler.

They were charged with offences including conspiracy to commit a crime, assault, racial incitement and the distribution of racist materials. >>> Angela Balakrishnan and agencies | November 24, 2008

LE FIGARO: De jeunes néonazis condamnés en Israël

Huit jeunes, dont trois mineurs, ont écopé de peines de un à sept ans pour avoir commis des actes racistes et violents contre des immigrés, des homosexuels et des juifs religieux.

L'un d'eux est le petit-fils de rescapés de la Shoah. Dimanche, huit jeunes tous originaires de l'ex-URSS ont été condamnés par le tribunal de district de Tel-Aviv à des peines de un an à sept ans de prison ferme pour «activité néo-nazie» en Israël.

Les membres de ce groupe, qui ont plaidé coupable, étaient jugés pour une série de délits racistes et des actes de violences commis entre 2005 et 2007. Leurs victimes, qui se compteraient par douzaines, étaient des travailleurs immigrés d'origine asiatique, des drogués, des SDF, des homosexuels, mais aussi des juifs ultra-orthodoxes.

Le groupe, qui se faisait appeler «Patrouille 36» et avait pour emblème un crâne, a également été reconnu coupable d'avoir projeté d'agresser des groupes punk à l'aide d'explosifs et d'avoir profané la synagogue Petah Tikva, dans la banlieue de Tel-Aviv, en dessinant des croix gammées sur ses murs. >>> J.C. ( avec AFP | 24.11.2008

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neo-Nazis, Israel,

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gay Wedding Held in Australian Synagogue

JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY: A same-sex commitment ceremony was held in a synagogue in Sydney, an Australian first. 

Scott Whitmont, 47, and Christopher Whitmont-Stein, 38, stood under a chupah at the Emanuel Synagogue Sunday in front of about 75 guests. 

The pair, who had a secular commitment ceremony six years ago, exchanged rings, smashed a glass and walked around each other 3 1/2 times. 

The celebration follows a decision in May 2007 by the Council of Progressive Rabbis of Asia, Australia and New Zealand to allow its rabbis to officiate at same-sex commitment ceremonies. 

Whitmont-Stein, a registered nurse, converted at Emanuel Synagogue in 2002 under the guidance of Rabbi Jeffery Kamins, who also officiated at Sunday’s ceremony. 

“We wanted to be recognized by our community and officiated by our rabbi -- that was important to us,” he told the Sydney Star Observer, a gay newspaper. “We didn’t set out to be poster boys for gay Jewish marriage.” 

In a recent letter to congregants, Kamins defended his decision.

“Contemporary knowledge from biology, psychology and other fields has led to a far deeper understanding of human sexuality," he wrote. "Gay or lesbian relationships are not ‘deviant,’ but part of human behavior.” 

Kamins noted that Orthodox Judaism would not endorse the violation of Shabbat, “but neither would it shun a person who drove on Shabbat."

Dayenu, a gay and lesbian Jewish group, held a Shabbat dinner Friday night in honor of the couple. 

It is still illegal for homosexual couples to marry under Australian law. [Source: JTA] | September 21, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Australia) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Australia) >>>