Showing posts with label Ramadan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramadan. Show all posts

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Pregnant Women Fasting for Ramadan Risk Damage to Their Babies

NEW ZEALAND HERALD: Pregnant Muslim women who fast during Ramadan are likely to have smaller babies who will be more prone to learning disabilities in adulthood, according to new research.

Scientists in the United States also found that the women were 10 per cent less likely to give birth to a boy if they had fasted during Ramadan.

The trend was clearest if the fasting was done early in the women's pregnancy, and during the summer months, when long hours of daylight called for them to go longer without food. >>> Sarah Cassidy and Jerome Taylor | Friday, June 25, 2010

WHEN IS: Ramadan in 2010 will start on Wednesday, the 11th of August and will continue for 30 days until Thursday, the 9th of September.

Based on sightability in North America, in 2010 Ramadan will start in North America a day later - on Thursday, the 12th of August. >>>

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ramadan? No School Day

DAILY EXPRESS: PARENTS and headteachers are furious after schools were given permission to shut for Ramadan and other non-Christian holidays in the name of multiculturalism. >>> | Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dhimmitude Alert! Don’t Eat Near Ramadan Fasters, Home Office Staff Told

MAIL ONLINE: Home Office staff were officially warned not to eat in front of their fasting Muslim colleagues during Ramadan – in case it made them feel hungry.

The advice came in a taxpayer-funded internal document listing do’s and don’ts during the Muslim holy month, which ends this weekend.

But the guide is now at the centre of a row with Islamic groups who said it was more likely to incite hatred of Muslims than promote understanding.

The Home Office Islamic Network produced the five-page information sheet which says: ‘In practical terms, please be sensitive when eating lunch near a Muslim colleague who is fasting.

This can make an individual feel hungrier and make it more challenging to observe the fast. >>> Jason Lewis | Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In Malay-Muslim Heartland, Caning Wins Support

REUTERS: KOTA BHARU, Malaysia - The end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan this weekend could see Islamic authorities in Malaysia carry out the country's first caning sentence on a woman, a punishment that is fast gaining support.

Although the penalty has been condemned by rights groups and is being reviewed by an Islamic appeal court, it is endorsed by conservative Muslims whose influence is on the rise in this multi-racial, Southeast Asian country of 27 million people.

Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 32, was caught drinking beer in a hotel and faces six strokes of the cane.

There are concerns the caning could damage Malaysia's image at a time when it is liberalizing its economy to attract more foreign investment. But for many people in Kelantan, a poor rural state, it is more important to see justice done.

"Her punishment is not severe, it will educate people. It will be a good lesson especially after Ramadan," said Runaidah Abdul Hamid, a housewife, as she bought vegetables to prepare for the breaking of the fast during Ramadan.

"Kartika will become more Muslim," said Rahayu Nizam Nawi, a vegetable seller in northern Kelantan's capital, Khota Bharu.
Kartika said she accepts the six strokes of the cane and has called for the sentence despite moves by the government, including Prime Minister Najib Razak, to review the punishment.

Malaysia practices a dual-track legal system, with Islamic criminal and family laws applicable only to Muslims, running alongside civil laws. If Kartika is caned, she will be fully clothed. "CITY OF ISLAM" >>> Niluksi Koswanage and Razak Ahmad, Editing by David Chance and Jonathon Burch | Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

CIA Director Announces Visit to Dearborn, Mich.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE: DEARBORN, Mich. - A planned visit by CIA Director Leon Panetta to a Detroit suburb with one of the nation's largest Arab populations is drawing criticism.

Panetta announced Tuesday he will attend an invitation-only dinner and speech with 150 leaders of the Arab and Muslim communities in Dearborn on Sept. 16.

But Dawud Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, tells The Detroit News officials chose "entirely wrong night" because it's the 27th night of Ramadan. He said that's when many devout Muslims and imams spend the entire night worshipping in the mosque.

Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Dearborn, said he and other community leaders should take the blame, not the CIA. [Source: Chicago Tribune] Associated Press | Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Monday, September 07, 2009

Halal Ads Hit French TV

Halal butchery and poultry shelves in a supermarket in Illzach, France, on the eve of the beginning of Ramadan. Photo: TIME

TIME: A pack of shoppers swarm supermarket shelves, cheerfully snapping up packages of prepared lasagna, ravioli and paella as they sing the products' praises. Sounds just like a normal evening TV ad. And it is, only this one features ethnic-Arab actors in a commercial for halal food in France. A first in its own right, the ad is already a remarkable sight on French TV. But even more surprising is the reaction it's gotten — or, rather, hasn't gotten. In a country that's usually quick to burst into outrage over the spread of Islam into secular society, these halal-food ads have been playing without a peep from the public.

The ad campaign by Panzani-owned, Lyon-based food brand Zakia Halal is the first ever mass-market promotion of halal food to France's estimated 5 million Muslims. The TV spots kicked off on Aug. 17 to coincide with the start of the holy month of Ramadan and have been running on most of France's largest television channels since. The $430,000 campaign will be put on pause Sept. 2, then resumed as Ramadan comes to an end later this month and the feast of Eid el-Fitr approaches. Thus far, the spots have gotten a mostly supportive reaction from Muslim shoppers and the French media, with the daily Le Parisien trumpeting "Halal Takes a Spot on TV."

What's astounding is how long it took for any of France's numerous makers of halal food products to embrace this kind of mass marketing. Studies done by ethnic-marketing consultancy Solis Conseil in Paris estimate that French Muslims currently purchase about $5.7 billion worth of specialized foodstuffs and related products — a market that's been increasing nearly 15% annually for almost a decade. Solis has also found that nearly 94% of all Muslims in France with North African roots — by far the largest group of Muslims in the country — buy exclusively halal food. A recent poll by the Ifop agency found that 70% of Muslims in France are observing Ramadan this year — leaving little doubt as to the thinking behind the timing of Zakia Halal's groundbreaking ad campaign.

"Even though people have to fast during the day, Muslims tend to eat more — and better — when they can eat during Ramadan, which is why it is traditionally a period of peak consumer activity," explains Abbas Bendali, director of Solis Conseil. "Zakia's timing makes good sense because people tend to be short on time during Ramadan and will use prepared dishes along with fresh food for meals. And when you consider the size and value of this demographic, using mass-market methods to promote halal products becomes logical too." But it's also potentially inflammatory, given the tendency of the French to view overt manifestations of Islamic faith as a threat to the nation's tradition of secularity. >>> Bruce Crumley, Paris | Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Unadulterated Dhimmitude! Boris Johnson Calls for a Day of Fasting to 'Help Understand Muslims'

You fast if you want to; this gentleman’s not for fasting! – Mark

MAIL ONLINE: London Mayor Boris Johnson today encouraged people to undergo a day of fasting to help them gain a better understanding of their 'Muslim neighbour'.

Speaking during a visit to the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre he said Muslims in the capital were 'challenging traditional stereotypes' to show they wanted to be part of the mainstream.

Mr Johnson's visit coincided with the holy period of Ramadan in which participating Muslims fast from dawn until sunset.

He said: 'Whether it's in theatre, comedy, sports, music or politics, Muslims are challenging the traditional stereotypes and showing that they are, and want to be, a part of the mainstream community.

'That's why I urge people, particularly during Ramadan, to find out more about Islam, increase your understanding and learning, even fast for a day with your Muslim neighbour and break your fast at the local mosque.

'I would be very surprised if you didn't find that you share more in common than you thought.'

He added: 'Muslims are at the heart of every aspect of society. Their contribution is something that all Londoners benefit from.

'Muslim police officers, doctors, scientists and teachers are an essential part of the fabric of London.

'Islamic finance is contributing to the economy by changing the way Londoners invest, save, borrow and spend. >>> | Friday, September 04, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Obama: "Islam ist Teil von Amerika"

Ja wirklich! Islam ist Teil von Amerika genau so sehr als Christentum Teil von Saudi Arabien ist!

Offensichtlich, versucht Barack Hussein Obama die Religion seines Vaters an die Amerikaner aufzudrängen.

So eine Art Politik zu treiben, so eine Verfälschung der Geschichte absichtlich zu schildern, so eine Lüge zu verbreiten!

Mit so einem Mann am Steuer des mächtigsten Landes der Welt kann man für die Zukünft nur schwarz sehen! Und zu sagen, daß der Islam bedeutet Gerechtigkeit und Fortschritt ist nichts Anders als lächerlich.
– © Mark

DIE PRESSE: US-Präsident Obama würdigt bei einem Abendessen anlässlich des Fastenmonats Ramadan den Beitrag von Muslimen zur US-Gesellschaft. Der Islam stehe für Gerechtigkeit und Fortschritt. Er sei eine "große Religion".

US-Präsident Barack Obama hat den Beitrag von Muslimen zur amerikanischen Gesellschaft gewürdigt. Bei einem Abendessen am Dienstagabend anlässlich des muslimischen Fastenmonats Ramadan bezeichnete er den Islam als "große Religion" und sprach von dessen "Engagement für Gerechtigkeit und Fortschritt".

An dem Dinner nahmen neben Kabinetts- und Kongressmitgliedern auch mehrere Vertreter muslimischer Organisationen der USA teil. Obama sagte, der Islam sei ein "Teil von Amerika", schreibt die "Washington Post". Bereits Obamas Vorgänger George W. Bush hatte ein Iftar veranstaltet, ein Abendessen zum Fastenbrechen. >>> Ag./phu | Mittwoch, 02. September 2009

Obama Hosts Dinner for Islamic Holy Month

THE WASHINGTON POST: WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama has praised the contributions of American Muslims at a dinner to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Obama joined Cabinet secretaries, ambassadors and members of Congress to pay tribute to what he called "a great religion and its commitment to justice and progress."

The president also welcomed American Muslim community leaders to the event in the State Dining Room.

Obama said Islam is "part of America." He said the American Muslim community is diverse, like the broader citizenry of the United States. >>> Ann Sanner, The Associated Press | Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Street Dawa (August 21, 2009)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Hat tip: Islam in Action >>>

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nato-Chef Rasmussen lobt in der Türkei das Fasten

WELT ONLINE: Wenn Nato-Generalsekretär Anders Fogh Rasmussen in die Türkei kommt, ruhen die Augen der Gläubigen auf ihm und erwarten Verbeugungen in Richtung Islam. Bei seinem Besuch lobte jetzt der Däne die Vorzüge des Fastens – entschuldigte sich aber nicht nach dem Streit um die Mohammed-Karikaturen.

Einst hatte sich Anders Fogh Rasmussen gegen den türkischen EU-Beitritt ausgesprochen, und es abgelehnt, sich in der aufgeregten Debatte um die Mohammed-Karikaturen 2006 für Dänemark zu entschuldigen, oder gegen die dänischen Karikaturisten oder Medien vorzugehen, die Karikaturen des Propheten Mohammed veröffentlicht hatten.

Aus all diesen Gründen hatte die Türkei sich zunächst gegen seine Ernennung zum Nato-Generalsekretär ausgesprochen und erst zugestimmt, als unter anderem angeblich ein Versprechen gegeben worden war, Rasmussen werde sich in irgendeiner Weise entschuldigen und um eine Verbesserung der Beziehungen der Nato zur islamischen Welt bemüht sein.

Eine Entschuldigung hat er bislang nicht geboten, aber an Gebärden des Entgegenkommens mangelte es nicht, als er am Donnerstag für zwei Tage nach Ankara kam. Zurzeit ist Ramadan, und er nahm an einem abendlichen Fastenbrechen der islamisch geprägten Regierungspartei AKP teil. Er hielt dabei eine Rede, von der einige Zeitungen festhielten, er habe sich über die Vorzüge des Fastens geäußert, und von seinem großen Respekt für den Islam gesprochen, den er „eine der größten Religionen der Welt” nannte. Von Ministerpräsident Erdogan musste er sich ein Zitat des islamischen Mystikers Mevlana aus dem 13. Jahrhundert anhören, in dem fast Zweifel an der Ehrlichkeit des Nato-Chefs anklangen: „Zeig Dich wie Du bist, oder sei wie Du dich zeigst”. >>> Von Boris Kalnoky | Freitag, 28. August 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nokia étoffe ses applications pour le Ramadan

L’ Avec son éventail d'applications dédiées disponibles sur l'OVI Store, Nokia s'associe de façon fort opportune à un des plus grands rendez-vous de l'Islam.

Le mois du Ramadan, un des moments les plus importants pour la communauté musulmane, commence ce vendredi. Très normé, cet événement est organisé selon des critères très précis. Ce qui a donné des idées à Nokia.

Ainsi, depuis 2008, le numéro un mondial du mobile a développé une série d'applications mobiles gratuites destinées aux fidèles. Cette année, le finlandais annonce de nouveaux services directement accessibles depuis son OVI Store, sa boutique d'applications en ligne.


"L'année dernière plus de 2,4 millions d'applications pour le ramadan ont été téléchargées. Et sur la base des commentaires et remarques que nous avons reçus des utilisateurs de Nokia, nous avons encore amélioré l'offre de cette année pour inclure de nouvelles applications ainsi que des mises à jour de certaines fonctions existantes.", [sic] a déclaré Eddy Rizk, Dirécteur Général de Nokia pour l'Afrique du Nord.

Au programme de ces applications : le Saint Coran, les horaires des prières, les dires du prophète (hadith), une calculatrice de la Zakat (l'aumône, le 3e pilier de l'Islam, NDLR), Mouddakir, un guide mobile des lieux les plus célèbres que les gens peuvent visiter pendant Haj et Omra et Cartes. >>> Par | Jeudi 20 Août 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

President Obama Gives Ramadan Message

Ramadan Kareem

THE WHITE HOUSE: As the new crescent moon ushers in Ramadan, the President extends his best wishes to Muslim communities in the United States and around the world.
Each Ramadan, the ninth month on the lunar calendar, Muslims fast daily from dawn to sunset for 29 or 30 days. Fasting is a tradition in many religious faiths and is meant to increase spirituality, discipline, thankfulness, and consciousness of God's mercy. Ramadan is also a time of giving and reaching out to those less fortunate, and this summer, American Muslims have joined their fellow citizens in serving communities across the country.

Over the course of the month, we will highlight the perspectives of various faiths on fasting and profile faith-based organizations making real impacts in American cities and towns.

This month is also a time of renewal and this marks the first Ramadan since the President outlined his vision for a new beginning between America and the Muslim world. As a part of that new beginning, the President emphasizes that our relationship with Muslim communities cannot be based on political and security concerns alone. True partnerships also require cooperation in all areas – particularly those that can make a positive difference in peoples’ daily lives, including education, science and technology, health, and entrepreneurship - fields in which Muslim communities have helped play a pioneering role throughout history.

The President's message is part of an on-going dialogue with Muslim communities that began on inauguration day and has continued with his statement on Nowruz, during trips to Ankara and Cairo, and with interviews with media outlets such as Al Arabiya and Dawn TV.

As this dialogue continues and leads to concrete actions, the President extends his greetings on behalf of the American people. Ramadan Kareem. [Source: The White House]


اللغة العربية

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Divisions within French Islam Deepen at Ramadan

FRANCE 24: As the month of Ramadan came to an end, FRANCE 24 went behind the scenes at French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) and witnessed the divisions within French Islam.

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan has just ended and our reporter, James André, has been breaking the fast with Muslims around the country. What he found was a fight for influence among preachers sent to France by rival countries. In 2002, French President Nicolas Sarkozy - interior minister at the time - created a governing body for Islam in France, the CFCM. It was intended to be the face and voice of the country's Muslim community. But who should run it? Moroccan-born Muslims? Algerian-born Muslims? Both countries are widely represented within the French Muslim community. They've been vying for the top spot and, six years on, there is an ongoing turf war.

The town of Evry, on the outskirts of Paris, is home to France's biggest mosque. Every evening during the month of Ramadan, thousands of faithful gather here to pray before breaking the fast. The crowds are so large the mosque had to call in two extra imams from Morocco. The rector of the mosque explains that an agreement was signed with France's Interior Ministry to allow Morocco to officially send imams to meet France's mosques' needs. One hundred and fifty preachers have been sent to France for Ramadan. One of them was hand-picked by the Religious Affairs Ministry. A graduate of one of Morocco's top Koranic schools, he belongs to the elite of his country's religious establishment. His mission is clear: to ward off extremist influences. 

After his sermon, the faithful have differing opinions. One of them approves: "It's a very good idea. Even the Imams who come from the Gulf are very well versed in religion. We'd like to see more initiatives like this one." But another had trouble understanding the speech: "Some of the faithful here come from Asia, or from Africa, and they have a hard time understanding Arabic, or don't understand it at all. So we'd like to have imams who speak French." Divisions within French Islam Deepen at Ramadan >>> | October 3, 2008

Please don’t forget to watch the video, which, unfortunately, I cannot embed.

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Relié) >>>

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Why Do We Have to Put Up with This Vomit-Inducing Nonsense from Gordon Brown and David Miliband? Their Ramadan Message to Muslims: Lies, Lies, and More Damn Lies!

PAKISTAN TIMES: LONDON (UK): The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in his Ramazan message has spoken of the huge contribution the Muslim community is making to Britain’s success in terms of its prosperity, society and culture. 

“Ramadan teaches patience and humility, and reminds us of our shared moral universe; our obligation to others,” he said. 

Emphasising the importance of the holy month, Brown said the message of empathy for the less fortunate is reflected in Ramazan by the daily fast. 

“Ramadan’s message of compassion and social justice spreads beyond Muslim communities; it speaks of shared values that unite us all,” he added. 

Recalling the hadith of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), he said it emphasised the duty of care we owe one another and this special month is also the occasion to celebrate the diversity that contributes to Britain ‘s strength. 

The Prime Minister pointed out Ramazan is an opportune time to consider the contribution of Islam not just to Britain , but to the world as the Islamic art, science, and philosophy have enriched our lives over many centuries. 

He said Ramazan is also a time to recall the holy Prophet’s message that “the best richness is the richness of the soul,” while stressing to look forward to continuing positive engagement with British Muslim communities across the UK. Muslims Making a Huge Contribution to Britain’s Success: Brown >>> By Raza Mumtaz 'Pakistan Times' Executive Editor/UK Bureau Chief | September 5, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gay Festival During Ramadan Angers Bosnia Muslims

REUTERS: SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Plans to hold Bosnia's first gay festival during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan were denounced by the Muslim community on Thursday as an affront to religious feelings.

As in most of the Balkans, there is little tolerance for homosexuality in Bosnia, where for many it remains a taboo.

"Such an event dangerously threatens our religious feelings. It is not appropriate to hold it during the Ramadan," said Ezher Beganovic, a journalist with the Islamic magazine Saff.

Beganovic has spearheaded a debate about next month's four-day festival. He said in an article this week that the "festival of homosexuality", which is regarded as a sin and disease in Islam, could cloud the holy month of Ramadan and promt angry reactions from believers.

Organisers said the festival was planned a year ago without aiming to provoke.

"This is the festival of arts and culture and there are many believers in our population as well," said Svetlana Djurkovic, who heads the "Q Association" promoting the rights of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual population.

"It coincided with Ramadan unintentionally."

Sarajevo, a symbol of multi-ethnic co-existence and tolerance before the 1992-95 Bosnian war, is now predominantly Muslim. Gay Festival During Ramadan Angers Bosnia Muslims >>> | August 29, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>

Friday, August 29, 2008

Islam in the UK: Ramadan Strictures Imposed on All Tower Hamlet Councillors!

THISISLONDON: Councillors have been ordered not to eat during town hall meetings while Muslim colleagues fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

All elected members at Left-wing Tower Hamlets Council in East London have been sent an email asking them to follow strict Islamic fasting during September no matter what their faith.

As well as restricting food and drink until after sunset, the authority's leaders have decided to reduce the number of meetings throughout the month so they do not clash with the requirements of Ramadan. Muslim Council Chiefs Ban ‘Tea and Sandwiches’ in Meetings for Ramadan >>> | August 29, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>

Friday, July 18, 2008

Morocco Sends Moderate Muslim Preachers to Europe

YAHOO! NEWS: RABAT, Morocco - Morocco plans to send scores of moderate Muslim preachers to Europe during the holy month of Ramadan to help fight extremism in the Moroccan community abroad, the ministry for religious affairs said Thursday.

The government will send 167 men and nine women preachers to address Moroccan immigrants during Ramadan, which runs during September this year. Muslims traditionally fast and attend sermons at mosques during the holy month.

The preachers are instructed to "answer the religious needs of the Moroccan community abroad, to protect it from any speeches of extremism or irregular nature, and to shelter it from extremism and fanaticism," said a statement from the religious affairs ministry in Rabat, the Moroccan capital.

Abdellatif Begdouri Achkari, the religious affairs minister's chief of staff, said Morocco has been sending preachers to minister to expatriates for many years but hand-picked the latest batch to make sure they specifically address extremism. Morocco Sends Moderate Muslim Preachers to Europe >>> AP | July 17, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Friday, August 17, 2007

Weak, Clueless, Politically-Correct Doctors

With thanks to Always On Watch for alerting me to this article:

DAILY EXPRESS: DOCTORS and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks - in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.

Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.

The lunch trolley is also to be wheeled out of bounds as the 30-day fast begins next month.

But staff and politicians branded the move political correctness gone mad and warned that it was a step too far.

Bill Aitken, the Scottish Conservative justice spokesman, said: “This advice, well-meaning as it may be, is total nonsense.

“It is the sort of thing that can stir up resentment rather than result in good relations.”

The new guidance comes in the wake of the failed terror attacks on Glasgow and the death of suspect Kafeel Ahmed, 27.

Health chiefs in Lothian and Glasgow will give all employees time off to pray and to celebrate Eid, which marks the end of Ramadan.

But Greater Glasgow and Clyde as well as Lothian NHS boards also issued the advice, warning workers not to take working lunches, and said all vending machines should be removed from areas where Muslims work.

One senior consultant said: “What next? Are we going to have advice on how to deal with Catholics during Lent?

“This kind of thing does more harm than good.” Doctors Give In to Muslims (more)

Mark Alexander