Showing posts with label Koran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koran. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fox News Interview on the O'Reilly Factor - Treatment of Women in Islam

Read the article here

Monday, April 08, 2013

Anti-Islam Pastor Plans to Burn 2,998 Korans to Mark 12th Anniversary of 9/11 – And He Explains It

THE BLAZE: Anti-Islam advocate and faith leader Terry Jones is upping the ante on his attacks on the Muslim faith. Rather than burning a Koran to mark the 12th anniversary of 9/11, Jones has another plan: He’s going to torch 2,998 copies of the book.

Yes, you read that correctly.

According to a press release put out by the pastor’s organization, Stand Up America!, on Sept. 11, 2013, Jones and his followers will “send Islam a very clear warning,” as he plans to hold an “International Burning of 2,998 Korans.” And in a conversation with TheBlaze, he said he’s planning on gathering the books from around the world.

This number wasn’t chosen without reason, as it is the figure Jones gives for the Americans who were killed during the nation’s most horrific terror attack.

“The radical hand of Islam shows itself with violence against anyone who dares to stand up and speak the truth. We at Stand Up America will not back down. We will not be silent,” the release reads. » | Billy Hallowell | Monday, April 08, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Why Is Prince Charles So Attracted to Islam?

RELIGION NEWS SERVICE: A recent story about Prince Charles learning Arabic in order to undertake a deeper study of the Qur’an has created a lot of hubbub in the British media.

The story has raised rumors yet again about the heir to the British throne’s deep fascination with Islam.

A decade ago, Islamophobes were already filled with dread that Prince Charles might have already converted to Islam.

So what is behind this attraction to Islam? What about Islam is proving so appealing to Prince Charles himself? To answer that question, let us listen to some of what he has to say.

Charles approaches Islam not primarily through the lens of security threats and international crises, but rather as a body of spiritual teachings.

He states:

The Islamic world is the custodian of one of the greatest treasures of accumulated wisdom and spiritual knowledge available to humanity.

Much of his attractions to Islam actually comes from the insights of the Qur’an that come to identify the natural cosmos as a site where God is revealed and experienced: There is a profound truth in that seemingly simple, old saying of the nomads — that “the best of all Mosques is Nature herself.” » | Omid Safi | Friday, March 15, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Debate video: Robert Spencer vs. Mubin Shaikh on Whether the Qur'an Teaches War

Monday, April 30, 2012

Florida Pastor Terry Jones Burns Copies of Koran Outside Church

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: Dove World Outreach Center preacher fined for act as officials fear it may spark Muslim outrage

An Islamophobic pastor in Florida is playing with fire once again.

Terry Jones, who sparked international outrage in 2010 when he vowed to burn copies of the Koran, ignited copies of the Islamic holy book outside his Dove World Outreach Center Saturday night, according to the Gainsville Sun.

The pastor — who once promised he would "not ever" burn a Koran — also burned an image depicting the prophet Muhammad, the newspaper reported.

Jones carried out the incendiary act along with about 20 others to protest the imprisonment of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian jailed in Iran since 2009 for his religious beliefs, according to the Christian Post.

“Our end result is we would like to have these things brought in front of the United Nations,” Jones told the newspaper.

“We would like Islam-dominated countries to adapt at least some form of human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion rights; individual rights [and] civil rights. That would be the outcome that we would desire.” » | Michael Sheridan / New York Daily News | Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Salafisten-Debatte stellt Islamkonferenz in den Schatten

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Islamkonferenz: Friedrich verurteilt Aktivitäten radikal-islamischer Salafisten

DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Bundesinnenminister Friedrich zeigt Salafisten zum Auftakt der Islamkonferenz die rote Karte. Union-Fraktionschef Volker Kauder trat kurz vor Beginn der Konferenz in Opposition zum ehemaligen Bundespräsidenten Wulff.

Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) hat zum Auftakt der Islamkonferenz die Aktivitäten radikaler Salafisten verurteilt. „Religionsfreiheit ist ein hohes Gut“, sagte er am Donnerstag in Berlin. Es gehe aber nicht um die Verteilung des Koran.

„Die Salafisten wollen nicht für eine Religion werben, sondern für eine Ideologie.“ Friedrich fügte hinzu: „Wir lassen es nicht zu, dass uns die Salafisten mit ihrer Propaganda die Tagesordnung aufzwingen.“ Dennoch müsse ein klares Zeichen gesetzt werden. Salafisten hatten am vorigen Wochenende in deutschen Städten wieder kostenlos Koranexemplare verteilt und damit eine Debatte ausgelöst.

Einige Politiker wie Niedersachsens Innenminister Uwe Schünemann (CDU) forderten, das Thema auf die Tagesordnung der Islamkonferenz zu setzen. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag hinzufügen » | Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

TAGESSPIEGEL: Koranverteilung: Marketing für Radikale – Die Behörden halten das kostenlose Verteilen des Koran auch für eine Aktion unter Salafisten – es geht um Einfluss und Rivalität. » | Von Andreas Dernbach | Samstag, 14. April 2012

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Salafists in the City: Free Koran Distributions Have Germany Concerned

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Salafist Muslims have been handing out free Korans across Germany in recent weeks. But the group's radicalism has many politicians concerned -- as does a recent video posted on YouTube that allegedly threatened journalists who wrote critical reports on the religious offensive.

At first glance, the project appears relatively harmless. A Muslim group in Germany has set as its goal the distribution of millions of free Korans, so that the holy book of Islam finds its place in "every household in Germany, Austria and Switzerland," as the project website (German language only) states.

For months -- though most noticeably during the recent Easter holidays -- followers of the Salafist imam Ibrahim Abou Nagie have been handing out copies at information stands in city centers across Germany. The group, which calls itself "The True Religion," claims that 300,000 copies have already been distributed.

Increasingly, though, skepticism of the project is mounting among leading politicians in Germany, not least because of Nagie's own radical interpretation of Islam. Indeed, last autumn Nagie was indicted for public incitement to commit criminal offenses and for disturbing the religious peace.

And on Thursday, daily Die Welt reports that a video made a brief appearance on YouTube this week apparently targeting journalists that reported critically on the Koran distribution project. "We now have detailed information on the monkeys and pigs who published false reports about the (Frankfurt Salafist group) DawaFFM and many other brothers and sisters," the video, which has since been taken down, intoned, according to Die Welt. "We possess a lot of information, for example, we know where you live, we know what football team you root for, we have your mobile phone numbers," it continues. The video names reporters from the dailies Frankfurter Rundschau and Tagesspiegel. Die Welt reports that the producer of the video has worked for Nagie in the past. » | cgh -- with wire reports | Thursday, April 12, 2012

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Umstrittene Koran-Verteilung: Salafisten bedrohen kritische Journalisten

SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Wir wissen, wo du wohnst" - mit diesen Worten hat eine Salafistengruppe via YouTube Journalisten in Deutschland bedroht. Diese hatten über die Kampagne "Lies!" berichtet, bei der 25 Millionen Koran-Exemplare an Nichtmuslime verteilt werden sollen. Hinter der Aktion stecken Islamisten aus NRW.

Hamburg - Sie verteilen den Koran und hetzen gegen Journalisten, die kritisch darüber berichten. In einem vierminütigen YouTube-Video, das eine salafistische Gruppe ins Internet stellte, sind Reporter der "Frankfurter Rundschau" und des "Tagesspiegels" bedroht worden. Inzwischen wurde das Video von der Internetplattform genommen.

"Wir besitzen eine Menge an Daten von dir, zum Beispiel wissen wir, wo du wohnst, wir kennen deinen (Fußball-)Verein, wir besitzen deine Mobilfunknummer", sagt nach Angaben der "Welt" eine Computerstimme in dem Kurzfilm. Dazu sollen private Fotos und Informationen der Autoren gezeigt worden sein. Die Macher des Films drohten mit der Offenlegung weiterer Namen vor Journalisten, die kritisch über die Salafistengruppe berichteten. » | syd/dpa/dapd | Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

WELT ONLINE: Islamisten bedrohen deutsche Journalisten: Ein Hassvideo gegen namentlich genannte Journalisten alarmiert die Sicherheitsbehörden. Journalisten, die kritisch über die bundesweite Koran-Verteilug der Salafisten berichten, sind unerwünscht. » | WON | Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

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Propaganda: Verfassungschutz warnt vor Koran-Verteilung der Salafisten

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Die Gratis-Koran-Aktion radikal-islamischer Salafisten sorgt weiter für Empörung. Verfassungsschützer sehen Gefahren.

Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz hat vor der Verteilung von Millionen Koran-Exemplaren durch radikal-islamische Salafisten gewarnt. "Koran-Verteilung ist das falsche Stichwort", sagte Behördensprecher Bodo W. Becker dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Freitag). „Es geht hier um salafistische Propaganda und die Rekrutierung von Anhängern. Der Koran ist nur ein Vehikel.“

Salafisten stellten Grundelemente der freiheitlichen Demokratie in Frage, betonte Becker. "Dazu kommt noch die ambivalente Positionierung gegenüber Gewalt." Der Sprecher zitierte Verfassungsschutz-Präsident Heinz Fromm aus dem vorigen Sommer: "Nicht jeder Salafist ist ein Terrorist; aber jeder uns bekannte Terrorist war irgendwann einmal in salafistischen Zusammenhängen unterwegs" – dieser Satz habe weiterhin Gültigkeit. » | Quelle: dpa/dapd/nbo | Freitag, 13. April 2012

LE MONDE: En Allemagne, des distributions de corans inquiètent la classe politique : La distribution du Coran en Allemagne par un groupe salafiste, branche radicale de l'islam, suscite l'inquiétude de la classe politique, qui dénonçait, jeudi 12 avril, une exploitation du livre sacré à des fins extrémistes. ¶ Cette initiative lancée il y a déjà plusieurs mois par un groupe autoproclamé "La vraie religion" vise à écouler 25 millions d'exemplaires en allemand du livre saint de l'islam en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Autriche. Quelque deux cent cinquante mille ont déjà été distribués. » | Le avec AFP | jeudi 12 avril 2012

Sunday, March 04, 2012

New Dark Age Alert! US Troops Could Face Disciplinary Action Over Qur'an Burning In Afghanistan

THE GUARDIAN: Afghan-US military inquiry may lead to review of at least five personnel despite concluding burning of texts unintentional

At least five US military personnel could face a disciplinary review following the burning of copies of the Qur'an by American soldiers in Afghanistan.

A joint investigation by senior Afghan and US military officials has concluded that although mistakes were made when troops at Bagram airbase, near Kabul, had burned copies of the Qur'an and other religious literature along with piles of waste paper, there was no intent to desecrate the Islamic religious texts.

A western official said the investigation could lead to a disciplinary review of at least five US military personnel involved. » | Staff and agencies | Saturday, March 03, 2012

Friday, March 02, 2012

Fresh Attacks on Western Troops in Wake of Koran Burnings

Soldiers injured after bomber attacks NATO convoy in Afghanistan

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Afghan Clerics Demand Punishment for Koran Burners

REUTERS.COM: Senior Afghan clerics said on Friday the burning of Korans at a NATO base last month was an "evil act" that must be punished, a demand that could deepen widespread public anger over the incident.

"The council strongly condemns this crime and inhumane, savage act by American troops by desecrating holy Korans," members of a council of clerics said after meeting President Hamid Karzai, according to a statement issued by his office.

"The council emphasized that the apology for this evil act can never be accepted. Those who committed this crime must be publicly tried and punished."

Despite apologies from President Barack Obama and other senior U.S. officials, the desecration of the Korans at Bagram air base ignited a wave of anti-Western fury across Afghanistan, including protests that killed 30 people.

The Koran burnings are a setback to the Western campaign to win the hearts and minds of Afghans in order to weaken the Taliban and force the Muslim militant group to negotiate an end to the war now in its 11th year. » | Hamid Shalizi | KABUL | Friday, March 02, 2012

Thursday, March 01, 2012

New Dark Age Alert! UN Says Koran Burners Should Be Punished

Head of mission in Afghanistan seeks disciplinary action

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newt Gingrich Ramping Up Rhetoric on Islam

Read the article and comment here | Rachel Weiner | Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

US Election 2012: Rick Santorum Says Afghans Should Apologise for 'Overreacting' over Koran Burning

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Rick Santorum, the Republican presidential hopeful, has accused Afghans of "overreacting" over the burning of the Koran, as he criticised President Barack Obama for apologising for the incident.

Mr Santorum said there was "no deliberate act ... of disrespect" when US authorities at Bagram airbase north of Kabul apparently disposed of the Islamic holy books in a fire.
The United States rushed to condemn the burnings, and Mr Obama apologised to the Afghan people for what he said was a mistake.

President Hamid Karzai went on television Sunday to appeal for calm, after an explosion of outrage over the burning resulted in dozens of deaths, including two US military advisers killed in Afghanistan's interior ministry.

Mr Obama's apology in itself had "made it sound like there was something that you should apologise for, and there was no act that needed an apology," Mr Santorum told NBC's "Meet the Press" talk show.

"I think the response needs to be apologised for, by Mr Karzai and the Afghan people, for attacking and killing our men and women in uniform, and overreacting to this inadvertent mistake. That is the real crime, not what our soldiers did." » | Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Violent Clashes Intensify in Afghanistan, Pakistan

Friday, February 24, 2012

Nine Die in Afghan Koran-burning Violence

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: An apology by Barack Obama over the accidental burning of Korans in an American airbase failed to prevent a fourth day of violent protest in Afghanistan with at least nine killed.

Thousands took to the streets after Friday prayers in towns and cities across the country, shouting anti-Western slogans and threatening violence against international and government targets.

In the worst of the day’s violence six protestors were killed and 65 wounded when a mob attempted to storm the American consulate in the Western city of Herat.

Mohiuddin, spokesman for the provincial governor, said the protests had been initially peaceful, but at 3pm shots had been fired by protestors and a police car pick-up truck had been fired.

He said: “They started trying to attack the American consulate. A police car was destroyed and there were many casualties.”

In Kabul hundreds marched on the palace of Hamid Karzai before they were dispersed by shots fired over their heads. » | Ben Farmer, Kabul | Friday, February 24, 2012

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NZZ ONLINE: Deutsche Bundeswehr gibt Lager in Afghanistan auf: Stützpunkt in Taloqan nach gewaltsamen Protesten komplett geräumt » | Reuters | Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Obama Apologizes to Karzai for Quran Burning

USA TODAY – THE OVAL: President Obama has sent a letter to Afghanistan counterpart Hamid Karzai apologizing for a recent incident of Quran burning at a U.S. airbase there.

"I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident," Obama wrote in the letter delivered to Karzai today, and released by the Afghanistan government. "I extend to you and the Afghan people my sincere apologies."

"The error was inadvertent," the letter added. "I assure you that we will take the appropriate steps to avoid any recurrence, to include holding accountable those responsible."

The burning incident triggered anti-U.S. riots that have killed at least 14 people, including two American soldiers. » | David Jackson | USA TODAY | Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Afghanistan: US Embassy on Lockdown as Koran Burning Protests Continue for Second Day

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Eight demonstrators were killed and 30 wounded across Afghanistan as violent protests erupted for a second day following the inadvertent burning of Korans in main American airbase north of Kabul.

Police and security guards fired into a crowd gathering on the eastern outskirts of the Afghan capital, Kabul, leaving at least three with gunshot wounds witnesses said.

Volleys fired over the protestors heads as they massed near Camp Phoenix, a military base on the main eastern road into the city, failed to dent the crowd’s strong anti-Western anger and protestors said they would march to the city centre.

Police said they had burned shops and cars and smashing windows as they progressed.
Embassies in Kabul locked their gates and forbade staff from leaving as they braced for violence.

Protest paralysed the eastern city of Jalalabad and a doctor at one hospital said it had admitted ten wounded. A doctor said he had seen one young man shot dead in Jalalabad. » | Ben Farmer, Kabul | Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Isn’t this the kind of mayhem we in the West can expect in the future, as the Muslim population grows and grows? Isn’t it true to say that Western politicians have endangered our way of life and our peace in their quest to make our societies multi-cultural? And aren’t the politicians endangering our peace, tranquility, and way of life by their very cowardice to address the problems here at home? Imagine what life will be like in Europe when the indigenous population is outnumbered?– © Mark

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