Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Joe Biden Formally Announces 2024 White House Run

THE GUARDIAN: President, who could face Donald Trump in 2020 re-run, urges voters to give him four further years to finish what he started

Biden in the White House in April 2021. He enters the 2024 campaign cycle dogged by stubbornly low approval ratings. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Joe Biden formally launched his re-election campaign on Tuesday, asking Americans to give him another four years to finish what he started.

The president, famously nostalgic, chose to launch his campaign on the fourth anniversary of his return to politics in 2019, when he declared his intention to seek the presidential nomination for a third time. Then, like now, Biden relied on a video to formally declare his candidacy before venturing on to the campaign trail. » | Lauren Gambino in Washington | Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Biden Announces Re-election Bid, Defying Trump and History: While the president once pitched himself as “a bridge” to a new generation of Democratic leaders, he has decided that he is not ready to turn the torch over yet. »


Joe Biden officialise sa candidature à un second mandat à la présidence des Etats-Unis : Le président démocrate a officialisé, mardi, sa candidature à l’élection présidentielle américaine de 2024. »


Joe Biden will für zweite Amtszeit kandidieren: Joe Biden bewirbt sich um eine zweite Amtszeit. Er wolle bei der Präsidentenwahl im November 2024 abermals als Kandidat für die Demokratische Partei antreten, teilte der 80 Jahre alte amerikanische Präsident mit. »

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

President Zelensky Meets President Biden at the White House - BBC News

Dec 21, 2022 | In his first foreign visit since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, President Zelensky travelled to the US to meet President Joe Biden. In a historic meeting at the White House in Washington DC, the two spoke about extra support being pledged by the US to help the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. President Zelensky also presented President Biden with a Ukrainian captain's medal on behalf of those fighting in Ukraine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Biden Signs Same-Sex Marriage Equality Bill Into Law

The Respect for Marriage Act, which passed Congress with bipartisan support, mandates federal recognition for same-sex and interracial marriages.

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Newt Gingrich Warns Republicans That Joe Biden Is Winning the fFght

THE GUARDIAN: Former speaker who led charge against Bill Clinton raises eyebrows with column heralding Democrat’s first-term success

Newt Gingrich at Trump Tower in New York in 2016. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Republicans must “quit underestimating” Joe Biden, the former US House speaker Newt Gingrich said, because the president is winning the fight.

Writing on his own website, Gingrich said: “Conservatives’ hostility to the Biden administration on our terms tends to blind us to just how effective Biden has been on his terms.

“… We dislike Biden so much, we pettily focus on his speaking difficulties, sometimes strange behavior, clear lapses of memory and other personal flaws. Our aversion to him and his policies makes us underestimate him and the Democrats.”

Gingrich’s words pleased the White House – Ron Klain, Joe Biden’s chief of staff, tweeted a link with the message: “You don’t have to take my word for it, any more.” » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Saturday, December 3, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Biden rollt den roten Teppich für Macron aus

Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron (l) und US-Präsident Joe Biden beim G-7-Gipfel in Elmau im Juni 2022 | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nach einem holprigen Start zwischen den beiden Präsidenten empfängt Joe Biden Emmanuel Macron. Der Staatsbesuch ist auch Teil der amerikanischen Wiedergutmachung für Frankreich.

Mit 21 Salutschüssen auf dem Militärfriedhof von Arlington werden Emmanuel und Brigitte Macron willkommen geheißen. Es ist der feierliche Auftakt für einen viertägigen Staatsbesuch, der „die Anerkennung für die einzigartige Führungsrolle des französischen Präsidenten auf dem europäischen Kontinent ist“. So formuliert es John Kirby, der Kommunikationsdirektor des National Security Council, vor Macrons Begleitpresse im Weißen Haus. An Lob für den „dienstältesten“ und „erfahrensten“ Staatschef der G-7-Länder wird in Washington nicht gespart. Den Wunsch nach einem herzlichen Verhältnis soll auch das private Abendessen der beiden Ehepaare in einem Restaurant in der amerikanischen Hauptstadt am Mittwochabend unterstreichen.

Der Gastgeber möchte es ein wenig krachen lassen. Wenn Joe und Jill Biden am Donnerstagabend zu Ehren des französischen Präsidentenpaares zum Staatsbankett ins Weiße Haus laden, wird Jon Batiste auftreten. Der Musiker und Komponist aus Louisiana soll die enge kulturelle Bande zwischen Amerika und seinem ältesten Verbündeten verkörpern – mit der ihm eigenen schwungvollen Leichtigkeit. » | Von Michaela Wiegel und Majid Sattar, Washington | Mittwoch, 20. November 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

Saudi Crown Prince Granted Immunity by US over Jamal Khashoggi killing - BBC News

Nov 18, 2022 | Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been granted immunity by the US in a lawsuit against him over the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The announcement has been condemned by Khashoggi's family and friends. In 2018, Jamal Khashoggi was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul following his public criticisms of its government. The lawsuit was bought against Mohammed bin Salman after a document declassified by the Biden administration in 2021 revealed the crown prince was in some way complicit in the murder of Mr Khashoggi.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

US President Biden Calls Truss's Economic Policies 'a Mistake'

BBC: The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has called Liz Truss's original economic policies "a mistake".

In an unusual intervention, he said the economic turmoil that followed the government's mini-budget had been "predictable".

Speaking at an ice cream shop in Oregon, Mr Biden was asked by reporters about the prime minister's attempt to boost growth with unfunded tax cuts - what the reporter called the "trickle-down plan that she has had to back away from".

The president replied: "Well, it's predictable. I wasn't the only one that thought it was a mistake."

He added: "I think that the idea of cutting taxes on the super wealthy at a time when - anyway, I just think - I disagreed with the policy, but that's up to Great Britain to make that judgment, not me."

Mr Biden has long been critical of the economic theory at the heart of the prime minister's policy, namely that cutting taxes on businesses and the rich generates growth that allows wealth to "trickle down" to all sectors of society.

But it is unusual for the president of the United States to be so critical of the leader of one of America's closest allies. With video » | James Landale, Diplomatic correspondent | Sunday, October 16, 2022

Joe Biden is right, of course. To reduce taxes for the super-rich at a time when most other people are struggling is absolutely nonsensical and totally immoral. But this is typical Tory policy: heartless, selfish, greedy and lacking in compassion.

We need to ditch these Tory clowns, the damn lot of them, with dispatch. Hopefully, the Party will become extinct, just like the dodo. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Saudi Arabia Official Responds to Biden's Threats over Oil Cuts

Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir talks to CNN's Becky Anderson about OPEC+ production cuts and responds to criticism of the move from US leaders.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

US Democrats Threaten Saudi Arabia with Arms Freeze over Oil Output

THE GUARDIAN: Congress members raise prospect of one-year sales ban unless kingdom reverses Opec+ decision to cut production

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman greets Joe Biden in Jeddah in July. The US president has reiterated his pledge to take action over Riyadh’s decision to cut output. Photograph: Bandar Al-Jaloud/Saudi Royal Palace/AFP/Getty Images

Democrats in the US Congress have issued a fresh ultimatum to Saudi Arabia, giving the kingdom weeks to reverse an Opec+ decision to roll back oil production or face a potential one-year freeze on all arms sales.

The threat came as Joe Biden reiterated his pledge to take action over Riyadh’s decision last week to cut oil output by 2m barrels a day, which Democrats have said would help “fuel Vladimir Putin’s war machine” and hurt American consumers at the petrol pump.

The White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters the US president was also looking at a possible halt in arms sales as part of a broader re-evaluation of the US relationship with Saudi Arabia, but that no move was imminent. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Julian Borger in Washington | Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Saudi Arabia is choosing friends on its own terms and Biden is not one of them: Reactions in Washington to slashing oil supply have not concerned Mohammed bin Salman; nor have the optics of indirectly boosting Putin’s war »

« Le problème pour les Etats-Unis maintenant est que l’Arabie saoudite les méprise ouvertement »

LE MONDE – CHRONIQUE : Les changements de pied de Joe Biden envers Mohammed Ben Salman lui reviennent en boomerang. Mais le raidissement saoudien, qui vient de s’aligner sur les intérêts pétroliers de la Russie, relève du pari.

On ne dispose pas, malheureusement, d’instruments de mesure un peu précis pour les crises de relations bilatérales. S’il en existait un, il permettrait de jauger les tensions entre l’Arabie saoudite et les Etats-Unis. Et de dire s’il s’agit d’un accès de fièvre de plus, semblable à d’autres plus anciens et surmontés, ou de la cassure qui redéfinira les rapports entre les deux pays, pour longtemps, au terme d’un long compagnonnage engagé en 1945 entre Abdelaziz Al Saoud et Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

En quelques mois, un fist-bump s’est transformé en gifle. Le premier renvoie au salut, poing contre poing, échangé en juillet à Djedda par le prince héritier et véritable maître de Riyad, Mohammed Ben Salman, et le président des Etats-Unis, Joe Biden. Un Canossa sur la mer Rouge pour le second, qui avait promis au premier un sort de paria pour son implication présumée dans l’assassinat et le démembrement du dissident saoudien et résident américain Jamal Khashoggi en 2018. Venu mendier une hausse de la production pétrolière saoudienne pour faire baisser les prix, Joe Biden était manifestement reparti les mains vides. » | Gilles Paris, Editorialiste | mercredi 12 octobre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Friday, October 07, 2022

„Niemand sollte im Gefängnis sitzen, weil er Marihuana konsumiert oder besitzt“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der US-Präsident macht einen Vorstoß zur Entkriminalisierung des Besitzes von Marihuana. All jene, die auf Bundesebene wegen dieses Vergehens verurteilt wurden, sollen begnadigt werden.

US-Präsident Joe Biden hat im Zuge einer Lockerung der Drogenpolitik eine Begnadigung all jener angekündigt, die auf Bundesebene wegen einfachen Marihuana-Besitzes verurteilt wurden. „Niemand sollte im Gefängnis sitzen, nur weil er Marihuana konsumiert oder besitzt“, erklärte Biden am Donnerstag. „Menschen wegen des Besitzes von Marihuana ins Gefängnis zu schicken, hat zu viele Leben auf den Kopf gestellt und Menschen wegen eines Verhaltens, das viele Bundesstaaten nicht mehr verbieten, ins Gefängnis gebracht.“

Eine Vorstrafe wegen Marihuana-Besitzes erschwere vielen Menschen den Zugang zu einem Job, einer Wohnung und Bildungsmöglichkeiten, führte Biden aus. Außerdem seien Afroamerikaner und andere Minderheiten von solchen Verurteilungen im Vergleich zu Weißen überproportional betroffen. » | Quelle: AFP | Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2-22

Friday, September 23, 2022

Joe Biden face au « demi-fascisme » républicain

LE MONDE : En pointant du doigt les partisans pro-Trump et en assimilant ces derniers à une menace intérieure, le président des Etats-Unis veut convaincre les électeurs indécis que le structin de mi-mandat de novembre serait existentiel.

Analyse. Au temps de la guerre froide, l’ennemi de l’Amérique était communiste. Dans l’ère post-11 septembre 2001, il était islamiste. Voici aujourd’hui les Etats-Unis face à une nouvelle menace redoutable : elle est intérieure. Une partie du pays dérive, portant atteinte à son âme, à ses valeurs et à son système politique. Tel est le constat dressé par Joe Biden, à une cinquantaine de jours des élections de mi-mandat du 8 novembre. Pour caractériser cette menace représentée par les « républicains MAGA » (acronyme du slogan « Make America great again », de Donald Trump), le président est allé jusqu’à dire, le 25 août, qu’elle était « comme un demi-fascisme ».

L’expression surprend. D’abord, comment être fasciste à moitié ? A croire que le président n’assume pas entièrement son audace sémantique, ou qu’il redoute une rupture complète avec cette partie de la population américaine. Dans le camp républicain, les calculs de Joe Biden n’ont guère été pris en compte. Chacun s’est dit heurté, évitant ainsi de s’interroger sur la pente extrémiste du parti. Le présentateur vedette de Fox News, Tucker Carlson – qui a légitimé à l’antenne la théorie raciste du « grand remplacement » menaçant supposément la population blanche chrétienne –, a prétendu que les propos du président démocrate étaient « une déclaration de guerre contre la moitié du pays ». Pourtant, Joe Biden a longuement insisté sur le rôle toxique d’une minorité seulement du Parti républicain. Et de guerre, il n’a jamais été question. Seulement d’une mobilisation civique pour défendre, dans les urnes, la démocratie américaine. » | Par Piotr Smolar (Washington, correspondant) | vendredi 23 septembre 2022

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Biden Condemns Russian Escalation of Ukraine War | DW News

US President Joe Biden delivered a firm rebuke of Russia's "brutal, needless war" in Ukraine during an address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday.

He said Moscow "shamelessly violated" the UN charter with the invasion.

"If nations can pursue their imperial ambitions without consequences then we put at risk everything this institution stands for," he said.

Biden's address to the UN comes only hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered reservists to report for duty to fight the war in Ukraine.

Monday, September 05, 2022

The Lincoln Project: President Biden on MAGA Republicans

Sept 2, 2022 "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not respect the rule of law. They do not respect the will of the people.” — President Biden

Friday, September 02, 2022

Historian of Radical Right: Biden Is Correct, Trump Poses Existential Threat to Future of Democracy

Sep 2, 2022 In a primetime address Thursday, President Biden warned Donald Trump and his radical supporters are threatening the foundations of the republic. Biden said, "Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal," and that MAGA Republicans present a "clear and present danger to our democracy," referring to Trump's campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again." We speak with Nancy MacLean, author and Duke University historian, who says Biden's speech was a "wake-up call" for the nation and mainstream media. "He was absolutely right, in my opinion, that the Trump wing of the party and the MAGA Republicans have jumped the rails of constitutional democracy, of the factual universe and of representative democracy."

The Lincoln Project: President Biden on the MAGA Republican Party

Sep 2, 2022 The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

Related article here.

Biden Warns That American Values Are Under Assault by Trump-Led Extremism

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PHILADELPHIA — President Biden traveled to Independence Hall on Thursday to warn that America's democratic values are under assault by forces of extremism loyal to former President Donald J. Trump, using a prime-time address to define the midterm elections as a “battle for the soul of this nation.”

In a 24-minute speech, Mr. Biden blamed his predecessor for stoking a movement filled with election deniers and people calling for political violence. He went out of his way to declare that not all Republicans embrace extremism, however, and he said that defending democracy would require rejecting Mr. Trump and his ideology in elections this fall.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” Mr. Biden said, flanked by Marine guards.

“But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans,” he added. “And that is a threat to this country.” » | Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Michael D. Shear | Wednesday, September 1, 2022

There’s a very simple solution to this political conundrum. Do to him what he wanted to do to Hillary Clinton. Lock him up! – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Präsident Biden erwägt Ausrufung eines Klimanotstands


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Im Senat scheitert abermals ein milliardenschweres Klima- und Wirtschaftspaket. Nun sucht Joe Biden offenbar auf eigene Faust seiner Regierung mehr Spielraum zu verschaffen.

Amerikas Präsident Joe Biden will einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge möglicherweise noch diese Woche einen nationalen Klimanotstand ausrufen. Damit hätte seine Regierung etwas mehr Spielraum, Gelder zu mobilisieren, saubere Energien zu fördern und weitere Maßnahmen für den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel durchzusetzen. Das berichtete die „Washington Post“ am Montag (Ortszeit) unter Berufung auf drei Mitarbeiter aus Bidens Umfeld. Die USA sind nach China weltweit der zweitgrößte Verursacher klimaschädlicher Gase. » | Quelle: dpa | Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Biden in Saudi Arabia: Oil Trumps Justice for Khashoggi Murder | DW News

Jul 16, 2022 US President Joe Biden says he has confronted Saudi Arabia's crown prince over the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Biden is in the Kingdom on a highly-anticipated but controversial visit. When he arrived he bumped fists with Mohammed Bin Salman, the crown prince and de facto leader. Biden had refused to speak to him after Khashoggi was killed in a Saudi consulate in 20-18. US intelligence says the Crown Prince approved the killing.
