Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

By Reacting to 9/11 with Self-recrimination, the Western Elites Have Strengthened the Hand of Brutal Islamism

TELEGRAPH BLOGS – RICHARD LANDES: In the years before 2000, as the director of the ephemeral Centre for Millennial Studies, I scanned the global horizon for signs of apocalyptic activity, that is, for movements of people who believed that now was the time of a total global transformation. As I did so, I became aware of such currents of belief among Muslims, some specifically linked to the year 2000, all predominantly expressing the most dangerous of all apocalyptic beliefs – active cataclysmic: that is, the belief that this transition from evil to good demands massive destruction, and that we true believers are the agents of that destruction, warriors of God,Mujahidin. Death cults, cults of martyrdom and mass murder… destroying the world to save it.

Nor were these beliefs magical, like the far better known Christian, but largely passive-cataclysmic, Rapture scenarios where one must await God’s intervention. They had practical means and goals. In the same year 1989, that Bin Laden drove the Russians from Afghanistan, Khomeini issued a global fatwah against Rushdie, and the West trembled. Iran and Afghanistan, however, like so many utopias born of such death cults, proved terrifyingly dystopic – acid in the faces of unveiled women. But these bitter new heavens on earth also showed remarkable staying power… and spreading power. So when Bin Laden struck with such spectacular force on 9-11, he took his Jihad, already declared in 1998 against America (the “Second AD” ), to the next level. He put deeds to words.

We, in the West, were taken totally by surprise. Who are these people? Why haven’t we heard about them before? (NB: the blogosphere, which first “took off” in the early “aughts” (‘00s) is largely the product of a vast number of people turning to cyberspace for information that their mainstream news media had conspicuously failed to deliver.)

What was the logic of such a monstrously cruel attack that targeted civilians? A warning shot to pay attention and address grievances? Or the opening shot in a battle for world domination? Was this primarily an act of retribution for wrongs suffered, i.e., somewhat rational? Or global revenge at global humiliation, i.e., a bottomless pit of grievance?

Some of us said, “What can they possibly believe to make them hate so?” Others, “What did we do to make them hate us so?” And while both are legitimate questions, over the last decade, the “aughts”, we have split into two camps, each of which will not allow the other question’s consideration.

A Frenchwoman said to me in 2003, “after 9/11, there are two kinds of people: those who understand that we are at war, and those in denial.” Some pointed to a culture of genocidal incitement in the ideology of this religious enemy. They identified the totalistic reasoning, and warned that what these Mujahidin said in their own language was radically different from how “moderate” Muslims portrayed them to the West. Read on and comment » | Richard Landes | Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11 Anniversary: Muslim Protesters Burn US Flag Outside Embassy in London

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute's silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.

A number of radical Islamic groups including Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) gathered outside the embassy on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.

The group of around 100 men shouted "USA terrorists", brandished anti-American placards and chanted through a loudhailer.

Several members of the Muslim groups made anti-American speeches following the flag burning.

One said: "You will always face suffering, you will always face humiliation, unless you withdraw your troops from Muslim lands."

Another declared that America had been "defeated in Iraq and defeated in Afghanistan".
Members of the group publicly burned a poppy on Armistice Day in a similar stunt.

However, a small opposing group of Muslims - some of whom had travelled hundreds of miles to rebut the extremists - staged a counter-demonstration nearby, holding up placards reading "Muslims Against Extremism" and "If You Want Sharia, Move To Saudi". » | Andy Bloxham | Sunday, September 11, 2011
Dix mots pour dire le souvenir du 11-Septembre

LE BLOG DE CÉCILIA ATTIAS: Merci à tous ceux et celles qui ont découvert ce blog ce matin. Les réactions sont nombreuses : je m'en réjouis, car cela signifie que chacun se sent libre de s'exprimer, ce qui est bien entendu mon souhait. De New York, où j'habite, je ne peux pas passer sous silence l'émotion qui est la mienne face au dixème anniversaire de l'attentat du 11-Septembre, alors que la ville se prépare à sa célébration. Dix ans déjà que le monde a basculé. L’attentat du 11-Septembre restera à jamais ce moment historique qui a signé la fin d’une ère et bouleversé le monde. Je vous livre ma réflexion autour de dix mots clés. » | Cécilia Attia | Dimanche 11 Septembre 2011
Ahmadinejad: le 11-Septembre, un prétexte pour envahir l'Irak et l'Afghanistan

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: IRAN | Le président iranien est intervenu dimanche en pleine journée de commémorations des dix ans du 11-Septembre: pour lui, les attentats ont eu lieu pour servir de "prétexte" à l’invasion de l’Irak et de l’Afghanistan.

Le président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a réaffirmé dimanche que les attentats commis le 11 septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis avaient eu lieu pour servir de "prétexte" à l’invasion de l’Irak et de l’Afghanistan par les Occidentaux.

"Le 11-Septembre a été un jeu visant à influencer les émotions de l’humanité et à trouver un prétexte pour attaquer des régions musulmanes et envahir l’Irak et l’Afghanistan en tuant un million de personnes innocentes", a déclaré M. Ahmadinejad dans un discours devant un congrès de responsables religieux du monde musulman et diffusé sur le site internet de la présidence iranienne. » | AFP | Dimanche 11 Septembre 2011
England to New Zealand, 9/11 Remembered

September 11: America Marks 10th Anniversary of 9/11

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: America is preparing to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, with events taking place across the globe to remember the worst attack on US soil in history.

Thousands will gather at ceremonies at the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers, at the Pentagon, and in a field in Pennslyvania where the fourth hijacked plane crashed.

President Barack Obama and former president George Bush, who was leading the country at the time, will lead the remembrances for the 2,977 people who died.

New York's 650lb Bell of Hope, which hangs near Ground Zero in St Paul's Chapel, the rest centre for 9/11 rescue workers, will sound at 8.46am New York time, the moment of the first impact.

The two presidents will join victims' families to hear the reading of the names of those who died as bells toll across the city and President Obama will also visit the other two sites.

The remembrance takes place in the shadow of the "credible" threat of a terror attack on the mainland US as other ceremonies begin to take place around the globe. » | Philip Sherwell, in New York, and Andy Bloxham in London | Sunday, September 11, 2011

We stand side-by-side, shoulder-to shoulder, with Americans today, as always, to mark the tenth anniversary of this heinous crime against the US and the civilised world. God bless America! – Mark

NZZ ONLINE: Gedenkfeiern in aller Welt zum Jahrestag der Terroranschläge: US-Präsident Obama in New York und in Washington erwartet » | sda/ddp | Sonntag 11. September 2011

LE FIGARO: L'Amérique commémore les attentats du 11 Septembre : En cette journée de dixième anniversaire des attentats du 11 Septembre, les États-Unis se souviennent. Barack Obama et George W. Bush doivent participer ensemble à une cérémonie organisée à New York.» | Par, Avec AFP | Dimanche 11 Septembre 2011

THE AUSTRALIAN: Remembering 9/11: Ten Years On »

DIE PRESSE: Zehn Jahre nach 9/11: Die Traurigen von New York – Das Leben änderte sich auch für jene, die am 11. September physisch nicht direkt betroffen waren. Manche Reaktionen scheinen kurios, helfen aber, das Unvorstellbare zu verarbeiten. "Die Presse" traf drei New Yorker.
| Von Anneliese Rohrer (Die Presse) | Samstag 10 September 2011

JIHAD WATCH: A decade out, we're losing » | Robert Spencer | September 11, 2011
9/11 Anniversary a Time to Weigh Personal Changes

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: New York – Ten years on, Americans will gather today where the World Trade Center soared, where the Pentagon stands as a fortress once breached, where United Airlines Flight 93 knifed into the earth.

They will come together to pray in cathedrals in our greatest cities and to lay roses before fire stations in our smallest towns, to remember in countless ways the anniversary of the most devastating terrorist attacks since the nation's founding, and in the process mark the milestone as history itself.

As in earlier observances, bells will toll again to mourn the loss of those killed in the attacks. Ceremonies also will consecrate new memorials in lower Manhattan, rural Pennsylvania and elsewhere, concrete symbols of the resolve to remember and rebuild. » | Adam Geller, Associated Press | Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Terror-Warnung zum Jahrestag der 9/11-Anschläge

Im Vorfeld der Gedenkfeiern sorgen Hinweise auf mögliche Attentate für Unruhe. Präsident Obama hat die Verdoppelung von Antiterrormassnahmen angeordnet. In Bin Ladens Versteck seien Dokumente gefunden worden, die zeigen, dass zum Jahrestag Attentate geplant seien.

10vor10 vom 09.09.2011
9/11 Anniversary: Photographers Recall Day of Horror - Interactive Slideshow

Photographers who were in New York on 9/11 describe the carnage they witnessed and explain the visceral power of photographs to capture a moment. Their images – and those taken by members of the public fleeing the burning towers – show intimate glimpses of individual grief and shock in the devastated city

Look at the slideshow here
Bloomberg Defends Banning Religious Leaders & Rescue Workers From 9/11 Tribute

HT: Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit »

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Muslims Against Crusades Plan Protest in 9/11 Minute’s Silence

METRO: Islamic extremists are planning to disrupt the minute’s silence for the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks outside the US Embassy in London.

Demonstrators from Muslims Against Crusades, whose website shows a graphic of a plane heading towards New York’s Twin Towers, say they will make as much noise as possible during the planned mark of respect for the dead.

The demonstration is an attempt to show that the US has lost the war on terror, said fundamentalist cleric Anjem Choudary.

He said Muslims Against Crusades would be joined by Shariah 4 America outside the embassy in Grosvenor Square on the tenth anniversary of the attacks. » | Fred Attewill | Sunday, September 04, 2011

Friday, September 02, 2011

9/11 Anniversary: US Issues Worldwide Travel Alert to Americans

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A worldwide travel alert ahead of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks has been issued by the US State Department, calling on Americans living and travelling abroad to remain vigilant.

The department said it had not identified any "specific threats" about possible attacks but that al-Qaeda and its affiliates had "demonstrated the intent and capability to carry out attacks" against the US and US interests.

"In the past, terrorist organisations have on occasion planned their attacks to coincide with significant dates on the calendar," the State Department said.

The alert expires on January 2, 2012, it said.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said there was "no specific or credible intelligence that al-Qaeda or its affiliates are plotting attacks" linked to the anniversary of the worst terror strikes on US soil.

But she added: "We remain at a heightened state of vigilance, and security measures are in place to detect and prevent plots against the United States should they emerge." » | Friday, September 02, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Osama bin Laden Sought 'New 9/11' to Force US Out of Middle East

THE GUARDIAN: Hord of writings on computers, flash drives and in diary reveal morbid emphasis on another atrocity

Osama bin Laden went to the bizarre length of trying to calculate how many more American deaths it would take to force the US to retreat from the Middle East, his writings have revealed.

The al-Qaida leader was convinced that only a massive blood-letting on the scale of 9/11 would have the necessary shock factor to effect a change in US policy around the region. He told his followers that a sprinkling of smaller attacks would not have the desired effect.

The revelation of Bin Laden's morbid emphasis on another mass atrocity comes from the large stash of his writings that was discovered in his hideout in Pakistan and brought by Navy Seals to the US after they killed him. The hord, which has been compared in size to a small college library, included five computers and about 100 removable digital storage devices or flash drives. It also included a diary that Bin Laden wrote by hand.

US intelligence officers poring through the data told the Associated Press the information underlines how proactive Bin Laden continued to be even when al-Qaida as a movement was on the defensive. Though he didn't appear to have the ability directly to co-ordinate specific attacks from his lair in Abbottabad, he did have input into every major al-Qaida plot, including those across Europe last year, the officials said.

He was also in touch with many of the most dangerous al-Qaida offshoots around the world that some had assumed were working independently, such as the branch in Yemen that has become a leading centre of al-Qaida activity. » | Ed Pilkington in New York and Declan Walsh in Islamabad | Thursday, May 12, 2011

"What is coming is greater and worse, and what you will be facing is more intense and harmful." – Nasser al-Wuhayshi, leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hillary Clinton Compares Gabrielle Giffords Shooting to 9/11 Attacks

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared the man who shot Gabrielle Giffords to Islamist terrorists and the 9/11 attackers and said the incident showed America and the Arab world faced similar problems.

In a television broadcast filmed before students in Abu Dhabi, Mrs Clinton was asked why the 9/11 terror attacks, the work of a handful of men, had been allowed to colour American views of a whole people.

She replied that America was "proud" of its many Muslim citizens and public servants, and said that the media exaggerated the voices of those who presented hostile views of the Muslim and Arab worlds.

She then raised the shooting at the weekend of the Arizona Democratic congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords.

"We have extremists in our country," she said. "A wonderful and incredibly brave young woman congress member was just shot by extremists in our country.

"We have the same kinds of problems, so rather than standing off of each other we should work to try and prevent the extremists wherever they are from being able to commit violence."

Ascribing the Arizona shootings to political extremism rather than the work of a mentally deranged loner has already proved controversial, and President Barack Obama avoided doing so directly in his address to the American people afterwards.

Mrs Clinton may be taking an even bigger risk in comparing the attack, even obliquely, to al-Qaeda's war on America. >>> Richard Spencer, Abu Dhabi | Monday, January 10, 2011

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Zehn Jahre Krieg: Wie al-Qaida die Welt veränderte

ZEIT ONLINE: 2011 jähren sich zum zehnten Mal die Anschläge vom 11. September. Seither haben die USA, hat der Westen Krieg geführt. Nun ist Amerika kriegsmüde.

Amerika wird in diesem Jahr Trauer tragen – zumindest im September. Vor zehn Jahren wurden die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika das erste Mal seit Pearl Harbor zu Hause angegriffen. In Manhattan stehen immer noch Kräne an dem Ort, wo einst die markanten Zwillingstürme des World Trade Center waren. Die Wunde der Stadt ist ebenso wenig verheilt wie die Wunde einer ganzen Nation. 19 Männer zeigten der Supermacht am 11. September 2001 mit vier Flugzeugen ihre Grenzen auf. Sie veränderten die Welt.

Niemand hat diese Bilder vergessen. Diese Aufnahmen, die nach einem Hollywood-Film aussahen und doch eine neue Wirklichkeit einläuteten: Um 8:46 Uhr Ortszeit schlug ein Flugzeug in den Nordturm des World Trade Center ein. Aus einem gigantischen Loch quoll Rauch in den Himmel über Manhattan. 17 Minuten später raste eine zweite Maschine in den intakten Südturm. Sofort war klar: Das ist kein Unfall. Zwei Flugzeuge, die innerhalb von wenigen Minuten ein Gebäude treffen – das musste ein Anschlag sein.

Dann schlug um 9:37 Uhr ein drittes Flugzeug im Pentagon ein, dem berühmten Gebäude des Verteidigungsministeriums in Arlington bei Washington. Das Wahrzeichen amerikanischer Militärmacht war rußgeschwärzt, ein Loch klaffte in der Fassade, ein Großbrand brach aus. Eine vierte Maschine zerschellte auf einem Feld im Bundesstaat Pennsylvania. Vermutlich wollten sie die Terroristen in das Weiße Haus hineinsteuern.

Fast 3.000 Menschen kamen am 11. September ums Leben. Bis heute konnten hunderte Leichen nicht identifiziert werden. Weiter lessen und einen Kommentar schreiben >>> Von Hauke Friederichs | Mittwoch, 05. Januar 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cleric Linked to Al-Qaeda Dined at Pentagon After September 11

THE TELEGRAPH: A Pentagon official says radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki had lunch there as part of a program to reach out to moderate Muslims in the months following the Sept 11, 2001, attacks against the United States.

Al-Awlaki is now on the US capture-or-kill list. >>> | Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Geert Wilders - Full 911 Speech at the Ground Zero Mosque Site

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” – Abraham Lincoln