THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy displayed a “worrying impulsiveness” and his “shocking comments” to woo the far-Right lost him the last election, according to his ex-wife in extracts of a “tell-all” autobiography released today
Cecilia [sic] Attias, whose marriage to Mr Sarkozy, the former French president, lasted for 11 years until their divorce in 2007, has said he was an impulsive man who would fly into rages, in contrast to his public image. The couple had a well-publicised split when she left Mr Sarkozy in May 2005 for several months for the international communications consultant, Richard Attias. She returned to her husband in the run-up to the 2007 elections, but they divorced later that year.
In her new book Une Envie de Vérité (A Desire For Truth), extracts of which were published in Le Point and Elle magazine, the 55-year-old former model reveals that she fell for the “solid and calm” Mr Attias in contrast to the “misleading superficiality” of Mr Sarkozy.
In some of the most damaging extracts for a man widely tipped to be seeking to make a presidential comeback in 2017, Mrs Attias comments on Mr Sarkozy’s temperament and political judgment.
“It is strange that a man who in private was totally placid and would never raise his voice could — notably later — give such an impulsive image of himself,” she writes. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Thursday, October 03, 2013
Showing posts with label Cécilia Attias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cécilia Attias. Show all posts
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Cécilia ex-Sarkozy va publier ses mémoires
LE POINT: Cécilia Attias a attendu le départ de son ex-mari de l'Élysée pour s'exprimer sur certains points opaques du début du quinquennat Sarkozy.
C'est un livre entouré du plus grand secret et déjà l'un des plus attendus : Cécilia Attias, ex-Sarkozy et ex-première dame, va publier un ouvrage autobiographique mi-octobre chez Flammarion, a confirmé lundi l'éditeur. Le livre devrait paraître "mi-octobre", a indiqué sans plus de détails l'agence à laquelle Flammarion a confié la communication sur cet ouvrage dont le titre et le contenu restent top-secret. Les bonnes feuilles seront publiées dans Le Point. » | Source AFP | lundi 23 septembre 2013
C'est un livre entouré du plus grand secret et déjà l'un des plus attendus : Cécilia Attias, ex-Sarkozy et ex-première dame, va publier un ouvrage autobiographique mi-octobre chez Flammarion, a confirmé lundi l'éditeur. Le livre devrait paraître "mi-octobre", a indiqué sans plus de détails l'agence à laquelle Flammarion a confié la communication sur cet ouvrage dont le titre et le contenu restent top-secret. Les bonnes feuilles seront publiées dans Le Point. » | Source AFP | lundi 23 septembre 2013
Sunday, September 11, 2011
LE BLOG DE CÉCILIA ATTIAS: Merci à tous ceux et celles qui ont découvert ce blog ce matin. Les réactions sont nombreuses : je m'en réjouis, car cela signifie que chacun se sent libre de s'exprimer, ce qui est bien entendu mon souhait. De New York, où j'habite, je ne peux pas passer sous silence l'émotion qui est la mienne face au dixème anniversaire de l'attentat du 11-Septembre, alors que la ville se prépare à sa célébration. Dix ans déjà que le monde a basculé. L’attentat du 11-Septembre restera à jamais ce moment historique qui a signé la fin d’une ère et bouleversé le monde. Je vous livre ma réflexion autour de dix mots clés. » | Cécilia Attia | Dimanche 11 Septembre 2011
Cécilia Attias,
Cécilia Sarkozy,
New York
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MAIL ONLINE: French President Nicolas Sarkozy is the subject of a 'hugely embarrassing' new film exploring why his previous wife left him on the day he was elected.
The move called The Conquest is the first ever movie about a French president to be released while they are still in office.
It portrays his rise to power in the five years before he was elected in 2007.
And French critics have said it also sheds light on one the greatest mysteries of his presidency - why Cecilia Sarkozy walked out on him on the night of the election.
The film pulls no punches as it opens with Sarkozy waking up alone at a hotel on the Champs-Elysees after celebrating his election victory.
He is then shown spending his first day as President searching in vain for the wife he married in 1996, a former top model and mother of his youngest son Louis, 13. >>> Ian Sparks | Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cécilia Attias,
Cécilia Sarkozy,
Nicolas Sarkozy
Thursday, February 26, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: French President Nicolas Sarkozy's ex-wife Cecilia Attias is moving to the US to campaign against domestic violence.
Mrs Attias, who once complained to police about "brutal exchanges" with Mr Sarkozy before he was president, has set up a foundation with her new husband Richard Attias to promote women's rights.
But she revealed that she will not expect to see much of Mr Attias as he will continue to work largely in Dubai.
The couple lived together in New York when Cecilia, 51, was briefly separated from Mr Sarkozy before they finally divorced.
Mrs Attias told Gala magazine that she was leaving Dubai, where Mr Attias runs a successful public relations agency, because she wanted to "give everything" to her foundation.
She also said that her young son with Mr Sarkozy, Louis, 11, had always "dreamed of living" in New York, where "he has his friends".
Referring to her third husband, Cecilia said: "Richard will continue to work in Dubai, in the United States and elsewhere, but his little family will be based in New York."
At the time of her police complaint the glamorous former model was conducting an on-off affaire with the multi-millionaire businessman she finally married last March.
Mrs Attias plans to work an independent lobbyist, devoting herself to the newly formed Cecilia Attias Foundation for Woman.
Setting out its aims, the foundation's publicity reads: "In 2009, the cause chosen by Cecilia Attias is the fight against domestic violence, a terrible plague that is unfortunately increasing rapidly." >>> By Peter Allen in Paris | Thursday, February 26, 2009 Cécilia Attias – Je quitte Dubaï avec mon fils: Elle s'installe à New York, son mari poursuit ses activités à Dubaï
Cécilia Attias surprend encore. La voilà qui abandonne Dubaï pour New York. L'épouse de Richard Attias souhaite s'investir totalement dans sa fondation et permettre à son fils de vivre dans cette ville américaine qu'il aime tant...
Richard ne l'accompagnera pas. Cécilia Attias a décidé de quitter Dubaï pour la Grosse Pomme avec son fils Louis. Des rumeurs évoquent une crise de couple, Cécilia Attias nous précise simplement que "Richard continuera à travailler à Dubaï, aux Etats Unis et ailleurs comme toujours; mais sa petite famille sera basée à New York."
Selon d'autres, il s'agirait plutôt d'une crise économique. Soulignant un problème financier, Richard Attias patron d'une société d'événementiels aurait perdu des marchés suite à la fragilité de l'économie à Dubaï. Selon Cécilia Attias encore, "les difficultés financières ne touchent à mon sens que ceux qui colportent de mauvaises rumeurs sur les autres. Personnellement nous, nous allons plutôt très bien..." >>> Valérie Domain | Mardi 24 Février 2009
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